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2020 Dem Kamala Harris now colluding with Big Tech to silence all dissenters… just like Communist China
10/16/2019 // JD Heyes // 7.6K Views

Tens of millions of Americans, most of them supporters of President Donald Trump, are well aware that the big tech social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have been censoring and banning conservatives and pro-liberty, pro-America users.

For nearly two years, anyone who posts something the Left-wing speech Nazis who serve as content gatekeepers don’t like are punished either by loss of their freedom to post or loss of their account. 

Often, that has meant users are immediately cut-off from their followers — sometimes hundreds of thousands or even millions of them. 

When it comes to conservative news sources, that has meant loss of the ability to reach readers with vital information as well as a sales funnel that kept them afloat financially.

Left-wing socialist, Marxist, and Communist supporters of Democrats, by comparison, have been relatively free to post whatever vile, hateful, disgusting content they want, with the only ‘requirement’ being they must disparage President Trump, his supporters, and conservatives in general.

But it’s not just the social media giants out to silence and censor conservatives and supporters of the president: Some Democratic presidential candidates want to as well.

Enter Sen. Kamala Harris.

During the latest Democrat presidential debate on Tuesday, Harris repeated an earlier call for Twitter to delete President Trump’s account — to deny him unfiltered access to all Americans, not just his supporters.

Because she, too, is really just a Nazi.


She tried to get Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to agree with her but, to her credit, she did not.

Harris should never be allowed to get near the Oval Office

“You did not agree, and I would urge you to join me because here we have Donald Trump, who has 65 million Twitter followers and is using that platform as the president of the United States to openly intimidate witnesses, to threaten witnesses, to obstruct justice. This is a matter of corporate responsibility,” Harris said.



First of all, the president uses his Twitter account to communicate — to reach Americans, to express himself, to make observations, and to exercise his right to free speech…the same things Harris does with her account.

Her characterization of the president using Twitter for ostensibly unlawful purposes (witness intimidation, for instance) has no basis in fact and is nothing more than a political position she is taking.

She simply wants to silence the president, period, in the very same way that Communist Chinese leaders silence their citizens (while at the same time ensuring they have a communications outlet to spread whatever lies and propaganda they want).

And what’s this “corporate responsibility” business? Twitter was founded as a social media/communications platform. If Twitter is simply going to shut people down they don’t agree with (which, of course, has happened) then that amounts to corporate irresponsibility because censorship runs counter to the purpose of the platform.

You know who else loves Nazi Harris’ suggestion? Every Left-wing establishment media organization in America. (Related: Kamala Harris implies that only Democrats should be allowed to speak online… NO SPEECH for conservatives.)

They, too, would love it if Trump was “silenced” from his social media platform. Why? For the same reason Communist China silences political opposition and relies on ‘state-controlled media.’ It allows the authoritarian leaders to craft whatever message they want, to form any opinion, or to fabricate any narrative and pass it off as ‘truth.’

Kind of like our media did when it came to pushing the deep state’s BS “Russia collusion” and now the “Ukrainegate” narratives. 

There never was any evidence that the president did something wrong because the allegations are based on false premises. 

This is the kind of country Kamala Harris wants: One where speech and expression are both tightly controlled by the people in charge so they can lie without challenge to Americans on a daily basis.

This woman shouldn’t get within 1,000 yards of the Oval Office.

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