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The FAKE WORLD of Google and Facebook
07/29/2020 // S.D. Wells // Views

Attorney General Bill Barr is considering opening a Justice Department investigation into whether or not Mark Zuckerberg broke US law by using 'materially false statements under oath' while testifying before Congress just two years ago. Zuckerberg has been stifling conservative viewpoints and natural health information for years. Now all of his anti-conservative bias is coming to light, and there's no scurrying away this time for Mr. "Fakebook."

Anything pro-Trump, pro-gun, pro-patriotism is being "shot down" (pun intended), banned, censored, deleted, and erased from all "current events" in order to feed a Leftist-Communist narrative. Google recently eliminated all of the searches for articles regarding the dementia-ridden Joe Biden on Breitbart. The ratings for those searches went to zero overnight, thanks to Google, who didn't approve of Breitbart news containing intelligent discussions and conservative viewpoints on covid, riots, domestic terrorism, or experimental vaccines.

Google tried its best to help Hillary win 2016, but failed. They hid all of the negative news about her for months leading up to the election, but exacerbated negative coverage (fake news especially) of Donald Trump. The ratings and SEO crippling was obvious to anyone with an IQ over 120 who hasn't watched CNN in more than a year.

Zuckerberg about to sink like the Titanic, while Trump's about to win by same electoral college landslide, despite Google and Fakebook bans

When it comes to content moderation issues, Fakebook's Mark Zuckerberg takes the cake. He claims there's no editorial manipulation at all, but Project Veritas investigated Facebook and found that an "overwhelming majority" of what's censored and banned by Fakebook's AI (artificial intelligence/algorithms/web crawlers) was Pro-Trump, Republican based, or just conservative ideals for our country. Busted.


Now even more Americans will realize the polls are fake, Biden is senile, and Trump is a businessman who's taking care of our economy and protecting the constitution.

Florida Rep Matt Gaetz penned a letter this week to AG Bill Barr encouraging use of Project Veritas hidden camera footage to prove Facebook's guilt, using whistleblowers who literally worked as Facebook content moderators and who outright stated they "regularly delete posts with pro-right speech." Any confusion there Mr. Fakebook?


If Zuckerberg is found guilty he could do time in prison. Won't that be a site for sore eyes. We could only wonder if his cell mates might "censor" his speech while serving hard time. Only time will tell.

Are you politically disoriented? No more posting ever again for you on Fakebook! Are you wondering why the term "peaceful protest" seems to suddenly include burning federal buildings, assaulting police officers, and beating people to death on the streets? Your business is now unlisted, banned, and deleted from Google and the world wide web. Sorry.

Do you think you have a cure for covid, one with no side effects that's also inexpensive? No YouTube for you ever again! You are banned from all social media for thinking too much and sharing science-backed research that bucks the mainstream narrative. Sorry, the page you're looking for doesn't exist.

Zuckerberg repeatedly violating Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Facebook labels nearly all intelligent conservative viewpoints and nearly everything that is political as "hate speech," including anytime Trump defends himself against personal attacks, fake news and fake dossiers. There's no "good faith" to be found in the random censoring of all things "Right," and it's been more than obvious ever since Trump announced he was running for President. Heck, nobody ever called him a racist or white supremacist before that. The irony is priceless. Now Zuckerberg's Fakebook Titanic is taking in water fast, and there are some huge icebergs straight ahead, and the biggest one is called Bill Barr.

Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is calling for no more police in America. Great. A filthy rich frat boy with a billion-dollar-high-schooler-online-yearbook wants total chaos for America, and Congress finally caught him lying under oath. Jail time ahead. Wonder how long he will last before he gets 'Epstein'ed, along with George Soros and Jack Dorsey. Keep hiring snakes to do your dirty work and eventually they'll turn on you too, all you rich pompous White dudes who claim to back Black people's rights while paying for domestic terrorism (the irony is that they've got mostly white people committing all the violence).

Time to raid Zuckerberg's home at 4am with a heavily-armed swat team like they did to Roger Stone, and hall Mr. Fakebook out of his mansion in his Scooby-Doo pajamas, and off to maximum security prison you go, ego boy. What else would you like for our country, no prisons? How about no borders? What about no spoiled rich white boys? Should these censorship demons get doxxed themselves? What will Antifa and BLM do with THAT information? Care to tour Mr. Fakebook's $7 million dollar home?

This has been a public service announcement from NaturalNews.com. Stay tuned to Pandemic.news for updates on all that Fakebook and Google are censoring that you need to know to be happy, safe, healthy and wealthy.

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