(Natural News) For the past couple of years, Leftists within the medical academic and professional community have been pushing the Democrats’ agenda when it comes to controlling Americans’ behavior.
Dietary ‘advice’ from back in the day has now become semi-mandatory as doctors and insurers work hand-in-hand to weed out behaviors they have deemed “bad” – regardless of the impact on personal freedom (and the fact that most patients, in some way, pay for much of their coverage).
Included in these behavioral changes is how patients are expected to exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership is one organization fighting this push to enlist physicians who assist in turning guns into a ‘public health problem’ so that big government, nanny-state Democrats can use that as their impetus to push for more gun control.
In a letter to Virginia physicians, the organization made an appeal to resist efforts by the Left-wing medical establishment to take part in the Democrats’ push to criminalize gun ownership.
“Our profession is being hijacked in the service of gun confiscation,” the letter begins. “Instead of focusing on mental health (two-thirds of gun-related deaths are suicides), and inner-city gang- and drug-related gun deaths (nearly one-third of gun-related deaths), the Bloomberg-financed and Governor Ralph ‘Blackface’ Northam-sponsored so-called ‘gun safety legislation’ is nothing more than a pile of ‘citizen endangerment laws.’”
For weeks since Democrats won control over the state legislature — Northam is a Democrat so now the party controls all law-making apparatuses — they have been pledging to introduce a bevy of new gun control measures.
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“Possession of guns and magazines in lawful common use will become felonious, and the removal of state pre-emption will allow each locality to capriciously decide where you can carry” a firearm, the DRGO letter said.
This is insidious
Right on cue, as Infowars reported Wednesday, Democrats “introduced strict new gun control measures requiring gun owners to register their firearms with the state, and also banning the possession of magazines that hold over ten rounds.”
The law gives owners of these legally purchased firearms and related equipment a year to get rid of them or turn them in to police.
As DRGO notes in its physician letter, none of the new laws are really about safety, since the vast majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are not the result of armed criminal action.
But that doesn’t matter to the gun-grabbing Democrats, the group warns — and because it doesn’t, doctors are now more than ever going to be pressed into the service of the state in its effort to rob residents of their Second Amendment rights. (Related: Georgia Democrats now attempting to ban ALL semi-automatic firearms, including self-defense pistols and rifles, as anti-gun mental illness spreads.)
“These laws are just the beginning. Regardless of the Constitution, your personal ethics or your specialty, don’t be surprised if in the near future you are legally required, as proposed in Massachusetts, to interrogate your gun-owning patients and then ‘counsel’ them against gun ownership,” said the letter.
DRGO also warned doctors that the state will likely expect them to “initiate a ‘red flag’ confiscation without due process against your patients.”
These requirements are going to be followed with additional unreasonable (and unconstitutional) mandates for which physicians must adhere, and all under threat of exposing themselves to malpractice allegations since they would be acting well outside the boundaries of their profession.
That’s insidious; doctors as gun control law enforcers. All this will do is encourage patients to lie to their physicians, thus destroying the patient-doctor trust factor.
DRGO is encouraging all physicians in Virginia to attend the annual Citizens Defense League Lobby Day January 20 “to politely but firmly stand up for” the constitutional right to keep and bear firearms.
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