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Thanks to the LGBT mafia, you can now lose your job for saying that only women can give birth
11/09/2019 // Ethan Huff // 10.6K Views

The former spokeswoman for Doula UK, a birthing group based out of Great Britain, was canned from her position recently after she dared to post biological facts to her social media accounts.

Lynsey McCarthy-Calvert, 45, has been working with pregnant women for many years, having represented the national organization for birthing coaches in her country. She's also worked as a doula herself for six years, assisting pregnant women in making their birthing experiences as painless as possible.

But McCarthy-Calvert also believes that men with penises can't give birth to children like women with vaginas can, a position that's a major no-no in today's LGBTQP-controlled world. And simply for admitting to these beliefs on social media, McCarthy-Calvert has now been let go from her job, if you can believe it.

While it remains illegal to fire someone simply for being an LGBTQP, LGBTQPs are always eager to see people like McCarthy-Calvert fired simply for believing things that offend them – in this case scientific fact.

The offending caption, which was associated with a picture that McCarthy-Calvert shared to Facebook of a woman doing a somersault underwater, reads as follows:

"I am not a 'cervix owner.' I am not a 'menstruator.' I am not a 'feeling.' I am not defined by wearing a dress and lipstick. I am a woman: an adult human female. Women birth all people, make up half the population, but less than a third of the seats in the House of Commons are occupied by us."

These references to "cervix owner" and "menstruator" have to do with a recent decision by Cancer Research UK to remove the word "women" from their pap smear test campaign – a decision that, just like the one Doula UK made against McCarthy-Calvert, was initiated and pushed by the transgender mafia.


Now, the Cancer Research UK website states that cervical cancer screenings are "relevant for everyone aged 25-64 with a cervix," rather than simply stating women, which are the only type of humans that have cervixes.

For more related news about how good and decent people are being persecuted and having their lives destroyed by the LGBTQP mafia, check out Gender.news.

If LGBTQPs get their way, everyone they don't like will be homeless, jobless, and completely ostracized from society

There's nothing factually incorrect about any of the words or visuals that McCarthy-Calvert shared to Facebook, by the way. It's not as though she denigrated LGBTQPs in any way, nor did she express any opinionated sentiments that aren't completely backed, 100 percent, by science.

It's simply that LGBTQPs hate the truth, as well as hate anyone who dares to tell it. And the punishment for upsetting an LGBTQP in 2019 is apparently open persecution, especially if you're on social media.

If there's anyone out there who's made a solid case for cancelling all social media accounts pronto, it's McCarthy-Calvert. After all, had she not shared this information to Facebook, her enemies never would have seen it – though our guess is that McCarthy-Calvert wanted people to see it, which is why she posted it in the first place.

The irony, of course, is that LGBTQPs constantly whine about how they're the "victims" of a society that "marginalizes" them for being "minorities." But whenever they're given the opportunity, LGBTQPs victimize others, marginalize them, and even drive them out of their jobs and careers in hateful acts of spite, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and tyranny.

LGBTQPs are the absolute worst when it comes to engaging in the very things that they falsely accuse others of engaging in against themselves. LGBTQPs have now demonstrated, without any doubt, that they are the true tyrants that need to be overthrown and removed from all positions of influence before they send all the rest of us to the gulags.

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