The flu news, articles and information:
 | 10/10/2016 - Every year around fall, an army of pharmacists and physicians, backed-up by the government and media, goes on a mission to inoculate as many people as possible with the seasonal flu or influenza shot. While they claim that those who refuse the flu shot are putting their own health and that of others...
 | 8/9/2016 - A new study is raising even more concerns about the already questionable flu vaccine, while highlighting yet another reason obesity can be dangerous. The study, which was led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, found that obese mice did not gain extra influenza protection from vaccines that contain...
 | 5/5/2016 - We've all heard the horror stories of people suffering injury and even death from the flu shot. Now, to add insult to injury, the CDC has admitted that the flu shot does not prevent the flu in most cases. A statement taken directly from the CDC's website reads:
"While vaccine effectiveness can vary,...
 | 12/31/2015 - Nearly every person who lines up for the flu shot is given no information about the vaccine. If people were given the vaccine insert to read, for example, they'd learn that it's never been scientifically tested at all.
GlaxoSmithKline's FluLaval insert states that "there have been no controlled trials...
 | 11/22/2015 - It's no secret that the flu vaccine has the potential to destroy health and that despite such evidence, the vaccine industry continues to advocate getting one. After all, we're bombarded with flu shot messaging, from doctors who constantly urge us to get one to outdoor electronic advertisements that...
 | 5/28/2015 7:12:32 PM - The most common adverse reactions to the flu shot begin within 12 hours of vaccination and can last several days. These common symptoms include: fever, fatigue, painful joints, and headache. Serious reported complications to the flu shot include brain inflammation, convulsions, Bell's palsy, paralysis...
 | 5/21/2015 - Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage Syndrome (VIBDS) is the phenomenon of impaired cognitive function caused by the brain-damaging toxic additives found in vaccines. It mirrors the well-documented cognitive impairment caused by chemotherapy, known across the medical establishment as Post-Chemotherapy Cognitive...
 | 1/27/2015 - The flu shot is a fraud. But it's a fraud that's so deeply embedded in the delusional pro-vaccine culture of the pharma-controlled medical industry that even well-meaning doctors and pharmacists (who are otherwise very intelligent) fail to realize flu shots don't work. In fact, flu shot vaccine inserts...
 | 1/22/2015 - According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "the best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year." The CDC continues its 'educational campaign' by telling the public that "influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses." But, if you want to avoid...
 | 1/7/2015 - (Republished from The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation,...
 | 11/1/2014 - When it comes to infectious disease, the medical contradictions practiced by the U.S. government are nothing short of staggering. Consider the striking contradiction between the government's policy on unvaccinated schoolchildren vs. its policy on allowing possible Ebola carriers to travel freely among...
 | 10/3/2014 12:57:06 PM - As flu season approaches, the U.S. media have been filling up with stories claiming that the flu is far more dangerous than Ebola, and urging people to stop worrying about Ebola and just get flu shots instead. These stories have been repeating the common misinformation that the flu kills thousands or...
 | 2/10/2014 - By any definition, the flu is a virus that causes great misery to anyone who suffers from it. This is why health experts try to identify the strains that are most likely to be active during the upcoming flu season to add to the flu shots. Of course, just because a person gets a flu shot does not mean...
 | 1/28/2014 - Either the truth about vaccines is finally reaching the masses or Americans in general have simply lost trust in the government and the pharmaceutical industry, because this year many young Americans skipped the strongly pushed flu shot altogether. This act has hardly gone unnoticed, with numerous media...
 | 9/21/2013 - Every year around this time, the vaccine industry, through its vast network of corporate-government health agencies and mass media partners, begins drumming fear into the minds of the public about seasonal flu in order to drive as many people as possible to get vaccinated with a flu shot. And it seems...
| 6/18/2013 - If you control the use of words and numbers, you can make trillions of dollars, and you can hide scandals that would otherwise take you down into infamy and prison.
