Because humans cannot live more than four minutes without oxygen, the air we breathe and the health of our circulatory system is of vital importance. Air purification is the first way to provide the lungs and the blood with a healthy intake. Because indoor air is stale and full of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and mold spores, you are inhaling toxins at an unprecedented rate. Perfumes, cleaning chemicals, varnish, flame retardant chemicals from furniture, phthalates from vinyl floors, and fragrances are all fighting for space inside you, poisoning your blood. When your living space includes plants, your indoor air slowly becomes healing air. Likewise, a good air purification system will effectively remove VOCs, chemicals, mold, dust, dander, viruses, and bacteria that threaten your well being.
Notwithstanding, exercise and deep breathing helps bring more oxygen to the blood, providing the organs with their most vital element. Stress reduction techniques can lessen tension in the blood vessels, allowing oxygen to be carried through the blood more effectively. Herbs such as catuaba bark, ginkgo biloba, epimedium leaf, butcher’s broom root, oat straw, and eleuthero root help with blood flow and stress management. Yoga helps strengthen the breath and relieves tension, bringing more oxygen into the body for healing. Proper alignment of the spine through chiropractic care can benefit, but this modality, when done incorrectly around the neck region, can cause artery dissections, leading to internal bleeding, swelling, and stroke.
Just like oxygen, the body will not last long without water; thus underscoring the importance of clean water for maintaining healthy cellular function. Many water purifiers on the market are ineffective. A lab verified water filter, such as BigBerkey, removes almost every trace of heavy metals, agrochemicals, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals in your tap water. Fluoride and arsenic should also be removed because these substances negatively affect brain function.
The medical system pays no mind to the importance of your unique microbiome. Because antibiotics are prescribed frivolously, your microbiome suffers. The microbiome is a living ecosystem inside your stomach and intestines containing hundreds of billions of bacteria cells that assist your body. If you aren’t consuming bacteria-friendly foods, your microbiome weakens and your immune system and mental health suffers first. If you rely on antibiotics, the good bacteria is taken out with the infectious bacteria, only to colonize antibiotic-resistant traits and future infections. Fermented foods such as apple cider vinegar, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut re-introduce healthy microbes back into your microbiome. Pre-biotics, or fiber-rich foods help feed the microbiome and keep the healthy bacteria flourishing.
If you want to stave off illness and keep your immune system strong, eat a diet rich in vitamin C and supplement with vitamin D and colloidal silver. When your body faces a bacterial infection, colloidal silver is the remedy of choice. The silver ions infiltrate infectious bacteria cells, targeting their vital functions. Silver is palatable and is useful on children and adults, for eye, ear, stomach, and throat infections.
For more information on avoiding pharmaceuticals and the risky medical system, check out the HealingtheBody video channel at
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