Swine flu news, articles and information:
 | 3/24/2016 - A great philosopher once said: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Those words are worth keeping in mind as the media barrages us with yet another round of swine flu panic.
The swine flu "outbreak" of 2009, which many now consider to have been little more than a hoax,...
 | 3/7/2016 - "Imagine this. The public is told a new disease is sweeping the world, threatening the global population with suffering and death. Millions and millions of words are spewed, detailing and reinforcing the threat. Every day, official reports are issued, blaring the new numbers of cases. Researchers are...
 | 10/19/2015 - As advocates for mandatory vaccination spread propaganda across the United States, the British government is dealing with the fallout of a faulty swine flu vaccine that has caused numerous cases of brain damage in children.
As reported by the International Business Times, the UK government is financially...
 | 10/18/2015 - A closer look at the overall infection and death rate from confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza during the 2009–2010 "pandemic," as declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), has revealed that the widely administered vaccine for swine flu is far more deadly than the disease itself. As it turns...
 | 7/21/2015 - Since the swine flu panic that was widespread in 2009, prompting more than 60 million people to get vaccinated against it, countless amounts of individuals - predominantly children - have developed a range of health conditions. Mainly, brain damage has been the issue; everything from sleep disturbances...
 | 4/20/2015 - The swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 children across Europe, and the UK government has now agreed to pay $90 million in compensation to those victims as part of a vaccine injury settlement.
This is the same swine flu vaccine that the entire mainstream media ridiculously insists...
 | 2/22/2015 - "The complete failure of this year's flu vaccine, even by conventional standards, is a major scandal at the CDC. To distract the press and public, we now have a fake epidemic of measles, and pressure to take the vaccine, take all vaccines all the time. This is called a psyop. Psyops build fake realities."...
 | 7/18/2014 - Governments have a tendency to use a crisis or a series of escalations as an opportunity to expand control and pass sweeping new laws. When the masses become frightened, insecure or frustrated, they become more willing to give up their rights, privacy and liberties for "government security."
 | 1/27/2014 - A team of Swedish clinicians have clinically linked a 2009 swine flu vaccine to increased risk of narcolepsy in young adults, and a group of Danish researchers now understand how and why.
Pandemrix, an influenza vaccine unleashed in 2009, was widely administered to combat H1N1, or swine flu, in multiple...
 | 1/9/2014 - The family of a 15-year-old Australian girl is seeking answers after their daughter developed a severe sleeping disorder following vaccination with Pandemrix, the infamous "swine flu" shot pushed during the 2009 "pandemic." Australia's News.com.au reports that Chloe Glasson now falls asleep suddenly...
 | 4/10/2013 - Australian researchers are warning that a new type of drug-resistant swine flu virus is already circulating through the general population at large, and is threatening to explode into an incurable global pandemic if new drugs are not developed to kill it.
But is that hype - scare tactics designed...
 | 3/20/2013 - The federal government has once again been exposed for lying about the safety of the infamous swine flu vaccine, also known as H1N1. According to a new study published in the journal The Lancet, people who received the swine flu vaccine during the 2009-2010 pandemic hoax were at an elevated risk of...
 | 2/5/2013 - Year after year there continues to be fear mongering over some select pandemic that has the potential for life threatening symptoms and the possibility of death. These recurrent scare tactics paired with media hype cause many people to do whatever they can to protect themselves from the dreaded illness....
 | 6/27/2012 - In my years as an investigative medical reporter, I've developed a rule of thumb when dealing with the US Centers for Disease Control:
If they're not lying, they're lying.
I've found this guideline works out well. It's almost magic.
