Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:
 Top seven fuels that feed the cancer 'fire' and mutate more cellsBy S. D. Wells, December 2 2016 (NaturalNews) Cancer is not a disease, but rather a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. That's why cancer is not contagious, except for HPV, because that's a virus, not a cell disorder.
It doesn't matter whether you believe in "conspiracies" or not, because the fact is that American conventional food has been engineered and processed to cause cancer, and in many more ways than one. There is a definitive reason why one out of every three Americans get cancer, when...
 The dirty history of Big Pharma's scientific censorship, oppression and destruction of human knowledgeBy Natural News Editor, December 2 2016 (NaturalNews) The row over Vaxxed: From Coverup To Corruption, has led me to consider my experiences of censorship, apart from attempts to wipe out my book,[1] and I thought I would write a little about the subject as a whole this morning. (Story by Celia Farber, republished from http://truthbarrier.com.)
Hands up all those who know that between 1929 and 1952, the UK Anti Vaccination League unsuccessfully lobbied the BBC, to have their voice heard. The BBC stuck doggedly to its medically...
 Researchers find 'interactions' between cancer cells and their environmentBy J. D. Heyes, December 2 2016 (NaturalNews) New research indicates that there are interactions between an animal cell and its surrounding environment within a fibrous network called the extracellular matrix, and that in turn plays a vital role in how cells function, including migration and growth.
However, as Medical Xpress reports, scientists don't yet fully understand the mechanical forces that govern such interactions.
The site noted that a multidisciplinary team of engineers from Cornell University and colleagues from...
 'Confectioner's glaze' - a common coating on candies and pills - is made from the bodily excretions of an Asian beetleBy David Gutierrez, December 2 2016 (NaturalNews) Confectioner's glaze, also called "pharmaceutical glaze," "resinous glaze," "pure food glaze" and "natural glaze," is a common ingredient in candies and pills. By any name, it's the same ingredient as shellac, the chemical that they sell in hardware stores and that is used for sealing and varnishing wood floors (and previously used in electronics).
Shellac is actually a chemical secreted by female lac bugs (Laccifer lacca), a type of "scale insect," in order to form sheltering tunnels...
 Boycott of Kellogg's, maker of processed junk foods made with GMOs, expands to massive reader base of Breitbart.comBy Mike Adams, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) Breitbart.com, with a massive reader base of 45 million fans, has just announced a massive boycott of all Kellogg's brands.
It's not over GMOs, however. Breitbart.com doesn't focus on food, herbicides or genetic engineering. Their focus is politics, and over the last two years, they've risen to become the No. 1 most credible political news publisher in America (while the lying mainstream media collapses in both credibility and readership). But Kellogg's corporatist snowflakes --...
 Battle mental and physical fatigue with these science-backed supplementsBy J. D. Heyes, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) According to Big Pharma and the so-called 'medical establishment,' vitamin and nutrient supplements have absolutely no medical value, and anyone who buys them is just wasting their money.
But facts are much more profound than propaganda, and when such Big Pharma claims are soundly refuted by reputable studies and validated science, it makes those who traffic in legal drugs for a living look as ignorant as they are biased.
One of those daily supplements is astaxanthin, which is...
 Physician assisted suicide to be legal in DC? 'Mandatory euthanasia' may soon follow - just like mandatory vaccinesBy Ethan A. Huff, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) A bill that would allow doctors in the District of Columbia to kill their patients "compassionately" – a medical "procedure" known as physician-assisted suicide – has been given the green light by D.C.'s City Council. Reports indicate that, pending a signature by Mayor Muriel Bowser, the bill will soon become law, making D.C. the sixth jurisdiction in the nation to legally sanction euthanasia for patients who opt for it with the blessing of their physicians.
In an overwhelming...
 Common food additive linked to colon cancer and intestinal inflammationBy Ethan A. Huff, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) They're a staple ingredient in many processed foods, helping to maintain a food product's texture and consistency while extending its shelf life. But chemical emulsifiers like polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose appear to be major driving factors in what many experts now admit are escalating rates of gastrointestinal disease and bowel cancer all around the world, a shocking new study has found.
