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The hierarchy of deep state escalation that will end in the attempted assassination of President Trump and engineered terrorism across America
10/01/2019 // Mike Adams // 44.1K Views

The deep state is at war with America. The CIA is running an attempted coup, and all the CIA's puppet "journalists" (actually nothing more than CIA-run media hacks) are all-in. The Democrats are betting everything that they can remove Trump from office and somehow avoid a popular uprising that would likely see millions of armed citizens taking action to defend this republic against the lawless deep state and its authoritarian rule.

You are witnessing the final chapter. The Democrats, CIA and media hacks are throwing everything at Trump in a last-ditch effort to remove him from office before the 2020 election, which the Dems know they cannot win (because Democrat ideas suck, and they have no ideas other than communism and handing out free stuff to everyone). Just today, lunatic Democrat congresswoman Maxine Waters called for President Trump to be "imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement," probably so the deep state can pull a Jeffrey Epstein on him, where magically all the security cameras simultaneously malfunction while the prisoner is executed.

The fake news corporate media has abandoned any last shred of credibility and is now literally faking every "bombshell" about Trump, Ukraine, Russia and the so-called "whistleblower" (who is really nothing more than a CIA spy). In reality, all media hacks have become crisis actors who have been handed scripts by the CIA, and they are role playing those scripts to pretend like Trump has been caught carrying out heinous crimes... the very same crimes that Joe Biden actually committed.


Crazed Democrats are obsessed with Trump, but they ignore the real issues facing Americans

This face off ends with just one party left standing. The Democrats cannot survive this if they do not decisively take out Trump, because in escalating this brazen, fabricated assault on our president, Democrats have demonstrated to all Americans that they don't care about any real issues Americans are facing such as health care costs, the collapse of liberal cities and the growing power and corruption of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Instead, Democrats are willing to watch America burn and collapse as long as they think they might be able to get Trump in the process.

Democrats have become terrorists, criminals and lunatics, and they have reached the point of insanity where they quite literally want to see this country burned to the ground rather than witness Trump win a second term.

Understand that this current "soft coup" against President Trump is just the beginning of what they have planned. If this soft coup fails, they have a plan of escalation that will ultimately reach the point where deep state criminals like John Brennan and Barack Obama attempt to carry out plans that include the assassination of President Trump. But that's not even where this ends. If that fails, they have more moves in store for America, and all these attempts will result in the loss of innocent life. Bluntly stated, if Trump doesn't order the arrest and prosecution of all these deep state traitors and CIA operatives -- across Congress, the fake news media fiction factories and even the judiciary -- they will unleash deadly terror and lawlessness across America in a desperate effort to reclaim authoritarian rule (while, of course, ordering the executions of all Trump loyalists).

"It may appear that the Democratic Party, furious over Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, is the driving force behind this ongoing attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, but at every turn we see the fingerprints of the CIA and its allies in the US deep state," writes Ron Paul. "Brennan and his deep state counterparts James Comey at the FBI and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper launched an operation, using what we now know is the fake Steele dossier, to spy on the Trump presidential campaign and even attempt to entrap Trump campaign employees."

The deep state must be stopped, and that clearly includes Big Tech, the fake news "media" propagandists, and the corrupt sectors of the intelligence community (FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Dept.). If Trump doesn't stop them, here is the escalation of tactics that will unfold as the radical Left unleashes war on U.S. soil:

Level 1: "Soft coup" attempt

At this level, which you are witnessing right now, deep state spies and operatives inside the bureaucracy fabricate fake accusations against Trump while media crisis actors pretend they've found a smoking gun that doesn't actually exist. By whipping up mass hysteria via the CIA-run media, Democrats hope they can trick America into going along with the impeachment of Trump by accusing him of carrying out the corruption crimes that Joe Biden actually executed.

Level 2: Criminal framing attempt using crisis actors

If the soft coup fails, the same deep state operatives and crisis actors (Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Obama, Clinton, etc.) will fabricate fake financial documents and pretend that Trump committed a vast array of financial crimes. The documents will be as fake as Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate which, of course, was Photoshopped into a 17-layer digital file with bits and pieces switched together from various scans of old documents.