For example, at the so-called height of the Swine Flu epidemic,...
 | 6/27/2012 - Until a couple of days ago, the CDC had claimed that the swine flu pandemic of 2009 killed roughly 18,500 people. That's been the "official" number for the last three years. But suddenly, in a burst of revisionist inspiration, the CDC has retroactive altered medical history and announced that as many...
 | 3/29/2012 4:58:07 PM - The long-term health damage caused by the great H1N1 swine flu scam "pandemic" of 2009 -- and particularly the mass vaccination campaign that accompanied it -- is already becoming apparent in the form of an autoimmune disorder. A new review published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE confirms...
 | 10/24/2011 - Back in September, officials from the National Narcolepsy Task Force in Finland determined that Pandemrix, an H1N1 / swine flu vaccine developed by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), is responsible for causing narcolepsy in certain individuals, and particularly in children. In response, the Finnish government...
 | 10/8/2011 - The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children...
| 2/13/2011 - The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently investigating reports from 12 different countries claiming that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination is responsible for causing narcolepsy, a disorder involving extreme chronic fatigue and the tendency to fall asleep suddenly and without warning. One of the...
| 1/24/2011 - U.K. researchers have made an interesting discovery concerning swine flu. According to their report, which was published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, people who have had the H1N1 influenza virus and recovered now have a type of "super immunity" that is able to fend off many different flu...
| 1/20/2011 - Flu shots have become a product similar to soft drinks or candy bars in the United States. With your local pharmacy advertising flu shots on television and boasting bargain prices, flu shots have become embedded into the mind of the consumer as just another purchase. A purchase that at one time they...
 | 1/14/2011 - A 68-year-old UK grandmother named Eleanor Carruthers has died from the swine flu. Importantly, she was given the swine flu vaccine shot several months ago and was told the shot would offer her absolute protection from the flu.
Her daughter, Carole, was quoted in a Dailymail article saying, "'What...
 | 12/27/2010 - A swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain despite the fact that 70 percent of Britain's over-65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year. This year, that number is nearly the same -- 68.5% -- but flu vaccine proponents insist that until everyone is vaccinated, the flu will continue...
| 11/3/2010 - Despite extensive denial, The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recently issued a new statement linking the swine flu vaccine with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a deadly nerve disease that may lead to partial paralysis and death. The news comes after...
| 10/24/2010 - The great Swine Flu hoax marches on, once again putting our elderly and other vulnerable people at unnecessary risk for the sake of greed and profits. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the end of the H1N1 pandemic-that-never-was, the untested H1N1 swine flu vaccine is...
| 9/15/2010 - It was recently announced that as much as 43% of the U.S. swine flu vaccine supply would ultimately go unused and be destroyed. Apparently, the stance then taken by the major drug companies and the World Health Organization was to incinerate quantities of the vaccine and/or dump as much of the H1N1...
| 7/2/2010 - A remarkable article was published today by authors Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com). It may be the most shocking (and important) public health article published in the last two years. If you read just one health article this entire...
| 5/26/2010 - A former family practitioner in Canada says she cured herself of the H1N1 swine flu by taking supplements of vitamin D and elderberries.
Dr. Gillian Arsenault, now a public health employee, said that she had a prescription for antiviral drugs on hand when she became infected with swine flu, but never...
| 3/4/2010 - The UK Government has announced that, as of February 11, the National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) is to be shut down, following a `steady decline` in the number of cases of swine flu. This has been taken by many to signal the end of the swine flu scare in the UK, and it is hoped that the incessant promotion...
| 1/20/2010 - The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore, and the entire fear-based campaign to promote the vaccines has now been exposed as outright...
| 1/17/2010 - The CDC is engaged in a very clever, statistically devious spin campaign, and nearly every journalist in the mainstream media has fallen for its ploy. No one has yet reported what I'm about to reveal here.
It all started with the CDC's recent release of new statistics about swine flu fatalities,...
| 1/1/2010 - 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that Congress rammed through a mandatory health "reform" bill that violates the U.S. Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services from greedy corporations. Although it hasn't been signed into...
| 12/21/2009 - An international team of researchers, headed by Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health, released a preliminary report that suggests a milder "pandemic" than the early reports in Mexico were made out to be. The 4% death rate attributed to H1N1 in March and April was found to have been a...
 | 12/18/2009 - All of a sudden, H1N1 vaccines are available all across America. Walgreens and other pharmacies are pushing the vaccines as if there were an "everything must go" liquidation sale under way. Hurry, get your swine flu vaccine today before everybody figures out they're useless!
