Wine news, articles and information:
 | 10/31/2016 - The health benefits of moderate red wine consumption have been heralded for the last several years. It can help prevent heart problems and reduce cancer risks, and some studies even indicate that it can help preserve brain function – provided you don't overindulge. New research has revealed that...
 | 10/21/2016 - Over the past 40 years, glyphosate has been sprayed on vineyards and orchards to control weeds. However, any chemical used in a certified-organic wine may not have an adverse effect on human health or the environment, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and per the National List of...
 | 7/28/2016 - French environmentalists are outraged after the EU Environmental Committee elected to extend the licensing for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup. Upon hearing news of "probable" carcinogenic effects of glyphosate, the French government motioned to implement a ban outlawing the...
 | 6/15/2016 - Residents living in Napa County California are at an increased risk for many different cancers. A new eight page health report released by the Cancer Registry of Greater California finds that Napa Valley is a cancer cluster, harboring high rates of people suffering with cancer.
Reports like these...
 | 5/11/2016 - In their quest to be healthy, some people might inadvertently be giving up foods that are actually beneficial for their health. If you've banned coffee or tea from your diet because of their caffeine content, or you've given wine the boot because it contains alcohol, you might want to rethink your decision,...
 | 3/28/2016 1:47:48 PM - Health food advocates, scientists and environmental activists, have long warned about the implications of widespread chemical use, particularly the over-application of herbicides and pesticides on crops.
Those fears are now being confirmed, as science slowly begins to uncover the extent to which...
 | 3/17/2016 - Two studies by Harvard University and Washington State University have had surprising results and found that, contrary to the usual advice, reducing your alcohol intake might not be crucial to losing weight – in fact, the opposite is true of wine.
According to The Sun, scientists have found...
 | 2/18/2016 - They say a glass of red wine a day helps keep the doctor away. But what about several bottles per day? That's what Antonio Docampo Garcia, the recently deceased curator of the Bodegas Docampo vineyard and winery in Spain, drank every single day up until his passing at the ripe old age of 107.
 | 2/12/2016 - Dating all the way back to the 5th century, with even older roots in a traditional Roman holiday, the day of romance and love we call Valentine's Day has been around for as long as we can remember. Every year, on February 14, more than 141 million Valentine cards are exchanged between lovers and friends...
 | 1/28/2016 - In its first major overhaul of national alcohol consumption recommendations in 20 years, the British government has set the lowest recommended limits of any nation in Europe, and emphasized the idea that there is no "safe" level of alcohol intake.
In doing so, the government consciously chose to...
 | 1/14/2016 - Peaking at a bone-chilling, negative 346 degrees Fahrenheit, liquid nitrogen is to be handled with extreme caution by someone trained in its application. From first glance, the clear, steaming liquid appears as boiling water, but upon first touch, it can cause extreme frostbite. Just a few pin-sized...
 | 9/12/2015 - Back in March, the mainstream media began running wild reports warning the public about supposedly dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic in California wines. But the truth is that the levels of arsenic found in California wines were substantially lower than the concentrations of mercury or aluminum...
 | 8/2/2015 - Whether consumed as whole fruit, juice or wine, muscadine grapes hold promise for managing obesity and metabolic disorders like fatty liver. The dark-colored red fruit is native to the southeastern United States, and contains potent natural chemical compounds that reduce the growth of existing fat cells...
 | 4/12/2015 - Be it sensationalism, the need to satisfy advertisers or because editors and reporters merely have an ideological or political motive, today's mainstream media can always be counted on to create, perpetuate and even expand "stories" that turn out to be fabrications, hoaxes or outright lies.
In recent...
 | 4/8/2015 - Last week, the mainstream media erupted with the news that a very small amount of arsenic was detected in California wines. All the usual media participants spread a wave of hysteria that equated California wines with drinking poison: USA Today, San Francisco Gate, Daily Mail, NY Daily News and many...
 | 3/23/2015 - Four residents in California are reportedly suing wine makers for selling products that contain what the lawsuit claims is a "dangerous" level of arsenic. The lawsuit lists 28 California wineries as defendants, including companies like Franzia, Mogen David and Almaden.
"According to the lawsuit,"...
 | 3/3/2015 - After a long, hard and stressful day at work, nothing spells relaxation like a nice glass of fine wine. Fortunately, red wine is one of life's luxuries in which we can occasionally indulge without feeling guilty.
In fact, guilt is the last thing you should be feeling after a glass of red wine due...
 | 1/6/2015 - Resveratrol is no stranger to news headlines and the health-minded people who are privy to various findings about it.
