Patients news, articles and information:

Antibiotic use by previous patients mean hospital beds increase risk of infection

11/19/2016 - At the Columbia University Medical Center in New York, researchers examined what antibiotics are capable of doing to the microenvironment surrounding patients. This is the environment we cannot see with the naked eye, the environment of microorganisms that is always interacting with us and between us....

Doctors turning patients into drug addicts, admit too many patients addicted to tranquilizers

11/16/2016 - For the first time, a major British doctors' association has admitted that too many patients are being prescribed dangerous and addictive benzodiazepine tranquilizers, also known as "benzos." These benzos include Xanax, Restoril and diazepam – a generic drug formerly marketed as Valium and...

Canadian fertility doctor accused of impregnating patients with his own sperm

11/15/2016 - If true, this would be one of the most unethical things a doctor could ever do – not to mention one of the most criminal. As reported by CTV News, a fertility doctor in Ottawa is facing accusations that he used his own sperm to impregnate two of his patients. Both patients had daughters who...

Medical marijuana victories sweep America as 4 states leap ahead with holistic freedom

11/11/2016 - The November 8 ballots produced a solid victory for medical marijuana proponents, with several states passing new medical marijuana laws. Four states – Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota – will all now allow those seeking pain relief and treatment for numerous illnesses to have...

Bacteria transfer during open-heart surgery infecting patients, often with fatal results

10/31/2016 - Twelve patients who had open heart surgery at a Pennsylvania hospital last year were infected with a rare bacterium that takes months to manifest symptoms. Six of the infected patients from WellSpan York Hospital became very ill and passed away, warranting a federal investigation into the matter. Investigators...

Hospitals raise their prices despite public outcry from over-burdened patients

10/21/2016 3:49:29 PM - When word got out last year that a handful of hospitals throughout Florida were massively price-gouging their patients, experts predicted that the outrageous bills for services at these care facilities would quickly drop in response. But the exact opposite occurred, a new investigation has found, with...

Leading Democrat refusing dying patients access to experimental treatments that may save their lives

10/10/2016 - Retiring Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., the chamber's minority leader, has a well-deserved reputation for being hyper-partisan and downright obstinate. Though he regularly blames Republicans for being "obstructionists," there are few in Congress' upper chamber who can out-obstruct the obstructionist-in-chief. Now,...

UK study finds that half of mastectomy patients recieve unneccessary surgery

9/26/2016 - A shocking study conducted via a national audit of UK healthcare showed that nearly 50 percent mastectomies for women due to early signs of cancer were entirely unnecessary. Presented to the European Breast Cancer Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, statistics illustrated that, out of more than 8,000...

Shocking new study shows chemo kills half of cancer patients, not cancer itself

9/20/2016 - A new landmark study found that up to 50 percent of people who receive chemotherapy are killed by the treatment, not cancer itself. For the first time, researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research U.K. examined the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy. Chemotherapy...

U.S. healthcare law makes it easier for opioid-addicted patients to go back to the hospital for more

9/19/2016 - The ongoing "war on drugs," combined with changes in the way opioids are prescribed and tracked, was supposed to arrest a growing addiction to those medications among Americans. But a new report concludes that those rule changes may actually be having the opposite effect. The report from the Substance...

Cancer patients who practice yoga experience far less pain and anxiety

8/12/2016 - Many people who practice yoga report that it reduces stress and helps them gain a sense of inner calm. The ancient practice, which combines movement with breath, is being explored by researchers as a way to help cancer patients alleviate symptoms and boost their outlook and quality of life. A number...

Doctors who commit sex abuse, fraud, murder and identity impersonation now accepted as normal by a corrupt cancer establishment

8/5/2016 - The following are true stories. In California, a doctor who had just completed an examination on a female patient, put his hand down her blouse, pulled one of her breasts out of her bra and put his mouth on it, then pulled out his penis and ejaculated in her hand. In Missouri, a doctor treating a sexually...

Diet rich in oily fish may reduce risk of death in cancer patients, study suggests

7/27/2016 - The list of health benefits associated with a diet rich in oily fish now includes a lowered risk of death in patients suffering from colon cancer, according to a new study. A team of researchers led by Dr. Andrew Chan of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, found that patients who ate at least...

Big Pharma finds new use for statins in cancer patients, after large study reveals the drug's benefits were 100 percent fabricated

7/19/2016 - As the consensus about statins as cholesterol-lowering "miracle drugs" starts to crack, Big Pharma is doubtless looking for ways to preserve the profitability of the top-earning drug class of all time. Now, a new study in the journal Breast Cancer Research may indicate how statins will soon be marketed:...

Thousands of American doctors caught sexually abusing their patients ... and more than HALF are still practicing

7/14/2016 - In January 2002, a Boston Globe report – the first in a lengthy, Pulitzer Prize-winning series – shocked the world of Catholicism to its core when it revealed that a beloved local parish priest had sexually abused choir boys for over three decades. What's worse, the Globe reported that...

Medical professor diagnosed with multiple sclerosis miraculously cures debilitating disease through dietary and lifestyle changes

7/7/2016 - When emergency medicine professor George Jelinek was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at age 45, he was told the disease was progressive and incurable. He had reason to believe it; he had seen his own mother suffer from the disease until she needed a wheelchair to get around, until, eventually,...

75 percent of young or middle-aged terminal cancer patients subjected to painful and USELESS treatments during final days

6/27/2016 - A new study found that up to 75 percent of young or middle-aged terminal cancer patients receive aggressive - but useless - treatments in the last 30 days before death, causing needless added pain and misery for those whom the cancer industry has already failed to cure. One-third of these unfortunate...

Clueless doctors are still prescribing useless antibiotics patients testing negative for STDs

6/21/2016 - More than 75 percent of patients given antibiotics for a sexually transmitted disease (STD) actually tested negative for infections, according to a new study. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from St. John Hospital & Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan, who studied the medical records...

Study shows aggressive end-of-life treatments lead to needlessly horrific deaths in middle-aged, terminal cancer patients

6/17/2016 - As terminal cancer patients approach the end of their life, they are aggressively abused by methods of treatment that destroy their quality of life. As cancer is given authority over their lives, patients are often given a timeline of how long they will live, but that's not all. Once they are cursed,...