You can pretty much operate a whole sector of society and remain untouched.
Nowhere is this more clear than in the criminal work...
 | 5/27/2013 - The determination with which the mainstream scientific community continues to vindictively reject natural cures has reached a new point of absurdity, as researchers from Taiwan are now touting methamphetamine drugs as a potential new cure for influenza. Yes, you read that correctly. As it turns out,...
 | 3/10/2013 - Even with all its number-fudging and statistic-twisting, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was unable to make the case this year that flu shots are legitimately effective at preventing the flu. Finally admitting what we have been saying for years here at Natural News, the CDC...
 | 2/27/2013 - First of all, you should know that the flu vaccine is based on "educated" guessing, not good science. In addition, these flu shots are created by mixing various flu virus strains (toxic germs) with formaldehyde, MSG, sodium chloride and mercury. And, here's the kicker, these deadly vaccines are not...
 | 2/5/2013 - Every year around this time, health authorities and the media drum up mass hysteria about influenza for the purpose of scaring people into getting flu shots. Without flu shots, we are all repeatedly told, the public has a high risk of serious illness and even death. But as most NaturalNews readers already...
 | 2/2/2013 - The federal government has a nasty habit of hyping up the severity of the flu every year in order to scare as many people as possible into getting annual flu shots; and this year is no exception. Even though available scientific data fails to show that flu shots even work as promised, authorities are...
 | 1/31/2013 - The Food and Drug Administration approved a new flu shot in January 2013 called Flublok. With the CDC calling claiming the flu is "at an epidemic level, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises American to get the a flu shot." Flublok, made by Protein Sciences Corp., of Meriden,...
 | 1/25/2013 - Untold thousands of people from nearly all 50 U.S. states have continued to flood hospital emergency rooms in recent weeks due to widespread outbreaks of flu-like symptoms. And because many of these people have already been vaccinated for the flu this season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and...
 | 1/25/2013 - Vitamins can reduce the symptoms and duration of the flu and provide natural immunity from viral and bacterial infections. Research has shown that vitamins taken before a flu can build immunity and prevent the flu. Taken during the flu, vitamins can shorten the duration and also mitigate the symptoms...
 | 1/16/2013 - Natural remedies for the flu, such as vitamins, herbs and homeopathy, can treat and prevent the flu and norovirus. Flu viruses have acquired a "high level of resistance" to the flu vaccine, other remedies and preventive treatments for this year's flu season are advised. Previously, the Centers for Disease...
 | 1/15/2013 - Even during a flu epidemic, there's no reason to fear becoming sick if you have the following home remedies on hand. Some act to protect you ahead of time before even getting sick, while others help you to recover after contracting the illness.
Remedies for preventing the flu
· Colloidal Silver...
 | 1/13/2013 - A versatile herb, black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been known throughout the ages as a potent immune booster -- tackling colds and influenza, heart disease and even cancer. Used for centuries as a folk remedy in North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa, modern science has begun to take notice...
 | 11/14/2012 - As temperatures begin to drop in November, the numbers of colds and flus spike. As many as one billion people worldwide report colds and 95 million people come down with the flu in the United States during the worst seasons. These bugs cause people to miss work and lower the immune system, making them...
 | 9/10/2012 - Time and time again, as an investigative reporter, I've had the job of informing readers that their most basic assumptions are wrong.
In the medical arena, this is compounded by public acceptance of lies that seem to be absolute science. However, the "science" turns out to be manufactured delusion....
 | 12/20/2011 - Vaccines are so effective at halting disease that they confer total immunity, say vaccine advocates. "Take a flu shot and you won't get the flu!" Both flu shots and MMR vaccines are so safe and effective that everybody should be forced to take them, they insist.