After all, the organic compound has been touted for its ability to slash heart disease risks and boost health. Findings have shown that it has the ability to keep certain cancers...
 | 9/24/2014 - Moderate consumption of red wine is well known for producing a number of significant health benefits. For example, recent studies have shown that red wine contains compounds that can protect membranes from oxidation, prevent several types of cancer and even treat depression and low moods. Earlier studies...
 | 8/11/2014 5:19:24 PM - Just as some men may have been switching from beer to wine after realizing that hops in beer diminish testosterone and boost estrogen, new research in France has discovered that over half of those fine French wines contain phthalates, which are hormone disruptors.
Phthalates (fal-ates) are ubiquitous...
 | 6/12/2014 - After long getting bad press for its harmful effects, alcohol is now getting a second look. Recently, researchers have found that, in some cases, drinking alcohol can have real health benefits that are difficult to replicate in such a relaxing manner elsewhere. While health experts have, for years,...
 | 3/8/2014 - Although very few beers or wines are made using animal ingredients, such ingredients are often used during the filtration process, in which natural solids are removed to give the final product a translucent appearance.
These solids include ingredients that are part of the original recipe (such as...
 | 1/31/2014 - New research suggests that red wine and cacao, from which chocolate is made, can help prevent type 2 diabetes.
The study, which was conducted in the United Kingdom, involved 2,000 women and plant compounds called flavonoids which are present in some fruit and berries as well as red wine and chocolate....
 | 8/21/2013 - Alzheimer's disease is characterized by an unnatural accumulation of amyloid plaque aggregates around nerve synapses that block the transmission of electrical and chemical transmitters that allow the brain to retain a high level of cognitive function and to store and retain memories. Millions of middle...
 | 7/30/2013 - It is well known that drinking wine has positive effects on health when taken in moderation. Wine contains antioxidants that protect cells against damage. But who knows about wine allergy and the effect that it can have on health? Whereas a true wine allergy is rare, it is not uncommon to experience...
 | 2/14/2013 - Chemicals naturally occurring in green tea and red wine can actually put a stop to the process that leads to brain damage in Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Leeds and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
"This is an important...
 | 8/9/2012 - Most of the talk concerning fluoride exposure these days centers around the chemical's forced presence in many public water supplies, and how this is causing an epidemic of chronic health problems. But little do many people realize that fluoride exposure is also problematic throughout the food supply,...
 | 6/14/2012 - Sulfites are present in many foods such as ready meals, pizza, wine and beer. Whilst it acts as a preservative, it also has health implications for 10 percent of all consumers. Many have minor irritations, however asthmatics and those who are sensitive to the irritant effect of sulfites can have severe...
 | 3/22/2012 - In yet another stunning example of scientific research fraud, the University of Connecticut leveled charges of widespread scientific fraud against a prolific researcher earlier this year. The university identified the researcher as Dr. Dipak K. Das, a director of the university's Cardiovascular Research...
| 2/14/2011 - A single glass of red wine may be as effective at controlling blood sugar as standard diabetes drugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria.
Previous research has shown that red wine, grape skins and red...
| 8/23/2010 - A recent Norwegian study has found a possible link between moderate wine consumption and better brain function. Researchers evaluated a pool of more than 5,000 people over the course of seven years and found that women who drink wine at least four times during a two-week period perform better on cognitive...
| 6/24/2010 - A major new discovery just reported in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) journal could be a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer. Not only have the phytonutrients in red wine and green tea been found to halt prostate cancer growth, a team of French and...
| 10/2/2009 - You've probably heard a lot of the good news about resveratrol and its ability to help prevent heart disease. Here, we've posted a collection of valuable quotes about resveratrol from some of the world's best-known authors. Read and enjoy!
Hu zhang {Polygonum cuspidatum) is a Chinese herb (actually...
| 8/12/2009 - You've all heard the good news about resveratrol, commonly known as the "red wine nutrient." There's more to resveratrol than red wine, though, and it's helpful for far more than just preventing heart disease. It's also phenomenal for maintaining a healthy cholesterol balance and even supporting increased...
| 5/6/2009 - Drinking alcohol in excess is associated with a host of health problems, including an increased risk of certain cancers, liver disorders and even brain damage. But new research just published in the online version of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, concludes up to just half a glass...
| 4/1/2009 - Just how good is resveratrol at preventing cancer and heart disease? It's so good that drug companies are trying to mimic its molecules in order to claim they're "creating" a new drug to prevent heart disease.