Physicians prescribe useless antibiotics to acute bronchitis patients 70 percent of the time

6/13/2016 - Adding to the growing antibiotic resistance epidemic is the longtime practice among conventional doctors of prescribing antibiotics for acute bronchitis, a viral disease that does not even respond to the drugs. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveals that...

Why double-blind drug trials are a science FRAUD: The more toxic the side effects, the more patients believe the drugs are 'working'

6/6/2016 - When it comes to antidepressants and many other drugs, double-blind drug trials are a complete fraud. Here's why: "Double-blind" means that one group gets a placebo while another group gets the real drug, but neither group knows what they're actually getting. This is supposed to sort out the placebo...

Socialized medical care in the UK is so inefficient that about 300K patients were given the wrong prescription drugs

5/31/2016 - The healthcare system in the United States isn't completely socialist – that is, fully government run – yet, but Obamacare pushed our system much closer to it than it previously was, and the trend is still heading that way. But, despite promises of "free this" and "free that" when it comes...

Doctors criticized for 'over-prescribing' harmful drugs for patients who can heal through healthy diet and exercise

5/30/2016 - You're at home, watching TV or helping your child with their homework, and all of a sudden, you're struck by a horrible abdominal pain. It feels like nothing you've ever experienced before – sharp, deep and relentless. Something could be awfully wrong, so you let people know and an ambulance is...

American doctor sends brutal warning to the public: Money, marketing and legislation are fueling the opioid epidemic

5/24/2016 - Practicing physician Ronald Hirsch is fed up with all the incessant marketing and over-prescription of opioid painkillers going on in the field of medicine. He knows that big money is influencing the incessant marketing of opioids. Hospital staff members are often trained to try and please patients...

American College of Physicians encourages doctors to 'counsel' patients on guns and report data to third parties

5/21/2016 - The American College of Physicians, the second largest physician group in the U.S., is pushing doctors to question patients about firearm safety, as shown in a new report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The report reminds doctors that the law doesn't prevent them from asking patients about...

Hospital patients are being vaccinated against their will! Nurse blows the whistle on criminal vaccinations being forced on innocent patients

5/20/2016 - Nearly two years ago, CDC senior scientist Dr. William Thompson admitted publicly that he and colleagues omitted vital information from a 2004 report which indicated that African-American males who received the MMR vaccine before reaching three years old were more at risk for developing autism. Now,...

Socialized healthcare in England leaves 1 in 8 patients deprived of adequate food or water

5/12/2016 - There is an old expression that goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." That essentially means you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it. It is the same with facts and truth: You can present someone with knowledge but you can't force them...

VA hospital found to be serving up cockroaches in meals to patients ... U.S. medical care continues plunging toward Third World status

5/6/2016 - When it comes to "reform" at the nation's largest healthcare delivery system – which is government-run, by the way – change doesn't come easy, or at all. New reports have surfaced that there is a vermin and insect infestation in the kitchen of a suburban Chicago Veterans Administration...

David Gorski's extreme arrogance, pathological hatred and total disregard for opposing viewpoints makes him a danger to Karmanos cancer patients, warns author

4/29/2016 - "As a public safety warning to all those seeking a breast cancer surgeon in the Detroit area, I'm offering the following warning in the public interest: Dr. David Gorski is a deranged, mentally ill cancer surgeon who is widely known as a pathological liar. His daily activities are conducted in direct...

Three physicians who disregarded medical choice to maim, murder or abandon patients (one of them is still practicing)

4/24/2016 - We like to picture doctors as caring, compassionate souls whose existence is dedicated to helping others. Unfortunately, not all physicians complete the rigorous schooling to satisfy an innate love for humanitarianism. Instead, some individuals enter the field seeking financial gains, power and an elitist-type...

Detroit cancer surgeon warning: Watch out for Dr. David Gorski at the Karmanos Cancer Center

4/23/2016 - As a public safety warning to all those seeking a breast cancer surgeon in the Detroit area, I'm offering the following warning in the public interest: Dr. David Gorski is a deranged, mentally ill cancer surgeon who is widely known as a pathological liar. His daily activities are conducted in direct...

Science troll and cancer surgeon David Gorski (ORAC) named in conspiracy allegations filed with the FBI; Health Ranger to deliver 'bombshell' findings in sworn testimony

4/21/2016 - Yesterday, I filed a detailed series of medical conspiracy allegations against Dr. David Gorski and the Karmanos Cancer Center, where criminal cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata committed large-scale criminal fraud and was ultimately sentenced to 45 years in prison by the federal government. You can...

Patient complaints about Dr. David Gorski are just the beginning... why Karmanos Cancer Institute patients must save their own lives from mentally deranged doctors

4/20/2016 - If you ask people to comment on cancer surgeon Dr. David Gorski ("ORAC"), a lot of words and phrases get repeated with striking frequency. "Sociopath" "Hate monger" "Pathological liar" and even "A danger to society." It's little surprise that Dr. Gorski's own patients also warn about his hateful...

Dr. David Gorski named in medical conspiracy allegations complaint filed with Karmanos Cancer Center and Michigan Attorney General

4/20/2016 - To: Karmanos Cancer Center 4100 John R Detroit, MI 48201 CC: Michigan Board of Medicine, Bureau of Professional Licensing PO Box 30670 Lansing, MI 48909-8170 and the Michigan Enforcement Division 517-373-4972 CC: Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette Cadillac...

Surprisingly high number of patients admitted into mental health facilities die, and their deaths are often unreported... why?

4/18/2016 - For years there has been a rash of unexplained and sometimes violent deaths of patients at mental health facilities in Britain and Australia, but their deaths often go unreported, though no one seems to know why. Earlier this month, the BBC reported that a charity for bereaved families in Britain...

Mandatory euthanasia coming soon to California so that medical industry can harvest organs from everyone right before killing them

4/17/2016 - In medical systems around the world, the hunt for viable, transplantable organs is on. The knowledgeable Jan Bollen of the Maastricht University Medical Centre points this out in two separate papers published this year in the American Journal of Transplantation and in the Journal of Medical Ethics....

