Top tips for navigating crowded events
09/26/2024 // HRS Editors // Views

You might encounter large crowds in different settings, such as concerts and sporting events. You may also find yourself in a crowd if you visit street fairs or join protests.

Regardless of the occasion, learn some tips that can help you stay safe and prepared when you are with a large group of people. This can help you protect yourself if you find yourself stuck in a rowdy crowd that eventually becomes violent. (h/t to

Keep your bag light

If you are about to join a large gathering, keep in mind that the fewer belongings you have with you, the less there is to keep track of and potentially lose to pickpockets. Prepare a small bag with only your travel essentials. (Related: Top 5 prepping myths debunked.)

Share contact information with the rest of the group

If you plan on going your separate ways at certain times of the day, make sure that everyone has the phone numbers of the rest of the group. If you get separated, you can easily contact the others if you have their phone numbers.

Stay with your group and designate meeting points

When you arrive at the event location, choose a different meet-up location and make sure everyone in your group knows where it is before going your separate ways. Your meet-up location should be outside of the busy main area, but not so far that it will take too long to reach it when SHTF.

Choose a location that's easy to see from a distance so everyone can find their way easily. Remember where the emergency exits are located and find the likely paths of least resistance.

If there is a good meeting spot near there, use it. However, it should be far enough that it won't be in the middle of the exodus if the emergency exit needs to be used.

Escape strategy

If a situation escalates or you sense the people around you become angry or frustrated, leave. Start making your way to the exit, or at least the edges of the angry crowd.

Crowd movement

If you can't escape fast enough and you get stuck in a demonstration, link arms with your friends and move perpendicularly across the group.

You won't get very far trying to walk in the opposite direction, but cutting across the crowd can help you reach the sidewalk or side street. If you're with a group, linking arms is better than trying to hold hands.

Where to get lab-verified supplies for your prepping needs

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for different survival scenarios.

That's why we're proud to introduce high-quality food supplies for your stockpile such as Freeze-Dried Organic Strawberry Pieces, Mega Bucket Organic Gluten-Free and Organic Coconut Palm Sugar.

One of the most popular fruits in the world, strawberries are the bright red, heart-shaped fruits that grow on the Fragaria x ananassa plant that belongs to the rose family. These superfruits are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, such as dietary fiber, protein, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and vitamins A, B6, B9, C, E and K.

Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Strawberry Pieces make for a tasty and healthy snack you can enjoy all year round. With their crispy texture and natural abundance of vitamin C and other beneficial antioxidants and nutrients, our freeze-dried organic strawberry pieces can add a burst of flavor and nutrition to all your favorite pancakes, muffins, pies, salads and baked goods. They can even be eaten directly for a quick and healthy snack.

Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Strawberry Pieces contain no gluten or GMOs and are certified Kosher and organic. Our premium strawberry pieces are also vegan, non-China, and have been meticulously lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbes.

We also understand the importance of having a non-gluten option, which is why we are thrilled to introduce our ultra-clean and nutritious Health Ranger Select Organic Gluten-Free Mega Bucket. These mega buckets are carefully curated by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, himself.

They provide a reliable and convenient source of non-gluten foods in situations where regular access to them can be limited or compromised, such as in a survival situation.

However, due to the labor-intensive process that our gluten-free mega buckets require, we were only able to produce them in very limited quantities.

Each mega bucket contains up to 157 servings of ultra-clean, delicious and nutritious gluten-free superfoods. Each component of the gluten-free mega bucket is individually vacuum-sealed and then placed in a long-term storable bucket.

Lastly, we offer Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, a naturally delicious and nutritious sweetener extracted from the bark and fruits of tropical coconut palms. Due to its delicately sweet flavor, coconut sugar is a favorite substitute for brown sugar.

It is low on the glycemic index and high in nutrient density, making it a healthy sweetener for smoothies, shakes, spreads, cereals, energy bars and desserts of all kinds.

Please note that Organic Coconut Palm Sugar can be stored for up to 10-15 years, depending on storage conditions. Keep it in a dark, cool, low-humidity location and it will last for an extended duration. Heat, humidity and light will degrade all storable foods.

Visit for more safety tips. You can also go to Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store for more clean food supplies for your prepping stockpile.

Click on this link to learn how to make Raw Strawberry Cheesecake.

Watch this clip about Gluten-Free Granola Bars with Nuts and Seeds.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on

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Emergency preparedness: Foods to stockpile for any situation.

Sources include: 1 2 3 4 5

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