Obese news, articles and information:
 | 10/27/2016 - The growing number of babies born to obese mothers throughout the world face a higher risk of developing serious health problems in adulthood, according to several recent studies.
Children of obese mothers are prone to brain damage, heart disease, stroke and asthma in adulthood, warn health experts.
 | 10/25/2016 - Slowly but surely, the authoritarians are taking over countries that used to be democracies and republics, imposing their own set of behavior and rules on people who used to be free and able to make life choices of their own.
The United Kingdom is one such place, where socialist healthcare bureaucrats...
 | 10/24/2016 - For some people, losing weight is a no-brainer – eat less and move more, right? If it's so simple, why can't everyone do it? It turns out that if you've been eating a diet full of refined sugar and fat, you could actually be suffering from brain damage that stunts your ability to determine how...
 | 8/9/2016 - A new study is raising even more concerns about the already questionable flu vaccine, while highlighting yet another reason obesity can be dangerous. The study, which was led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, found that obese mice did not gain extra influenza protection from vaccines that contain...
 | 7/30/2016 - All it takes is one trip to the local mall to learn why nearly 20 percent of American children between the ages of 6 and 11 are obese. While the healthy food movement has sparked a revolution, encouraging food makers to churn out healthier products, junk food and its aggressive marketing remains largely...
 | 6/9/2016 - The number of Americans in the obese category has surpassed the number of Americans who are considered overweight. A new report published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine shines a light on the growing weight problem in America, but the BMI scale used in these studies is an outdated measurement...
 | 5/23/2016 - Politicians and poverty advocates love to make us feel guilty by claiming that unless we spend more tax money on poverty, or donate more of our hard-earned wages to food banks, there will be scores of people literally starving to death in the streets.
While that may happen in chronically underfed...
 | 4/23/2016 - It's no secret that the American diet is one of the unhealthiest diets on the planet; loaded with trans fat, refined sugars and an abundance of red meat, it's no wonder that people are getting fatter. Obviously, an unhealthy diet leads to an unhealthy lifestyle, a problem that more and more Americans...
 | 2/3/2016 - The aisles weave throughout the grocery store like arteries. The people pass through the aisles as if they are plaque, sometimes reaching for junk food on the shelves -as they cling to the artery walls. Clogging the aisles, the people fill their carts with processed ingredients that only feed their...
 | 1/25/2016 - Forget back and forth shifts in political decisions, terror threats and changing policies; the latest threat to national security may be the fact that many Americans are too obese to serve in the military.
"I am very concerned about the reduced number of men and women who can meet all the qualifications...
 | 12/21/2015 - A recent case study reveals the story of a woman who underwent a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) to cure a superbug infection and became obese after receiving a stool that was donated from her overweight teenage daughter.
The results of the study continue to shed light on the importance of the...
 | 9/17/2015 - One of the most common treatment recommendations for people who are overweight is that they get some form of exercise daily. However, studies have shown that fewer than half of those who are diagnosed as obese actually follow this advice.
Now, the obese and exercise-averse have a new weapon in their...
 | 8/19/2015 - This story is not satire. According to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and awarded to a Boston hospital for more than $1.5 million, some mysterious phenomenon is covertly making lesbians obese, in apparent violation of the dietary laws of cause and effect.
For now, I'm calling...
 | 5/16/2015 - Most Americans are fairly generous and mindful that not everyone has the same economic opportunities as they do. Therefore, most people are generally supportive of so-called "social safety net" programs that help the poorest among us.
However, many Americans are also supportive of changes in public...
 | 4/19/2015 - The trouble with regulating behavior is that the social change artists who want to lord over what people think, say and do are never satisfied. And, they are hypocritical.
Case in point: A British "obesity expert" and researcher, Dr. Sarah Jackson, has a rather authoritarian solution for anyone who...
 | 2/7/2015 - In a move that demonstrates the need to keep up with today's ever-increasing waistlines, the world's leading crash test dummy producer, Humanetics, is developing its first-ever obese crash test dummy set to be available in 2015. Its new model is a 273-pound one, which would have an approximate body...
 | 1/2/2015 - Fat people now have their own protected class in Europe, where the bloc's top court has ruled being obese to be a disability. This landmark decision, according to reports, could eventually mean that employers will have to provide more support for their overweight workers in the form of care or compensation,...
 | 12/14/2014 - Everybody knows that being obese greatly reduces one's quality of life and makes it much more difficult to maintain a normal, healthy existence. But a new study out of Canada has scientifically quantified the obesity health toll as shaving up to eight years off of a person's life, with several decades...
 | 12/9/2014 - Almost one-third of the world's population is obese, and the global economic cost is nearly the same as that of smoking or even war, according to the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).