The Obama deep state has extensive experience fabricating fake documents, and they will put those skills to use in trying to frame Trump for criminal behavior that he didn't commit. Remember, trust nothing reported by the media. They lie about everything. They are just "following orders," after all, handed to them by the CIA.

Level 3: Area effect "terrorism" that attempts to injure or murder Trump

When the criminal framing attempts fall flat, the deep state Democrats will ratchet up their plans to a "hot" phase of the civil war. In this phase, operatives run by the FBI -- all of whom have extensive experience planning and carrying out acts of terrorism across the United States -- will go live with "area effect" attacks that attempt to kill President Trump with nuclear, biological or chemical attacks.

Notably, this level of desperation by the deep state equals that of the staged 9/11 attacks which were of course planned and carried out with the authorization of the very same deep state that's now trying to destroy Trump. That's why building 7 was rigged with explosives months in advance, as is now admitted by a senior analyst at CNBC.

It's also why the Pentagon launched a cruise missile at the Pentagon building, then the media tried to gaslight the entire nation to falsely claim the Pentagon was struck by a commercial passenger jet. Yet amazingly, there was no wreckage from a passenger jet found at the scene. Not even a seat cushion or a scrap of metal from a wing. That's because the Pentagon wasn't hit by a passenger jet. It was the FBI that confiscated all the hundreds of surveillance videos from across the region, burying all video evidence of the cruise missile that actually struck the building, just as planned.

This is important to note because if there's a rogue faction inside the Pentagon that's still controlled by Obama loyalists, they could literally launch a cruise missile at the White House then gaslight the entire nation to claim it was an act of terrorism from "white nationalists" or something similar. They can make up anything and push it out as "authoritative news," even if it's complete fiction.

The most likely area effect weapon, however, is a dirty bomb using cesium-137, a radioisotope that's deadly in very small quantities. It's a blue powder, and because the half life of Cs-137 is so short (about 29 years), it gives off an enormous amount of ionizing radiation every second. The Democrat deep state is already well versed at carrying out assassinations and executions of political enemies (Seth Rich, anyone? Andrew Breitbart?), so they already know how to mix Cs-137 into other products to make, for example, car bumpers out of it. Or a painting, or a dinner plate, etc. For this reason, Trump's security team had better be carrying out portable radiation meters to make sure they can whisk the president out of the way should ionizing radiation be released by the deep state.

For the record, I am the patent holder of an invention called Cesium Eliminator, which is a formula that removes radioisotopes of cesium from the digestive tract. My ISO-accredited mass spec laboratory also runs ICP-MS equipment which can detect Cesium-137 and, frankly, almost any isotope of any radioactive substance. The sensitivity of the instrument is so high that we still see echoes of uranium isotopes released during above-ground nuclear testing carried out by the United States and other nations. If anyone from the Trump administration needs private testing of food, water, clothing, hair or other substances, we can carry that out with total privacy, with rapid turnaround (just a few hours after receiving the sample). We are also experts in food and water contamination, and we run a mass spec time-of-flight instrument that can detect unknown chemicals via accurate mass determination, which is useful if you suspect something has been poisoned but you don't know which poison was used. From ICP-MS-TOF scans, we can derive chemical equations of poisons and other contaminants, even if we have no idea what molecular masses to look for at the start.

Getting back to the war against President Trump: Deep state terrorists may also attempt chemical attacks or biological attacks. Biological attacks are far more complex in terms of sourcing the weaponized strains, so the more likely weapon delivery system is a chemical attack or a dirty bomb nuclear attack. Chemical attacks could include drone-delivered aerosolized fentanyl, for example, which is nearly impossible to defend against in you're out in the open. One breath and you're dead. It's worth noting that a lot of the methods of weapon delivery in the future of warfare -- including deep state warfare against America -- will be conducted via drones. This could include small-scale dirty bomb packages delivered by drone and detonated in open spaces to rain down highly radioactive material onto the target zone. Think Chernobyl, but smaller.

