Prescription drugs news, articles and information:
 | 11/25/2016 - It's a question that has been on the minds of tens of millions of Americans who are still having difficulty affording their healthcare, even after the "Affordable Care Act" was passed: Why are costs – particularly drug costs – continuing to rise?
The reason why overall out-of-pocket spending...
 | 8/15/2016 - Today (April 15, 2016) I sat for my family practice board exam–for SEVEN hours. That will be the last time I put myself through something as ridiculous as that endeavor!
(Article written by Dr. Brownstein, republished from
I have been Board-Certified in family...
 | 1/25/2016 - American taxpayers are being taken out to the woodshed by the federal government's Medicare program, which was recently exposed for reimbursing drug prescriptions for dead people. Reports indicate that the fraudulent system currently allows payments for prescriptions filled up to 32 days after a patient...
 | 1/16/2016 - Just like a vending machine that spits out a junk-food of choice, Big Pharma can be in your hands with utmost immediacy. The gotta-have-it-now mentality is the latest brainchild of a service called ZipDrug which does exactly as its name implies: It provides people with almost instant delivery of prescription...
 | 9/8/2015 - Whether someone has an acute illness like appendicitis or a more long-term condition like diabetes, prescription drugs of some form or another are bound to be a part of the plan of care in modern medicine. There are some people, particularly the elderly or those with very serious conditions, who are...
 | 2/6/2014 - It is as if we are living in total "idiocracy" - that any human being would even consider any medication advertised on television with all those crazy side effects, like internal bleeding, loss of vision, coma, feelings of suicide and death. It's literally insulting to intelligence, yet millions of...
 | 11/16/2013 - Americans, by and large, are compassionate and charitable, but when others begin to take advantage of that compassion, Americans understandably tend to resent it.
Which is what makes so many of our government entitlement programs increasingly hard to accept, let alone feel good about.
Tens of...
 | 5/1/2013 - A new national survey has been released, highlighting startling new trends in teen prescription drug abuse. The Partnership at and MetLife Foundation are confirming that one in four teens now abuse or misuse a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime. These results suggest a 33...
 | 4/17/2013 - Just because your doctor prescribes it does not necessarily mean it is safe for you to take. Many popular prescription drugs, it turns out, come with the potential for serious side effects, including everything from short-term nausea and headaches to chronic inflammatory myopathy and heart disease --...
 | 12/19/2012 - For many people, a glass of grapefruit juice at breakfast is as cemented into their daily routine as the steaming mug of morning coffee. Unfortunately; however, research from a Canadian institute has been recently released, and for some grapefruit lovers, the new information could cause a change in...
 | 8/16/2012 - Many people do not realize that the medications they take on a daily basis can negatively affect the amount of nutrients stored in the body. Numerous drugs actually deplete specific vitamins and minerals, causing a whole host of additional problems. Being aware of what is being depleted by the prescription...
 | 8/15/2012 - According to data just released by the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than supplements. In fact, the data collected by ANH-Intl demonstrates that food supplements are the safest substances regularly consumed...
 | 7/26/2012 - In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, President Obama chimed in on the gun control debate yesterday, saying, "Every day, the number of young people we lose to violence is about the same as the number of people we lost in that movie theater. For every Columbine or Virginia...
 | 5/8/2012 - When it comes to freedom of food choice, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers Americans to be too stupid to make their own dietary choices. But when pharmaceuticals are involved, the FDA apparently thinks individuals should be able to completely self-medicate themselves without a prescription,...
 | 4/13/2012 - The Los Angeles County Coroners Office has finally released the official autopsy report for famed singer Whitney Houston, who in February was found dead in a Beverly Hilton Hotel room where she had been staying. And according to the report, Houston was verifiably determined to have muscle relaxers,...
 | 2/13/2012 - Yesterday NaturalNews reported that Whitney Houston was likely the latest victim of the pharmaceutical industry and its deadly, toxic prescription drugs. Her body was found near her medications, which included Lorazepam, Valium, Xanax, and a sleeping medication (
 | 2/12/2012 - The regretful passing of an American entertainment icon -- Whitney Houston -- marks yet another sad milestone in the devastating body count of the prescription drug industry. TMZ is now reporting that Whitney Houston was found not with illegal drugs, but prescription drugs that may have killed her or...
 | 9/21/2011 - Every 14 minutes, a person is killed by prescription drugs -- and unlike most other causes of preventable death, which have been on the decline for years, medication-induced deaths are on the upswing across the US. According to a recent analysis conducted by the Los Angeles Times (LA Times), drug-induced...
 | 7/19/2011 - No parent wants to lose a child, but when one dies from something that should be very preventable, the heartbreak and tragedy is compounded. Such is increasingly the case with prescription drugs - they're killing our youth.