And why? Because they claim all those...
| 11/15/2011 - We now know the real reason why children hospitalized with swine flu have been at risk for dying. It is not because of the swine flu virus itself! Most of them contracted methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections that they passively harbored in their nasal passages before contracting...
 | 10/27/2011 - A new scientific study published in The Lancet reveals that influenza vaccines only prevent influenza in 1.5 out of every 100 adults who are injected with the flu vaccine. Yet, predictably, this report is being touted by the quack science community, the vaccine-pushing CDC and the scientifically-inept...
 | 5/29/2011 - I'm always amused by the purchasing process of electronics or appliances at big box stores. On one hand, as their sales associate calmly explains to you, whatever product you're buying is such high quality that you'll be extremely satisfied with your purchase. But on the other hand, it's also such a...
| 2/28/2011 - Vitamin D prevents flu. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent hair loss, reduce back pain, grow bones, prevent osteoporosis, and even prevent dozens of types of cancer. Vitamin D has been called the "antibiotic vitamin" by the journal, Science News, because of its recognized ability to build immunity....
 | 1/18/2011 - Like a medical house of cards in an earthquake, the seasonal flu vaccine mythology is collapsing right before our eyes. After months of urging everyone to get vaccinated (and blaming non-vaccinated people for skipping out on their "public health obligation"), UK health authorities announced last week...
 | 1/14/2011 - A 68-year-old UK grandmother named Eleanor Carruthers has died from the swine flu. Importantly, she was given the swine flu vaccine shot several months ago and was told the shot would offer her absolute protection from the flu.
Her daughter, Carole, was quoted in a Dailymail article saying, "'What...
 | 12/27/2010 - A swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain despite the fact that 70 percent of Britain's over-65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year. This year, that number is nearly the same -- 68.5% -- but flu vaccine proponents insist that until everyone is vaccinated, the flu will continue...
 | 12/20/2010 - In an independent review published in a peer-reviewed medical journal (see below), a popular herbal immune supplement called "ImmunoFlu Remedy" was found to fraudulently marketed as a "flu prevention supplement." Its makers claim that if you take the supplement, you won't get the flu and won't miss...
| 12/19/2010 - It`s flu season again. During this time of year, flu shots and over the counter drugs seem to be lurking around every corner. However, many are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with relying on Big Pharma for their flu prevention and treatment needs. Fortunately, research continues to demonstrate...
| 11/20/2009 - "If a doctor treats your flu, it will go away in fourteen days. If you leave it alone, it will go away in two weeks," said Gloria Silverstein. Drinking water, washing your hands, and getting enough sleep are important, but the most effective thing you can do to prevent any sort of flu is to boost your...
| 11/19/2009 - This article has been removed
| 10/22/2009 - The FTC and FDA are terrorizing Dr. Andrew Weil over his true statements about the immune-boosting properties of astragalus. According to the FDA, astragalus has no antiviral or antibacterial properties whatsoever and is of absolutely no use in the human body. Sound bizarre?
I thought so too. That's...
| 10/21/2009 - Evidence to date suggests that the H1N1 flu is not a major threat, and there is little evidence that flu vaccines are effective in preventing the flu, so says Tom Jefferson, MD, arguably the world's leading expert on influenza vaccines.
Dr. Jefferson has authored 10 reviews of research on the influenza...
| 10/16/2009 - Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by "good science," they've been "proven effective" and they're "perfectly safe."
Oh really? Where's all that good science? As it turns out, there's isn't...
 | 10/14/2009 - Prepare to have your world rocked. What you're about to read here will leave you astonished, inspired and outraged all at the same time. You're about to be treated to some little-known information demonstrating why seasonal flu vaccines are utterly worthless and why their continued promotion is based...
| 5/15/2009 - In the midst of this current Swine Flu pandemic, many are wondering what they can do other than wash their hands and avoid contact with other people, as the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organizations both advise. In the past, Americans have been advised to get flu shots but no flu...
| 5/15/2009 - Homeopathy has been very successful in treating the symptoms of flu and the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009 has been no exception. Homeopaths gather symptoms from a large population and discern what is called a "genus epidemicus". The genus is the remedy, or group of remedies, with the symptoms of most people...