For their study, researchers from Georgia State University evaluated the metabolization...
 Raising healthy kids - Natural strategies to reduce the risk of SIDS, autism and other childhood diseasesBy Jonathan Landsman, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) Vaccines linked with autism and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); environmental toxins; processed foods loaded with preservatives, sugar and GMOs - when it comes to protecting the health of our kids, it's no wonder that parents can feel overwhelmed.
Sadly, Western medicine - along with government agencies - continue to minimize (or ignore) many avoidable health threats, while potentially contributing to them by overprescribing antibiotics for minor childhood ailments. It's time...
 Pharma company cashed in on Flint water crisis, raised lead poisoning drug prices 2,700 percentBy L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) During the Flint city water crisis, as children's brains were being poisoned by lead coming from their tap water, one pharmaceutical company was caught cashing in, in the greediest way. Valeant Pharmaceuticals hiked the price of an important medicine that treats severe lead poisoning. They hiked the price by a stunning 2,700 percent between 2013 and 2015, severely restricting the medicine's availability at a time when children in Flint, Michigan needed it the most.
For over two years...
 Medicine is evolving in scary ways: health tracker implants, genetically modified DNA and moreBy J. D. Heyes, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) We all know that technology is rapidly changing life around the world. Just seeing the evolution of personal computing devices, cell phones and televisions in the past decade alone proves how fast the tech industry is moving forward.
With the technology boost comes important advances in the medical community as well, especially in the way health is treated and tracked. And while a lot of what is coming down the pipeline will amaze and inspire some people, others will be shocked at...
 GAPS diet claimed to relieve food allergies, autism, ADHD, depression and moreBy Ethan A. Huff, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) What if there was a way to permanently heal all sorts of chronic health conditions that stem from the gut by temporarily changing one's diet? That's what many people claim about the "GAPS" (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet, an intensive, intestinal-healing food regimen that's reportedly helped many people overcome a host of abnormalities ranging from autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to schizophrenia and even food allergies.
GAPS isn't like a lot of other...
 Beverage companies plan to lower sugar content 50% to avoid government sugar taxBy Daniel Barker, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) The threat of being subjected to a government sugar tax is prompting British beverage manufacturers to reduce sugar content by more than 50 percent in their products.
British supermarket chain Tesco recently announced it will cut sugar levels in all 251 of its soft drink products to less than 5 grams per 100 ml – under the limit at which the levy will apply when it goes into effect in 2018.
Following Tesco's example, the maker of two popular British drink brands, Lucozade...
 Women who suffer from migraines at higher risk of a strokeBy Isabelle Z., December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) As if suffering from excruciating migraines on a regular basis wasn't bad enough, it is now emerging that women who suffer from migraines are at a significantly higher risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack later in life than those who do not experience these debilitating headaches.
This was the finding of a study known as the U.S. Nurses' Health Study out of the Harvard Medical School that spanned 20 years and looked at a total of 115,000 women. Those women who suffered from...
 Acai berries actually come from palm treesBy David Gutierrez, December 1 2016 (NaturalNews) Acai berries have become so famous in recent years as an antioxidant-packed superfood that even many people who don't stay actively informed on health food topics have heard of them. Given the name, you might imagine that they grow on bushes like blueberries or raspberries -- but in fact, they grow on palm trees.
Acai palms are native to Brazil and are also a major source for heart of palm. The fruit of the acai tree has long been a staple in the diet of poor, rural Brazilians because...
 'Truth in news' citizen offers $10,000 reward for names of PropOrNot news hoaxers behind the WashPo Russian conspiracy fabricationBy Mike Adams, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) A private citizen working in the public interest to increase news transparency has announced a $10,000 reward, payable in Bitcoin, for the names of the PropOrNot news hoaxers. If successful, the names will be shared with the FBI, Sen. Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration.
Last week, the Washington Post was hoaxed by PropOrNot, which tricked the Post into printing an article that falsely claimed 200 independent news websites were being run by the Russian government. Natural...