Sarah Shay and Savannah Kissick, of Morehead, Ky., best friends since high...
 | 4/27/2011 - Americans spent $307.4 billion on prescription drugs in 2010, according to a recent report from consulting firm IMS Health. Although this figure is a 2.3 percent reduction from last year, it's still a huge portion of the U.S. economy to be spending on prescription medications, many of which are ineffective...
| 11/11/2010 - Abuse of prescription painkillers in the United States increased 400 percent between 1998 and 2008, according to a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
"The non-medical use of prescription pain...
| 2/17/2010 - "More than half of Americans on chronic meds!" That was the headline in May 2008, and big pharma was happy to hear that news.(1) The primary goal of the pharmaceutical industry is to continue to increase profits at the expense of Americans. The following are primarily the 4 methods that accomplish that:...
 | 11/10/2008 - A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all...
 | 9/4/2008 - A report commissioned by the British government warns that students are increasingly turning to brain-boosting prescription drugs in order to improve their academic performance. The report urges the United Kingdom to begin preparing a response before the problem becomes more serious.
The British...
 | 9/2/2008 - When handsome and talented young actor Heath Ledger died last winter, the New York City medical examiner's autopsy report revealed his death was due to an unintentional life-ending cocktail of prescription drugs, including anti-anxiety medications Alprazolam (Xanax), Diazepam (Valium) and Lorazepam...
 | 12/4/2007 - Assuming you're eating well, sleeping well, exercising and tending to your relationships, the next best optimal health step you can take after the age of fifty is to avoid prescription drugs. All prescription drugs - without exception - have side effects. The most common cause of side effects is the...
 | 10/3/2007 - In a bold move designed to sell even more prescription drugs, the FDA has announced its intention to bypass doctors and allow pharmacists to prescribe certain drugs directly to consumers. The move would subject patients to prescription-strength pharmaceuticals even though they have not been examined,...
 | 5/7/2007 - On May 3rd, 2007, U.S. Senators voted on an amendment to the 2007 Prescription Drug User Fee bill that aims to reform the FDA and enhance drug safety. This amendment, known as the "Dorgan Amendment No. 990," threatened to break Big Pharma's monopoly over pharmaceutical sales and allow U.S. consumers,...
| 11/20/2006 - UCLA head researcher says, “We were very liberal.” Actual percentage of physicians who fail to discuss risks of prescribed medication are “much higher” than 65 percent reported previously.
Today, the Just Say “Know” to Prescription Drugs Campaign, aimed at getting one million people to stop and reevaluate...
 | 10/4/2006 - The U.S. government announced yesterday that it will no longer seize small shipments of illegal Canadian pharmaceuticals at the border, which overturns months of aggressive seizures that have resulted in 40,000 confiscations nationwide.
Though it is still illegal to import pharmaceuticals from Canada...
| 9/21/2006 - The FDA has released information concerning non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pets -- including Metacam, Deramaxx, Previcox and Rimadyl -- that shows they have been connected to 22,000 cases of illness in dogs, almost 3,000 of which were fatal.
The drug makers maintain their medicines are...
 | 9/11/2006 - The United States is gaining a reputation around the world for raising children who go on school shooting rampages. Earlier this year, we had another one with 16-year-old Jeff Weiss, who went into his school on an Indian reservation and blew away 10 friends. And guess what? He was taking the antidepressant...
| 8/11/2006 - New research published in the August 12 issue of The Lancet has found that more patients are buying prescription drugs on the internet, which has led many conventional medical authorities to worry about the possible dangers of online drug purchases. Mainstream media outlets are reporting on the dangers...
 | 6/29/2006 - June 30, 2006 is a day that will be long remembered as a dark milestone in the history of FDA and its campaign against health consumers. On June 30, an FDA "Final Rule" goes into effect, establishing a regulatory power grab of such scale and scope that it attempts to bypass all laws, the will of Congress...
 | 6/2/2006 - Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, especially in this case. Lloyd Grove, a columnist for the New York Daily News, says that the pharmaceutical lobby in the United States, a group called PhRMA, actually commissioned the writing of a fiction novel designed to scare Americans into avoiding prescription...
 | 3/30/2006 - Have you ever wondered why pharmaceuticals don't work? By that, I mean that they don't make people healthier. Sure, some pharmaceuticals can modify a measurable chemical marker, but they don't make people healthier. We have 40 percent of the U.S. population on at least one prescription drug, yet our...