Fixing the numbers: How cancer doctors trick patients into undergoing chemotherapy using fudged stats and unsubstantiated prognoses

4/6/2016 - It seems absurd in this Information Age to believe that some doctors today will intentionally mislead patients about their diagnosis and prognosis in order to turn a dollar, but unfortunately that is true. As reported by Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News, "It happens more often than you can imagine,...

Study shows terminally-ill cancer patients die faster in hospitals than at home

4/5/2016 - Most people don't want to die; even fewer want to die in a hospital. When faced with the specter of death, most patients would prefer to die at home, but fear they might lose quality care in doing so. According to a recent study, contrary to popular belief, terminally ill cancer patients who choose...

Health services CEO ruthlessly took advantage of the terminally ill and elderly, killing patients for profit

4/2/2016 - A Texas based healthcare company has been accused of expediting the deaths of hospice patients via drug overdoses in order to increase profits, according to a report by NBC 5. Brad Harris, 34, founded Novus Health Care Services, Inc. in July 2012, state records show. The company is based in Frisco. Individuals...

One in four seniors leave the hospital carrying a superbug on their hands

3/29/2016 - It is standard protocol for doctors and nurses to wash their hands to help curb the spread of infection in hospitals. According to a recent study, however, seniors often leave hospitals with more germs than they had walking in. In particular, the research, published in a JAMA Internal Medicine research...

The pink parade facade: Susan Komen Foundation not telling the truth about breast cancer

3/18/2016 - The pretty pink ribbons are coming undone as more people start to see through the "breast cancer awareness" racket and waste. Yes, the Susan G. Komen Foundation has brought awareness to breast cancer, but they have not shined a light on the real-life solutions that exist for cancer patients. In fact,...

One third of patients enter the hospital malnourished, and it all goes downhill from there

3/8/2016 - According to registered dietitians at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital of Loyola University Health System, poor patient "outcomes" and longer hospital stays are that end results of patients entering the hospital malnourished, and it's being classified as a disorder! So then, what happens when you are stuck...

Here's your Obamacare: Hospitals now demanding patients pay up front before receiving treatment

2/21/2016 - Deductibles are soaring under Obamacare, and many U.S. hospitals are now attempting to collect medical payments before services are even rendered, according to new reports. The financial burden of medical care has increased so much as a result of Obamacare -- just as predicted -- that hospitals can...

Doctors subject early-cancer patients to excessive radiation because it makes them more money

2/1/2016 - In recent years, a new approach to treating breast cancer with radiation therapy has been developed. The introduction of hypofractionated whole breast irradiation (as opposed to conventional whole breast irradiation) has reduced the length of treatment by about half -- from between five and seven weeks...

Health-ignorant patients one of many problems exacerbating antibiotic resistance

1/19/2016 - As 2015 begins, many of us take stock of the year just passed and find that there is much to be grateful for, but the fact that approximately 2,000,000 people in the US have been afflicted with illness from antibiotic-resistant bacteria and 23,000 of those people died this past year is certainly not...

Drug that causes patients to bleed to death was approved under questionable circumstances by Obama FDA nominee

12/21/2015 - Meet Robert Califf. He was recently appointed as Deputy Commissioner for Medical Products and Tobacco at the FDA, by the Obama administration. This is the same guy who worked at the Duke Institute for Clinical Research, where he co-chaired the executive committee for the clinical trials of the pharmaceutical...

Big Pharma exploits patients with insane drug pricing while attacking natural healers who safely treat disease with herbal medicine

12/21/2015 - In the wake of the Martin Shkreli scandal, the pharmaceutical industry has been aggressively defending its price-gouging tactics as necessary for the treatment of sick patients. The line goes that pharmaceuticals are expensive to produce, so paying $750 for a single tablet of Daraprim, for instance,...

Cancer patients begin losing health insurance coverage as Obamacare 'sickcare' system implodes

12/9/2015 - When Obamacare was first imposed on the American public, it was touted as a plan that would make quality healthcare available to everyone. The reality has proven to be another story ... Take for instance the case of Cindy Jacobson, a Houston woman being treated for renal cell carcinoma. Her cancer...

Psychiatric hospital places patients in the middle of busy roadways to have them killed by vehicular manslaughter, says politician

12/3/2015 - If you ever happen to find yourself stranded in Mexico, begging passersby for a little extra cash to get home, watch out! A Mexican politician is calling on folks like you to be put down with a lethal injection – a practice that she claims is already taking place in a similar, but different, way...

During the Third Reich, Nazis experimented on psychiatric patients to test gas chamber methods

10/25/2015 - World War II ended 70 years ago, but information about just how murderous and depraved Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party (Nazis) were continues to be unearthed by researchers. The UK's Daily Mail reports that in the lead-up to major hostilities in Europe, Hitler and his Nazis were busy...

Fewer meds work better for schizophrenia patients

10/20/2015 4:42:27 PM - An exciting, game-changing study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, calls for an entirely new approach to treating schizophrenia. The report shows massive evidence for reducing the use of anti-psychotic drugs in favor of more individualized, holistic therapies. Most schizophrenic patients...

Doctors Without Borders gets bombed by the USA: Civilian hospital targeted to kill terrorists... 12 medics and 9 patients blown to bits while war racket rages on

10/4/2015 - To the surprise of no one who realizes the truth about war, the United States has bombed a civilian hospital in Afghanistan that was staffed by Doctors Without Borders. The Pentagon was trying to bomb 10 - 15 "terrorists" but ended up also killing 12 medics and 9 patients, including several children...

Why don't oncologists refund cancer patients when their chemotherapy fails?

9/22/2015 - For being one of the only government-approved treatment options for cancer, chemotherapy has a pitifully dismal success rate. Chemotherapy fails upwards of 93 percent of the time depending on which study you look at; some studies show a failure rate of between 97 and 98 percent. Despite this, the cancer...

Seattle hospital warns parents it might have given HIV to thousands of children over FIVE YEARS

9/19/2015 - Improper sterilization of surgical equipment at Seattle Children's Hospital has put tens of thousands of children at risk of accidental HIV infection. Officials from the Bellevue Clinic and Surgery Center say they are now offering free blood tests to roughly 12,000 families after it was determined that...