The marketability of...
| 12/17/2009 - This week, Britain's Health Protection Agency (HPA) revealed that only one in five people who were diagnosed with swine flu actually had the disease and that four fifths were instructed to take Tamiflu unnecessarily.
The Government agency reported that around one million packets of Tamiflu have been...
 | 11/20/2009 - The CDC now reports that nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by H1N1 swine flu. This number is supposed to sound big and scary, motivating millions of people to go out and pay good money to be injected with untested, unproven H1N1 vaccines. But let's put the number in perspective: Did you know that...
| 11/19/2009 - There has been a flurry of contradictory swine flu events reported here and from Ukraine this early fall. These coincided with a CBS news program releasing information that very few reported swine cases actually tested positive for H1N1. CBS's state by state survey discovered that less than 5 percent...
| 11/12/2009 - In July 2009, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) ceased tracking individual cases of H1N1 Swine flu, CBS News has reported. The CDC advised states to stop testing for the virus in the middle of an international pandemic. Their reasoning was that there was no need for confirmation...
| 11/5/2009 - The pork industry desperately wants you to believe "the Big Lie" about swine flu: That it can't infect pigs, and therefore it's perfectly safe to buy and eat lots and lots of pork products.
It's a merry little tale, and it would be a nice little piece of information to pass along if only it were...
| 11/5/2009 - It sounds good at first: When employers send sick workers home so they don't spread swine flu around the work environment, they must still pay those workers for the full day's work. The idea behind this bill is that many workers can't afford being sent home without pay, and therefore the employer must...
 | 11/4/2009 - A six-year-old Brooklyn girl, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, was hospitalized recently after being injected with the swine flu vaccine. The vaccination was conducted entirely without her parents' permission in an incident school nurses are calling "a mistake."
Mother Naomi Troy told the NY Daily News, "I...
 | 11/4/2009 - After reading about the forced vaccination of a Brooklyn schoolgirl who ended up in the hospital, many parents are concerned about how they might protect their own children from school-based vaccination schemes.
To help parents protect their children, I've written a letter that you may copy, modify...
 | 11/3/2009 - The news is out: Vitamin D is better than the swine flu vaccine at halting H1N1 infections. In fact, without vitamin D, chances are that a vaccine won't generate much of an immune response in the first place.
That's because vitamin D is essential for healthy, active immune function. That's just one...
| 10/30/2009 - This article is part five in a six-part series. Be sure to read part four at https://www.naturalnews.com/027336_swine_flu_health_propaganda.html
In the video commentary titled, Mild Swine Flu & Over-Hyped Vaccine, on the website for the National Vaccine Information Center, the group's co-founder and...
| 10/28/2009 - Swine flu infections have peaked out in the USA, even before drug companies could get their vaccines injected into everyone. According to CDC findings announced recently in Atlanta, one in five U.S. children have already experienced the flu this month, and most of those were likely H1N1 swine flu cases,...
| 10/27/2009 - This article is part four in a six-part series. Be sure to read part three at https://www.naturalnews.com/027310_swine_flu_health_Tamiflu.html
Those in control of the mainstream media have joined together with public health officials to provide the pharmaceutical industry with the best swine flu promotional...
| 10/24/2009 - With the swine flu pandemic upon us, the FDA is warning people to beware of swine flu scams on the internet. NaturalNews is joining in the warnings today, urging people to beware of scams that cost big money but simply don't work to prevent H1N1 swine flu.
For example, both the FDA and CDC are pushing...
| 10/24/2009 - According to the CDC, swine flu infections have already peaked, and the pandemic is on its way out. Peak infection time was the middle of October, where one in five U.S. children experienced the flu, says the CDC. Out of nearly 14,000 suspected flu cases tested during the week ending on October 10,...
| 10/23/2009 - This article is part three in a six-part series. Be sure to read part two at https://www.naturalnews.com/027301_swine_flu_influenza_pandemic.html
Public health officials now say they have quit keeping tabs on swine flu deaths because it is too difficult. A more likely explanation is that fear mongering...
