Selenium news, articles and information:
 | 7/12/2016 - Liver cancers are on the rise in developing countries. Now, more than ever, prevention measures are becoming crucial in the battle against liver cancer.
Due to late-stage diagnoses and limited treatment options, mortality numbers are very high, and liver cancer is the second most common cause of...
 | 12/1/2014 11:20:01 AM - Most Natural News readers know that broccoli is a good cancer preventative. Not everyone knows that garlic is another good food to help stave off cancer cell reproduction. The compound or trace mineral selenium was isolated as the main cancer fighter, according to the latest research from the University...
 | 10/4/2014 - Is your hair thinning or falling out? When you look in the mirror, does it seem that the outer edges of your eyebrows have disappeared? Have you gained or lost weight without changing your diet? Are you tired all the time? You may be one of the millions of Americans with undiagnosed thyroid disease.
 | 3/27/2014 - Cadmium is a widespread and highly toxic heavy metal to which most people are exposed simply through its contamination of their food. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists cadmium as number seven on its list of the 275 most hazardous substances. Fortunately, research suggests that...
 | 1/22/2014 - A combination of vitamin E and selenium products may help reduce the toxicity of mercury from eating fish, according to a recent study involving lab rats. Scientists say that, if results can be replicated in human beings, the findings could mean that pregnant women may be able to consumer larger amounts...
 | 11/16/2013 - Selenium was first used as treatment for dandruff but this essential trace mineral (required only in small amounts by the body) has enjoyed certain breakthroughs connected with its role defining its importance in the overall nutritional schema. When taken together with beta carotene, vitamins E and...
 | 10/13/2013 - You will most likely never hear an oncologist in America speak of omega-3 fatty acids or selenium as a cure for cancer, and you will never hear any "cancer specialist" who believes in modern chemotherapy and radiation mention the name Dr. Emanuel Revici. Why not? The American Medical Association (AMA)...
 | 5/3/2013 - For years experts have been warning against the dangers of sodium fluoride, but that awareness has grown in recent years, as cities like Portland, Ore. have angered residents with plans to add fluoride, and voters in Wichita, Kan. voting against adding it to their water system for the third time in...
 | 9/21/2012 - Excess fluoride may increase your risk for 23 different cancers, lower your child's IQ and school performance and increase oxidative stress throughout your body. But new research has shown that the mineral selenium plays a key role in detoxifying excess fluoride, restoring the body's antioxidant capacity...
| 5/10/2012 - In a recent radio interview, Doctor Peter Glidden, N.D. (naturopathic doctor) disclosed that a daily intake of 200 mcg of selenium produces an effective protection against cancer. He wondered aloud why this information is not part of public knowledge in the "War against Cancer."
He pointed out that...
 | 1/3/2012 - High levels of selenium in the body appear to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study published in December 2011 in Gut, the journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology.
Pancreatic cancer is particularly lethal. It tends to be diagnosed only in advanced stages and 80% of...
 | 10/19/2011 - A "science skeptic" who routinely attacks vitamins and holistic health therapies recently reported the following in his newsletter:
Study questions vitamin E safety.
A major clinical trial has found that dietary supplementation with vitamin E appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer among...
| 4/13/2011 - Researchers reporting in the FASEB Journal found that selenium deficiency in the American diet may be a significant foundation for the rampant proliferation of heart disease and cancer over the past several decades. By analyzing data from hundreds of published studies, Dr. Bruce Ames of the Children`s...
| 4/4/2011 - A recent study published in the journal Neurotoxicology says that the essential element selenium effectively scours the body of toxic mercury buildup and mitigates its neurotoxic effects. Selenium also visibly helps to improve mobility and athletic ability as the body ages, according to the research.
 | 2/18/2011 - I first met the MegaFood company at a natural products expo two years ago. We sat down and had a conversation about "food-based nutrients" versus isolated or synthetic nutrients, and it turned into a fascinating hour that left me thinking we should be doing something with the MegaFood company at some...
| 12/28/2010 - A deficiency in minerals can cause hair loss because hair production requires a wide variety of minerals and trace minerals. Numerous systems in the body participate in the production of hair. For instance, hormonal balance is needed in order for hair to grow, and the hair follicles where hair is produced...
| 10/22/2010 - Today's society is loaded with powerful toxins of all shapes and sizes. One of the most harmful & potentially lethal of these biological toxins is mercury. Mercury has a strong affinity for fatty tissue and loves to clog up the brain, liver, & kidneys. Science has now revealed that selenium is a powerful...
