Song news, articles and information:
 | 5/6/2016 - Over the last decade, I've written, recorded and produced 16 songs and music videos covering everything from mass awakening to the TSA's abuse of travelers ("Don't Touch My Junk").
Click here for all my downloadable songs and music videos, spanning a wide range of musical styles, including rap, country...
 | 4/16/2016 - It all seems rather innocent at first glance – a group of kids in astronaut costumes singing about planting trees and saving the world – but once you dig a little deeper, you'll find that the song "Climate Astronauts" is part of a climate change indoctrination program for children being...
 | 12/24/2015 - If your child was told to sing a ballad in honor of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan as part of a musical performance at school, would you object? A handful of parents representing students at Blaine High School in Minnesota sure are, chastising a music teacher for including a performance of an Arabic...
 | 6/23/2015 - I've just released a new song and music video called Wide Awake. You can watch it at this link on Natural News or view it in the play window below.
Sang with a bit of a country twang, this song celebrates life across all races and ethnicities while calling out the mainstream media's race baiting...
 | 2/13/2015 - Five years ago, I wrote a fan-favorite song called "Vaccine Zombie." The song lyrics and music video are shown below, and you'll love the animation, the vocal harmonies and the overall hilarity of the song and music video.
What's really amazing, though, is how this song foretold today's vaccine hysteria...
 | 11/5/2014 - Continuing in the Natural News tradition of hilarious satire commentary on the insane world around us, I've just released a brand new song and music video entitled, "Workin' for Ebola."
Click here for the music video and song lyrics. You'll also find a downloadable MP3 file. But I'm warnin' ya! This...
 | 7/11/2014 - I've just released a new song and music video entitled, "Just Want You to Know My Name," featuring Will Pollard and Vanadia Badillo (two models from the Austin area).
The song is a 70's/80's style pop song created in the style of Kool & the Gang and mastered with rich vocal harmonies and romantic...
 | 6/10/2014 - After a two-year break from music and song production, I've got three new songs and music videos to launch this summer!
The first is launching today: "Be Divergent" is the latest song in my growing collection of socially-conscious music that celebrates creativity, individuality, innovation and progress...
 | 10/9/2012 - In a radical departure from previous music videos, I've just released a new song and music video called "Just Label It." Click here for the song page where you can download the MP3 file, watch the video and read the lyrics.
You can also click here to watch the music video on YouTube, or you can see...
 | 7/12/2012 - The pop song "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen has smashed top 40 music records over the last several months, and her music video has racked up 150 million views on YouTube alone ( "Call Me Maybe" is a simple yet unmistakable tune that you just can't shake...
 | 2/16/2012 - Activist music artist Mike Adams -- known as "Amethios" -- has released a new independent single and music video entitled Heaven Can Wait. The song is available as a free MP3 download from the Amethios website at:
The music video is also viewable at these two locations:
 | 8/17/2011 - Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has launched his first song and music video under his new artist name: Amethios. The first song, "We're Doin' Alright," is about overcoming challenges, breaking out of conformity and achieving greatness despite the troubles the world throws at you.
The song video, MP3...
 | 11/24/2010 - By popular request, I've posted a commentary video that provides background information on the creation of the song as well as some blunt talk about security, freedom, the TSA and the Bill of Rights.
This Don't Touch My Junk commentary video is available at:
 | 11/23/2010 - Last Wednesday night, I just couldn't sleep. The story of traveler John Tyner just stuck in my head. "Don't Touch My Junk" seemed to be a powerful statement from a regular guy standing up to Big Brother. It was the linguistic equivalent of that Chinese student standing in the path of a tank in Tiananmen...
 | 11/19/2010 - The socially-conscious music artist who released the wildly popular I Want My Bailout Money song in 2008 has just announced his latest song that takes aim at the TSA's X-rated airport pat-downs: "Don't Touch My Junk" is being released today as a free download at
 | 10/14/2010 - As part of the October Non-GMO month, the Health Ranger has released a new rap music video called "Just Say No to GMO." Written and performed by Michael Adams (the Health Ranger), this new song takes aim at the biotech industry by exposing the dangers of genetically engineered foods while promoting...
 | 8/30/2010 - A new hip hop song and video hits the 'net today, just in time for the flu season vaccination push: "Vaccine Zombie" unleashes a rocking, hard-hitting message about the health risks of routine flu season vaccination and the availability of safer, less expensive and more effective alternatives such as...
 | 8/29/2010 - Check out the new Vaccine Zombie video and song, now viewable on www.NaturalNews.TV and (see links below). Featuring an animated cast of dancing zombie characters, "Vaccine Zombie" is the latest hip hop single we've put together to feed your edutainment craving. Combining "entertainment"...
| 8/25/2009 - We've just launched the latest song and music video in the Beyond All Reason album. It's an anti-vaccine song entitled Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song), and it's already making waves on YouTube and peer-to-peer file sharing networks. You can hear the song and watch the music video at this...
| 7/21/2009 - Although we strive to maintain health and avoid doctors and especially hospitals, bad things can and do happen. Sometimes it's an accident; sometimes we come to a healthy life style too late and have incurred too much damage to completely recover. Now, music is taking a major role in helping critically...
| 1/9/2009 - Consumer health advocate and outspoken NaturalNews editor Michael Adams has just released his first hip-hop single entitled, "I Want My Bailout Money." The song, which is being distributed for free online, takes aim at the Federal Reserve's runaway money creation policy that's pushing the United States...
 | 12/31/2007 - (NaturalNews Satire) On the heels of the RIAA's recent decision to criminalize consumers who rip songs from albums they've purchased to their computers (or iPods), the association has now gone one step further and declared that "remembering songs" using your brain is criminal copyright infringement....
 | 8/4/2006 - The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States has a new program called "Germstoppers." This program consists -- in part -- of a full-page brochure that various institutions -- such as health clinics and hospitals -- can paste in their windows. The "Germstoppers" brochure attempts to educate...
Concept-related articles:RIAA:The RIAA:Internet:WHO:Industry:Warning:Copyright:Piracy:Music:Apple:People:Sell:Legal:Free:SAMe:Store:MP3:Dollars:
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