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New York Times issues call for all white-majority cities and towns to be forcibly “diversified” with “refugees”
11/14/2019 // Ethan Huff // 8K Views

Many cities and towns in America are still too "white," according to the racist New York Times, which is now calling for "refugees" to be resettled all across the United States in order to fill the "void of cultural diversity."

In response to President Trump's decision to lower refugee admissions for the third year in a row, keeping a promise he made while on the campaign trail, the Times has decided to lash out against whitey by demanding that "brown" and black people be distributed to all areas of the country that are still a fair-skinned majority.

Presumably endorsed by Times editor Sarah Jeong, a racist Asian woman who once referred to Caucasians as "dumb*** f***ing white people," this anti-white initiative aims to bring "cultural diversity" all remaining white-majority areas of the country, using extreme force if necessary.

The Times has called out by name states like Montana, Vermont, and Maine, all of which contain mostly white people. This is a bad thing that poses "an array of problems for new arrivals," according to the Times, which is calling for these states and others to receive regular shipments of "refugees" in order to turn them darker.

"New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white," the Times laments. "This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community."

For more related news, be sure to check out Libtards.news.

What about majority-brown and majority-black areas? Will they be forcibly "diversified" with shipments of whites?

Naturally, no mention is made by the Times about majority-brown and majority-black areas of the country that, because of their lack of "diversity," could make some white people feel "isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community."


But the Times couldn't care less about white people. It's only concerned about non-white people, whom it believes have a right to live anywhere they wish, even if they can't technically afford to do so. And where money is an issue, the Times believes that taxpayers, many of whom are white, should just pick up the tab.

Keep in mind that the US is still one of the most generous and welcoming nations in the world. According to official data, our country has permanently resettled more than 1.7 million foreign nationals and refugees over the years, as well as another nearly half-a-million foreign nationals who've been granted permission to stay here under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program.

On the other hand, many other countries, including brown and black countries, aren't as welcoming, preferring instead to maintain their cultural identities without being overrun by "multiculturalism."

The United States is about as open to foreigners as it gets, in other words. But this isn't enough for the Times, which won't be happy until white people are completely eradicated from the populace and replaced with non-white "refugees."

According to the latest research, American taxpayers fork over nearly $9 billion every five years to take care of refugees being resettled in our country. At least 16 percent of these refugees also end up needing housing assistance, which is also paid for by taxpayers.

"The concepts of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusivity are three of the most destructive concepts ever forced on cities, states, education systems, businesses or any other entity," wrote one Breitbart News commenter in response to the Times' agenda.

"How about: NO. We are happy with our historic identity and culture," wrote another.

"The accomplishments and pioneering of our European ancestors and their descendants have benefited the entire world, and what they brought about through their blood, sweat, and tears is our birthright ... We do not need 'diversity.'"

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