 | 10/23/2009 - New York State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines announced today that public health workers will no longer be required to receive swine flu vaccinations. The state had been sued by the Public Employees Federation to stop the vaccine mandate, and a state judge had granted the group a temporary restraining...
| 10/22/2009 - This article is part two in a six-part series. Be sure to read part one at https://www.naturalnews.com/027294_swine_flu_vaccines_H1N1.html
Back on May 9, 2009, Robin Robinson, a director at the Department of Health and Human Services who oversees pandemic responses, told the Washington Post that even...
 | 10/21/2009 - The pharmaceutical industry, with public health officials and the mainstream media acting as a mass marketing team, is about to pull off the biggest profiteering scheme in the history of the world. The swine flu hoax, perpetrated on a global level, will generate unheard of profits from a non-existent...
| 10/21/2009 - Swine flu vaccine zealots are like zombies... they just keep coming at you, mindless... heartless... empty-headed and a tad funky on the smell, too. But I've noticed from observing the behavior of a few such zealots that not all of them fully comprehend precisely how to act like a mindless vaccine zealot....
| 10/16/2009 - Amid growing discontent among New York health care workers who are being forced to receive swine flu vaccine injections, the Public Employees Federation sued in state court to halt the mandate. Friday, a state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order granting a temporary halt to the mandate until...
| 10/12/2009 - Public support for the swine flu vaccine is evaporating by the day as the rationale for the vaccine appears increasingly ludicrous to anyone paying attention. Moms, nurses, day care workers and members of the general public are increasingly realizing that Big Pharma's rationale for swine flu vaccination...
| 10/9/2009 - Health freedom attorney Jim Turner is filing a lawsuit in Washington D.C. mid-day Friday in an urgent effort to halt the distribution of the swine flu vaccine in America. On behalf of plaintiffs Dr. Gary Null and other licensed health care workers of New York State, the lawsuit charges that the FDA...
 | 10/6/2009 - As the swine flu vaccination campaigns begin sweeping across America, NaturalNews has created a new website where victims of swine flu vaccine side effects can post their true stories about what happened to them or their children. The website is www.SwineFluVaccineReport.com and it was created by NaturalNews...
| 9/28/2009 - Concerns about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine continue to grow as the government rushes to bring the vaccine to market. The FDA usually requires rigorous testing of any new drug, but concerns about the H1N1 pandemic has sped the vaccine through the channels without the same clinical testing as other...
| 9/26/2009 - Living in Ecuador, I've overheard many discussions about the swine flu pandemic and its possible impact on Ecuador, South America and Central America. This article offers an analysis of likely scenarios based on what has been observed so far with the behavior of the swine flu around the world.
| 9/24/2009 - Here's the scene from some dark, present-day action movie: David Balfour breathed hard. He could hear the thumping of heavy boots outside his door, down the hall, mixed with the muffled grunts of military men. He had known they would come. It was obvious from the moment he refused the VaxTrax bracelet...
| 9/21/2009 - A UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could "kill millions" of people in poor nations and cause a total breakdown of society unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 billion to pay for pandemic vaccines and anti-viral drugs. It warns that the fragile economies of developing nations...
| 9/20/2009 - I admit, the thought of being injected with a chemical cocktail made by a pharmaceutical company and approved by the FDA with virtually no safety testing is somewhat tempting. Who wouldn't want the thrill and rush of being part of a grand pharmaceutical experiment, anyway?
On second thought, it may...
| 9/18/2009 - The mainstream media is engaged in what we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu. It seems to be true with this issue more than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a colleague of mine -- a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -- told me their column on natural defenses...
 | 9/16/2009 - The FDA has now suddenly granted approval to four different H1N1 vaccines, all on the same day! With virtually no testing, these fast-tracked vaccines are now approved for use on everyone: Infants, children, adults, senior citizens and even expectant mothers. But does everyone really need these vaccines?
| 9/1/2009 - Here's a seventh grade word problem for you: If swine flu has infected one million people and killed 500, how many people might be expected to die if it infects 150 million people (assuming no major changes in the virus)? The correct answer, of course, is 75,000 people, and that's within the range of...
