Raw news, articles and information:
 | 10/20/2016 - A British woman suffering from eczema so severe that her skin would ooze and peel off may have cured herself by adopting a raw, vegan diet she told the Daily Mail.
Eczema refers to a cluster of disparate recurring, noninfectious inflammatory conditions in which the skin becomes red, dry, itchy and...
 | 10/17/2016 12:30:21 PM - "To cook or not to cook?" has been a topic of heated debate among some health food advocates. Raw food junkies claim that eating foods in their most natural state is the answer to all our issues and diseases, cancer included. They believe that cooking destroys essential vitamins, live enzymes and antioxidants...
 | 8/26/2016 - In an ironic example of how insane our United States legal system has become regarding food safety, a Berkeley-based food tech firm is preparing to launch a perfectly legal GMO-derived "animal-free dairy milk" product, while in many states the sale of raw, unpasteurized milk is banned.
The food tech...
 | 7/23/2016 - Buying milk about as close to nature as it gets – directly from the cow – is still a punishable offense in many areas of the U.S., and residents of the Houston, Texas, suburb of Katy were reminded of this recently, after being paid a visit by police officers for the "crime" of buying and...
 | 6/4/2016 - When Australian Janette Murray-Wakelin got the news that she had a highly aggressive type of breast cancer and could only expect to live for about six more months at just 52 years of age, she decided that the news was simply unacceptable.
After extensive research into her condition, Janette decided...
 | 4/8/2016 - Call me a food geek, but I get excited about really clean, high quality food and superfood products. Sadly, the protein bar category you typically see at the grocery store (or even the health food store) is almost entirely pure garbage. They're filled with soy protein, chemical sweeteners, GMO and corn-derived...
 | 4/1/2016 - For the past several years, as it rose in popularity, "raw" milk – that is, milk that has not undergone pasteurization – has been heavily criticized as being unclean, disease-ridden and dangerous to consume. But a growing body of research and evidence suggests that pasteurizing milk may...
 | 3/12/2016 - Antibiotics should really be a last resort when you are feeling unwell, and the misuse of them is leading to more and more bugs becoming resistant to antibiotics. These "superbugs", such as MRSA, are very difficult to treat, and according to Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, "the rise of antibiotic...
 | 1/19/2016 - Honey, referred to by some as "Mother Earth's Liquid Gold," has been around for centuries. It has been part of many traditional medicines, including Ayurvedic treatments. And in ancient Greece, Hippocrates used it in nearly all his medicinal formulations.
Raw honey owes its remarkable benefits to...
 | 1/10/2016 - Did you know that raw honey can be used to help stave off persistent cigarette cravings? When we change our microbiology in positive ways by using natural substances like raw organic honey, we change the way our immune system functions and the way we think. The diversity of our microbiome plays an important...
 | 1/7/2016 - Honey is one of nature's most amazing gifts. It's a substance which offers dozens of useful and health-boosting properties aside from its wonderful, sweet flavor. All serious preppers should make sure to obtain a sizable quantity of raw, natural honey to add to their survival stockpiles.
It's one...
 | 11/12/2015 - Let's face it: The world is waking up to the dangers associated with pasteurized milk. But, as conventionally-produced milk demands are declining, we see a growing interest in locally-grown, farm products – including raw milk. So, the question remains: Is milk a health problem or not?
 | 10/20/2015 8:40:17 AM - Representative Thomas Massie, Kentucky, 4th District, posted on his Facebook page: "I am the primary sponsor of HR 3563 and HR 3564, two bills to make the sale of raw milk easier with less government intervention, so I found this article from 'across the pond' very interesting!"
He referenced The...
 | 10/3/2015 - Michael Schmidt is a Canadian dairy farmer and raw milk advocate who was raided October 2 by Canadian bureaucrats and police. Michael has been a huge proponent for raw milk for over 30 years and he has been instrumental in changing policy on raw milk.
Michael currently operates a shareholder agreement...
 | 9/15/2015 - Using statistical software about eight years ago, the CDC estimated the number of people in the United States that were living with cancer. The CDC calls people living with cancer "cancer survivors" rather than "cancer victims," and for the 30 years leading up to 2001, the number of cancer survivors...
 | 8/21/2015 - The Western media machine is making a huge ruckus over Russia's decision to enforce an embargo on food products originating in Europe, the U.S. and Canada, which has led to the incineration and destruction of many tons' worth of contraband cheese, fruit and other products. But these same media outlets...
 | 7/17/2015 - It's not exactly a complete scrapping of the country's antiquated prohibition laws governing the production and sale of raw milk, but the government of New Zealand has responded to consumer demand and made it at least somewhat easier for individuals and families to access this highly sought-after food...
 | 3/22/2015 - When Dr. Ruby Lathon, an engineering professional, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, she dreaded the thought of undergoing surgery and taking medications. While such treatments are typically the go-to solution in situations like hers, such drastic measures were something she hoped to avoid. So, whereas...
 | 2/27/2015 4:20:12 PM - Government bans on the sale and distribution of raw milk and raw milk products are enforced in the name of public safety. But many people enjoy the health benefits of milk that has not been pasteurized, and some farms want to sell it. Are the health threats from raw milk significant enough to warrant...
 | 2/24/2015 - More than 34 million gallons of raw sewage is pumped off the shores of Victoria, British Columbia, into the Strait of Juan de Fuca daily, polluting the ocean and its ecosystem in ways that are poorly understood by researchers.