 | 3/20/2006 - A new economic study by the U.S. government reveals that health care spending is rising so rapidly in the United States that in less than ten years, it will represent 20% of the domestic economy. That's an astonishing $1 out of every $5 in economic productivity, almost all of which is based on treating...
 | 11/21/2005 - David Phillips, Ph.D., has conducted a number of studies on mortality in his career, but one of the most recent has gained significant attention, as it shows the rate of deaths caused by prescription drugs climbs roughly 25 percent at the beginning of each month. The study is notable not only for its...
 | 10/14/2005 - Here's a report on the FDA that could only come from outside the United States. I'm reading to you from The Independent, a British newspaper, that says, "Vital data on prescription medication found in millions of British homes has been suppressed by the powerful U.S. drug regulators, even though the...
 | 7/31/2005 - A cute, animated ball bounces around very sadly until he takes a magic potion; suddenly, it becomes happier than ever. No, that isn't the plot of a new children's movie. On the contrary, it's the storyline of a Zoloft commercial – yes, Zoloft, a powerful antidepressant drug. In the 1990s, direct-to-consumer...
 | 7/22/2005 - 1. Your average car would cost $4.5 million, representing a 30,000% markup over cost, which is typical for prescription drugs. Automakers would justify this price by saying they needed the money to fund research and development, but in reality, most of their research would be funded by taxpayer dollars...
 | 7/20/2005 - Mike: This is Mike Adams with Truth Publishing welcoming Dr. Ray Strand. He is the author of Death by Prescription and is one of the most courageous doctors to speak out about the health effects of prescription drugs. Welcome, and thank you for joining us, Dr. Strand.
Dr. Strand: Well, thank you...
 | 7/18/2005 - I am both shocked and appalled at the recent decision by the FDA advisory panel to re-approve Vioxx and put the stamp of safety on all Cox-2 inhibitors, including Bextra and Celebrex. This vote came immediately after another vote in which the panel nearly unanimously agreed that all of these Cox-2 inhibitors...
 | 7/7/2005 - Just days after we posted an article on the dangers of pharmaceuticals vs. terrorism, London was hit by a terrorist attack that left 37 dead and hundreds more wounded. Headlines around the world are ablaze with news of the event. National leaders are adamant in their efforts to track down and punish...
 | 7/5/2005 - America was rudely awakened to a new kind of danger on September 11, 2001: Terrorism. The attacks that day left 2,996 people dead, including the passengers on the four commercial airliners that were used as weapons. Many feel it was the most tragic day in U.S. history.
Four commercial jets crashed...
 | 7/2/2005 - Here’s some fascinating news in the world of medicine that really shows the drug racket -- the huge prescription drug scam taking place in this country today. Researchers sent a group of people, who said they saw the drug Paxil in a TV advertisement, into doctors’ offices. Many of these patients didn't...
 | 6/7/2005 - Have you ever thought about the similarities between pharmaceutical and tobacco companies? They're striking. Both sell products that kill people when used as directed. The statistics are readily available for pharmaceuticals, which kill around 100,000 Americans each year according to the Journal of...
 | 6/6/2005 - How about some truth for a change about the Food Supplements Directive in the European Union? The proponents of this directive say that it's about protecting patients from all these dangerous vitamins, minerals, supplements, plant extracts and antioxidants that are so dangerous for people. They say,...
 | 2/18/2005 - Following the death of as many as 60,000 Americans from COX-2 inhibitors (source: British Medical Journal, author Dr. David Graham, FDA drug safety researcher), an FDA advisory panel has now voted to allow the drugs to return to the market with full FDA safety approval. The fact that a single COX-2...
 | 1/26/2005 - The headlines were recently ablaze with warnings about Ayurvedic herbal products. A survey of such herbal remedies sourced from India and Pakistan found that one in five of them were contaminated with dangerous levels of heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic. This is an important finding and worthy...
 | 1/6/2005 - This is part two of an article on FDA reform. Return to part one.
The next thing that should be done in reforming the FDA is to reverse some of the dangerous and poorly made decisions put in place by the FDA over the last few years. The most obvious of these is the legalization of direct-to-consumer...
 | 1/4/2005 - A new weight loss drug, Acomplia, is all the rage, even though it hasn’t yet been approved! People are talking about the drug with such a degree of excitement that weight loss centers say virtually every patient who comes in is asking for Acomplia.
But what is it about this drug that's so appealing?...
 | 12/15/2004 - The Royal College of General Practitioners in the U.K. has accused drug companies of inventing fictitious diseases or exaggerating the severity of symptoms in order to boost drug sales. It's being called 'disease mongering' and the college explains that pharmaceutical companies are taking the National...
 | 12/5/2004 - The Governor of Illinois is launching a program to allow its citizens to re-import prescription drugs from not only Canada, but other countries around the world. It's all a part of a growing grassroots effort to give citizens access to more affordable prescription drugs.