| 7/20/2010 - The FDA states that only drugs can prevent or cure disease, but fortunately the local medical authorities in areas with low soil selenium levels are taking a more effective path to the prevention and treatment of a serious heart condition. Keshan Disease, a type of heart failure that leads to an enlarged...
 | 1/25/2010 - When scientists gathered in Houston recently for the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, they heard groundbreaking evidence about how colon cancer can be prevented. The new data wasn't about drugs or surgery, either. Instead, two separate...
| 10/2/2009 - The CSPI is reportedly suing Bayer over the company's claims that the selenium in its "One-A-Day" multivitamin formula helps prevent prostate cancer ( It's rare to see NaturalNews actually siding with Bayer on anything, but in this case,...
| 7/30/2009 - While high levels of Mercury are often found in large species of fish, a more important factor to consider is the relative amount of Selenium the fish contains. Selenium, also abundant in seafood, actually helps remove Mercury from the body. Thus, consuming certain types of seafood (and other foods)...
| 6/3/2009 - Selenium is an essential trace mineral that forms an important part of our immune defense function, as well as a component in heart muscle. Found naturally in animal protein and vegetables, it is also found in fish, vegetables, and especially Brazil nuts. Its anti-oxidant functions have now been shown...
| 5/24/2009 - Any woman wanting to avoid breast cancer or its recurrence needs to be aware of the real risk factors. These are not the factors you hear about from the typical oncologist who is interested in pushing drugs. Imbalances in the body are the real risk factors that explain why women get breast cancer, not...
| 3/3/2009 - According to the National Cancer Institute about 67,720 people in the US were diagnosed last year with melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, and around 8,420 Americans died from this malignancy. Melanoma can become deadly if it spreads to other parts of the body -- because that makes it particularly...
| 12/2/2008 - After decades of attempting to fight AIDS with experimental vaccines and drugs, scientists have recently discovered how several natural substances could be powerful weapons against the disease. For example, in mid-November, UCLA AIDS researchers published research concluding that the herb astragalus...
 | 10/30/2008 - The National Cancer Institute has announced a halt to its $114 million study of whether vitamin E and selenium can prevent prostate cancer, saying that they cannot and that they might even cause slightly elevated risks for more prostate cancer and diabetes. However, upon further examination it becomes...
 | 10/10/2008 - Brazil nuts are the best way to add selenium to your diet. A recent study at the University of Otago in New Zealand found that eating just two Brazil nuts a day is as effective in increasing selenium status and enhancing glutathione peroxidase activity as a recommended dosage of selenomethionine. Inclusion...
 | 3/10/2008 - Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease - fixing or repairing the parts where...
 | 2/28/2008 - Cancer, a word that no one wants to think about or talk about and people dread hearing, is unfortunately affecting more and more Americans than ever before. The lies of the mainstream media, that we're "winning the war on cancer", are based on statistical nonsense. More and more people are getting cancer...
 | 2/25/2007 - A person's selenium intake throughout life may influence how well they retain cognitive function as they age, according to a new study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology."
"In this cross-sectional survey of cognitive function in rural elderly Chinese, we found that decreasing selenium...
 | 1/27/2007 - HIV patients may have an effective weapon to lengthen their lives, thanks to selenium. Taking a selenium supplement daily appears to keep HIV at bay and also strengthen the immune system, according to research by the University of Miami.
In a double-blind study of 262 HIV patients divided between...
 | 9/29/2006 - The mineral selenium, when taken from daily dietary sources such as nuts, whole wheat and wheat pasta, can cut the risk of bladder cancer by up to 70 percent according to new research from Belgium.
The researchers and authors of the study, led by Eliane Kellen from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,...
 | 8/22/2006 - In learning about nutrition, we often hear that certain foods contain a certain amount of vitamins and minerals. This is especially true in fruits, vegetables, and other produce, but very few people understand the truth about this information, which is that most of the published values about this nutritional...
 | 1/4/2006 - One of the most effective naturally occurring weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach,...
| See all 57 selenium feature articles.Concept-related articles:Nutritional supplements:Nutrition:Heart disease:Vitamin E:Diet:Supplements:Calcium:Cancers:Antioxidant:Health:Disease:Foods:Eating:Weight:Body:Experts:
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