A report by The Tyee titled, "Victoria's Secret: Dumping Raw Sewage Like...
 | 1/6/2015 - A nationwide outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes has been traced back to at least three brands of caramel apples sold throughout the U.S. According to reports, five people have died and at least 30 others from 10 states made ill after consuming the tainted apples, which appear to have come from a California-based...
 | 12/14/2014 - When she was just a baby, Ulla Kaczmarek's daughter Maya had eczema flare-ups that covered her body from head to toe.(1) The patchy spots were undone by pediatrician-recommended steroids and the advice to replace cow's milk with goat's milk. Everyone was elated when her scaly skin started...
 | 11/29/2014 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that it's basically a death sentence for you and your children. But raw milk consumption, according to a new study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, can actually help prevent colds, viruses and respiratory tract infections...
 | 11/26/2014 - This Thanksgiving, I want you to stay healthy while enjoying the celebration of abundance the holiday represents. That means knowing which Thanksgiving foods to enjoy vs. avoid, and that's what this article is all about.
To eat in a healthy way on Thanksgiving, you don't have to be a food snob and...
 | 11/26/2014 - Mention chocolate to anyone, especially during the holidays, and they are all ears. Nothing seems to bring on such a feeling of mental euphoria than a good dose of chocolate. However, the benefits of chocolate are hit and miss depending on the source, additives, and processing.
This is why a high...
 | 11/26/2014 - Cranberries are well known for treating urinary tract infections, but they do much more - from cardiovascular protection to cancer prevention.
The phytonutrients in cranberries include phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids and they are high in fiber, vitamin...
 | 10/10/2014 - Offering a wealth of outstanding health benefits, raw apple cider vinegar has been the darling of natural remedies for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations used the vinegar as a preservative and condiment, while Hippocrates (otherwise known as the "Father of Medicine") enthusiastically praised...
 | 9/25/2014 12:14:35 PM - Rawesome Foods defendant James Stewart, who was prosecuted in California for daring to sell raw milk, talked recently about his treatment while in custody, saying he was "tortured in jail" and generally treated like he was some kind of hardened felon.
In this video interview, Stewart also said he...
 | 7/30/2014 - Responding to calls from the public for wider access to raw milk, the UK's Food Standards Agency (FSA) has taken a surprising and immediate course of action in the public interest. According to reports, the FSA will soon vote on approving the installation of raw milk vending machines all across England,...
 | 7/30/2014 - Joshua Strayer was once told by seven different specialists that he had stage 3 colon and prostate cancer and that surgical treatment was necessary.(1) Without it, they told the newlywed that his wife might end up a widow in just six short months, a comment that both angered 330-pound Strayer yet propelled...
 | 7/17/2014 - As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and "capturing" heavy metals.
This is especially...
 | 6/13/2014 - Also known as "liver spots," age spots have nothing to do with health changes to the liver and everything to do with the skin and its exposure to sunlight as well as the natural process of aging. Although the Mayo Clinic says that they "are harmless and don't need treatment," (1) many people seek to...
 | 6/8/2014 - Every day, Levi Bowland eats a raw vegan diet that consists of melons, several bananas, salads, sprouts and foods that are never heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit (1). While raw food advocates like David Wolfe maintain that "[c]ooked food is dead, lifeless, and boring," (2) others warn that the dietary...
 | 5/22/2014 - There was a time when Stacy Stowers tried to fight her debilitating fibromyalgia and chronic pain with a daily combination of coffee, sleeping pills and alcohol. "I couldn't get out of bed or get dressed," Stowers says. "Eventually my teeth started to fall out." She lived with such pain and an unhealthy...
 | 5/9/2014 7:08:49 AM - Constantly surrounded by a variety of food at his workplace, Oregon resident Clent Manich knew all too well how easy it was access foods wherever and whenever he wanted. He routinely ate hot dogs, soda and pizza. Eventually, his unhealthy dietary habits caused his weight to soar to an alarming 450 pounds....
 | 5/8/2014 - Always tired, depressed and getting sick, Amanda Brocket's battle with systemic candidiasis was getting the best of her. Being mentally and physically drained from constantly struggling with intense sugar cravings compounded the situation (1). Even doctors were unable to help her overcome her systemic...
 | 5/5/2014 - Buying and selling raw dairy products across state lines has been outlawed in the U.S. since the late 1980s, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided that Americans were no longer free to make their own food decisions without government approval. But this senseless and unconstitutional...