| 9/1/2009 - Is it a stretch to speculate that the coming swine flu vaccinations will be the actual trigger for the mother of all flu pandemics? Could we have a chain reaction that would be falsely attributed as part of the swine flu pandemic, justifying more forced vaccinations? Using live attenuated viruses from...
| 8/26/2009 - It's emblazoned across the front page of USA Today, just underneath a subhead declaring Michael Jackson was, indeed, killed by a drug overdose: "Flu could infect half of USA." The article goes on to describe the predicted number of deaths expected in the U.S. (30,000 - 90,000 Americans) as well as the...
| 8/25/2009 - We've just launched the latest song and music video in the Beyond All Reason album. It's an anti-vaccine song entitled Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song), and it's already making waves on YouTube and peer-to-peer file sharing networks. You can hear the song and watch the music video at this...
| 8/17/2009 - A warning letter about the swine flu vaccine was leaked to the DailyMail over the weekend. Written by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the Health Protection Agency's Immunization Department, it warns neurologists that the influenza vaccine of 1976 was linked to a devastating neurological condition...
| 8/14/2009 - Homeopathy had an amazingly high cure rate in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in the USA. Just recently, during the 2009 Mexican Flu outbreak, a small group of Mexico City homeopathic doctors have revealed that homeopathy is up to the task again. This is good news considering that many over the counter...
| 8/13/2009 - When it comes to swine flu, the public predictions are all over the map: On one hand, governments don't want you to be so worried that you start to panic and stay home from work, but they want you to be worried enough to submit to a vaccine injection.
Beyond the vaccine propaganda and the WHO's agenda...
| 8/5/2009 - To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. "They're good for you!" say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what's in those vaccines. There's a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves to be injected...
| 7/31/2009 - Dark clouds are forming as we are approached by a perfect disease storm, scheduled to begin by the end of this year 2009. A perfect storm is defined essentially as the simultaneous occurrence, or confluence, of two or more weather conditions that create a storm worse than any one of those conditions...
 | 7/28/2009 - She was deathly afraid of the flu.
So she asked her doc what she should do.
He jabbed her unseen
With a swine flu vaccine
Blurting, "Darling, I haven't a clue."
- by the Health Ranger
Let's not beat around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now being prepared for mass...
| 7/13/2009 - Two shocking bits of news about the H1N1 swine flu virus emerged this week. The first is that the widely-circulating swine flu virus may be a lot more dangerous than people have so far been told: It appears to resemble the 1918 pandemic virus in the fact that it is capable of embedding itself deep in...
| 7/12/2009 - The fact that nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults are clinically obese is worrisome for a whole new reason: Evidence emerging from a hospital in Michigan (and published by the CDC) appears to indicate that obese patients may be very easily killed by swine flu.
In the Centers for Disease Control and...
| 7/12/2009 - There has been a recent groundswell of warnings and bad omens about the dangers of vaccinations, man-made flu pandemics, and the enforced vaccinations. Not mentioned much on CNN or your daily newspapers or favorite magazines, but disclosed consistently through alternative, independent media and publications...
| 7/10/2009 - The U.S. government is about to unleash a sweeping new vaccination program that claims to protect people from swine flu. The vaccines, which are of course completely useless against any mutated strain of the H1N1 influenza virus, are nevertheless quite useful at suppressing the immune function of those...
| 6/24/2009 - As the anticipated July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health...
| 6/5/2009 - In an influenza pandemic, there are five things that can greatly increase your risk of death. A recent NaturalNews special report (https://www.naturalnews.com/RR-FiveBestAnti-ViralProducts.html) reveals these five dangerous things alongside the five most powerful anti-viral natural remedies. Today, we...
| 6/3/2009 - The Health Ranger, a proponent of nutritional education for the public, has overcome the censorship efforts of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and published a free, non-commercial guide that reveals five powerful anti-viral remedies that can help protect people from influenza pandemics.
| 5/18/2009 - H1N1 influenza (swine flu) has spread beyond the ability of the CDC to track it, leading one of its health authorities (Daniel Jernigan) to admit that 100,000 Americans are likely already infected by the swine flu.