 Housekeeping update: We are upgrading our content system this week to publish more articles more frequently throughout the dayBy Mike Adams, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) This is a quick housekeeping update for all Natural News readers. Over the few days, we are upgrading our content system to be able to more quickly publish breaking news stories in real time while still maintaining our bulletproof defenses against DDoS attacks that are frequently unleashed on independent media websites.
Over the next few days, you may notice some website changes, including minor article glitches or index page glitches due to our multi-server synchronization system...
 How the Washington Post lost its Pulitzer Prize by faking the newsBy J. D. Heyes, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) It's been a rough couple of weeks for the Washington Post following the election loss of their chosen presidential pick, Hillary Clinton. Her "potential to be an excellent president of the United States" – despite her blatant disregard for U.S. transparency laws and national security – vanished when she was bested by billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump, who also bested 16 other Republican candidates to win his party's nomination.
Something happened to the Post's managing...
 If you believe in liberty and freedom, stop buying emergency food products made with Monsanto ingredientsBy Ethan A. Huff, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) One of the biggest threats that society currently faces is the very real prospect of a massive food system collapse precipitated by chemical overuse and the spread of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And ironically enough, many storable survival food kits designed to help mitigate an emergency situation such as this are loaded with the very same GMOs that threaten to destroy our ability to grow real food in the first place.
It's decisively counter-intuitive to purchase such...
 Corruption: Drug makers turning cheap generic drugs into 'new' expensive pillsBy Ethan A. Huff, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) When pharmaceuticals go off-patent, the market for generics opens up and prices typically drop – often by a lot. But drug companies have reportedly developed a new scheme to jack prices back up, that involves repackaging multiple generic drugs into one single "new" drug, which is then sold at an outrageous premium.
One example of this is the drug "Treximet," manufactured by Pernix Therapeutics Holdings Inc. Treximet is made up of two drugs – sumatriptan and naproxen –...
 Protect yourself from flu season with these natural cold remediesBy J. D. Heyes, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) Like clockwork, the cold and flu season is nearly upon once again. Cooler fall weather, kids heading back to school and other factors all contribute to the spread of influenza.
But there are some ways you can fend off the flu bug and best of all, you can do so naturally – without a huge Obamacare out-of-pocket doctor visit and Big Pharma.
The fact is humans have used natural cold remedies to relieve symptoms of cold and flu since the earliest of times. Think about it: Were...
 Solar panel farm grows 17,000 tons of food without soil, pesticides, fossil fuels or groundwaterBy J. D. Heyes, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) A new agricultural technique may have just solved the problem of growing food in some of the world's most inhospitable places – locations that don't currently support traditional agriculture.
In addition, the technique can save what are clearly finite resources from extinction, something all of us should clearly favor.
As reported by Natural Blaze, as the world's population grows, so too does its demand for food. Right now, activist organizations are battling the spread...
 French study claims Pampers nappies contain carcinogens linked to cancers of the skin, lungs, bladder, liver and stomachBy Ethan A. Huff, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) Millions of parents use them to keep their babies fresh and clean between changes. But disposable diapers, which often contain added chemicals designed to protect babies' sensitive areas from rashes and skin irritation, may be increasing their risk of cancer in the process.
New research from the French health association ASEF, has identified a number of carcinogenic substances in the popular Pampers brand of nappies that it says are a serious cancer risk. One of these substances...
 Calm your anxiety and stress with these 10 natural herbsBy Amy Goodrich, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) Anxiety and other stress-related issues are on the rise in the United States. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million American adults, which is about one-fifth of the country's total population. Each year, millions of prescriptions are written for anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium, Xanax, and Tranxene (benzodiazepines). They are the most commonly prescribed medicines which account for almost one-third of the total mental health bill.
For example, hemp extracts can help to reduce stress...
 Antidepressants burden users with extreme side-effectsBy Daniel Barker, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) There is a growing body of evidence indicating that taking SSRI antidepressants is far more dangerous than previously thought – both in their psychological and physical effects.
A group of former antidepressant users recently appeared before the British Parliament to relate their experiences of extreme side effects while taking SSRIs. Their testimony included everything from suicidal behavior to seizures and other serious health issues caused by the antidepressants.
