Cabbage can be served cooked, raw or fermented. The freshness of cabbage provides people with a rich lifeline to many essential vitamins and nutrients. Even raw cabbage can provide not just a whole host of nutrients but also additional texture and flavor to many meals.
One great way to consume cabbage is to juice it. Juicing cabbage is known to provide a whole host of nutrients that may be lost when consumed in a cooked state. Here are some of those benefits.
Juicing cabbage is a great way to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet. When cabbage is juiced, nutrients that would otherwise be difficult to get from other ways of consuming the cruciferous vegetable are extracted.
Cabbage juice is a soup of vitamins, including A, B2, B6, C, E, K and folate. It is also filled to the brim with minerals like calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and sulfur.
Juiced cabbage also brings out many of the anti-oxidants in the veggie, such as beta-carotene, choline, lutein and zeaxanthine.
Other notable health-promoting compounds found in juiced cabbage include glucosinolates like glucoraphanin, isothiocyanate and sulforaphane; and flavonoids like apigenin, kaemferol and quercetin.
A study published in the Western Journal of Medicine indicated that drinking cabbage juice is a safe and effective natural remedy for peptic ulcers.
Researchers reported the rapid reduction of peptic ulcers in people who consumed cabbage juice, noting that the rate was significantly quicker at around 10 days compared to patients who used standard therapies that took approximately 37 days to reduce their ulcers.
Experts believe that cabbage juice has anti-peptic ulcer dietary factors that speed up regeneration, including vitamin U, which prevents histamine-induced peptic ulcers from forming.
Cabbages are also a natural source of phytochemicals, including L-glutamine, S-methylmethionine, gefarnate and glucosinolates, which protect the stomach and digestive tract by healing the mucous membrane lining. (Related: Stop stomach ulcers with the miracle remedy of cabbage.)
Consuming five or more servings of cabbage juice weekly is linked to a 33 percent reduction in the risk of developing lymphoma for women, as well as a reduced risk of developing certain other types of cancer, like bladder and colon cancer.
A research article published in the journal Current Pharmacology Reports supported the idea that naturally occurring dietary glucosinates and their derivatives have beneficial effects for cancer prevention because of their role in preventing the initiation of carcinogenesis, or the formation of cancer.
Cabbage juice, as previously stated, is also an excellent source of nutrients like vitamins A and C, anthocyanins, sulforaphane and carotenoids, which through their antioxidant capacity can reduce growth or induce cell death in cancer cells.
A study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention recognized the contribution of cabbage varieties as sources of important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, including sulforaphane and flavonoids, like apigenin, kaemferol and quercetin.
Cabbage juice, which is a nutritionally robust source of roughage, is ideal for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way because a good serving will keep you feeling full without the added fear of putting on weight. Its fibrous content coupled with its high water content helps you stay satiated for longer and prevents hunger pangs, in addition to keeping your body hydrated.
For more stories about healthful fruits and vegetables, check out
Watch the following video to learn what happens to your body when you drink cabbage juice every day.
This video is from the Health Tips channel on
9 healthy reasons to make cabbage juice.
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