 | 4/21/2014 - Many people enjoy a raw food diet, however, it's not uncommon for them to face questions and myths about their choice. Several people often make assumptions about a raw food lifestyle. Like any dietary choice, it can be a hot topic. There will always be those who are advocates and others who vehemently...
 | 4/18/2014 - Raynaud's disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes a person's extremities to tingle, go numb and often turn white or in some cases, blue, affects a good part of thepopulation. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, approximately 5 percent of people in the United States have this...
 | 4/11/2014 - Recipes for raw dairy, fish and meat exist in almost every country. Their power to heal are well known in endemic cultures. Weston Price discovered that isolated groups thrived for centuries eating their local nutrient dense diets, included raw foods. Pottenger proved conclusively the power of raw food...
 | 3/28/2014 - After suffering the physical changes brought on by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for nearly three decades, Curt Griffing did what many people with RA wish they could do: He found relief.
Sadly, the Arthritis Foundation estimates that approximately 1.3 million people in the United States have RA, which...
 | 3/20/2014 - No surprise here: daily exercise has been shown to have health benefits from reducing stress and lowering blood pressure to preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It's also a given that a healthy diet is essential to overall wellness.
However, studies also show that exercise, even minimal amounts...
 | 3/18/2014 - As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and "capturing" heavy metals.
Why is this important?...
 | 3/5/2014 - A New Zealand couple in their 60s have completed a year-long marathon on December 31 in Melbourne, running every single day of 2013. They have run a total of 15,782 km around Australia, setting a world record of 366 consecutive marathons in 366 days. Cancer survivor Janette Murray-Wakelin, 64, and her...
 | 2/26/2014 - The plethora of research done on chocolate's tremendous health benefits has primarily studied raw cacao and processed dark chocolate. Raw foodies and experts argue that raw cacao contain all of the health inducing benefits left intact, while processing destroys much of the nutrients. Raw cacao also...
 | 2/26/2014 - The plethora of research done on chocolate's tremendous health benefits has primarily studied raw cacao and processed dark chocolate. Raw foodies and experts argue that raw cacao contain all of the health inducing benefits left intact, while processing destroys much of the nutrients. Raw cacao also...
 | 2/26/2014 - The plethora of research done on chocolate's tremendous health benefits has primarily studied raw cacao and processed dark chocolate. Raw foodies and experts argue that raw cacao contain all of the health inducing benefits left intact, while processing destroys much of the nutrients. Raw cacao also...
 | 2/16/2014 - As the U.S. government continues to wage war on raw dairy products, several European countries have done just the opposite by expanding access to the food through unpasteurized milk vending machines. Taking to heart findings from current research, Europe has recognized the exceptional health benefits...
 | 2/10/2014 - The next time somebody tries to tell you that drinking raw milk is unsafe because the "statistics" show that it sickens so-many thousands of people every year, ask that person to show you the raw data and explain how it was gathered and compiled to arrive at this conclusion. Chances are that none of...
 | 2/8/2014 - In 2010, Erica decided to venture on a journey toward healthier living. To kick-start the process, she started a 30-day raw fruit and vegetable detox. After observing changes in her body and mood, including a more toned figure and increased energy, she decided to make eating fruits and vegetables a...
 | 2/5/2014 - There is a raw milk renaissance sweeping America that is marked by swelling disregard for all the government fear-mongering over this all-natural, living "superfood." Writing for The Washington Post (WP), freelance journalist Whitney Pipkin highlights just a few of the many families throughout the Northeast...
 | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
 | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
 | 1/30/2014 - Clean, unprocessed and full of beneficial probiotics, raw milk is hard to come by in the state of West Virginia, where burdensome prohibition laws bar the living food from being sold, traded and even shared with friends and neighbors due to misconceived perceptions about its safety. But a coalition...
 | 1/10/2014 - When Yulia Tarbath decided that she needed to give her health a boost, she went to banana island. However, this island wasn't the kind that most people imagine, brimming with beachside hammocks and drinks with cute umbrellas. Rather, "banana island" is a term commonly used to describe the consumption...
 | 1/2/2014 - While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to waste millions of taxpayer dollars every year persecuting raw milk farmers who produce a living and highly-nutritious whole food, the factory farm industry is busy getting away with stocking grocery store shelves with a potentially-deadly...
 | 12/29/2013 - For fruitarian and endurance athlete Michael Arnstein, his 15-mile commute to work isn't by car, bus or train. Instead, he runs to the office, jogging through residential neighborhoods and eventually New York's Central Park, pausing only to enjoy fruit along the way. Before his run, he may enjoy a breakfast...
 | 12/27/2013 - Because the raw food diet is based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, this diet is considered to be very rich in nutrients needed for health improvement. But medical studies on raw food diets have shown some positive and negative health outcomes. Here is a resume of what the raw food diet consists...