 Florida medical marijuana dispensary operations 'green lighted'By Daniel Barker, September 28 2016 (NaturalNews) As Floridians prepare to vote in November on a referendum to expand medical marijuana operations in the state, some dispensaries are finally getting a "green light" to sell low-THC medical marijuana under Florida's currently strict laws governing its use and availability.
Although Florida passed a "compassionate use" bill in 2014 approving medical marijuana for a narrow range of medical conditions, it has been an uphill battle for potential sellers of the herb. Until this year, no...
 Marijuana tampons may be able to eliminate crampsBy Ethan A. Huff, September 7 2016 (NaturalNews) Women who live in either California or Colorado now have access to workable options other than NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for treating their menstrual woes, as companies in these two states have begun unveiling the latest in all-natural cramp relief: cannabis-infused feminine hygiene products.
You heard that right – marijuana tampons are quickly becoming all the rage in legal-access states, as both science and personal experience continue to demonstrate...
 At least one major company has admitted to adding flavoring chemicals to its farmed fish to make it taste more like the wild-caught varieties that consumers preferBy David Gutierrez, November 30 2016 (NaturalNews) HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries (HQSM) bills itself as an eco-friendly aquaculture company in an industry notorious for appalling practices such as the widespread dumping of chemicals and antibiotics into the world's oceans. It even markets a specific brand of farmed tilapia (TiLoveYa) under the prominent label "natural" and promotes a "Bill of Rights" touting its green practices.
Company officials have admitted, however, that TiLoveYa tilapia contains flavoring chemicals designed...
 Rep. Tom Price, selected by Donald Trump for HHS Secretary, voted for the DARK Act to keep Americans in the dark about GMOsBy Mike Adams, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) This morning, President elect Donald Trump announced his pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services: Rep. Tom Price, a Republican from Georgia.
Before serving in Congress, Price was an orthopedic surgeon, and he's well known for being a strong, vocal critic of the Obamacare fiasco (Affordable Care Act).
"He is exceptionally qualified to shepherd our commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare and bring affordable and accessible healthcare to every American," announced Donald...
 New alternatives to Twitter, Google, Facebook rapidly emerging: These sites won't censor youBy J. D. Heyes, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) Are you hooked on social media or use it to promote your business or cause, but are sick and tired of the Left-wing tyrannical censorship of either your posts or those of real news organizations that Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and others have arbitrarily deemed "fake?"
Never fear. There are alternatives already out there, with more on the way. Besides that, these current and forthcoming sites are true free speech zones where you can say and post what you want, without the fear...
 Texas: Is medical freedom in jeopardy?By J. D. Heyes, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) It looks like the red state of Texas, once known for its fierce independence and as the guarantor of its citizens' freedom, is becoming something of a medical police state, having launched scores of investigations against licensed and non-licensed practitioners, many of whom are reporting being harassed by the Texas Medical Board (TMB).
According to a press release from Texas Right to Know, a service designed to inform and connect people in the community regarding local and state...
 ALL-OUT WAR: Pro-Hillary leftists issuing wave of death threats to force Electoral College voters to switch to ClintonBy J. D. Heyes, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) It sickens me to know that far too many of my fellow Americans actually believe the hoax mainstream media's claims that supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump are ill-behaved, racist, bigoted and violent thugs seeking to impose their views on the rest of the country.
It sickens me because it is so demonstrably false.
During the campaign, Trump supporters were regularly blamed for creating scenes and causing violence during campaign events. But as we and others in the independent...
 Critical environmental collapse: Hundreds of millions of trees are dying in North AmericaBy J. D. Heyes, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) In addition to the mass death of bees throughout the United States, there is another potentially life-ending death epidemic occurring as well: the death of millions of oxygen-producing trees.
As noted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service officials have documented and identified an additional 36 million dead trees across the state of California since their last aerial survey taken in May. The additional trees bring the total number of dead trees since 2010 to...