A growing number of states...
 | 11/29/2004 - Bureaucrats in Chicago are currently discussing a proposal to require the mental health screening of all pregnant women and children up to the age of 18 years old. The purported mission of the program is to protect the health of the public by diagnosing mental disorders before they become full blown...
 | 11/6/2004 - The truth has finally come out about Vioxx: insider emails published by the Wall Street Journal reveal that Merck, the maker of Vioxx, was fully aware of the health risks of its COX-2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory drug as early as March, 2000. As is apparent from the published emails, there was a concerted...
| 10/12/2004 - A reader asks: In regards to your recommendation to avoid all prescription drugs, what about situations where people are in an accident, or an athlete tears his knee up? Do you recommend pain medication then, or do you recommend going to the doctor and being treated?
Thanks for asking. I want to...
| 10/4/2004 - There is a new national uproar over a prescription drug, Vioxx, which has been an extremely popular anti-inflammatory drug manufactured and marketed by Merck. Vioxx was recently pulled from the market by Merck after studies revealed the drug increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the...
| 10/4/2004 - There's a much bigger story than you might think about the recent hoo-ha concerning Vioxx being pulled from the market. It's not just about Vioxx or Merck, the drug's manufacturer. Virtually all prescription drugs that are heavily marketed by pharmaceutical companies today are harmful to human physiology....
 | 8/22/2004 - The extreme high prices of prescription drugs for treating advanced-stage chronic diseases like cancer has turned honest, ordinary, everyday citizens into international smugglers who are ferrying surplus medications across international lines in order to provide the prescription drugs to their loved...
| 8/19/2004 - The war on drugs has taken a quantum leap to a fascinating new level with the seizure of $250,000 worth of legal prescription drugs entering the country from a Canadian mail-order pharmacy company called CanadaRx. U.S. customs officials alerted the FDA about this shipment and the FDA was called in to...
| 8/19/2004 - A new study conducted at the Duke Clinical Research institute reveals that one in five older patients is currently receiving at least one prescription drug deemed unsafe according to a database of unsafe drugs. This study looked at prescriptions written for 765,000 patients, all over the age of 65,...
| 8/19/2004 - Vermont now joins five other states who are defying the FDA with a plan to import prescription drugs from Canada to lower the costs of prescription drugs for its state employees and retirees. In fact, Vermont has sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is seeking a court order that will require...
| 8/19/2004 - As pharmaceutical companies continue their march toward profitability and domination over our "modern" health care system, more and more doctors are speaking out against them. One of the most interesting and outspoken doctors is Dr. Rath. Dr. Rath, who is based outside the United States, has started...
| 8/19/2004 - The FDA is getting desperate in the war to monopolize the U.S. pharmaceutical industry and prevent citizens from purchasing prescription drugs at lower prices from Canada and elsewhere. They've now invoked the "terrorism" label in the fight to suppress consumer free choice. Unbelievably, FDA commissioner...
| 8/17/2004 - Many U.S. citizens mistakenly believe they live in a free society. But when it comes to health, medicine and nutritional supplements, the system under which we live today is more like the Dark Ages than a system of freedom. Want proof? Just ask yourself, "What kinds of health choices should I be able...
| 8/7/2004 - A new idea has surfaced in the medical community -- to publish the results of all medical studies on a publicly accessible website that would include results from both positive and negative studies. This proposal has been floated in response to the recent discovery by regulatory authorities and various...
| 8/7/2004 - A new independent study, conducted at the University of Birmingham, UK, reveals that a popular prescription drug for Alzheimer's disease, Aricept, offers no real benefit to Alzheimer's patients compared to placebo. And yet, the drug has been approved and heavily marketed based on findings from drug...
| 8/7/2004 - Amid all of the frantic warnings from the FDA that prescription drugs from Canada are somehow dangerous, a question arises: where are all the dead and injured Canadians? If drugs are somehow more dangerous in Canada, shouldn't the FDA be able to produce endless examples of people who have actually been...
| 8/6/2004 - Neither the FDA nor the pharmaceutical industry in the United States can stand the fact that the governor of the state of Wisconsin has put a prescription drug resource center online that encourages citizens to buy their prescription drugs from Canada at a more affordable price. This is driving the...
| 8/6/2004 - A new study conducted by the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences, a health care research organization in Toronto, has concluded that a prescription drug commonly prescribed for congestive heart failure is now responsible for an increased number of deaths of heart patients due to the drug being...
| 8/3/2004 - The state of Maryland joins a growing list of cities and states attempting to import prescription drugs from Canada. Montgomery County says it could save $6 million to $10 million a year by giving its employees the choice of filling their prescriptions through certified Canadian pharmacies.
