Second Amendment news, articles and information:
 | 9/3/2016 - Court watchers know that the Ninth U.S. Circuit is one of the most liberal, most-overturned of all circuit courts. So it wasn't a surprise to many when leftist judges there recently ruled to uphold a ban on gun sales and possession to anyone who uses marijuana for medical purposes – even if it's...
 | 12/4/2015 - Like a myna bird or a broken record that repeats the same thing over and over again, President Obama can't stop talking about taking away your Second Amendment rights. But would-be tyrants tend to do that, we suppose.
Anyway, as he promised he would, the president is continuing to politicize gun...
 | 11/22/2015 - Many experts, pundits and constitutionalists in the past have made impassioned and historically accurate defenses of the Second Amendment, but a recent one by independent investigative journalist Ben Swann was particularly poignant.
In this recent episode of Reality Check, Swann correctly notes that...
 | 10/30/2015 - To most Americans, it is unfathomable to think about living under a government that has banned guns. To them, the ability to provide for their own defense is one of the most important personal decisions they can make.
That's why they don't understand how people living in other countries, especially...
 | 9/23/2015 - Billionaire real estate mogul and leading GOP presidential contender Donald Trump continues to endear himself to Republicans and conservatives, despite an all-out assault by the mainstream media and the political elite of his party to derail his candidacy and make him seem illegitimate.
A policy...
 | 1/25/2014 - Lawmakers from the state of Illinois have proposed new medical marijuana rules that coerce patients to surrender their Second Amendment right in the application process.
The new medical marijuana "legalization" bill requires Illinois citizens to undergo a background check, be fingerprinted and pay...
 | 7/13/2013 - The political left in America loves to toss about the phrase "civil rights" when stumping for one of their pet political causes. We should agree with them and back their proposals because, hey, "it's a civil rights issue."
Gun rights, however, are anathema to the political left. They have used tortured...
 | 6/8/2013 - Left-wing, anti-Second Amendment lawmakers and governors have been working overtime throughout 2013 to take away the supposedly unimpeachable right of their citizens to "keep and bear arms" of their choice.
That has especially been the case in Connecticut (home to the dreadful Sandy Hook Elementary...
 | 5/19/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 4/27/2013 - The state of Kansas has enacted legislation that essentially cancels out any future federal attempt to regulate guns or impose new gun control measures and restrictions in a move seen by supporters as protecting the integrity of the Second Amendment and Kansans' right to bear arms without government...
 | 4/21/2013 - Talk show host Rush Limbaugh calls them "low information voters." Mark Levin calls them "drones." I call them members of the "Autobot Society," but all these phrases and labels mean the same thing: They describe a group of Americans who are just too far gone to be "reached" anymore. They have drank...
 | 4/18/2013 - As details surrounding the Obama administration's efforts to impose new gun control restrictions finally begin to emerge, it is becoming more clear that the White House, along with its allies in Congress, are reaching further into the Second Amendment their attempt to render it moot.
In some sort...
 | 2/12/2013 - With all the recent talk in the nation's capital and in some statehouses around the country about efforts to implement new gun control measures, it might seem like law-abiding gun owners don't have too many friends.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
Most Americans who support and exercise...
 | 1/23/2013 - To hear Hollywood star Danny Glover tell it, the writing and adoption of the Second Amendment was motivated by and predicated solely on racism, not as a means of national defense or as a bulwark against a potentially intrusive central government.
As most of today's entertainment and political elite...
 | 12/27/2012 - There is a destructive, delusional meme spreading like a virus among many misguided Americans. It pushes the idea that government can pick and choose which rights codified in the Bill of Rights it wishes to recognize or discard on any given day.
This delusion is predicated on the concept that if...
 | 12/26/2012 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| See all 53 Second Amendment feature articles.Concept-related articles:Mainstream media:Military:Violence:NaturalNews:WHO:Arizona:Drug:Video:Shooting:Police:People:Gun:Rights:Citizens:World:Media:
Concepts related to Second Amendment
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