Psychotic neurosurgeon intentionally maimed and killed patients in cold blood after being licensed by medical establishment

9/15/2015 - It's difficult for the average person to imagine, but to become a neurosurgeon in the United States is a lengthy, tedious process that takes decades before you ever see your first patient on your own, when you account for primary, secondary and post-secondary education. And yet, given the sacrifices...

Las Vegas doctor reportedly used horse tranquilizer to subdue, then rape female patients at his practice

8/27/2015 - A sadistic Las Vegas doctor has been fondling, subduing, raping and filming patients at his practice since 2006. Many of his victims were young teenage girls. The deceptive doctor even used one victim to produce his own pornography. The victims had no clue what was being done to them because the doctor...

More proof that prayer works? Religious patients found to be healthier than others

8/10/2015 11:31:29 AM - Cancer patients who are more religious or spiritual in their beliefs experience better physical function and less severe cancer symptoms, according to a series of studies published in the journal Cancer on August 10. The studies add to a growing body of evidence that the "spiritual" side of life is...

Dead doctors, dead patients and corporate bullying: How FDA is the new Murder Inc

8/5/2015 - When the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raided Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet's offices this year, they were determined to put an end to his research and use of Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) because this research was essentially making vaccines look like violent, mad science....

Austin health clinics violate medical ethics by turning away unvaccinated children

8/4/2015 - The largest healthcare provider in Central Texas has announced that it will no longer accept children as patients if they haven't been vaccinated in accordance with the official Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination schedule, new reports indicate. The Austin Regional Clinic...

Hospitals are breeding grounds for drug-resistant superbugs and cause deadly infections that kill 75,000 U.S. patients annually

7/29/2015 12:17:52 PM - Every year, 75,000 people die in the United States from infections that they acquired while in the hospital. Every one of those deaths is considered preventable by good hygiene practices. Embracing the philosophy that zero hospital-acquired infections is an achievable, reasonable and important goal,...

INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents raided his research facility to seize a breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAF

7/27/2015 - The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury emerging cures and keep the "sick care" industry in control. (The American Medical Association,...

Natural News celebrates Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's life spent helping patients heal naturally

7/24/2015 - It is with great sadness that we report the death of health freedom advocate and individualized nutrition specialist Dr. Nick Gonzalez, who on the eve of July 21 died from an alleged heart attack. Dr. Gonzalez' contributions to anticancer nutrition protocols and an array of other nutritional therapies...

Western doctors are now killing their patients in cold blood under euthanasia laws

7/16/2015 - A recent study by the Journal of Medical Ethics revealed a disturbing practice being carried out in Belgian hospitals -- namely, the deliberate euthanasia of patients without their voluntary consent. Raphael Cohen-Almagor, professor of philosophy and ethics at the UK's Hull University and author...

Arrogant Western doctors routinely abuse anesthetized patients for entertainment

7/13/2015 - Your doctor might come across as friendly when speaking face to face, but do you know what she's saying about you behind your back or when you're under anesthesia for a medical procedure? A Vienna man was recently awarded $500,000 in a court judgment after recordings captured during his colonoscopy...

Medicine as propaganda: Obama pushes doctors to brainwash patients about global warming

7/12/2015 - With Barack Obama, it is all Left-wing politics, all the time. Never a let-up. No relenting. Push, push, push the agenda 24/7/365. Why else – with all that the president has to concern himself with – would he bother trying to convince your family doctor to teach you about so-called global...

Western doctors now euthanize patients as a 'treatment' for depression and psychiatric conditions

7/9/2015 - Claiming that she has wanted to die ever since childhood, a 24-year-old Belgian woman thinks that suicide is the only answer. This summer, she is getting help from her psychiatrist. The suicidal Belgian woman is about to receive, in her mind, the ultimate treatment for her psychological condition. No,...

Sociopathic oncologist to be sentenced for destroying people's health by administering chemo drugs to cancer-free victims

7/7/2015 6:30:36 PM - It should be that people are very comfortable with their doctor, trusting them completely. We turn to medical professionals with our health problems and related questions, hoping they'll do what's best to improve our condition. The last thing a person should experience is a severe breach of this...

Feds bust four fake cancer charities that defrauded $187 million from Americans

6/22/2015 - A string of cancer charities -- the Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services, the Breast Cancer Society and the Children's Cancer Fund of America -- have turned out to be manipulative frauds run by a family of con artists. The money they raised for cancer patients actually went to pay for personal...

Doctors criticized for 'over-prescribing' harmful drugs for patients who can heal with healthy diet and exercise

6/15/2015 - Pharmaceutical companies spend big money on advertisements to constantly brainwash people to "ask their doctor" how a pill is right for them. Even after listing several terrible side effects, these commercials are still convincing, planting a dangerous seed in the minds of onlookers. In this mental...

Medical holocaust: Psych drugs have killed more than 5 million people over the last 10 years

5/27/2015 - If every single person currently taking psychotropic medications or antidepressants were to be pulled off these deadly drugs and given a new, safer regimen instead, society would be much better off. This is the larger inference of a new review published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal), which found...

600,000 Americans each consume more than $50,000 worth of pharmaceuticals annually, shocking analysis finds

5/23/2015 - The real drug addicts in America today aren't out on the street begging for spare change; they're driving their children to soccer games, working in corporate offices, playing bingo in nursing homes, and attending church services weekly. Regular, everyday citizens, it turns out, are consuming more pharmaceuticals...

Doctors withhold life-saving exercise advice from 69% of bowel cancer patients

5/19/2015 - Patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the English National Health Service (NHS) in 2010 and 2011 were given a survey in 2013 titled "Living with and Beyond Colorectal Cancer." Over 15,000 respondents gave complete data for the study. The survey was focused on physical activity and questioned...

Monopolistic medical establishment attacks 89-year-old philanthropist doctor who sees patients from car - He wins case!

5/4/2015 - An 89-year-old doctor who has been seeing low-income patients out of his car will be able to continue practicing after the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure (MBML) backed down on its threat to take away his license. Dr. Carrol Landrum of Edwards, Mississippi, is a World War II Navy veteran...

