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Understanding internal parasites, and how to get rid of them naturally
09/23/2018 // Jhoanna Robinson // 11.4K Views

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hundreds of thousands of Americans have parasitic infections in their bodies. Emergency rooms in the U.S. say they receive 1,000 cases of tapeworm annually, and that more than 60 million Americans suffer from the effects of having been infected with the “cat poop” parasite, with symptoms such as blindness, heart issues including heart failure, seizures, blood issues, and even death.

A parasite is an organism that thrives by feeding off a host. Parasites can be microscopic while some are visible and can reach up to two feet long. They can stay unseen in a body part of a host and remain dormant, with the host not feeling anything until the parasite decides to actively wreak havoc.

One of the most dangerous groups of parasites (or the ones that need the most attention in terms of treatment and those that require the most attention in terms of monitoring) are internal parasites. They are the ones that can be obtained by ingesting mishandled, contaminated, or spoiled food. Proper handling of food should always be a primary concern of everyone, as food-borne diseases, in worst case scenarios, can cause death.

Other ways in which a person can pick up a parasite include poor hygiene habits, animal-to-human transmission, traveling to high-risk areas, poor sanitation of household objects and food, or by having sexual contact with a parasite-filled person.

Sometimes, an infected person may not manifest the symptoms that having a parasite can bring – provided that the person in question is in good health. However, there are certain factors that can aggravate the situation; for instance: having a high-sugar and high-carbohydrate diet; having dental fillings with heavy metals; drinking from contaminated outdoor water sources; eating improperly heated meat; having a weak immune system; being under high amounts of stress; consuming high amounts of dairy; drinking too much caffeine; and eating raw meat.


The most common symptoms of having been infected with a parasite include:

  • Digestive problems such as diarrhea, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, increased flatulence, mucus-filled stools, stools that are full of blood, yeast infections, and indigestion, among others;
  • Sleep disturbances including wetting the bed, grinding your teeth, and waking up during the night;
  • Skin issues like rashes, hives, lesions, lacerations; sores; prickly heat, toe fungus or athlete's foot, and dry skin, among others;
  • Urinary tract infection or bladder infection, pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms, water retention, cysts;
  • Dental problems;
  • Too much salivation;
  • High incidents of fatigue;
  • Muscle and joint problems such as numbness in the hands and feet; heart, muscle and joint, stomach, and groin pains; and cramping, among others;
  • Mood issues such as anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, frequent forgetting, and mood swings;
  • Weight problems like unending hunger, extremely high or low appetites, or long-standing obesity;
  • Blood problems like anemia;
  • Chronic and persisting bacterial infections;
  • Bad breath and body odor;
  • Mental fuzziness such as forgetfulness or feelings of confusion.

If left untreated, a parasitic infection can develop into more serious diseases or complications such as permanent fertility damage, multiple sclerosis, kidney stones, insomnia and sleep disturbances, cancer, and osteoporosis, among others. (Related: Cleansing the Body of Parasites.)

Treating yeasts, parasites, and other fungi in the body requires three steps. First, these foreign entities should be eliminated, then they and the toxins they have produced should be flushed out of your system, and finally, your body must find proper support during the process of regeneration and replenishment.

You don't need to use expensive antibiotics to get rid of parasites. You just need to make the necessary dietary adjustments, such as removing all natural sources of sugar from your diet; taking cayenne supplements to allow your sweat to flush out parasites from your system; ingesting apple cider vinegar to improve your digestion; and taking vitamin C, coconut oil, garlic, and olive oil for overall health and wellness.

For more stories on general health and wellness, visit Nutrients.news.

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