Pigs news, articles and information:
| 11/6/2016 - Deep-fried Twinkies, clouds of colorful cotton candy, and swine flu? These are some of the things you might encounter at your local state fair, at least according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The agency has issued a new warning to parents that children who touch or go...
| 11/5/2016 - Genetically modified corn has become an omniscient presence in the food industry, including in shelf-stable storable foods. Many people have aversions to GM corn and other GM ingredients for a variety of personal reasons, but this new bit of information may shock even those of us who abstain from consuming...
| 10/3/2016 - The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is praised for its philanthropy around the world, but much of the foundation's good deeds are merely no-consent vaccine experiments carried out on the poor. Under the pretense of providing healthcare to third world countries, the Gates Foundation instead coerces...
| 5/25/2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) deemed glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans last year, but the adverse impact of the herbicide extends beyond a heightened risk for cancer. A study conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and Egypt found that pigs fed glyphosate spawned "mutant" offspring,...
| 4/5/2016 - A preservative chemical that's routinely added to hot dogs, beef jerky, bacon and breakfast sausage is now being deployed by government researchers as a fatal bait to poison wild hogs to death. Development of the deadly hog poison is being pursued by none other than the U.S. Department of Agriculture,...
| 12/4/2015 - While a truck filled with pigs was on its way to an Ontario, Canada, pork processing plant in June 2015, animal rights activist Anita Krajnc tried to give the animals water. In an effort to provide relief to the animals during the intense summer heat, she poured some water in the truck's openings while...
| 11/3/2015 - The biotech industry is at it again.
However, the latest news isn't about the industry's involvement with your food or some pills you may be taking, but about tapping into society's seemingly collective love of adorable animals.
Specifically, Chinese biotech firm BGI has focused on creating the...
| 12/15/2014 - Known for its agriculture, Iowa slaughters more pigs than any other state, making the pork industry an extremely valuable commodity. Treating animals humanely is absent from the list of concerns for most Iowa politicians; while cruel, overcrowding and confinement equals more money for the pork industry.
| 11/24/2014 4:09:35 PM - Family gatherings, gift shopping, holiday parties and delicious-looking home-cooked food spells the holiday for many of us. While often a time of indulgence, our standards for clean, healthy, toxin-free food mustn't be thrown out the window. With the passing of Thanksgiving, and with Christmas just...
| 6/24/2014 - An infertility crisis on Spanish pig farms has been linked to endocrine-disrupting plastic chemicals also found in human food products, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Zaragoza and published in the journal Scientific Reports in May.
The study marks "the first time that...
| 7/6/2013 - Industrial agriculture is becoming widely recognized as one of the leading causes of environmental pollution in the world today. But rather than move towards more sustainable methods of food production, and particularly meat production, the factory farm industry has further added to the downfall of...
| 4/2/2013 - A mysterious wave of animal deaths that kicked off at the start of 2011 is picking back up in China, where tens of thousands of farm animals and wildlife have turned up dead in the communist country's waterways in recent weeks. According to reports, the mass die-offs have affected mainly rivers and...
| 3/21/2013 - The bodies of 13,000 dead pigs have been founds in the rivers and streams that supply the Chinese metropolis of Shanghai with its drinking water. The carcasses are believed to have floated downstream from the city of Jiaxing in the Zhejiang province, although the deputy mayor of that city has avoided...
| 8/2/2012 - Newly uncovered documents reveal that pregnant Australian women were used as guinea pigs for the morning sickness drug thalidomide in a series of clinical tests some 50 years ago that left a number of children with substantial birth defects.
The 1960 Australian trials were the first for the thalidomide...
| 5/3/2012 - Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms,...
| 4/17/2012 - There is nothing more pathetic, ugly and insidious than a tyrannical government thug who uses his power to destroy the lives of law-abiding citizens. Today, we have witnessed the outrageous acts carried out by jack-booted scumbags in Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who masterminded...
| 3/30/2012 - As many NaturalNews readers now know, the state of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently issued a final ruling on its invasive species order (ISO) for swine that targets destructive "feral" species for elimination across the state. But what many people do not realize is that because...
| 3/27/2012 - The state of Michigan is only days away from engaging in what can only be called true "animal genocide" -- the mass murder of ranch animals based on the color of their hair. It's all part of a shocking new "Invasive Species Order" (ISO) put in place by Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR)....
| 8/23/2011 - There are too many heavily funded, highly praised scientists who think they can outwit nature and play God. A recent medical science development in Japan is leading the way to using animals for creating organs to be transplanted into humans. Though hailed as a solution for many who await organ transplants,...
| 11/5/2009 - The pork industry desperately wants you to believe "the Big Lie" about swine flu: That it can't infect pigs, and therefore it's perfectly safe to buy and eat lots and lots of pork products.
It's a merry little tale, and it would be a nice little piece of information to pass along if only it were...
| 1/26/2009 - A British lord and fertility researcher has announced plans to breed genetically engineered pigs, for the purpose of harvesting their organs for transplant into humans.
"Pigs' organs are the right size for human transplantation, and they work similarly to human organs," said Lord Winston, head of...
| 11/19/2008 - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has exposed a U.S. Army practice of shooting live pigs so that soldiers can treat their gunshot wounds.
"Shooting and maiming pigs is as outdated as Civil War rifles," said Kathy Guillermo, director of PETA's Laboratory Investigations Department.
| 7/30/2008 - Numerous researchers in other countries have been reporting results on the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in pigs and the risk of human contraction. But no U.S. agency or institution has tested MRSA patients to identify whether they carry the strain, according to the...
| 6/3/2008 - The antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is widespread among both pigs and pig farmers in Canada, suggesting the livestock industry as a possible source of the disease, according to a study published in the journal "Veterinary Microbiology."
| 2/6/2008 - The New York Times recently reported a highly probable direct link between our unsustainable system of modern industrial agriculture and two recently emerging phenomena that threaten us all. The author makes the very logical connection between the recent epidemic of MRSA (an antibiotic-resistant strain...
| 3/7/2006 - "The concentration camps were used as a huge laboratory for human experimentation," says Wolfgang Eckhart, professor of Historical Medicine at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. During the Holocaust, Bayer, Hoechst, BASF and other German pharmaceutical and chemical companies combined into a powerful...
| See all 61 pigs feature articles.Concept-related articles:The FDA:Food supply:Animals:FDA:The food supply:Food:Experiments:Genetically modified:University:Genetic:Genetically modified pigs:School:Pharmaceutical companies:AIDS:AIDS drugs:Guinea pigs:
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