Progressive lawmakers in California violate women's rights with SB 277; children to be physically violated by government without parental consent

4/26/2015 - California lawmakers pushing the mandatory vaccine initiative SB 277 are almost all Democrats. These are the same people who defiantly defend the right of "a woman's choice" to decide the issue of abortion. We are repeatedly told that abortion is the woman's choice alone, and that no government, no...

U.S. government ships possible Ebola patients to hotels with no biohazard safeguards

4/18/2015 - Eleven people who may have been exposed to Ebola while working in West Africa have been brought back to the U.S., not to be admitted to high biosafety hospitals for careful monitoring but to be haphazardly housed in hotels and other unprotected places near these hospitals. Reports indicate that one...

New research shows signs of consciousness in brain patterns of unconscious patients

4/17/2015 - To hospital personnel and even close friends and family members, a physically non-responsive patient, or someone we might dub as "vegetative," may seem to be unconscious and completely unaware of what's happening around them. But new research out of the U.K. reveals signature brain patterns in many...

IV vitamin C therapy: A cancer perspective

4/16/2015 - Cancer patients need to understand the danger of vitamin C deficiencies - especially when looking to overcome a cancer diagnosis. In truth, most people suffering with any chronic degenerative disease are vitamin C deficient. Sadly, it's a fact that Western medicine refuses to recognize due to the influence...

Researchers warn about overprescription of psych meds for dementia and recommend holistic approach

4/10/2015 - A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office addresses the bombastic overuse of anti-psychotic medication for suppressing behavior problems in dementia patients. The report finds that one-third of elders with dementia who stayed in a nursing home in 2012 were prescribed an anti-psychotic...

Paul Offit's vaccine lies deconstructed: A mind-blowing interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries

4/10/2015 - Suzanne Humphries, MD, is an internal medicine and kidney specialist who received conventional medical education. After seeing mainstream doctors and hospital staff categorically ignore routine vaccine injuries occurring in her patients, Dr. Humphries began researching vaccine science which validated...

Media panics over measles cases, but gives government a pass for housing possible Ebola patients in hotels open to the public

4/10/2015 - In the U.S. today, you can't even attend public school unless you're fully vaccinated for a battery of mostly mild childhood conditions (or unless you use an appropriate vaccine exemption that is in danger of being eliminated). But the federal government now feels that it's no big deal to ship in possible...

U.S. hospitals exorbitantly overcharge patients for cheap blood tests and other simple procedures

3/28/2015 - The lipid panel is a simple, common blood test doctors use in modern-day medicine to measure patients' cholesterol levels. These tests are ordered millions of times per year, and it's not an overly complicated process. As noted in a Vox report recently, it's "not a procedure where some hospitals are...

Vitamin C outperforms vaccines

3/27/2015 - The idea of a "silver bullet" that can cure humankind of a broad variety of the diseases that plague it, from cancer to measles to the flu, has long been a dream of patient and physician alike. What if that silver bullet were to come not in the form of the latest risky vaccinations but in the form of...

Belligerent TV doctors badger patients in violation of AMA's medical ethics standards

3/16/2015 - Some conventional doctors have decided to take their vitriolic bedside manner to the airwaves in hateful condemnation of the unvaccinated. Defying the clear standards set forth by the American Medical Association (AMA) for proper medical ethics, celebrity physicians like vaccine-lover Paul Offit are...

Telling family stories to coma patients helps them regain consciousness faster, study says

3/9/2015 - There is a strikingly powerful and somewhat mysterious human and familial element involved in the healing process that is often ignored by modern medicine. This is clearly demonstrated in a new study published in the journal Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, which found that coma patients whose...

Psych meds cause patients to enter "zombie-like" states, feeling terrified and hopeless

3/7/2015 - Sweat drips cold from his brow, as if his thoughts are trying to escape his scalp. Insomnia stares into his face like blinding lights. Ever since he started on his new medication, he could feel his care for life slipping, his mind trying to adjust to the chemical changes overtaking his brain. He knew...

Doctors knowingly violate the AMA's code of medical ethics with vaccines

3/4/2015 - Blindly trusting medical professionals will leave you sick and depressed, disempowered and diseased. Remember: You are your own doctor first, and the answers for healing are all around you! The medical system is all about creating lifelong customers, not enlightened self-healers. That's why most...

Chemotherapy kills cancer patients faster than no treatment at all

3/2/2015 - Wishful thinking simply won't deter from the fact that the cancer industry is just that: an industry. Doctors, drug companies, hospitals and other key stakeholders profit heavily each time a cancer patient submits to the conventional treatment model, which typically involves injecting chemotherapy poisons...

U.S. doctors announce vaccine jihad against the American people as a form of "medical terrorism"

2/21/2015 - A number of U.S. doctors are making their opinions known regarding their support for mass vaccinations of the American public by announcing that they will refuse to see patients who hold libertarian views regarding vaccine choice. The decision not to see patients who don't support vaccinations was...

BACKFIRE: How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession

2/18/2015 - The vaccine establishment has a horrible conundrum. It desperately wants everyone to voluntarily buy its for-profit vaccine products, but it has failed to convince everyone that its products are safe and effective... or even necessary in many cases. The problem is made even worse by the fact that...

American Medical Association opposes mandatory vaccines: medical ethics statement

2/10/2015 - According to the "Informed Consent" section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics posted at the American Medical Association website, the AMA is fundamentally and unambiguously opposed to mandatory vaccine programs in America. Read the AMA's Code of Medical Ethics statement here. A mandatory vaccination...

Nursing homes legally kidnapping elderly patients to collect on medical bills

1/27/2015 10:45:56 AM - Every last vestige of American culture and decency is being gutted, it seems, by the insatiable greed of the ruling class den of vipers, which is now voraciously targeting the hard-earned estates of elderly nursing home patients and their families. A recent report in The New York Times (NYT) explains...

Cancer doctors 'fess up to making false diagnoses just to make more money

1/25/2015 - The cytoxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer are well-established, and increasingly more people are waking up to the fact that this conventional treatment model is a sure death sentence for most critically ill cancer patients. But a whole new level of evil is creeping its...