 Eliminate the poison from your stored food supply: Swap your stash for lab-verified storable foods for long-term food securityBy L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) When a crisis strikes, will you be prepared to live well and maintain good health? Life is unpredictable, and there have never been more volatile times. No matter what, you want to be happy, healthy and independent. If you've ever been through hard times, you know what's important to you. You want to hope for the best, but still be prepared.
Food is a necessity, but good health and immunity are more vital for long-term happiness and well-being. If the food you are going to rely on...
 New Zika scare claim: It's shrinking mice testicles up to 90%, permanently damaging fertilityBy Ethan A. Huff, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) Prepping the populace for an eventual rollout of a vaccine for Zika virus, medical experts are trumpeting a new warning for men everywhere: If you should happen to get bitten by a mosquito carrying the disease, you may suffer serious damage to your reproductive organs, including mass shrinkage of your testicles.
Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, recently conducted a study in which it was found that male mice exposed to Zika suffered...
 NFL players and doctors fight for marijuana as opioid alternativeBy Daniel Barker, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) With the cooperation and support of doctors and other cannabis advocates, NFL players are becoming increasingly successful in forcing a dialog with the league regarding the use of marijuana as a painkiller.
Many current and former players support the use of cannabis as an effective alternative to opioid painkillers, the use of which has caused problems for NFL athletes – just as it has for much of the rest of the American public.
One current, and eight former NFL players...
 State Department issues warning to US citizens: Be prepared for holiday terrorist attacks in EuropeBy J. D. Heyes, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) Just as it has continuously done since taking power eight years ago, the Obama administration is continuing to traffic in fear, because after all, if you're scared, you're more willing to give up your rights.
As Thanksgiving approached and as the holiday season in general kicked off, there was Obama's State Department, issuing warnings to Americans to be leery of traveling to Europe over fear of terror attacks.
As The Daily Sheeple reported, the warning stated that there was a...
 Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headachesBy Isabelle Z., November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) If you often find yourself suffering from neck and back pain, you may have blamed your pillow or even your bed for the discomfort, but the problem might have nothing to do with your furniture and everything to do with the way you carry yourself.
Many of us spend a lot of time hunched over our computers, looking down at our phones or keeping our heads down while walking to avoid making eye contact with strangers, and this is having an adverse effect on our energy levels. A downward...
 The growth of global warming nonsense: surely we've reached peak madnessBy Natural News Editors, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) Time magazine said Donald Trump's election has climate change negotiators down, but not out, and has "cast a long shadow over progress made at" the United Nations climate conference held earlier this month in Morocco. Seems the alarmist community is still stuck in the denial phase of the five stages of grief. [1]
(Article by Kerry Jackson, republished from Investors.com)
The negotiators' denial is not their attempt to pretend that Trump didn't win, a road that some on the left...
 Jill Stein has become a national disgrace... shady recount effort nothing but a moneymaking scam to entice depressed liberals with false hopeBy Mike Adams, November 29 2016 (NaturalNews) The 2016 election has certainly been revealing. After having discovered that the DNC is a disgrace and the mainstream media is a disgrace, we are now observing the childish behavior of those who lost the election in discovering that Jill Stein is a national disgrace, too.
Her "recount" effort -- dubbed a "recount to nowhere" -- is nothing more than a fraudulent moneymaking scam to fleece disgruntled liberal voters by selling them false hope. Even the way it was promoted by Stein...
 Muslim Somali refugee student unleashes Ohio State attack with a vehicle and a knife... 9 hospitalized... campus was gun-free zoneBy Mike Adams, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) A Somali refugee university student named Abdul Artan unleashed a mass attack on fellow students today at Ohio State. The Muslim radical, who entered the United States under a student visa, pulled a fire alarm then "mowed down evacuating students and staff with his car," reports the UK Daily Mail.
The lying mainstream media originally misreported this story as a "mass shooting," but it turns out the gunshots were law enforcement officers shooting Artan, halting his reign of violence...
 Pro-Monsanto think tank helped funnel Republican money into the Hillary Clinton campaignBy J. D. Heyes, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) The president of a conservative nonprofit organization assisted a billionaire Clinton donor with securing the support of Republicans for Democrat Hillary Clinton's failed presidential bid, the donor – Lynn Forester de Rothschild – disclosed in an email to John Podesta, The Daily Caller reported.