The CDC has only "confirmed" 4,714 cases of the flu so far, but by its own admission,...
| 5/15/2009 - Homeopathy has been very successful in treating the symptoms of flu and the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009 has been no exception. Homeopaths gather symptoms from a large population and discern what is called a "genus epidemicus". The genus is the remedy, or group of remedies, with the symptoms of most people...
| 5/7/2009 - I'm writing you from a quaint, colorful hotel in Quito, Ecuador, where I arrived today. Venturing through airports in the midst of an influenza outbreak was quite interesting, and I thought I'd pass along the experience to NaturalNews readers so that you know what's happening right now in the airports...
| 5/6/2009 - The natural products industry leaders are engaged in a clever "disinfo" campaign to brainwash people into thinking that herbs and nutritional products are useless for defending against swine flu. Today, the Natural Products Association (NPA), Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the American...
| 5/5/2009 - N-95 respirator masks are the newest hot selling item for "flu preparedness", but do they work? Yes. And No. N-95 respirator masks were designed to protect healthcare workers from `airborne` illnesses such as tuberculosis, chicken pox and the flu. They DO work under tightly controlled circumstances,...
| 5/4/2009 - Three young women from Ontario's town of Port Perry who returned from a trip to Cancun, Mexico, in late April have potentially exposed hundreds of people to swine flu after being released from Lakeridge Health's Port Perry hospital and told they were "fine". The three Ontario residents, Canada's first...
| 4/30/2009 - Read just about any news report on swine flu deaths, and you'll come across a line that claims "36,000 people die each year from flu-related causes." It sounds authoritative. It's even a nice, round number. But where is this number coming from? And is it based on any actual science?
This statistic...
| 4/29/2009 - When it comes to infectious disease, preparedness is good. But ill-informed preparedness is a waste of time and resources, and there's a lot of ill-informed preparedness going on right now with the swine flu.
Case in point: All those people buying N95 masks (respirators).
They think wearing a...
| 4/29/2009 - Last week, when what is now called a "swine flu" was first reported to be infecting and killing some people in Mexico, health officials noted it was a strain of flu never before seen. In fact, it is technically incorrect to call this simply a "swine" flu. Analyses showed it's a mixture of swine, human...
| 4/28/2009 - A case of swine flu was diagnosed today in at Florida Hospital and disclosed in an email authored by its chief medical officer, but the infection was immediately denied by Florida Hospital and Orange County health officials, who claimed in a press conference, "There have been no confirmed cases of swine...
| 4/28/2009 - The World Health Organization has revised its pandemic alert scale this week, right in the midst of a swine flu outbreak. Under the new criteria, a Phase 4 rating indicates human-to-human spread of a virus, a Phase 5 rating indicates human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in...
| 4/27/2009 - Perhaps due to the genetic makeup of the fast-spreading H1N1 strain of influenza -- which includes genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu and human flu spanning three continents -- there is considerable speculation that the origins of this virus are man-made.
It's not an unreasonable question...
| 4/27/2009 - The swine flu / bird flu / human flu virus (H1N1) has now been confirmed as striking victims in New York City, Kansas, Ohio, Canada and is suspected in New Zealand, Spain and Israel. Over 100 people are now confirmed dead from the swine flu (mostly in Mexico City), and confirmed infectious have surpassed...
| 4/27/2009 - As the Swine Flu continues to spread, people are becoming increasingly concerned about how to protect themselves from being infected or harmed by the virus. Because no vaccine is available, and stockpiled government-supplied anti-viral medicines can only cover a very small percentage of the population...
| 4/24/2009 - A virulent new strain combining elements of swine flu, human flu and avian flu has leapfrogged past containment measures and is now circulating "in the wild" in Mexico, California and Texas. Up to 60 deaths may have already occurred from the new viral strain called H1N1. Over 1,000 people may have been...
| See all 133 swine flu feature articles.Concept-related articles:Hospitals:Public health:Prevention:Vaccines:Outbreak:China:Infections:World Health Organization:Ford:Doctors:Japan:Infectious disease:Agriculture:The elderly:H5N1:Flu pandemic:
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