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Planned Parenthood now burning the American flag to promote ABORTION and the killing of more babies
07/06/2020 // Lance D Johnson // 8.4K Views

Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee signed a law that protects the unborn as soon as a heartbeat can be detected. Abortion rights activists defended Planned Parenthood by staging a flag-burning protest. A small group of protestors, the Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood, filmed a skit where they burned the US Constitution and the American flag and lowered them into a dumpster. As disturbing as it is, the scene is right on point with what these people stand for.

The Declaration of Independence is clear: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Through their actions, Planned Parenthood is the organization that burns every word of the Declaration of Independence. They don’t believe all men are created equal; they believe only some human life is worthy. They believe in reducing the population by weeding out undesirables, while convincing women to make this their choice. This level of coercion and wanton death is in direct contrast to the Declaration of Independence and its ode to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Coercing women to accept abortion as normal, at any gestation, in any form, is a severance of life and liberty, and destroys more than the child and the pursuit of happiness, but also decimates a woman’s essence.

Brutality and racism continue unchecked through Planned Parenthood

If you could encapsulate extreme brutality and racism into one bottle, that bottle of poison would be labeled Planned Parenthood. The founder of Planned Parenthood, a woman by the name of Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who praised the violence of infanticide, especially when it is used as a means to reduce the population of “undesirables” and people of color. “Infanticide did not go out of fashion with the advance from savagery to barbarism and civilization. Rather, it became, as in Greece and Rome, a recognized custom with advocates among leaders of thought and action,” writes Sanger in Woman and the New Race.


“The feeble-minded are notoriously prolific in reproduction,” Sanger wrote, referring to population growth of African Americans, Catholic immigrants, and other immigrant groups that were considered by some to be "undesirable" in the 1930s. From this mentality, Planned Parenthood took off as a population control weapon. Promising women a “choice,” the organization quickly became a slaughterhouse, incentivizing the destruction of human life while conscripting medical brutality toward innocents.

Planned Parenthood, a corporation that has been thoroughly investigated for trafficking fetal organs, has caused more black deaths than any organization in America. Attempts have been made to protect the life of the unborn, but Planned Parenthood fights any form of accountability in their operations, paving the way for unchecked coercion, brutality and abuse of women and their babies.

Because Planned Parenthood operates with unchecked authority, it took over 300 former staff to complain to finally oust Laura McQuade, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York. McQuade instituted a revenue-driven, assembly-line approach to PPGNY clinics – one that put patients, and in particular Black and other patients of color, at potential risk. Former staff has accused McQuade of “abusive behavior, systemic racism, and financial mismanagement.”

There’s a higher standard for human life and liberty that is not rooted in eugenics, racism, coercion and unchecked brutality toward innocents. As advocates for Planned Parenthood burn the American flag, they are the epitome of America's demise, the army that deconstructs our values, morals, personal responsibility, life and freedom.

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