Overweight news, articles and information:
 | 2/17/2016 - How do you tell if a person is healthy? Without any other information, we are taught to assess an individual's health based on their appearance. While their physical presence does give the outside world some information, it hides the most important evidence: blood pressure, how fast they recover after...
 | 2/3/2016 - The aisles weave throughout the grocery store like arteries. The people pass through the aisles as if they are plaque, sometimes reaching for junk food on the shelves -as they cling to the artery walls. Clogging the aisles, the people fill their carts with processed ingredients that only feed their...
 | 5/28/2015 - It is easy to become deluded about the state of your health when you look around and nearly everyone is in the same situation. People tend to benchmark themselves against the "normal", and with obesity increasing in many parts of the world, a person who is a little overweight can easily convince himself...
 | 8/9/2014 - The kind of food products being distributed so conveniently from boxes, fast food joints and microwavable packages today are so nutritionally void that they are not satisfying the dietary requirements that children need. This kind of food is not only depriving children of proper nutrition levels but...
 | 4/11/2014 - Millions of Americans are unable to meet recommended daily intakes of calcium and vitamin D because of socioeconomic conditions, even though they are vital nutrients in bone health during all phases of life, new research indicates.
"Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the human body, contributing...
 | 3/31/2014 - An annual report by England's chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, highlights the fact that obesity rates are on the rise.
Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing a whole host of chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
 | 1/21/2014 1:41:28 AM - A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has debunked the findings of some recent studies which suggested that diabetics who were overweight or obese could have lower mortality rates than their normal-weight counterparts.
The study, led by researchers from the Harvard School...
 | 10/4/2013 - A diet rich in berries can help mitigate the heart-damaging effects of being overweight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in August.
The researchers assigned 80 overweight women to consume...
 | 9/3/2013 - Adolescent overweight is a major public health concern because of the immediate and long-term health risks. Many overweight adolescents suffer from hypertension, Type II diabetes, and asthma. As they grow into adulthood, many develop coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, different cancers,...
 | 3/23/2013 - Extra weight on your child might mean even greater risk for health complications than originally thought. According to a recent study appearing in the journal Pediatrics, it may also mean your child is deficient in one of the most important "vitamins" to overall human health and vital functioning --...
 | 11/8/2012 - It doesn't take much more than a casual glance around you to know that overweight and obesity rates have risen during the past half century, specifically skyrocketing over the past five to ten years. An overabundance of highly processed, fructose-infused convenience foods and meals eaten at fast food...
| 2/15/2011 - A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition indicates that overweight and obese individuals might benefit from testing their vitamin D levels. Low levels of this vitamin may indicate health issues and might be linked to heart disease, diabetes, and even some kinds of cancer. Maintaining optimum...
 | 10/10/2010 - America is already on the verge of drowning in sick-care bankruptcy, but the situation is about to get even worse. According to a new study released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, three-fourths of Americans will be obese or overweight by 2020. That puts America in first...
| 7/21/2010 - A new report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reveals that overweight people tend to have poorer memories. Based on the memory test used in the study, every extra point on the body mass index (BMI) led to a one-point drop on the test, indicating that the more obese a person...
| 3/12/2010 - A study published in the online journal Obesity, March 19, found that 75 percent of young recruits for fire and ambulance service in Massachusetts were overweight or obese. The study was conducted by researchers from Boston University School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Harvard University and...
| 7/27/2009 - Did your daily weigh-in cause your blood pressure to spike? If it did, you are not alone. More than 50 percent of Americans are overweight or obese and the numbers just keep on rising. These shocking statistics have doctors from the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and American...
| 3/26/2009 - A study conducted in Sweden spanning almost four decades has suggested that overweight persons, and not just those who were obese, may also be subjected to increased risk of premature death. It also suggested that the adverse effects of excess weight on mortality may be as significant as smoking cigarettes.
| 2/8/2009 - In an effort to rein in rising health-care costs, Alabama will start charging a fee to overweight workers who do not take part in free wellness programs.
"We are trying to get individuals to become more aware of their health," said Robert Wagstaff of the state insurance board.
An estimated 30.3...
| 12/9/2008 - A study published in November's The Lancet Oncology has revealed that overweight and obese men who were later diagnosed with prostate cancer are a lot more likely to die from the disease as compared to men with healthy weight. In addition, it also found that men with higher blood concentrations of C-peptide,...
 | 4/28/2008 - Does being overweight affect job hunting? The answer to the headline question appears to be an unequivocal Yes, obesity does affect job hunting. When it comes to career advancement or job hunting, it often used to be 'not what you know, but who you know'.