 | 12/13/2013 - Despite its relentless attempts, the corrupt Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has once again failed to maliciously destroy the business of dairy farmer Mike Hartmann, who freely exercises his right to sell raw milk and raw milk products directly from his farm in Gibbon. The Farm-to-Consumer...
 | 12/10/2013 - After taking cholesterol-lowering drugs and water pills for 20 years and blood pressure medication for 25 years, Luis Melendez says he no longer needs any of them. Not only is he free from the pills, but he's also free of the extra weight that he was carrying around... 120 pounds, to be exact. In eight...
 | 12/3/2013 - According to the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, psoriasis affects nearly 125 million people globally. Individuals suffer from red, scaly patches on their skin, which is often accompanied by severe pain due to intense cracking and bleeding. James was one man who knew the symptoms...
 | 12/2/2013 - When Annette Larkins goes out with her husband, people often speculate that he had become involved with a younger woman. Other times, they ask him how his granddaughter is doing, referring to Larkins. Little do they know that Larkins, a size 4 fireball of energy, is a 70-year-old woman. Dubbed by many...
 | 11/26/2013 - After struggling with complications from Lyme disease for the better part of 20 years, David Carron of Trooper, Pennsylvania, was offered the chance to participate in a raw foods transition program. Having tried the standard medical treatment and failing to see any lasting improvements, David was naturally...
 | 11/23/2013 - When Jenni, who worked in a factory in her late teens, was convinced that she was having a heart attack, doctors informed her that she had developed asthma. Fortunately, her heart was not in trouble, but her ability to breathe easy was. Turns out, the dusty conditions and poor air quality at her workplace...
 | 11/20/2013 - When 48-year-old Melanie Dale was going on her fourth pair of glasses in nine years, she was bothered by the frequency with which she needed stronger prescriptions. Additionally, she was barely able to read the phone book, and she was putting off ophthalmologist appointments due to lack of insurance....
 | 11/16/2013 - You've probably heard misguided nutrition advice telling you that low-fat dairy is good for you. You might also hear "be sure it's pasteurized, because raw dairy products are dangerous." In fact, the truth is that the low-fat, pasteurized, homogenized, GMO grain-fed, hormone and antibiotic-laced milk...
 | 11/14/2013 - According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, at least 85% of menstruating women have at least one PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptom in conjunction with their cycle. But Jessica, who adopted a raw food lifestyle, is not one of these women.
Jessica, who also shares her story...
 | 11/10/2013 - There is a 75-year "CON" known as Western Medicine, but it's a hush-hush topic in the news and in newspapers and magazines. Although medical doctors and surgeons are experts at fixing broken bones or removing animal fat from clogged arteries, the "pharmaceutical nation" known as the USA is caving in...
 | 11/5/2013 - When John Kohler was in college, severe headaches and pain necessitated an emergency room visit where he endured a painful spinal tap and was diagnosed with spinal meningitis. Doctors delivered the disheartening news that he might not make it out of the hospital alive and attributed his infection to...
 | 11/3/2013 - At only three years old, Desiree was plagued by constant wheezing which doctors diagnosed as asthma. In addition to using a rescue inhaler, she was eventually put on a daily dose of steroids and medications. Still, she was hospitalized on a regular basis. Her mother recalls how nearly every asthma-triggering...
 | 10/24/2013 - The corporate food police are back at it again, trying to eliminate consumer access to farm-fresh fare, this time in South Dakota, where the state's agriculture department is pushing hard to pass burdensome new raw milk regulations. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund reports that the South Dakota...
 | 10/18/2013 - Heather Bhagat was only three years old when she had bladder surgery. From there came a slew of persistent health issues, including chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) - which she typically had once every month - severe acne, underweight problems and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These issues...
 | 10/17/2013 - Kes Cardoso used to have debilitating arthritis that rendered her unable to go outside, especially if it was raining. These days, she starts her mornings with a run. Cardoso says, "I can't wait to leave the house and jog." She hardly believes she can finally utter such words.
In 2011, she relied...
 | 10/11/2013 - Is it possible to reverse type 1 diabetes (T1D, previously known as insulin-dependent diabetes or IDDM) simply by enjoying a raw food diet? According to Dr. Kirt Tyson, a naturopathic doctor who practices in Arizona, eating a diet that primarily consists of raw foods can dramatically reduce blood sugar...
 | 10/5/2013 - Until the early 20th century, raw milk - natural milk sourced straight from the cow - was considered both a safe, nutritious drink and a medicine. Doctors would routinely prescribe it for a plethora of chronic ailments ranging from indigestion to constipation, and many native cultures regarded it as...
 | 10/4/2013 - The American system of justice is indeed in major need of overhaul when, in one place, you can get a month in jail for raping a child, but in another, you can get several months in jail for daring to sell milk that wasn't government approved.