The researchers at MGI recently published a discussion paper, Overcoming obesity: An initial economic analysis, which...
 | 6/6/2014 - The activity of a specific pain receptor may be behind the beneficial effects of chili peppers on metabolism, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., and published in the journal Cell...
 | 5/19/2014 - Whey protein may reduce obese adults' risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research and funded by the Nordic Centre of Excellence and the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Whey is a form of protein most commonly found in dairy...
 | 5/10/2014 - It's known in the health community that obesity increases one's risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes, but there is more to the story than just weight gain. In fact, in a new study, blood samples of most obese individuals (70 percent) showed low vitamin D levels. That correlation is significant,...
 | 4/5/2014 - One of the best and most successful of fitness programs in recent times is the National Football League's "Play 60" program, which uses professional football players to encourage kids to get at least an hour's worth of physical activity in per day, through personal visits and sponsored programs.
 | 2/22/2014 - In what some claim is a bizarre way to help residents stay fit, officials in one British town have said they will begin texting fitness tips to those who are deemed to be overweight, though some have criticized the program as worthless, expensive and doomed to fail.
The BBC reports that folks rated...
 | 1/23/2014 - Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released statistics indicating that almost half of all hospitalized adults in the United States are obese. Obese adults account for 46% of all adults hospitalized with influenza. While this is attributed to the relationship between the immune...
 | 10/5/2013 - American waistlines are apparently becoming too large for conventional cancer therapy, which means poison doses need to increase in order to achieve the same treatment outcomes. This is according to a new study recently published in the American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) Journal of Clinical...
 | 9/16/2013 - The key to shedding those excess pounds and achieving that lean figure you have always dreamed about could be as simple as eating more bacteria. A new study out of Washington University in St. Louis has found that maintaining healthy and balanced gut bacteria -- that is, the beneficial microbes that...
 | 2/18/2013 - A recent study, presented on February 15, involving 16 pregnant women, divided evenly between obese and lean subjects, conducted at the Mother Infant Research Institute (MIRI) at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, "found that fetuses of obese women had differences in gene expression as early as the second...
 | 1/22/2013 - Obese women are more likely to give birth to children with low blood levels of vitamin D that women of healthy weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Vitamin D is produced naturally...
| 11/22/2012 5:54:42 PM - Obesity is not merely a cosmetic problem, but a severe threat to health and longevity. That old saying, "The longer the belt, the shorter the life," is entirely accurate.
Associated with obesity are diabetes and heart disease among others. This can be confirmed by Googling or Yahooing, "Could Sulfur...
 | 2/7/2012 - British women are the fattest in Europe, an EU report States. In Britain, 24% of women are classified as obese, compared to just 9.3% in Italy, 12.7% in France and 15.6% in Germany. This is a fact backed up by Britain's own NHS (National Health Service) statistics released during national obesity week....
 | 9/14/2011 - According to the world's leading medical journal, Great Britain's Lancet, by the year 2030, half of all Americans will be obese." The Lancet suggests that the United States Government should somehow begin a top down approach to regulating and taxing unhealthy foods in order to reduce obesity, all while...
 | 7/19/2011 - A pediatrician in Boston named David Ludwig has been sharply criticized over the past week for suggesting that obese children might be taken away from their parents by state authorities for their own safety. In his article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he explains that...
 | 7/18/2011 - A pediatrician in Boston named David Ludwig has been sharply criticized over the past week for suggesting that obese children might be taken away from their parents by state authorities for their own safety. In his article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he explains that...
 | 7/7/2011 - Obese women trying to get pregnant via in vitro fertilization (IVF) may have a much harder time doing so than women of normal weight, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) in Boston, Massachusetts. Published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology,...
| 2/15/2011 - A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition indicates that overweight and obese individuals might benefit from testing their vitamin D levels. Low levels of this vitamin may indicate health issues and might be linked to heart disease, diabetes, and even some kinds of cancer. Maintaining optimum...
 | 10/10/2010 - America is already on the verge of drowning in sick-care bankruptcy, but the situation is about to get even worse. According to a new study released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, three-fourths of Americans will be obese or overweight by 2020. That puts America in first...
| 3/6/2010 - Nearly three-quarters of obese adults do not consider themselves obese, according to a poll carried out by YouGov for Slimming World.
