(Natural News) Gun rights-supporting Virginians were apoplectic when Democrats won control over both chambers of the state legislature in November because they knew what was coming: A bevy of new gun control laws that are not only unconstitutional but which have proven to be useless in other states.
One of the most troubling proposals to come from Democrats was a bill that would not only ban so-called “assault weapons” like AR-15 and AK-47 look-alikes, but also empower state authorities to confiscate said weapons that, with the stroke of a pen, would have gone from being legally purchased and owned to illegally owned.
Fear of an authoritarian edict from a king or a president (or a Congress) is precisely what led our founding fathers to draft the Second Amendment with this clause regarding firearms ownership: “…shall not be infringed.”
Thus, banning a firearm of any kind is unconstitutional, regardless of what language tyrants use to try to justify such bans.
“The Constitution is specific; it ‘shall not be infringed.’ If somebody wants to restrict those rights then they need to follow it by altering the Constitution, not by putting in place legislation that is in conflict with the Constitution,” said Richard Cosner, a Chester, Virginia, preacher.
In any event, as Breitbart News reported this week, the gun confiscation bill was dropped by Democrats after thousands of Virginians flooded the state capital building to voice their opposition to that measure and a raft of other gun control legislation. (Related: You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war.)
.@NRA members getting ready to Stand and Fight in Virginia! #valeg pic.twitter.com/XGs7glbtER
— NRA (@NRA) January 13, 2020
The Washington Free Beacon reported that the presence of thousands of NRA members “appeared to have an impact.” In addition to withdrawing the gun confiscation bill, they moderated several others.
The effect of having a majority of jurisdictions throughout the state also declare themselves to be “Second Amendment sanctuaries,” in which local officials vowed not to assist the state in the enforcement of any gun laws they believe are unconstitutional, may also have had some bearing.
Democrats blink but there will be proposals in the future
That said, as the Independent Sentinel reported, the Senate nevertheless passed four pieces of legislation out of committees:
Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events.
As Breitbart noted, NRA-ILA Virginia state director Daniel Spiker said while the changes were good, they weren’t good enough.
“While there were some improvements to some of these bills, overall, it’s still bad legislation. Putting in more regulations and making it more onerous on the law-abiding citizens of Virginia is not something we stand for,” he said.
Kind of like putting lipstick on a pig; yeah, she may look better, but, in the end, she’s still a pig.
And it’s this kind of incrementalism that will never subside as long as authoritarian Democrats are in charge.
You can bet that the party’s lunatic left-wing base will not be satisfied until most, if not all, weapons in the Old Dominion are eventually banned and confiscated. So they’ll continue to rail against their Democrat representatives until they propose new and stricter gun control measures.
It’s almost a certainty that the gun confiscation bill will be reintroduced at some point. The fact that it was brought up at all is frightening enough, given that bill was most probably the piece of proposed legislation that riled up Virginia gun owners the most, leading to the creation of all those gun sanctuaries.
Some even believed the next civil war could begin in Virginia, and over guns. Time will tell, but one thing is sure: Patriots need to remain vigilant.
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