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Jack Dorsey says Shaun King’s doxing of Kenosha police officers does not violate Twitter’s community standards
09/01/2020 // Ethan Huff // 5.9K Views

Two days after Jacob Blake was reportedly shot in the back by police officers while suspiciously entering his vehicle, white Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist Shaun King took to Twitter with threats against the entire Kenosha, Wisconsin, police department, which Twitter says align with its "community standards."

In his tweet, King addressed the Kenosha Police Department directly, demanding that the identity of the officer closest to Blake – there were two officers present, the rear one also appearing to carelessly fire shots, which is completely outside normal safety protocol – be publicly released.

"If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him," King threatened, adding that the agency's "protection of his identity is unethical."

Going on three days of extreme violence and chaos throughout the city, this threat by King to "dox" the entire Kenosha Police Department would likely result in officers and their families being targeted by the BLM mob – meaning it is a direct call for violence. But according to Twitter, it is no big deal.

Twitter has indicated that threatening to publicize the names of police officers without their permission in order for angry "protesters" to potentially injure or kill them is not a violation of its community standards. Tweeting pictures of Goya salsa cans, on the other hand, is impermissible.

"Sick of this amoeba," wrote one Breitbart News commenter about King, who has an extensive legacy of trying to undermine America's institutions and incite violence and chaos. "He should be in prison for incitement to riot, yet he gets his own platform from which he can spew his misdirected hatred."


Armed Kenosha citizens having to defend homes, businesses against rioters because Gov. Evers refuses to help them

The situation has become so bad in Kenosha that armed citizens are having to take matters into their own hands by patrolling the streets of the town against BLM and Antifa "protesters" who are torching homes and businesses and committing random acts of violence.

At least two people have lost their lives in the melee, which is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, especially since Gov. Tony Evers has offered little help in restoring law and order.

The White House reportedly offered to deploy 500 National Guardsmen to Kenosha to help restore the peace, but Gov. Evers turned him down, at least initially.

"Local law enforcement in Wisconsin have told the White House they need at least 750 National Guard tonight," indicated White House senior comms advisor Ben Williamson on Wednesday.

"Today, Mark Meadows called the Governor and offered 500 additional guard to meet the police needs. Governor Evers declined."

On Thursday, however, Gov. Evers changed his mind and accepted Trump's offer after realizing that the violence and chaos is only continuing to escalate with no end in sight.

"We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets," President Trump tweeted after Gov. Evers decided to cooperate. "My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!)"

Meanwhile at Target, "protesters" were caught "shopping for bread," or at least that is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) would have us all believe.

"Someone should dox Shaun King," wrote another Breitbart commenter, receiving additional responses about how Jack Dorsey and other Twitter employees should likewise be doxed.

"The twits who run Twitter need to be investigated, and their monopoly needs to be broken up," added another.

For more news about BLM terrorism in Kenosha, be sure to check out Chaos.news.

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