Jobs news, articles and information:
 | 11/21/2015 - The advancement of the Technology Age continues, and with it stunning discoveries and a plethora of new capabilities. But all of this advancement is also coming at a price and that is this: many human activities are becoming obsolete, and that includes jobs. What's the next phase then, of human development...
 | 10/4/2015 12:39:15 PM - Friends of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs are claiming that the newest film depicting his life is wildly insulting and inaccurate; others, including an ex, say the film actually did him justice, and insist that he was even more of a "monster" in real life.
As reported by the UK's Daily Mail, fans...
 | 8/10/2015 - Everywhere you look these days, people's heads are buried in their computers, tablets, and smartphones nearly around the clock, including at work. And a new investigation has found that the majority of millennials, or people between the ages of 18 and 34, are insistent upon having these electronic devices...
 | 3/21/2015 - According to published reports, the U.S. economy grew by nearly 300,000 jobs in February, making the unemployment rate fall to 5.5 percent - the lowest of President Obama's tenure - so the nation is well on its way to post-Great Recession recovery, right?
Not so fast.
As reported by USA Today...
 | 11/26/2014 - The Land of Lincoln is sinkin', with fresh Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data revealing a massive spike in food stamp enrollment with minimal job creation in the state of Illinois. According to the figures, only one new job is being created for every two new people who sign up for the Supplemental...
 | 11/14/2014 - The future doesn't look very bright for America's ever-dwindling middle class. The latest figures from the Social Security Administration (SSA) reveal that nearly half of the country now makes less than $28,031 annually, while nearly 40 percent of the population makes less than $20,000 per year, which...
 | 6/2/2014 - The City Council of Seattle has just approved an ordinance which would raise the minimum wage of workers in that city to $15 an hour.(1) The phase-in takes seven years to complete, with small business given more time to adopt the new wage minimums than large businesses.
Because emotions run high...
 | 12/12/2013 - Steve Jobs shrouded his treatment choices in secrecy while struggling with the pancreatic cancer he was diagnosed with in 2004. His secrecy was tight enough to annoy Apple executives.
A top Apple director, Jerry York, was quoted off the record saying that he was so displeased with Jobs's lack of...
 | 10/19/2013 - The Steve Jobs that many people have grown to know and love as the visionary behind Apple and pioneer of personal computing as we now know it is an illusion. Though still revered the world over for his technological brilliance and clever intellect, Jobs was apparently a wholly different animal in his...
 | 10/4/2013 - I'm not naive enough to believe that politics is anything but a blood sport, but it would be nice to have national media organizations whose editors and reporters remembered that their responsibility, first and foremost, is not to be shills for left-wing statists but to act as watchdogs on government.
 | 9/30/2013 - Some 40 years after the so-called "war on poverty" was begun by liberal Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson, not only has poverty not been eliminated, but in terms of the percentage of the American population living in poverty, it has actually increased.
Yet, utopian master planners in government...
 | 7/24/2013 - What was sold to the American people as the greatest reform of the U.S. healthcare system in our history is turning out to be the biggest contributing factor destroying the greatest economy in the history of the planet.
At a time when unemployment remains unacceptably high (7.6 percent in June, up...
 | 7/10/2013 - Millions of Americans remain out of work years after the Great Recession ravaged the U.S. economy in 2008-2009. Today, the unemployment rate remains 7.6 percent (the same as May 2013), and while that is down from a high of 9.5 four years ago, the fact that the figure has come down isn't really good...
 | 4/3/2013 - The so-called "service industry" - which includes restaurants, entertainment outlets, retail stores and hotels, among other businesses - has traditionally been one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the country, even in a struggling U.S. economy. But its workforce could be decimated in the...
 | 12/12/2012 - It is the ultimate example of how you reap what you sow: Huge numbers of American workers who voted for Obama are now seeing their own jobs slashed below 30 hours a week as employers desperately try to avoid "Obamacare bankruptcy."
Obamacare mandates for businesses only apply to those working 30...
 | 5/18/2012 - With increasing chemicals in food, medicine, and cosmetics, America is breeding zombies who go to work and pay taxes, but offer nothing to evolution, free thinking, or creative arts. Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continuously approves and furthers the toxification of food and water...
 | 3/11/2012 - Federal food policies that distribute billions of taxpayer dollars every year to subsidize the growth of commodity crops like genetically-modified (GM) corn and soy are largely responsible for the dismal state of food quality and health in our nation today. But Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) and Sen....
 | 10/6/2011 - It is extremely saddening to see the cost in human lives that modern society pays for its false belief in conventional medicine and the cancer industry in particular. Visionary Steve Jobs died today, just months after being treated for cancer with chemotherapy at the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto,...
 | 9/5/2011 - As a followup to our report about the US government's recent illegal raid of Gibson Guitars Corp., a major US based manufacturer of musical instruments (, Gibson's CEO Henry Juszkiewicz has openly announced that the US government actually...
 | 7/13/2011 - About a month before the passage of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (PPACA), also known as "Obamacare," then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) stated at a health summit that, if passed, the health care overhaul would create four million jobs over the course of "it's life,"...
 | 7/7/2011 - Yesterday we reported on the FDA's new scheme for outlawing nearly all nutritional supplements formulated after October, 1994 ( That was just the beginning of this story, because a detailed analysis of the proposed new regulation reveals...
 | 1/12/2011 - How will the new Food Safety Modernization Act actually impact small, local farmers who grow food for CSA's, local restaurants and grocers? To find out, I took a road trip to Texas and interviewed several small, local farmers to ask them, face to face, how the S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act would...
| 8/2/2010 - Six New Jersey women ended up hospitalized after having their rear ends injected with bathroom caulk in low-budget buttocks-enhancing procedures.
"Caveat emptor: Buyer beware," said Steven M. Marcus of the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System. "If it looks too cheap, there's probably...
| 7/17/2009 - If you want to know why U.S. businesses increasingly outsource jobs to other countries, just add up the cost of doing business in America: As an employer, you have to pay not only higher wages than most other countries, but you also have to pay for the lost productivity and missed days due to the astonishingly...
| 2/7/2009 - While Congress has passed an $800+ billion economic stimulus plan, almost everybody in America seems caught up in a common economic fallacy: The idea that Government can "create" jobs through debt spending.
Government spending of debt money does not result in any net creation of jobs at all. It only...
 | 3/20/2006 - A new economic study by the U.S. government reveals that health care spending is rising so rapidly in the United States that in less than ten years, it will represent 20% of the domestic economy. That's an astonishing $1 out of every $5 in economic productivity, almost all of which is based on treating...
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