But this is Mother Nature's miracle drug -- only it's not a drug. It's a molecule synthesized...
| 3/26/2009 - Red wine is turning out to be a superfood. Although many health conscious people have opted to get isolated grape compounds in capsule form, recent research is showing that the best way is to drink red wine. That's because red wine contains the entire grape polyphenol group of nutrients, a group that...
| 3/7/2009 - According to the Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Barrett's Esophagus is a condition marked by intestinal metaplasia. This means the tissue lining the esophagus (the muscular tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach) is replaced by tissue of the type that normally...
 | 12/29/2008 - A phytochemical believed to be responsible for the life-extending benefits of red wine may improve quality of life for the elderly, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute on Aging and Harvard Medical School, and published in Cell Metabolism.
Prior studies have demonstrated...
 | 12/9/2008 - Moderate red wine drinkers have less incidence of heart disease than non-drinkers and now scientists are confirming a direct correlation between red wine and many powerful anti-aging benefits. Moderate consumption of some red wines may be a very effective way of improving your cardiovascular health...
| 12/9/2008 - Omega-3 fatty acids, mainly derived from cold water fish like salmon, are known to help prevent coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac death. Now European researchers have found that moderate wine drinking acts like a booster for omega-3s -- it raises the levels of the beneficial fatty acids in plasma...
 | 8/2/2008 - The human brain actually perceives the same wine as more pleasurable when it is labeled with a higher price, according to a study conducted by researchers from the California Institute of Technology and the Stanford Business School and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
 | 6/7/2008 - The fear is real and the worries valid when we hear that 2 million tons of oil derived plastic bottles were dumped this year in landfills. As an aside, add to that environmental nugget the fact that we drank water and other liquids from those very same bottles which had possibly leached deadly, toxic...
 | 2/28/2008 - Many health-conscious people wonder whether wine is a medicinal tonic that benefits their health, or something that should be avoided at all costs. Nutritionist Frank Cooper spent two years researching the subject of wine and health, and found many answers. He investigates the medicinal, nutritional,...
 | 12/16/2007 - There are a number of studies showing the benefits of including wine in a healthy diet. The most recent is one conducted by the Karolinska Institute on 25,000 women in Sweden. This study looked at women that consumed fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain products, fish and half a glass of wine.
 | 9/22/2007 - The health, nutrition and beauty supplement company NFI Consumer Products has released Resvinatrol Complete, which it bills as a healthy "red wine alternative."
"Resvinatrol Complete provides today's health-conscious consumers with an exciting combination of powerful antioxidants found in red wine,...
 | 2/6/2007 - A new study suggests that red grape juice may offer the same protection against heart disease as red wine.
"Grape juice can have a similar effect as red wine but without the alcohol," said lead researcher Dr. Valeri Schini-Kerth.
According to the FDA, drinking one to two glasses of red wine each...
 | 12/21/2006 - -- The United States' first wines made using a genetically modified wine yeast will be released this year, but critics say the GM yeast has not been properly safety tested and could contaminate non-GM wine crops.
According to Napa Valley, Calif., resident Erica Martenson, an opinion writer for the...
 | 11/17/2006 - A drug based on resveratrol -- a phytonutrient found in red wine -- may double exercise endurance, fight obesity and prolong life, according to a new study by French researchers.
Dr. Johan Auwerx and colleagues from the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch, France,...
| 11/13/2006 - A new study directed by Mount Sinai School of Medicine has found that moderate red wine consumption in a form of Cabernet Sauvignon may help reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The study entitled “Moderate Consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon Attenuates ?-amyloid Neuropathology in a Mouse...
 | 11/2/2006 - When resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine, was given to mice in a recent study, it countered some effects of a high-calorie diet, improving the health of the mice and increasing their life spans.
Resveratrol could not reverse all the consequences of overeating, since the mice did not lose any...
 | 10/16/2006 - Drinking a couple of glasses of red wine every day may help protect the brain from stroke damage, according to new research by scientists from Johns Hopkins University.
The researchers -- led by Dr. Sylvain Dore -- fed mice a moderate amount of a compound found in red grape skins and seeds, then...
| 9/28/2006 - When administered the equivalent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's definition of a "moderate" amount of wine -- 5 ounces daily for women and 10 ounces daily for men -- memory loss and brain cell death slowed in mice with an Alzheimer's-like disease, researchers reported in the Federation of American...
| 8/18/2006 - If women would drink a glass of red wine a day and eat an ounce of dark chocolate, they could help reduce their risk of heart disease by 54 percent, says a new book officially being released today by the New York publisher, Stewart, Tabori & Chang.
Heal Your Heart with Wine and Chocolate . . . and...
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