Ex-Montana teacher Stacey Rambold, 54, recently walked...
 | 10/1/2013 - It's hard to believe that the healthy and radiant 17-year-old Megan Sherow was facing a terminal cancer diagnosis just a few years ago. "Uh, I guess sometimes it can happen..." was the bewildered response Megan received from her doctors when they discovered that her cancer had gone into full remission.
 | 9/28/2013 - A great way to improve one's health is to ensure that one eats a lot of fresh vegetables that have been minimally processed and are raw, organic and locally-grown. The problem is that not everybody can eat raw vegetables. To solve this problem, dieticians recommend juicing fresh vegetables. Patients...
 | 9/13/2013 - Steadfast efforts to end the senseless prohibition of raw milk sales in Arkansas have finally been successful, at least in a somewhat limited sense. Residents living in the Natural State will now be able to purchase raw milk directly from the farms where it is produced, thanks to the recent passage...
 | 9/9/2013 - The ancient Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs considered cacao (ka-cow) a source of power. The scientific name for the cacao (or cocoa) bean is Theobroma cacao, which literally translates as "Food of the Gods".
Raw chocolate or cacao is the unprocessed seed or bean form of chocolate. Cacao grows on trees...
 | 9/3/2013 - Can you hear the jackboots marching in the distance? Some Pennsylvania farmers sure can, as they struggle to maintain their businesses and livelihoods in the face of relentless tyranny being waged against them by the state's Department of Agriculture. A recent newsletter alert explains that Chambersburg,...
 | 8/29/2013 - More than a year after being unlawfully arrested as part of a malicious raw milk sting initiated by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Victoria Bloch, one of "The Rawesome Three," has come out with more sordid details about her hellish experience. As recounted in a Farm-to-Consumer...
 | 8/25/2013 - Lutein and Zeaxanthin are a group of carotenoids that are responsible for giving plants their yellow and red-orange pigment. In humans, the two substances play important roles in vision, eye pigmentation, and may even help prevent atherosclerosis and cancer, according to some studies.
 | 8/24/2013 - While their neighbors in Australia are still unable to legally buy raw milk for human consumption, New Zealand has followed in the footsteps of Europe, embracing a brand new industry which supplies Kiwis with raw milk that's now available twenty four hours a day from vending machines.
Since the 1950's,...
 | 8/19/2013 - Refined sugar is a drug that is similar to opiates in its power to become addicted to it. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs stated in a study published in 2010 that sugar releases euphoric endorphins in some people's brains in a manner very similar to that of certain drugs which are commonly abused....
 | 7/31/2013 - Raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger has been unjustly maligned by a tyrannical system of bad government. His family and farm were subjected to an armed raid by government goons who trampled all over his private property and accused him of committing "dairy crimes" by distributing raw milk to a small...
 | 7/31/2013 - I wrote recently about Dave the Raw Food Trucker and how his stage 1 colon cancer has subsided from what appears to be the result of an organic, raw food, vegan diet. Or probably more appropriately, the food that he stopped eating.
If that wasn't exciting enough, I want to share another healing story...
 | 7/22/2013 - A raw organic vegan diet is said to provide the body with everything necessary to stop and possibly reverse disease. The claim is that the foods that are natural and from the Earth contain everything the body needs to survive and thrive.
More than that, being raw prevents the live force in the food...
 | 7/13/2013 - Rich. Sinfully delicious. Cacao, or Theobroma cacao, is the source of original, natural chocolate. It comes from seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. What most Americans think of as chocolate contains no cacao at all, and therefore contains none of its healthful phytochemicals.
Native to the tropical...
 | 7/7/2013 - For almost 4,000 years, cacao and the chocolate made from it have been a decadent treat. For the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica it was prized as food, medicine, and currency. Considered a gift from their gods, the natives used it in rituals, and extolled its virtues in hieroglyphs, songs, and drawings....
 | 7/2/2013 - All of those antiquated government talking points about the alleged dangers of drinking raw milk have once again been debunked, this time by a series of scientific risk assessments recently published in the Journal of Food Protection. A press release published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) explains...
 | 6/26/2013 - The natural biodiversity of the world's soils is changing for the worse, and the beneficial microbes that once populated raw dairy products in high numbers are on the decline. The culprit? The pervasive use of synthetic agricultural pesticides like Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, which was found in a...
 | 6/13/2013 - Raw milk continues to be restricted and controlled in what was once a free marketplace. It's not that consumer demand is diminishing: No. It's more so because lawmakers are legislating against raw milk, at the state and federal level, protecting corporate interests. In 1948, Michigan became the first...
 | 5/17/2013 - Just a few days remain before Amish raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger of Wisconsin faces a corrupt legal system with an ingrown vendetta against the production and distribution of real food. Beginning on May 20, 2013, at 8 a.m., Vernon, who has been falsely accused of committing numerous food distribution...
 | 3/15/2013 - Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is gaining popularity as a beneficial contributor to good health that could and should be used daily. However, distilled ACV won't do anything for your health. There are a few good brands available. Bragg's is the most well known brand, but there are others.