A spokesperson for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) confirmed that indeed, de Rothschild knows the head of the nonprofit, Arthur Brooks, but strongly denied that he helped...
 Militarized police injure 167 people at Dakota Pipeline using water cannons, flash bang grenades and tear gasBy J. D. Heyes, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) As protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) ramp up, police may be getting more militarized and aggressive in their attempts to disperse picketing crowds.
The Waking Times reports that some 167 people at the ongoing protests against the DAPL on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation were injured in recent days by militarized police who essentially assaulted a bridge occupied by peaceful demonstrators – a crowd that included men, women, children and older persons.
 Washington Post has gone 'full conspiracy,' claiming any other media that tells the truth is working for the KremlinBy J. D. Heyes, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) You have to believe that the managing editors at the Washington Post saved the tin foil from their Thanksgiving meal office party so they could issue it out as headgear for their reporting staff.
Because only tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy nuts posing as journalists would churn out the kind kooky theory the paper published over the holiday as a legitimate "news" story.
It seems like any independent media outlet that actually reports that truth – that would include ours...
 FTC orders homeopathy product manufacturers to claim their products don't workBy J. D. Heyes, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) Barack Obama's Left-wing federal bureaucracy continues to become more tyrannical, even as the man is on his way out the door – giving a good indication of just how tall an order it will be for President-elect Donald J. Trump to "drain the D.C. swamp" as he has pledged to do.
In recent days the Federal Trade Commission actually ordered all makers of homeopathic products to include labeling that states they don't actually work - an unbelievable requirement, considering there...
 Big Pharma and the government are suppressing marijuana's medicinal benefitsBy Vicki Batts, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) The cannabis plant's medicinal value is virtually unmatched by any modern medicine – even scientific evidence has shown us that. And yet, for some reason, the DEA continues to ignore the mountains of evidence that medical marijuana can, and does, help millions of people across the United States.
Take, for example, the 100 million-some-odd people in the U.S. who suffer with debilitating chronic pain. Many of those people have had no choice but to turn to opioid pain relievers...
 This simple ancient Japanese technique helps improve physical and mental healthBy L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) Our bodies communicate with us, but we're not always listening. Our bodies give us clues as to what is going on, but we don't always understand. Skin health, inflammation, heartbeat, mood changes and the presence of mucous, are a just a few indicators. Mindfulness is one way we can be present in the moment and become aware of our bodies and emotions. But mindfulness alone is sometimes not enough to prevent health problems from manifesting.
To prevent health problems, we must sincerely...
 The cat's claw plant has been recognized for its effects on cancer for almost 100 yearsBy L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) The race for the cure should head to the rainforest, where over 5 million healing substances already reside in nature, and where more natural medicines are being discovered every year. All the cancer fundraising money that goes into the pockets of Big Pharma CEOs, should be put in the hands of naturalist researchers who know where to look, what to look for and how to extract it.
The therapeutic effect of Una de Gato (cat's claw bark) for treating breast cancer, leukemia and lung...
 Simple tips to prepare a healthy meal - that keeps you feeling fullBy Isabelle Z., November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) Many people like the idea of eating a nutritious meal, but they complain that healthy food just does not fill them up the way that other foods do. While it's true that junk food, with its emphasis on carbs and fat, might take away your hunger, it can often leave you feeling sluggish or completely stuffed – not to mention what it does to your body! Thankfully, there is an easy formula to follow to make sure that you can eat a healthy meal that won't leave you rummaging through...
 Toxic heavy metal lead found at 700 times national limit in China's water supplyBy Julie Wilson staff writer, November 28 2016 (NaturalNews) Chinese officials discovered nightmarish levels of lead and mercury in Jixi, a northeastern city, last month. After testing underground water in Jixi's Liumao Village in Heilongjiang Province, researches found mercury levels nine times the national standard, reported China Central Television.
Cancer-causing lead levels were 700 times the national standard.
Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury are often found in Chinese food exports. The occurrence of heavy metals found...
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