"In my view there is a very clear tendency for individuals with obesity to feel that they do not stand out from the crowd," says Jonathan Pinkney, of the Association...
| 12/1/2009 - One in every six children in some parts of the United Kingdom are already obese when they begin primary school, according to a report from that country's Department of Health.
Nationwide, the statistics show a continuing and dangerous rise in childhood obesity, with one in 10 children classified...
| 10/27/2009 - Editor's note: NaturalNews doesn't agree with all the conclusions reached by the scientists being covered in this article, but we thought it was important to bring you this story on one of the many ways in which climate change discussions might start targeting -- or even criminalizing -- individual...
| 7/12/2009 - The fact that nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults are clinically obese is worrisome for a whole new reason: Evidence emerging from a hospital in Michigan (and published by the CDC) appears to indicate that obese patients may be very easily killed by swine flu.
In the Centers for Disease Control and...
| 1/3/2009 - A study conducted earlier this year at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle found that the use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, especially when used long-term, seems to raise the risk of prostate cancer among obese men.
Statin drugs inhibits the enzyme which controls...
 | 11/3/2008 - Obesity causes poorer health, which in turn translates into higher medical and health care costs. For example, the obese are more likely to suffer from ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. On top of that, there are also other ways in which obese people have to, quite literally,...
 | 8/30/2008 - The weight and consumption habits of the overweight and obese are worsening the pace of global warming, said two researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in a letter to the medical journal Lancet.
It takes more fuel to transport people who are obese and therefore heavier,...
 | 8/5/2008 - Meals high in fat and carbohydrates produce damaging changes inside the body that are more long-lasting in the obese, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kaleida Health in Buffalo, N.Y., and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Researchers fed eight obese...
 | 12/15/2006 - A new study by French researchers found that diabetic obese adults tend to report eating far less than they really do, which researchers say can hamper treatment or management of the disease.
Researchers from the University Hospital of Angers in France, led by Dr. Patrick Ritz, recruited 21 obese...
| 11/20/2006 - People who are both very obese and who smoke increase their risk of death by 3.5 to 5 times that of people of normal weight who never smoke, finds a study in the November issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
According to the study, 20 percent of obese adults in the United States...
| 11/14/2006 - Acute diverticulitis, a disease traditionally seen in patients older than 50 years old, is now being seen in younger adults who are obese, according to a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center’s department of radiology in Baltimore, MD.
Acute diverticulitis is one of the most...
| 9/5/2006 - While obesity has generally been viewed as a single significant health concern, a University of Pittsburgh study suggests that not all obese women share the same health risks. This multi-center study of more than 90,000 women published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, shows...
| 8/29/2006 - Obesity in a patient is an independent predictor of whether localized prostate cancer will progress following radiotherapy treatment, say researchers at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
In a study reported in the Aug. 1 issue of the journal...
| 8/25/2006 - New statistics from the Health Survey for England predict that more than 12 million adults and 1 million children in England will be obese by 2010.
The Department of Health released statistics today that indicate one in three British adults and one in five children will be obese by the end of the...
| 8/2/2006 - A new survey has found that more than 75 percent of obese adults claim to have healthy eating habits, while 40 percent say they exercise vigorously at least three times a week.
"There is, perhaps, some denial going on," says Dr. David Schutt of Thomson Medstat, the research company that performed...
 | 6/27/2005 - In a study exploring DHEA-replacement therapy as a weight loss technique, researchers gave test animals large doses of both DHEA and the drug fenfluramine. According to Dr. Ray Sahelian's DHEA: A Practical Guide, "Even a hot fudge sundae with fresh bananas and dark chocolate syrup couldn't get [the...
| 7/25/2004 - One thing I love about this world is the diversity of opinions. After all, if we all agreed on everything, the world would be unbearably boring. Every once in a while, however, I come across opinions and beliefs that strike me as bizarre, and the latest is the growing belief by a band of people I call...
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