| 5/1/2009 - When observing the swine flu outbreak happening today, it's helpful to have some historical context. Viral pandemics are not unusual, and talking about one isn't "alarmist." Pandemics are a regular feature of life on earth, and they occur with surprising regularity throughout world history.
| 4/29/2009 - There are no known cures for the common flu but many natural flu remedies can ease the symptoms. From herbal remedies to homeopathy, natural remedies can provides relief. Vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, and some common foods can all help heal. With the late flu season in 2009, and the occurrence of the...
| 3/3/2009 - Following the breaking news today that Baxter International, Inc. (a U.S. drug company) shipped live avian influenza in vaccine materials distributed to 18 countries, it's worth reviewing a bit of history about the 1918 influenza pandemic.
This provides a picture of what might have happened if the...
| 12/19/2008 - There is a host of conclusive studies indicating something as simple as reducing stress could save you from a nasty cold or debilitating flu this season. We all know about recommendations to wash our hands often, get enough sleep and drink fluids, but, Dr.Sheldon Cohen, PhD, a leading expert on stress...
| 12/2/2008 - The flu season is upon us and you may be wondering whether or not you should get vaccinated. Recent evidence would suggest that flu shots aren′t very effective, especially for those most at risk - the elderly. These are the people most likely to come down with the flu, followed by complications...
 | 11/5/2008 - If you assume health news reports from the mainstream media are accurate, you may believe it takes a yearly influenza vaccine shot to avoid the misery of coming down with the flu. You may also think flu shots are effective. The truth is, even the flu shot-promoting Centers for Disease Control (CDC)...
 | 10/27/2008 - Every year it is recommended that people get a flu shot to avoid spending time feeling horrendously bad over the winter. Elderly people are especially warned that without a flu shot, their health could be in serious jeopardy. In recent years, this warning has been extended to children, and more recently...
 | 4/23/2008 - Are you worried about the possible outbreak of the Avian Flu among humans? Perhaps you should be! I hope that all of the publicity about the Bird Flu proves to be a false alarm, as well as the theories that it may be a deliberately engineered flu, but I have to tell you that from what I have learned...
 | 11/20/2007 - Flu shots remain a subject of intense controversy. Vaccinations of all types remain the centerpiece of the public health herd-mentality paradigm. Just wait until the Avian flu comes, then you will see public health at its finest. Yes, there will be police-state forced vaccinations with experimental...
 | 11/9/2007 - I received my doctor’s annual reminder in the mail today: “Get Your Flu Shot!” I never have before, so why should I this year? You’d think he’d have given up on me by now. Furthermore, the medical community insists that to be a "good mother", I must give the flu vaccine...
| 10/17/2006 - Scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a microchip-based test that may allow more labs to diagnose influenza infections and learn more about the viruses causing illness. The FluChip successfully distinguished among...
 | 5/9/2006 - If a bird flu pandemic strikes the nations of the world, there is going to be a great deal of pressure put on the medical community to provide solutions, yet the conventional medical system is going to fail. It's going to implode because it will have no answers. There is no antibiotic that kills influenza....
 | 3/7/2006 - Couple the recent media predictions of a pandemic-proportion flu season with talk of more vaccination shortages, and the spread of panic isn’t far behind. However, the flu does not have to be inevitable for you or your family and can be avoided naturally by strengthening your immune system.
 | 3/7/2006 - Couple the recent media predictions of a pandemic-proportion flu season with talk of more vaccination shortages, and the spread of panic isn’t far behind. However, the flu does not have to be inevitable for you or your family and can be avoided naturally by strengthening your immune system.
| See all 129 the flu feature articles.Concept-related articles:Vaccines:The FDA:FDA:Flu vaccines:Flu vaccine:Flu season:Paper:Flu:Vaccine:Report:Problems:British:Pharmacy:Shortage:Kansas:Pharmaceuticals:
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