Nutritional education can help breast cancer patients prevent recurrences

1/23/2015 - It's been said that knowledge is power. For many breast cancer patients in Brazil, such words ring true, as researchers discovered that providing them with nutritional information may play a role in preventing a recurrence of the disease. In Brazil, where the five-year survival rate is only 58.4...

Doctors forced to interrogate patients about whether they own guns

1/16/2015 - The Obama Administration is making another play against gun owners, this time by alternately using financial rewards and penalties against doctors. According to reports, physicians who inquire whether or not their patients have loaded guns in their homes will earn extra compensation from Medicare. As...

Bankrupt government slashing payments to doctors by 43%; medicare patients to be rejected nationwide

1/7/2015 - As we've warned for months, just because Americans are required to have health insurance coverage under regulations contained in the Affordable Care Act, that doesn't mean that they will have access to care. If you recall, the entire purpose behind Obamacare, according to the president and the law's...

Top-earning doctors milk their patients for every dollar possible, research shows

12/30/2014 - After examining what Medicare was billed versus what it paid to clinicians, researchers from the UCLA Department of Urology and the Veterans' Health Administration discovered what has been described as "very surprising." Based on their findings, it would appear that they've stumbled upon the reason...

Researchers find that most asthma patients do not use inhalers and epinephrine autoinjectors correctly

12/28/2014 11:20:41 AM - The convenience of inhalers and epinephrine autoinjectors such as the EpiPen are undoubtedly important ways to help people suffering from asthma. However, according to researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston, the majority of patients are using such medical devices...

St. Luke's hospital invests in organic farm to provide health-promoting food to patients

11/26/2014 - Serving mystery meat, French fries, sugar drinks and Jell-O on a tray is no standard of care, especially for a hospital, which should be leading the way -- boosting patients' ability to heal with the most nutrient-dense foods. Sadly, hospitals have evolved into conveyor belts over time, serving processed...

AP investigation: US hospitals nowhere near ready for Ebola

11/2/2014 - Should pockets of Ebola suddenly begin to break out across the U.S., hospitals and acute care facilities would be quickly overwhelmed and unable to handle the massive influx of patients and those who believe that they might have the disease. An Associated Press (AP) investigation found that, generally...

Vitamin D deficiency decreases brain function and increases mortality rate after heart attack

11/2/2014 - Maintaining good health through nutritious foods isn't just important for every day well-being but can be crucial when the body needs to repair itself following an injury. Our bodies have miraculous healing capabilities, which can be heightened with a little extra help from nature's vitamins. Luckily...

Foreign Ebola patients to be brought to US for treatment, warns congressman

10/31/2014 - The Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has issued a new warning that the Obama regime is planning to import foreign Ebola patients into the U.S. for treatment. Representative Bob Goodlatte of Virginia recently told Fox News that he received "information from within the administration"...

WHO quietly admits that 5% of Ebola patients incubate the virus beyond 21 days

10/31/2014 - Nearly 42 days have passed since any new cases of Ebola have turned up in the countries of Senegal and Nigeria, both in West Africa. But a recent update issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that as many as 2 percent of Ebola patients can start to show symptoms beyond the standard 42-day...

US health officials desperately trying to get 20 hospitals ready to safely treat Ebola

10/30/2014 - Hospitals all across the country are scrambling to equip themselves for a potential Ebola outbreak after major protocol failures at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas left at least two health workers infected with the illness and one patient dead. The goal is to get at least 20 hospitals...

U.S. hospitals to be flooded with Ebola patients imported from West Africa

10/27/2014 - As word around Washington, D.C., spreads that President Obama plans some sort of executive action on amnesty for millions of people in the U.S. illegally, a noted government watchdog has said that the president may be planning something far more ominous: bringing scores of patients sick with the Ebola...

Yoga found to benefit dementia patients as well as their caregivers

10/20/2014 - Yoga provides people with a multitude of benefits to their overall health, improving everything from mood and circulation to energy levels and aches. While most people are aware of this, they may not be privy to the fact that it's also been shown to help those suffering from dementia, such as Alzheimer's...

Doctors warn that 80% of patients are contaminated with high levels of toxic mercury

10/17/2014 - Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals known to man and is categorized as one of the top 10 most dangerous chemicals by the World Health Organization. Despite knowing the health risks associated with mercury for over 100 years, the toxic heavy metal is steadily finding its way into our systems...

82% of Ebola patients are being turned away from hospitals to die at home, spreading infections to family members

9/29/2014 - A lack of available hospital beds in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the three countries at the epicenter of the worst Ebola outbreak in history, is leaving many families with nowhere to take their sick and dying. More than 80 percent of Ebola patients, in fact, are being turned away from hospitals...

Alzheimer's drug maker trying to force patients to switch to maintain their drug monopoly, antitrust suit claims

9/26/2014 - Drug companies are always coming up with new ways to keep people taking their product. By bribing hospitals and doctors, drug company executives can push their rubberstamped snake oil into the medical system, where's its suddenly considered medicine. (British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline was...

Zombie weirdness: Two deceased Ebola patients allegedly come back to life during funeral in Liberia

9/25/2014 6:05:51 PM - As they were in the process of being transported from a funeral service to their respective graves, two believed-to-be deceased Ebola victims allegedly came back to life in Liberia, according to new reports. Like a scene straight out of a zombie movie, the two women, one in her 40s and the other in...

Hypertension drugs for low-risk patients raise problems, lower blood pressure naturally

9/24/2014 - In the U.S., an estimated $32 billion per year is being spent unnecessarily to treat high blood pressure, the most common reason patients visit their doctor, scientists say. That $32 billion a year corresponds to more than 1 percent of annual healthcare costs in the U.S., and more than a third of...

45 new Ebola cases caused daily by patients being turned away by overwhelmed volunteers

9/12/2014 12:19:44 PM - The collapse of Liberia's healthcare system due to the Ebola crisis is spurring as many as 45 new cases of the illness daily, according to new data. Researchers from the UK figure that each patient turned away from already full clinics is inadvertently spreading the disease to 1.5 other people, a rate...

Inflammatory bowel disease drugs can increase leukemia risk by 700%

9/9/2014 - One class of drugs used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may increase the risk of blood and bone marrow diseases sevenfold, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University Hospital of Nancy-Brabois in France and published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The...