Note than in all these scenarios, thousands or even tens of thousands of Americans will be killed in the process. But as we learned with 9/11, this has never stopped the deep state before. If they have to nuke a U.S. city to take out Trump in the process, they will not hesitate to do so (as long as they can blame Trump and gun owners, of course).

It's worth repeating this so that you get it. The Democrats and their deep state handlers are truly at war with America. There's nothing they won't do. The FBI is, as we have exhaustively documented, is a straight-up terrorist organization, and the FBI ran the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK, Jr., as well as running the Oklahoma City bombing and taking part in the 9/11 cover-up. Nearly all the acts of mass destruction and terrorism that you learned about in U.S. history were actually carried out by the deep state itself, always for political purposes. Oklahoma City, for example, was run under President Clinton to try to take out Rush Limbaugh and censor conservative talk radio. 9/11 was carried out to expand the very same domestic surveillance powers which Obama and Clinton weaponized against Trump. JFK was taken out because he threatened to end the Federal Reserve and bring the money supply back under the control of the U.S. Congress. Dr. King was assassinated because he preached racial peace and unity instead of violence and hatred. The list goes on...

It's not just present-day events that are being staged and faked by crisis actors, in other words; it's the entire post World War II history of the United States. The deep state has been running this show for 75 years, and they won't give up power without waging war on the outsider (Trump) who threatens them.

Level 4: Direct assassination attempt to murder Trump

When all the other attempts fail, a direct assassination attempt will be leveled against Trump, but it will of course be made to look like a death by natural causes in order to suppress a patriot uprising. If Trump is killed via a shooting or some similarly violent attack, that will be the tipping point for American patriots to self-activate and rise up against the corrupt, criminal deep state and the Democrat traitors across the country. So the deep state will attempt to make the assassination look like an accident or a natural death, and of course the autopsy will be covered up, the body will be cremated and all evidence will be swept under the rug as quickly as possible.

After all, they took out JFK and got away with it. And RFK, too. The deep state can murder presidents and get away scot-free because the media will gaslight the American public and follow the CIA propaganda scripts. The only thing different today is the existence of the independent media, which is precisely why InfoWars, for example, is under extreme lawfare assault and demonetization attacks. The only way the deep state can achieve success with its gaslighting operations is if the independent media is taken offline. That's why they are infuriated that the indy media has been so resilient, to the point where we are launching our own platforms to compete with YouTube, for example. Just as I have launched Brighteon.com, Alex Jones now has Banned.video. Both platforms dare to allow people to tell the truth about world events, despite the censorship attempts by the establishment.

Level 5: Unleashing planned invasion of America with Chinese and UN troops

Finally, if the direct assassination attempt fails, the deep state will unleash an international war that will invite Communist Chinese and U.N. troops to invade and occupy the United States through California and the Southern border, respectively.

Calif. Governor Newsom has already sold out to the Chinese and will no doubt welcome a communist Chinese invasion of California, granting millions of Chinese troops a beachhead on California soil. The lunatic left-wing Democrats in California will cheer at first, at least until the Chinese troops begin raping, pillaging and mass murdering the residents of Los Angeles as they sweep eastward. (Note to California libtards: Communism sounds awesome until it arrives at your door. Then it's murderous.)

Should this scenario happen, patriots in rural California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona will not only engage and disrupt Chinese military operations; they will also seek out and remove all the collaborators (i.e. Democrats who went along with the invasion). Dave Hodges at TheCommonsenseShow.com covers this scenario in great detail in his excellent reporting which is based on sources in the intelligence community. Read The Russian Scissors Strategy Part 1 and Part 2 for an overview of the multinational invasion of the USA that's being planned with the help of Obama and other traitors.

Along the U.S. Southern border, U.N. troops will invade Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, deploying all those U.N. armored personnel carriers you've seen shipped across the country on trains. The goal will be the complete occupation and control of pro-Trump regions of the country, which include Middle America and most western states. Should such an invasion occur, patriots in Texas and elsewhere will engage these United Nations invading forces with extremely effective disruption / guerilla tactics that they learned in the United States military. Texas alone has over a million retired veterans who are highly capable, deeply determined and extremely well-equipped.

