Triclosan news, articles and information:
 | 11/18/2016 - The FDA's latest ruling on antibacterial soap has finally confirmed what many people have suspected for quite some time: They aren't any better at killing bacteria than conventional soap.
Many people choose to purchase soaps and body washes that bear the "antibacterial" claim, under the false belief...
 | 11/15/2016 - Triclosan has been a prized ingredient in Colgate toothpastes for a number of years now. While its use in antibacterial soaps has been banned by the FDA, somehow this chemical has managed to retain its approval for use in toothpaste.
According to the FDA, substantial and convincing evidence of triclosan's...
 | 9/8/2016 - The FDA has finally admitted what Natural News has been telling you for at least a decade: The ingredients found in antibacterial soaps are not only unsafe, they're also ineffective.
After studying the issue for several years, the FDA has stated that there is not enough evidence to prove that these...
 | 6/12/2016 - Cancer is everywhere these days, it seems, and much of it is attributable to our modern lives: It is found in the foods we eat, caused by the devices we use and is ever present in the air we breathe.
And now, it seems, it is even in our toothpaste – a brand you may be using without even knowing...
 | 2/27/2015 - Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal chemical that first came to market decades ago (some sources say the 1960s, others 1970s) as an ingredient in surgical scrubs and antibacterial soaps used exclusively in hospitals and other health care facilities. In time, triclosan was added to many products...
 | 12/11/2014 - The evidence continues to mount regarding the harmful health effects of triclosan, an antimicrobial agent found in many consumer care products, including toothpaste. Despite industry claims that the chemical is totally safe, the results of a new study performed by UC Davis scientists beg to differ.
 | 10/26/2014 - Lately, it seems that every supermarket has a hand-sanitizing station prominently displayed near the doors. In fact, the trend of using hand sanitizers has really ramped up in recent years, with more people carrying around their own personal-size versions of the stuff around with them.
And why not?...
 | 9/4/2014 5:20:54 PM - Have you ever stopped and wondered if many of your toiletries and body care products are necessary at all? Do you ever look at the ingredient labels of these products and wonder if these synthetic compounds were even meant to be put on human skin? Have you ever considered making your own body care products...
 | 8/21/2014 - If you use conventional toothpaste, you could be brushing your teeth with a chemical linked to endocrine disruption, cancer, infertility and a host of other health problems. A recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit has revealed that the Colgate-Palmolive Co. conspired with the U.S. Food and...
 | 8/20/2014 - Though its toxicity is well documented, the antibacterial, antifungal chemical triclosan is still being used as an active ingredient in Colgate Total toothpaste -- and has been for nearly two decades! Hidden pages of documents submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in the 1990s...
 | 6/5/2014 - An antibacterial chemical commonly used in conventional soaps and toothpastes has been banned from use in some products within the state of Minnesota, according to new reports. Governor Mark Dayton recently signed into a law a bill prohibiting the use of triclosan, a chemical agent linked to causing...
 | 5/3/2014 - Most people see them as a guarantee of safety against harmful pathogens, but the antibacterial chemicals commonly added to soaps, toothpastes and various other personal care products could be making you sick. A new study out of South Korea has found that the popular antibacterial additive, triclosan,...
 | 12/20/2013 - Soap, shampoo and personal care product manufacturers have been adding it to their consumer formulas for decades, even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it has never been proven safe or effective. But now the agency is proposing that triclosan, a common antibacterial chemical found...
 | 10/2/2013 - New highly resistant strains of bacteria are showing up in urban water sources and regional streams and rivers. These new bacteria strains are rendering new antibiotics practically useless.
New environmental studies from the Chicago metro-area are now reporting disturbing levels of powerful bacteria...
 | 5/27/2013 - Found in a variety of soaps, hand sanitizers, fabrics, toothpastes, mouthwashes and even tap water, researchers have discovered triclosan is far from harmless. Linked to heart failure and decline in muscle strength, the agent has come under scrutiny due to its widespread use in common household products....
 | 5/12/2013 - It is added to hundreds of consumer products ranging from hand soaps and body washes to toothpastes and even children's toys, but it has never received formal safety approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And even though the chemical industry claims that the antibacterial chemical...
 | 5/8/2013 - After more than 40 years of complete inaction in evaluating the potential side effects of the antibacterial chemical triclosan, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally getting around to conducting a review of this pervasive chemical additive, which is now found in more than 75 percent...
 | 4/9/2013 - A recent investigative report by NBC Dateline producer Andrea Canning has revealed some shocking new details about the pervasive nature of chemicals in both everyday consumer products and the general food supply. As relayed by, using conventional cleaning and sanitary products and...
 | 11/5/2012 - It can be easily identified as a stated ingredient in many conventional brands of hand soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and hand sanitizer, but a new report out of Europe reveals that the deadly antibacterial chemical triclosan is also now showing up in persistently high levels in lakes and waterways around...
 | 6/19/2012 - There are several chemicals used today in "antibacterial" personal care and hygiene products which are toxic to the human body. Perhaps the most toxic is one named triclosan. Triclosan is a controversial chemical linked to hormonal disruption and various types of cancer.
Its chemical structure is...
| 1/31/2011 - Antibacterial products containing Triclosan are found to put your health at risk and compromise the immune system's ability to defend itself. People who are most exposed to Triclosan are more prone to increased allergies, asthma and overall weakened immune defenses, cites a new study from the School...
 | 11/17/2010 - Using products with antimicrobial chemicals must be a great way to protect your health. After all, you're killing loads of germs while you wash your body and clean your house -- and that's a good thing, right? Not according to biologist and engineer Rolf Halden of the Biodesign Institute at Arizona...
| 7/1/2010 - The FDA is reevaluating the safety of a popular chemical additive called triclosan, based on recent studies that seem to indicate it causes endocrine disruption in the body and leads to the emergence of drug-resistant "super" bacteria.
Triclosan is commonly found in liquid antibacterial hand soaps...
 | 6/16/2010 - Dioxins are a group of highly toxic compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants. People are exposed to dioxins through the environment and the food chain -- the highest levels of these compounds are found in soils, sediments and food such as dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. And,...
 | 1/29/2008 - The FDA has sent an official warning letter to Procter and Gamble over the company's marketing of Vick's Early Defense Foaming Hand Sanitizer. The agency warned Procter and Gamble that its marketing claims for the hand sanitizer were "unlawful," because the FDA has not approved the product as either...
 | 10/29/2007 - A chemical called triclosan poses a health risk, as it is a toxic compound which can promote cancer. The most shocking thing is that triclosan is commonly found in everyday consumer goods such as antibacterial soaps, deodorants, body washes, creams, lotions, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, detergents,...
 | 3/15/2007 - Triclosan, widely used as an antibacterial ingredient in household hand sterilization products, breaks down rapidly when exposed to chlorinated water and produces toxic chemicals including chloroform, according to a study published on the Environmental Science & Technology research website As Soon As...
 | 2/13/2006 - For years, I have warned people of the danger of personal care products. If you look at the ingredients manufacturers put in their products -- soaps, deodorants, toothpastes and so on -- you will be horrified. These ingredients are highly toxic and cause cancer. They promote leukemia, nervous system...
Concept-related articles:The environment:Water:Wastewater:Health:Research:Environment:Organic:Products:Toxic:Environmental:Antimicrobial:Chemical:Researchers:Personal care products:FDA:Cosmetics:
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