1,500 mental health patients have been drugged and sent to die alone by Nevada-run hospital since 2008, lawsuit claims

9/7/2014 - The mental healthcare systems in this nation are even worse than the hospital system. Staffs are underpaid, and institutions release mental patients to cut expenses. These people are sent out onto the streets with a handful of psychiatric drugs, adding to the homeless, among whom many are vets that...

US doctor who never treated Ebola patients contracts deadly virus

9/4/2014 5:33:44 PM - A third American has contracted Ebola while working in Africa, and reports indicate that he never even treated any patients that were diagnosed with the disease. According to NPR, Dr. Rick Sacra has worked in Liberia as a physician since 1995, and more recently offered to help at hospitals overwhelmed...

California paid out nearly $100 million for fraudulent medical claims, including $3 million to deceased patients, since 2008

8/27/2014 - A recent statewide audit by California regulators found that more than $93 million in Medi-Cal payments made to substance abuse clinics around the state were potentially fraudulent. According to the Los Angeles Times, the audit, which was released August 19, examined billing data from July 2008 to...

Ebola patients flee an isolation facility during a robbery, exposing a community of 50,000

8/18/2014 12:02:07 PM - Liberia remains one of the nations most affected by the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa, yet there has been a break-in there at an isolation center that held up to 30 afflicted patients, many of whom fled following the break-in -- and that has caused understandable concern among health...

SSRIs make patients lose feelings of love

8/15/2014 - Patients who regularly take serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, can lose feelings of love and attachment, according to the results of a new study. Researchers found that men's feelings of love in particular tend to be more affected than women's when taking SSRIs, drugs which work mainly through...

Natural sunlight in hospitals would improve health and well-being of staff and patients

8/14/2014 - Walk through any run-of-the-mill hospital today and one will notice that there's more emphasis spent on keeping patients in bed connected to machines than there is helping patients stand to see the light and hope outside. Caring nurses are basically put to work in tunnels that have very little natural...

Double mastectomies offer almost no survival benefit for breast cancer patients, 20-year study proves

7/29/2014 - Western medicine is so aggressive and cut-throat that even the idea of prevention has been skewed to the point of chopping off and cutting out body parts for "preventing" cancer that isn't even there. Fear and self-mutilation are not the answer. Today in American mainstream medicine, women are given...

Dark chocolate found to benefit walking ability of patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD)

7/19/2014 - According to a small study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, people with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) were able to walk longer distances unassisted after consuming dark chocolate as opposed to mere milk chocolate.(1) Polyphenols, which are chemicals that are found in a range...

Taking metformin and insulin in conjunction raises mortality risk for diabetes patients

6/18/2014 - Combining the diabetes drug metformin with insulin significantly increases patients' risk of death, according to a study conducted by researchers from Vanderbilt University and published in a diabetes-themed issue of JAMA on June 11. The researchers compared the use of metformin in conjunction with...

Chinese herbal medicine can treat cancer safely and effectively

6/14/2014 - Australia's University of Western Sydney and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine recently conducted a large, retrospective review of thousands of studies and "hundreds of thousands of cancer patients" which proved that Chinese herbal medicine is indeed a viable treatment for almost all cancers. The...

Want to reduce the effects of kidney disease? Walk more

6/3/2014 - Sometimes, simple solutions are the best ones for curing what ails us. That's what new research has found for sufferers of kidney disease. It seems that, just by walking more, kidney disease sufferers can alleviate many of its effects. According to a new study that has been published in the Clinical...

Surgeons to place trauma patients into suspended animation, between life and death, during extreme surgeries

5/31/2014 - An unusual life-preservation technique that might sound like the thing of science-fiction cinema has become a reality at one Pennsylvania hospital where some trauma victims who recently suffered from otherwise fatal injuries are now being given a second chance at life. It is known as suspended animation,...

One-third of hospitalized patients have diabetes - learn how to prevent it

5/31/2014 - Nearly one-third of all people hospitalized in California have diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles, with support from the California Center for Public Health Advocacy. "For far too many families, diabetes has become a common and painful...

Surgery, radiation provide 'no benefit' for elderly prostate cancer patients, study finds

5/23/2014 - Elderly men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer may want to skip out on getting treatment, suggests a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer. Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA) discovered that aggressive cancer therapies like surgery and radiation...

Educated patients control diabetes better than trained physicians

5/17/2014 - The power to reverse type 2 diabetes begins with a well informed individual, someone self-empowered to make changes in their daily eating habits. A remarkable study from the University of Maryland has found that a physician's diabetes-management approach alone is ineffective and has no influence on...

Study shows low hospital lighting levels makes patients more depressed, sick

5/13/2014 - Sometimes people feel worse when they're in the hospital, and now all the jokes about iffy hospital food or long waiting room times can be put to rest. Turns out, there's truth to mood changes and worsening health while in a hospital, and it may be due to something as mundane as the lighting. A study...

Gynecologist arrested for secretly taking nude photos of patients with phone

5/2/2014 - A gynecologist from Arkansas is facing charges of video voyeurism after he allegedly used his cell phone to shoot nude footage of patients during office exams, reports the tell-all website The Smoking Gun. The website reported that police began looking into Dr. Paul Becton, Jr., in April after a...

Brain scans show consciousness in vegetative patients

5/1/2014 - Researchers from the University of Liege, Belgium, have discovered that a high-tech brain scan may be able to predict which brain-injured patients who appear to be in a vegetative state have the best chance of eventually regaining consciousness, according to a study published in The Lancet on April...

Surgeon routinely slaps patients on buttocks before surgery

4/26/2014 - If you live in Western New York and ever need to be admitted to the hospital for a hip or knee replacement, you could end up being assaulted or sexually harassed by your surgeon while under the knife. At least, this is the case at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, where an orthopedic...

U.S. patients with insurance charged higher fees than non-insured

4/25/2014 - A recent investigation by a local news team uncovered evidence that a growing number of California physicians have been charging patients with extra health insurance fees that go to cover everyday office expenses, a practice that is illegal under most healthcare policies. Investigative journalist...