Here's what...
 | 3/8/2013 - Thirty years ago, Curt Griffing was told he needed to "learn to live with it," after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, described as a chronic, progressive disease resulting in inflammation in the joints. He decided that he didn't want to and sought alternative options to the suggested pain...
 | 3/4/2013 - Raw, whole milk has been consumed for centuries and has long been acknowledged for its health benefits. Several research studies show superior growth and health for those children drinking raw milk compared to pasteurized milk.
Raw milk has...
 | 3/1/2013 - Iowa is on the verge of legalizing raw milk sales from dairy farms, and legislation has been introduced for that purpose. Raw milk is currently illegal to sell across most of the United States of America, the "land of the free" where freedom has been systematically crushed by oppressive government....
 | 2/27/2013 - The health benefits of eating certain foods raw are numerous, as raw foods are essentially living foods that contain live enzymes, undamaged nutrients, and alkaline-forming compounds that help nourish and cleanse the body. And you do not necessarily have to take the leap to a completely raw diet to...
 | 2/24/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 2/22/2013 - "Dear Mr. Adams, there are things we don't talk about in the natural products industry..." Such began a message sent to me by the founder of a nutritional products company. It was sent in reaction to my posting of my "organic China fraud" article that questioned the legitimacy of organic certification...
 | 2/14/2013 - The stranded Carnival cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico has tragically proven to be quite an experiment in human behavior. The ship has been stranded for 96 hours following an engine fire. Ship engines also generate all the on-board electricity, so once the engine burned out, the ship's power grid went...
 | 2/14/2013 - Raiding small dairy farms for selling raw milk has become an active form of state terrorism throughout North America. The farms are usually small and the farmers are not well off.
Yet they're often shut down with short or no notice and forced to destroy or give up their raw dairy products for the...
 | 2/12/2013 - I'm always skeptical of protein products because most of the vegan proteins taste bland or chalky. The list of such protein products that actually taste good is very small, and finding one that's certified organic and soy-free is almost like trying to locate four-leaf clovers in your yard. That's why...
 | 2/11/2013 - We are excited to report that food freedom has won out in South Carolina, where a factory farm front group recently tried, but failed, to stamp out longstanding state laws that recognize the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk throughout the Palmetto State. And all of you, our valued readers,...
 | 1/24/2013 10:17:05 PM - It has come to our attention that the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), a national non-governmental organization that claims to represent the interests of American farmers, is right now attempting to covertly eliminate the freedom of South Carolina farmers to sell raw milk at the retail level....
 | 1/10/2013 - I'm always on the lookout for the next great food bar, and a relatively new company called "Bearded Bros" has just topped my list with an amazing new lineup of (mostly) raw food bars made with nearly all organic ingredients.
Check out the ingredients of their Bodacious Blueberry Vanilla bar:
 | 1/7/2013 - Unsweetened, raw cocoa powder, the same stuff that is used to make that sinfully delicious "guilty pleasure" food chocolate, has a multitude of health benefits. They are often overlooked because it is so often incorporated into overly sweetened treats like candy bars.
However, the raw powder that...
 | 10/10/2012 - A People's campaign for 'the little guys' is making big noise this week in southern California. All eyes are on the Ventura County District Attorney's office and its questionable prosecution of a farmer and a food club manager, as thousands of supporters are logging on to sign a petition demanding all...
 | 10/9/2012 - One of the things I love about my job is that I get to research and write about some of the most amazing superfoods in the world: Turmeric, acai, aronia, chia and more. I'm convinced that we live in a world of nutritional abundance if we only take the steps to access what's available to us right now...
 | 10/9/2012 - It seems a little raw milk muscle can go a long way in defeating haters of food freedom.
Armed officers of Los Angeles County and other government agencies, along with hired thugs, may have deliberately and illegally spilled thousands of dollars of privately-owned raw milk down the drain of the Rawesome...
 | 10/5/2012 - It has been more than two months now since we reported that the new legal team representing California raw "milkman" James Stewart initiated its filing of a motion to dismiss all the charges levied against Stewart by the Ventura County District Attorney's office (http://www.naturalnews.com) -- but to...
 | 10/4/2012 - Do you have your own recipes? If so, creating a recipe book is an easy way to multiply your income. And right here in this article, I'll reveal five specific ways to do that.
They come from an audio program that not only shows you how to benefit others through spreading raw food, but also might be...
 | 10/3/2012 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last Tuesday that 30 people, in 19 American states have become infected with a rare salmonella strain known as Bredeney, likely from tainted, commercially available peanut butter. According to the CDC, the culprit is Trader Joe's Valencia Creamy...
 | 9/29/2012 - When you go to a restaurant you have the reasonable expectation that your food will be properly prepared. So imagine one patron's surprise when he was recently served a raw chicken sandwich at a KFC in Ontario, Canada.
