Swine flu vaccine news, articles and information:
 | 4/20/2015 - The swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 children across Europe, and the UK government has now agreed to pay $90 million in compensation to those victims as part of a vaccine injury settlement.
This is the same swine flu vaccine that the entire mainstream media ridiculously insists...
 | 1/27/2014 - A team of Swedish clinicians have clinically linked a 2009 swine flu vaccine to increased risk of narcolepsy in young adults, and a group of Danish researchers now understand how and why.
Pandemrix, an influenza vaccine unleashed in 2009, was widely administered to combat H1N1, or swine flu, in multiple...
 | 1/9/2014 - The family of a 15-year-old Australian girl is seeking answers after their daughter developed a severe sleeping disorder following vaccination with Pandemrix, the infamous "swine flu" shot pushed during the 2009 "pandemic." Australia's News.com.au reports that Chloe Glasson now falls asleep suddenly...
 | 10/8/2011 - The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children...
| 2/13/2011 - The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently investigating reports from 12 different countries claiming that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination is responsible for causing narcolepsy, a disorder involving extreme chronic fatigue and the tendency to fall asleep suddenly and without warning. One of the...
 | 11/12/2009 - A teenage Virginia athlete is in a wheel chair now after suffering Guillain-Barre Syndrome within hours after receiving an H1N1 swine flu vaccine shot. 14-year-old Jordan McFarland developed severe headaches, muscle spasms and weakness in his legs after being injected. He will need "extensive physical...
 | 11/4/2009 - A six-year-old Brooklyn girl, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, was hospitalized recently after being injected with the swine flu vaccine. The vaccination was conducted entirely without her parents' permission in an incident school nurses are calling "a mistake."
Mother Naomi Troy told the NY Daily News, "I...
 | 10/23/2009 - New York State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines announced today that public health workers will no longer be required to receive swine flu vaccinations. The state had been sued by the Public Employees Federation to stop the vaccine mandate, and a state judge had granted the group a temporary restraining...
| 10/21/2009 - Swine flu vaccine zealots are like zombies... they just keep coming at you, mindless... heartless... empty-headed and a tad funky on the smell, too. But I've noticed from observing the behavior of a few such zealots that not all of them fully comprehend precisely how to act like a mindless vaccine zealot....
| 10/16/2009 - Amid growing discontent among New York health care workers who are being forced to receive swine flu vaccine injections, the Public Employees Federation sued in state court to halt the mandate. Friday, a state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order granting a temporary halt to the mandate until...
| 10/12/2009 - Public support for the swine flu vaccine is evaporating by the day as the rationale for the vaccine appears increasingly ludicrous to anyone paying attention. Moms, nurses, day care workers and members of the general public are increasingly realizing that Big Pharma's rationale for swine flu vaccination...
 | 10/6/2009 - As the swine flu vaccination campaigns begin sweeping across America, NaturalNews has created a new website where victims of swine flu vaccine side effects can post their true stories about what happened to them or their children. The website is www.SwineFluVaccineReport.com and it was created by NaturalNews...
| 9/28/2009 - Concerns about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine continue to grow as the government rushes to bring the vaccine to market. The FDA usually requires rigorous testing of any new drug, but concerns about the H1N1 pandemic has sped the vaccine through the channels without the same clinical testing as other...
| 9/20/2009 - I admit, the thought of being injected with a chemical cocktail made by a pharmaceutical company and approved by the FDA with virtually no safety testing is somewhat tempting. Who wouldn't want the thrill and rush of being part of a grand pharmaceutical experiment, anyway?
On second thought, it may...
| 8/25/2009 - We've just launched the latest song and music video in the Beyond All Reason album. It's an anti-vaccine song entitled Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song), and it's already making waves on YouTube and peer-to-peer file sharing networks. You can hear the song and watch the music video at this...
| 8/17/2009 - A warning letter about the swine flu vaccine was leaked to the DailyMail over the weekend. Written by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the Health Protection Agency's Immunization Department, it warns neurologists that the influenza vaccine of 1976 was linked to a devastating neurological condition...
 | 7/28/2009 - She was deathly afraid of the flu.
So she asked her doc what she should do.
He jabbed her unseen
With a swine flu vaccine
Blurting, "Darling, I haven't a clue."
- by the Health Ranger
Let's not beat around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now being prepared for mass...
Concept-related articles:Modern medicine:Public health:Vaccines:Immune system:Vitamin D:Drug companies:Doctors:Big Pharma:Anti-viral:Flu vaccines:Influenza:Flu vaccine:SAMe:Vaccination:Viruses:NaturalNews:
Concepts related to Swine flu vaccine
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