12 million Americans are misdiagnosed by their doctors every year

4/23/2014 12:10:24 PM - Medical malpractice is a lot more common than you might think, with a new study out of Texas having recently discovered that at least one in 20 U.S. patients is misdiagnosed by his or her doctor. Published in the British journal BMJ Quality & Safety, the findings show that upwards of 12 million Americans...

Experimental GSK drug makes patients smell bad, fails to stop heart attacks

4/21/2014 - In a failed attempt to plagiarize what nature already freely provides in the form of anti-inflammatory plants and herbs such as cannabis and turmeric, U.K.-based drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is now reaping the bitter harvest of bio-piracy after one of its experimental heart drugs turned out to be...

Pharmacists caught paying AIDS patients to skip their meds

4/11/2014 - A pharmacy in New York's Bronx borough was shut down by state anti-fraud officers recently after it was discovered that the pharmacists working there had paid off poor AIDS patients to not take their medicines. The trio, which also owned the pharmacy, allegedly billed the federal government for expensive...

Knowledgeable patients encounter problems with ill-informed doctors

4/10/2014 - Patients who are especially knowledgeable may experience conflict with less-informed health providers, sometimes with dangerous results, according to a study conducted by researchers from King's College London and published in the journal BMJ Open in November 2013. Advanced patient education has...

Wisdom teeth surgery a deadly dental scam: Young mother falls into coma following visit to dentist

3/23/2014 - Conventional dentists receive a huge percentage of their revenues by scaring patients into a procedure called "wisdom teeth extraction" which is usually medically unjustified. Across virtually the entire industry of conventional dentistry, this dangerous surgery scam is pushed on patients with unethical...

Update on 80-year-old Stan Rutner's cancer cannabis cure while in hospice

3/21/2014 2:48:00 AM - On November 18, 2013, an article reporting an amazing cannabis cure on a Californian approaching 80 years of age was published. The older gentleman's name is Stan Rutner. It was an amazing story because of Stan's condition. The chemo and radiation were killing him and not doing much for his lung...

Chemotherapy proven to cause long, agonizing, suffering death

3/20/2014 - New evidence confirms what we've known here at Natural News for some time -- that chemotherapy is one of the worst forms of cancer treatment there is, primarily because of the horrific chemicals involved, but also because it is simply an agonizing way to kill. According to a newly published study...

Chemo causes misery, kills patients, and creates more cancer, but is very profitable

3/16/2014 - How often when someone "loses his or her heroic battle against cancer" does anyone mention that the chemo or radiation probably killed that person? The medical establishment usually chalks up those deaths to cancer. But the media and medical mafia propaganda is so pervasive, even the deceased's close...

Chemotherapy-free cancer treatment uses body's own immune system to attack diseased cells

3/11/2014 - A revolutionary breakthrough in cancer treatment that is being described as a "game-changer" would see the body's own immune system utilized to attack diseased cells, rather than rely on sickening chemotherapy, researchers announced lately. Scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in...

Uninsured patients receive better treatment from American healthcare system than insured

2/27/2014 - After Obamacare passed, it wasn't supposed to be this way. Healthcare delivery in the U.S. was supposed to improve dramatically. Millions who once had no health insurance were guaranteed to receive it. And all would get better care. Like so many other promises made on behalf of the Affordable...

'Dementia Village' offers natural alternative to soul-crushing nursing homes

2/26/2014 - A small village in the Netherlands just outside of Amsterdam provides a home for people with dementia, a place that doesn't confine them to a small area or force them to live in sterile hospital conditions. Residents need fewer medications and are able to live in comfortable apartments tailored to their...

'Dementia Village' offers natural alternative to soul-crushing nursing homes

2/26/2014 - A small village in the Netherlands just outside of Amsterdam provides a home for people with dementia, a place that doesn't confine them to a small area or force them to live in sterile hospital conditions. Residents need fewer medications and are able to live in comfortable apartments tailored to their...

'Dementia Village' offers natural alternative to soul-crushing nursing homes

2/26/2014 - A small village in the Netherlands just outside of Amsterdam provides a home for people with dementia, a place that doesn't confine them to a small area or force them to live in sterile hospital conditions. Residents need fewer medications and are able to live in comfortable apartments tailored to their...

Antidepressant Paxil, commonly precribed for depressed cancer patients, increases risk of breast cancer

2/24/2014 - New research suggests that one of the more popular antidepressants, Paxil, may actually contribute to the growth of cancerous tumors in women. That's according to a team of scientists from the City of Hope in Duarte, California, which has developed a quick way to zero in on drugs and chemicals that...

New federal rule will allow patients to have direct access to their medical lab reports

2/17/2014 - A new federal rule to be issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will make calling your physician's office for your lab results a thing of the past. The rule, which was first proposed by the Obama administration in 2011, will give patients direct access to their results. As reported...

Doctors turn cancer patients away thanks to Obamacare

2/11/2014 - The Affordable Care Act continues to unravel before the public's eyes, spilling its true guts, releasing more turmoil into the medical industry. Patients and their doctors are now witnessing rationed care and cost controls. In California, one cancer patient cannot find an available doctor in his area,...

Untested GM purple tomato: Scientists ditch ethics as they seek sick patients for human trials

2/10/2014 - Genetically modified (GM) purple tomatoes are back, and British "Frankenscientists" want you and your family to consume them as a way to avoid developing cancer - seriously. Researchers from the U.K.'s John Innes Centre (JIC) are boldly claiming, based on laughably flimsy evidence, that GM purple tomatoes...

Greek researchers find a psychological component in heart disease

1/31/2014 - Psychological intervention has been found to reduce chances of heart attacks among heart disease patients. The psychological interventions include listening to music, doing relaxation exercises, talking to the patients about what is worrying them, patients being talked to through their surgical procedures...

Illinois proposes 'legalizing' medical marijuana as long as patients surrender Second Amendment rights

1/25/2014 - Lawmakers from the state of Illinois have proposed new medical marijuana rules that coerce patients to surrender their Second Amendment right in the application process. The new medical marijuana "legalization" bill requires Illinois citizens to undergo a background check, be fingerprinted and pay...

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The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world.

Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more.

The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.

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