But of...
| 7/26/2004 - One of the most important ways for pharmaceutical companies to sell more prescription drugs is to alter the belief systems of patients so that they believe they absolutely need these drugs in order to achieve certain health goals. Here we're going to look at an advertisement for a statin drug that...
| 7/25/2004 - Boston has now done the math and realized that buying prescription drugs from Canada -- rather than paying sky-high prices under the U.S. drug monopoly -- will save it millions of dollars each year. More and more U.S. cities are doing the same thing: making deals with Canadian pharmaceutical companies...
| 7/25/2004 - The FDA is losing its battle waged against the pocketbooks of American consumers: people are importing more prescription drugs than ever, and they're getting them from Canada, Mexico and even the U.K. This concerns the FDA, of course, which has gone all out to protect the profits of Big Pharma by attempting...
| 7/23/2004 - The Bush administration's handouts to pharmaceutical companies just keep on coming. First, it was the Medicare discount drug card scam which turned out to be a system that guaranteed pharmaceutical industry profits thanks to sky-high prices of prescription drugs (the discounts were nonexistent). Next,...
| 7/21/2004 - At the turn of the 20th century, radioactive products were thought to be good for you. Manufacturers made, marketed and sold products like radioactive tablets (designed to give you more energy!), radioactive water storage containers, and even radioactive bottled water. Many of the people behind the...
| 7/21/2004 - It's one of the most widely-held beliefs in health care: that sky-high prescription drug prices are the key to innovation, and without 100,000% markups (or more) on prescription drugs, pharmaceutical companies would halt research and never find cures for chronic disease. There are so many individual...
| 7/17/2004 - Want to know how to beat prostate cancer? Your physician will probably tell you to take prescription drugs. That's the no-brainer answer from a professional who has been all but brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry. But the real answer is far simpler and a lot less expensive: eat large quantities...
| 7/15/2004 - The new cholesterol lowering guidelines are proving to be a windfall for statin drug manufacturers like Pfizer and Merck: most news articles and medical advice concerning the new guidelines recommend drugs -- and drugs only -- to reduce cholesterol level. As a result, the guidelines are perhaps better...
| 7/15/2004 - When observing the state of modern medicine and the unprecedented influence of pharmaceuticals, an interesting paradox arises. The drug companies claim that pharmaceuticals can do wonders for people: lower their cholesterol, end clinical depression, reverse osteoporosis, eliminate allergies, calm your...
| 7/9/2004 - Here's a must-read article for anyone interested in learning how the pharmaceutical industry really operates. It's a case of aggressive marketing gone bad, with a mixture of corrupt physicians, underhanded payola and a near-total disregard for patient health. And yet it's business as usual in the pharmaceutical...
| 7/1/2004 - Little wonder here: prescription drug prices spiked up shortly after passage of the Medicare drug benefit law. The law was widely regarded as a guaranteed handout to drug companies, and now the pharmaceutical industry is making the most of the handout by spiking prices as quickly as they can. This...
| 5/28/2004 8:45:25 AM - A growing number of people are purchasing prescription drugs that have
been reimported from Canada. This practice bypasses the drug company
monopoly that now has a strangehold on customers in the United States,
allowing customers to have access to the very same prescription drugs at
a fraction...
| 1/22/2004 6:42:44 PM - Here's another opportunity to contrast the actions of the FDA's actions
on prescription drugs versus herbal medicine. As you are probably well
aware, the FDA aggressively bans herbs that cause just a few deaths.
Ephedra's isolated problems were highly exaggerated and widely
publicized in order...
| 11/9/2003 10:40:10 AM - The war against ephedra is nothing more than a smoke screen to distract people from the far more dangerous effects of prescription drugs. If prescription drugs and over the counter drugs were measured by the same yardstick, more than half of all drugs would be banned outright.
Prescription drugs...
| 11/7/2003 12:40:04 PM - Background: RX Depot was importing prescription drugs from Canada (where they are cheaper) and selling them to customers in the U.S. (where the drugs are very expensive). The U.S. drug companies, of course, didn't like this, and they invented all sorts of false accusations to try to discredit RX Depot,...
| See all 220 prescription drugs feature articles.Concept-related articles:Diabetes:Heart failure:Drugs:Patients:Failure:Drug:Prescription:Heart:Researchers:Canada:Pharmaceutical industry:Drug profits:Drug companies:The FDA:Drugs from Canada:Medical racket:
Concepts related to Prescription drugs
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