According to reports, a photo of the offending sandwich was subsequently posted...
 | 9/27/2012 - A Minnesota farmer who has been repeatedly targeted by his state's agriculture department for facilitating the transport and delivery of raw milk to private cooperative members has been ruled innocent of the ridiculous charges filed against him in Hennepin County. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports...
 | 9/18/2012 2:00:12 PM - Refined sugar is a drug that is similar to opiates in its power to become addicted to it. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs stated in a study published in 2010 that sugar releases euphoric endorphins in some people's brains in a manner very similar to that of certain drugs which are commonly abused.
 | 9/13/2012 - Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are specific, detailed reports that track the environmental footprint of a product. They provide a standardized way of assessing a product's life cycle to track its complete impact on the environment, from cradle to grave (or resource extraction to disposal,...
 | 9/6/2012 - As if raw milk wasn't being targeted enough; upon receiving a Food Handlers Card you will be "taught" how horrendous raw milk products are for your health and how it is supposedly making people sick across the country.
It is of course typical for the FDA to leave out statistics saying otherwise and...
 | 9/1/2012 - Most Americans have "hot meals" two out of every three sit downs per day, and usually that food itself has already been cooked, maybe at very high temperatures, and then processed, and finally loaded with preservatives and artificial ingredients. Even organic food which is cooked at over 118 degrees...
 | 8/27/2012 - Although I'm not 100% raw, I value the raw food diet as a powerful detox, cleansing and healing therapy available to anyone. Thanks to the word spreading about positive results, the raw food movement continues to grow, and more people realize the benefits of consuming fresh raw fruits and vegetables,...
 | 7/29/2012 - California "raw milk man" James Stewart, who has been persecuted by California officials for his "crime" of distributing unpasteurized milk, is currently held in Ventura county jails. Yesterday, he met with his new legal team, led by Matt Bromund of the Bromund Law Group in Ventura (www.BromundLaw.com)....
 | 7/27/2012 - James Stewart, the 65-year-old raw "milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods, was assaulted near his home today by three armed men driving unmarked luxury vehicles with no license plates. Carrying firearms on their hips and dressed in gangster-style street clothes, Satanic T-shirt imagery and tattoos,...
 | 7/27/2012 - This is the transcript of an interview with health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord. See the original video on TV.NaturalNews.com
Health Ranger: Welcome, everyone. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger with NaturalNews talking about food freedom today, and we have a very special guest: a health freedom...
 | 7/19/2012 - Documents and testimony obtained by NaturalNews allege the following: The Rawesome Foods armed "raw milk raids" and prosecution of James Stewart and Sharon Palmer were carried out in part by law-breaking private citizens pretending to be lawful government authorities. Those individuals -- who have been...
 | 7/18/2012 - Delegates from the Texas Republican Party recently gathered in Fort Worth to iron out their party's official 2012 platform. And in the official platform document, it is spelled out that the Texas Republican Party is in full support of mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), legalized...
 | 7/13/2012 12:52:47 PM - This really happened: A motorcycle accident at age 17 resulted in an amputation of Evan Strong's leg and abruptly ended his professional skateboarding career and contracts.
Today, however, Evan is a world champion in his sport of adaptive snowboarding who regained his competitive edge in record time....
 | 7/13/2012 12:52:05 PM - A revealing and controversial e-book that was a labor of love for years by author Nomi Shannon is now available on the Webseed Empowerment Platform.
"What Do Raw Fooders Eat?" lets you, essentially, visit the homes of 48 busy people who describe themselves as thriving on raw foods, peek inside their...
 | 7/1/2012 - A Minnesota mother has decided that her state's health department is completely out of line in demanding that she stop distributing raw milk to members of her buying club, and has chosen instead to continue helping these families in her area access this highly medicinal food even if it means going to...
 | 6/6/2012 - Food freedom is under attack in the state of Oregon, where powerful industry lobbying groups are pushing for more restrictions, and maybe even a complete ban, on all raw milk sales. OregonLive.com reports that an isolated E. coli O157:H7 outbreak potentially linked to raw milk has spurred the Oregon...
 | 6/5/2012 - Starbucks, the coffee shop renowned for its seemingly limitless coffee varieties, is opening a new chain of juice bars in response to the growing health trend towards unprocessed and whole foods. In late 2011, the coffee giant also brought out Evolution Fresh, a juice company. Health foods now represent...
 | 6/5/2012 - I am very saddened to bring you this report today. Following the publication of our investigative story about Sharon Palmer (Healthy Family Farms), James Stewart (Rawesome Foods), Aajonus Vonderplanitz (vocal critic of Sharon Palmer) and Larry Otting (title owner of the land on which the farm operates),...
 | 6/4/2012 - Following our coverage of Sharon Palmer, owner of Healthy Family Farms, and James Stewart, the "raw milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods in California, I received a tip from an anonymous source. The tip said that I was defending the wrong parties. The source stated that Sharon Palmer was a fraud...