According to recent research undertaken by...
 | 12/13/2007 - Seventy-five percent of adults and 24 percent of children and adolescents in the United States will be overweight or obese within the next eight years, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Human Nutrition and published in Epidemiologic...
 | 1/17/2007 - According to a study by National Cancer Institute researchers, patients with prostate cancer have a greater chance of dying from the disease if they are overweight or obese.
Lead study author and research fellow with the Cancer Epidemiology division of the NCI, Margaret E. Wright, pointed out that...
| 10/24/2006 - Children who are overweight as toddlers or preschoolers are more likely to be overweight or obese in early adolescence, report researchers in a collaborative study by the NIH and several academic institutions.
The researchers periodically collected height and weight measurements of a sample of children,...
| 10/2/2006 - A newly published UCLA study suggests our media and cultural obsession with achieving a certain weight does little to convince couch potatoes of any size to abandon their favorite sofa cushions and get active. In fact, those messages may actually undermine motivation to adopt exercise and other healthy...
| 9/25/2006 - Teens at risk of developing diabetes can prevent or delay its onset through strength training exercise, a University of Southern California study has found.
Research led by Michael Goran, PhD, professor of preventive medicine in the Keck School of Medicine of USC, showed that overweight Latino teenage...
| 9/20/2006 - Children and adolescents in the U.S. and around the world are becoming more overweight. A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) has found that there may be serious consequences to that trend. Researchers found that being overweight at age 18 is associated with an increased risk of...
| 9/12/2006 - Fifty percent of adults with high blood pressure were overweight as children, according to a new study by Tulane University epidemiologist Sathanur Srinivasan. The study links childhood obesity to the development of both high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome in adulthood.
Metabolic syndrome...
| 9/7/2006 - Children and adolescents who are overweight are more likely than their normal weight counterparts to suffer bone fractures and have joint and muscle pains, according to a study conducted at the National Institutes of Health.
The researchers also found that the overweight youth in the study were...
| 9/6/2006 - While parents and even doctors tend to dismiss a child's extra pounds as "baby fat," a study published in the September issue of the journal Pediatrics found that people who are overweight as children are more likely to be overweight teenagers, and subsequently more likely to be overweight adults.
| 9/6/2006 - Fifty percent of adults with high blood pressure were overweight as children, according to a new study by Tulane University epidemiologist Sathanur Srinivasan. The study links childhood obesity to the development of both high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome in adulthood.
Metabolic syndrome...
| 8/29/2006 - Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Children's Hospital Boston found that kids who spend more time watching television also eat more of the calorie-dense, low-nutrient foods advertised on television. Previous studies had demonstrated that children who watch more television...
| 8/25/2006 - Children who suffer from migraine headaches are 36 percent more likely to be overweight, according to a new U.S. study.
Researchers were not surprised by the findings, as previous studies have linked obesity to migraine headaches in adults as well.
"The numbers tell us that being overweight may...
| 8/16/2006 - University of North Carolina professor Barry Popkin reported to the International Association of Agricultural Economists that at the number of overweight people currently surpasses the number of starving people worldwide.
According to Popkin's report, all of the world's nations -- regardless of economic...
| 8/15/2006 - A study published in the current issue of The Journal of School Health finds that nearly one quarter of children, ages three to five years, were entering school in Chicago overweight. For the authors, this is an urgent problem reflecting the nutritional status and health influence of the children's...
| 8/10/2006 - A new study by researchers at Harvard Medical School shows that over a 22-year period, the number of overweight babies born to U.S. mothers has increased by nearly 74 percent.
"Even our youngest children are gaining excess weight, not just adults and adolescents," says Dr. Matthew Gillman, the study's...
| 8/7/2006 - Wondering if you're going to develop diabetes in your lifetime? Spend a minute on the bathroom scale: According to new research, your weight can provide a good indication of your future risk.
Nearly three out of four morbidly obese 18-year-old men, for example, will develop type 2 diabetes in their...
| 7/18/2006 - Television entertains and even educates the youngest of children, and often gives parents a much-needed break. But allowing preschool-age children to watch too much TV – even educational shows like Sesame Street or Disney DVDs – could be putting them at risk for being overweight. ...
| 7/7/2006 - Doctors should advise overweight moms considering another pregnancy to take off extra weight first because they are at greater risk of having big babies, a new Saint Louis University study finds.
Researchers found that moms who don’t lose the weight they gained during the first pregnancy and continue...
 | 7/29/2005 - America is known for its stars and stripes, the Statue of Liberty and… its obesity problem. Obesity problem? Are we an overweight nation? Yes, there are more overweight people in the United States than in any other nation. Now, we all know that our love affair with fast food doesn't make us any thinner,...
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