Public health news, articles and information:
 | 10/29/2016 - It's been nearly nine months since the word "Zika" flashed like a lightning bolt in the headlines of mainstream news. Before January 1, 2016, Zika was just one of many viruses that public health officials monitored. But suddenly in January of this year everything changed, as a nearly harmless virus...
 | 10/12/2016 - Pepsi Co and The Coca-Cola Company are known for the variety of sugar-laden beverages they peddle, and not much else. In early 2016, Business Insider reported on the continued free-fall of soda sales in the United States. Over the course of 2015, soda sales dropped a whopping 1.2 percent. The year before,...
 | 7/13/2016 - Certain kinds of plant growth are becoming more invasive in farmers' fields. These super weeds are resisting the increased use of glyphosate and other herbicides. It has been going on for awhile now. Nature is fighting back. Weeds are finding new ways to adapt and survive.
Take for instance, the...
 | 6/2/2016 - A leading healthcare advocacy group is calling out the Centers for Disease Control for allowing refugees to enter the United States without first screening and treating them for latent tuberculosis.
Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, noted...
 | 4/28/2016 - A significant new report confirmed what scores of legal reform advocates have long suspected – that the decades-old "war on drugs" that was begun in the early 1970s has been a monumental failure in that it has had no influence whatsoever on reducing the level of drug abuse in the United States.
 | 2/8/2016 - According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Zika virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda, East Africa. The virus is primarily transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, while the symptoms are very similar to those of dengue or yellow fever. In human beings, after a short incubation...
 | 8/11/2015 - A measure introduced in the Texas legislature to require labeling for all foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) remains in the Committee on Public Health and has not been disposed of, meaning the bill still has a chance of surviving so it can be voted on by the full House and Senate.
 | 3/12/2015 - A critically important, heavily-researched article by Barbara Loe Fisher of the NVIC has been published today. Click here for the original, which we are reprinting below.
As this article exhaustively documents and reveals, the vaccine war taking place in America today is actually a "culture war"...
 | 12/11/2014 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has labeled ceftiofur, a potent antibiotic used in agriculture, a "high public health risk," according to a Reuters report. The warning was issued due to the frequency of misuse by cattle and dairy farmers which has created a threat to human health.
 | 4/21/2014 - Though the nation's sea service once said it wasn't necessary, the Navy now says it will survey all occupied residences on Treasure Island, near San Francisco, for radioactive contamination.
Navy officials announced the reversal recently in response to concerns from residents and a radiological finding...
 | 2/28/2014 - Public health officials in the U.K. resort town of Blackpool, located west of Manchester, have apparently gone mad drinking the fluoridated Kool-Aid, as new reports indicate that town officials there are pushing to have all public schoolchildren forcibly medicated with milk that contains added fluoride...
 | 9/20/2013 - Twelve leading public health and consumer groups are calling on the U.S. government to review the current outdated and inadequate wireless safety standards to better protect both young people and adults from electromagnetic field exposures (EMF) from devices like cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi and...
 | 6/29/2012 - Diabetes is brought to you in part by Bayer AG - Germany. You know, the most powerful German corporate cartel in the first half of the 20th century - IG Farben (AKA Bayer) - and the single largest profiteer from World War II. This is the same IG Farben that was intimately involved with the human experimental...
 | 2/23/2012 - In an unusual turn of events, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has actually decided to aggressively protect public health rather than shield corporate profits by denying a recent request made by the Juice Products Association (JPA), a juice industry trade group, to increase the maximum allowable...
 | 11/7/2011 - In times of peace, every State in America allows exemptions from vaccines on religious, moral, and/or philosophical grounds, so vaccines are never technically mandatory. [1] Parents even have the power to assert the exemptions of their children. [2] The US government also admits that vaccine exemptions...
 | 9/28/2011 - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which has been comprehensively exposed as a vaccine propaganda organization promoting the interests of drug companies, is now engaged in a household surveillance program that involves calling U.S. households and intimidating parents into producing child immunization...
| 10/22/2010 - On June 28 of this year, the FDA issued a draft of new guidelines urging meat producers to refrain from using antibiotics to promote livestock growth, calling the practice an "urgent public health issue."
"To preserve the effectiveness [of antibiotics], we simply must use them as judiciously as possible,"...
| 8/28/2009 - The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill, the "Pandemic Response Bill" 2028, reportedly just passed by the MA state Senate and now awaiting approval in the House. This bill suspends virtually all Constitutional...
 | 5/5/2008 - In many states, citizens and scientists are accusing the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of failing to make the connection between public health problems and industrial sources of pollution -- even in the face of scientific evidence.
National coverage of the toxic trailers...
 | 2/12/2008 - In a recent press release, a Hawaiian peace group, Malu Aina ("Land of Peace") issued a public statement on the bombings of a military training area on the Big Island of Hawaii. The monthly exercises involve United States Air Force B-2 stealth aircraft dropping bombs on the Pohakuloa...
 | 11/20/2007 - Flu shots remain a subject of intense controversy. Vaccinations of all types remain the centerpiece of the public health herd-mentality paradigm. Just wait until the Avian flu comes, then you will see public health at its finest. Yes, there will be police-state forced vaccinations with experimental...
 | 10/2/2006 - While some critics are denouncing New York City's proposal to almost completely ban dangerous trans fat from its restaurants, Natural health advocate Mike Adams, author of "Poison In the Food: Hydrogenated Oils," is publicly stating his support for the plan.
"NYC has every right to protect its people...
| 8/3/2006 - Attorneys general from 14 states and one U.S. territory are petitioning the Bush administration to require more transparency from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the ingredient labels of pesticides.
The formal request -- issued by the attorneys general of Alaska, Arizona, California,...
 | 3/29/2006 - There's something fishy going on at the Cleveland Clinic. In a surprising move in December 2005, the prestigious clinic removed Dr. Eric Topol, a well-known cardiologist and vocal critic of Merck's prescription Vioxx arthritis medication, from his position as chief academic officer at the hospital's...
 | 10/14/2005 - In the months and years ahead, you're going to hear a whole lot of talk about health care reform, but most of what you're going to hear is about reform, not health. You see, there's this great lie out there, this huge misconception, this big shell game, where all these politicians and power-hungry people...
 | 2/16/2005 - Based on a newly published report, some doctors are now actually calling for the nationwide, mandatory testing of all adults for AIDS. When I hear ridiculous public health ideas like this one, I have to stop and consider: what's the real motive behind this? It seems clear to me that the motive for this...
| 8/8/2004 - The First Citizens' Conference on Fluoride was recently held in Canton, New York, and it revealed some astonishing new research about the dangers of fluoride and why the current political position on fluoridation of public water supplies is based on fraudulent science.
The fluoridation of public...
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