 | 5/29/2012 - Late last year, NaturalNews went public with an explosive story about a fraudulently marketed dietary supplement product called "Adya Clarity." Made from a combination of sulfuric acid and a mineral / metallic ore mined out of the ground near Fukushima, Japan, the substance was marketed online with...
 | 5/25/2012 - Here's some news for those who still somehow believe the political left in Washington cares about the People. After U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment that would have ended armed FDA raids on raw milk farmers (https://www.naturalnews.com/035966_Rand_Paul_FDA_censorship.html) and legalized...
 | 5/22/2012 - Raw nut butters are available now at discounted prices for NaturalNews readers, and we have just introduced a new mechanism allowing our readers to vote and rate approved vendors whose products appear on NaturalNews.com.
This is all part of our new "Real-Time Marketplace" technology that you can...
 | 5/17/2012 - In a bombshell revelation of the depth of the food police state that now exists in LA County, California, NaturalNews has learned that the LA County health department has unleashed door-to-door raw milk confiscation teams to threaten and intimidate raw dairy customers into surrendering raw milk products...
 | 5/15/2012 - In Minnesota, a mother's struggle to raise her children, and to provide them with a complete and healthy diet has come under scrutiny from local civil courts. Local authorities are trying to shut down a ring of raw foodies. The community, like many other across North America (and about 1% of American...
 | 5/12/2012 - In 2001, a study was conducted in North Carolina to investigate the potential effects of a meat-free raw foods diet on the physical and psychological well-being of individuals with fibromyalgia.
Less pain, more gain
Fibromyalgia patients are afflicted with chronic pain that affects muscle tissue...
 | 5/9/2012 - Growing up on a family-scale farm and drinking raw cow's milk are two important elements that promote robust childhood immune development. These are the findings of a recent study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, which found that farm-raised children generally tend to have...
 | 5/4/2012 - Contrary to popular belief, the marijuana plant is a whole lot more than just a psychoactive drug that "stoners" use to get high. In raw form, marijuana leaves and buds are actually loaded with a non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer nutrient compound known as cannabidiol...
 | 4/30/2012 - Raw honey is more than just a natural sweetener. Honey has a variety of uses in your beauty regimen and for medicinal purposes. Raw honey, which is not pasteurized or refined, can be especially useful because of its nutritional properties. Although you may have heard about the benefits of raw honey,...
 | 4/26/2012 - Learn the benefits of the world's tastiest superfood, raw chocolate, on this episode of Mental Health Exposed.
Raw food mogul David Wolfe and Steve Adler of Sacred Chocolate join Mike Bundrant to discuss not only the virtues of eating a raw diet, but also the science behind raw chocolate, perhaps...
 | 4/24/2012 - Matt Monarch, founder of the Raw Food World (www.RawFoodWorld.com) has announced his intention to sue Adya, Inc. for what he describes to NaturalNews as damages, product misrepresentation and fraud. Matt Monarch's full statement is found below.
Monarch told NaturalNews that he has been "financially...
 | 4/15/2012 - The drama of FDA tyranny versus raw milk freedom continues from one state or province to another, almost like episodes from a dystopian TV series.
First, the Amish farmer Dan Allgyer and his wife Rachel were forced to shut down their Pennsylvania farm after two years of harassment from federal agents...
 | 4/7/2012 - When we look at the word "raw", we associated it with the preservation of important vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Just as raw vegetables are preferable because of their nutritional content, the same is true of honey. Raw honey is honey that has not been heated, pasteurized or processed in any way....
 | 4/6/2012 - Pasteurized, homogenized, conventional milk is not getting any safer, thanks to a National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) committee that last year voted against proposed new measures that would have reduced the maximum allowable pus cell count in conventional milk from 750,000 cells...
 | 3/29/2012 - Late last night a raw milk news website posted a showstopper article containing two extraordinary revelations about raw milk:
• In Wisconsin, the primary dairy insurance provider has ditched raw milk dairies, sending them a letter that essentially declares they will have no insurance coverage...
 | 3/25/2012 - After observing considerable improvement in her own son's autism symptoms through the integration of raw camel milk into his diet, author and journalist Christina Adams is now convinced that this unconventional food delicacy holds much promise in treating autism. Writing for Autism File, Adams offers...
 | 3/23/2012 10:42:28 AM - More and more health conscious consumers are becoming aware of the value of raw milk and raw milk products in lieu of pasteurized milk and milk products. As a matter of fact, pasteurized milk products lack nutrition and are dangerous, while raw milk handled with care is a very healthy food (https://www.naturalnews.com/033242_CDC_unpasteurized_milk.html).
 | 3/18/2012 - Did you know that the average conventional dairy farmer today earns only about $1.50 for each gallon of milk he sells to the general pasteurized market, while the average raw milk dairy farmer typically fetches between $4 and $8, or more, per gallon on the health-conscious market? A new report published...
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.