Even a few hundred thousand blue helmets far from home, spread out along difficult supply lines and unfamiliar territory, are no match for retired U.S. Marines, special forces, Army and police SWAT. Add to that the massive firearms and ammunition supplies that have been stockpiled by citizens across millions of private homes and businesses across the western states, and you have an unwinnable war for UN forces, who will be confronted by long range engagements by patriots who grew up hunting deer and other game at long distances. For a Texan, engaging an enemy UN soldier at 500 yards doesn't even require any effort. And Texas residents already own large caliber weapons used for hunting purposes, such as 300 WM, or 338 LM, or even 50 cal platforms such as the Barrett, which can disable UN vehicles with a single shot. (Because 660 grains of hot lead slices right through engine blocks...)

Prepare for massive, nationwide disruptions: Grid down, fuel shortages, food lines, left-wing riots

You'll notice that in several of the scenarios described above, there will be extensive disruptions of the basic infrastructure of modern society. Even if you don't live in cities where riots and lawlessness will occur (i.e. liberal-run cities), you are likely to experience the ripple effects of infrastructure disruptions. Those may include temporary disruptions in the power grid.

JohnyMac at AmericanPartisan.org has published an excellent new article that discusses the importance of realizing that your comms will go down when the grid goes down. This means you won't be able to communicate by phone, or internet or any common carrier. What will continue to work? Radio frequencies, of course, which is why HAM radio operators and technicians will rule the recovery.

As JohnyMac asks:

Once your electrical substation goes down communication along with other things that electricity provides will be gone too. What is your plan to generate enough electricity to keep your furnace going, freezers freezing, and communications happening? Certainly, if you have a generator and plenty of fuel you and your family can survive but, all the power in the world at your home will not allow you to communicate blocks away let away states away if the cell towers have no power. What is your communication plan post a grid down situation and the backup generators at the cell towers run out of fuel?

If you don't have communications gear, you're basically screwed in this type of situation. To get up to speed quickly, go take one of the Brushbeater courses, held in North Carolina.

I also mentioned in a previous article that if you don't have night vision gear, you're screwed again, since night time is when all the troublemakers come out to try to steal your supplies or just flat-out kill you so they can occupy your home. ReadyMadeResources.com has a solid selection of night vision devices and is run by patriotic Americans.

If you're looking for food supplies, we've got our ever-popular Ranger Buckets at the Health Ranger Store. (Which are currently sold out, but we're ramping up another production run.) These are certified organic, lab-tested, long-term storage food staples that can be made into hundreds of different recipes. You'll want to stockpile some olive oil, lard or coconut oil in addition to what's in the buckets, by the way.

I also noticed that Defense Distributed Ghost Gunner machines are sold out until 2020. This means Americans are buying them like crazy and making their own homemade firearms to get ready for a foreign invasion, authoritarian rule or Antifa-ignited civil war. This also means Americans have no plans to surrender their firearms. If anything, they're making more.

It's pretty clear the American people are fed up with being ruled by an authoritarian deep state cabal of treasonous actors. Americans are tired of media lies and blatant propaganda being spewed forth by CNN and NBC (Nothing But Communism). The American people are going to see this through, and they've decided that defeating the Democrats is the only way to preserve this nation.

Be prepared for anything, because it's false flag season in the minds of deep state Democrats. Watch for mass shootings, explosives, chemical attacks, dirty bombs, engineered social chaos, fake news crisis actors, extreme censorship and possibly even a Democrat-run foreign invasion of U.S. territory. There's nothing they won't try to topple Trump. Which means you need to be ready for anything to occur.

Ultimately, the only way to save America is to tear down the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department, then start over with strict government budget limits that force the federal government to shrink by 95%. Only then will the American people ever be safe from tyranny. It's time to drain the swamp, and Trump is the only person in Washington D.C. who seems to be willing to pull the drain plug.

Stay informed. Keep reading this website for details as these events unfold. If we are taken offline, it means the deep state is actively moving forward with its assassination and invasion plans. Stay on high alert at all times, and watch your six.

Stand by for stand by.

Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.

Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.

In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.

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