Here comes the infamous Russian collusion hoax part deux – despite media gaslighting Americans about Kamala Harris, they are already ‘colluding’ to blame Russia for a Trump win
09/08/2024 // News Editors // Views

Whenever the MSM all starting using similar headlines, at the same time, one knows they are deliberately trying to program a narrative into the minds of the America people.

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from

Remember 2016, and for years afterwards, how the media and Democrats, and yes I know they are one in the same, screeched about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, hired a special counsel, Robert Mueller, who eventually found no evidence of any coordination between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign.

There was no doubt in any mind that functions properly that the Democrats and their brethren in the media would again prepare for a loss in November by creating yet another conspiracy out of thin air, but one would think they would have at least created a new one.

But no....... they are recycling the same old BS.

Look at a few of these headlines and ask yourself if they seem a little familiar....... and similar.

• Exclusive: Biden administration to accuse Russia of sustained effort to influence 2024 election

• Biden administration to hit Russia with sanctions over efforts to manipulate U.S. opinion ahead of the election

• US to accuse Russia of 2024 election interference

• Watch Live: U.S. accuses Russia of wide-ranging interference campaign in 2024 election

I could keep going since there are pages and pages already in the search results, but instead, lets take a quick gander at headlines from 2015-2016, using specific time frame searches.

• Reuters: September 22, 2016 U.S. lawmakers accuse Russia of seeking to influence U.S. election

• TIME: September 29, 2016 - How Russia Wants to Undermine the U.S. Election

• Washington Post: October 2016 - U.S. government officially accuses Russia of hacking campaign to interfere with elections

• CNN: October 2016 - US accuses Russia of trying to interfere with 2016 election

• NYT: October 2016 - U.S. Says Russia Directed Hacks to Influence Elections

This is pathetic on multiple levels, some of which we'll discuss below.

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