Insomnia news, articles and information:
 | 11/7/2014 - You lie in bed staring at the ceiling, or worse, staring at the clock. Minutes pass. Hours pass. You count the hours until you have to get up. Six hours. Five hours. Four. Once again, regardless of how tired--how utterly exhausted your body and mind feel, you cannot sleep.
Insomnia can be both debilitating...
 | 6/3/2014 - Insomnia is a sleep disorder that occurs when a person is tired, but cannot fall asleep, or cannot stay asleep once they do fall asleep. While the disorder primarily affects adults, women report a problem with it more than men. It also tends to worsen as a person ages. Insomnia can be a particularly...
 | 5/19/2014 - According to the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, nearly 1 in 10 adults in the United States suffers from insomnia. Although most of these people suffer from short-term insomnia, many of them also suffer from chronic insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling or staying asleep for more than...
 | 4/21/2014 - Tough time falling asleep? According to the American Psychiatric Association, most people are unable to obtain proper levels of sleep, which impacts mental and physical health. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation says that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, one that affects almost 60 percent...
 | 10/14/2013 - Poor sleep isn't only a nuisance, it's also dangerous for health. Currently, over 50 million Americans suffer from the condition, with women three times more susceptible than men. When we are sleep deprived, the risk of diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease increase, immunity falters and our...
 | 5/29/2013 - First, let's discuss what good sleep is and its effect on the immune system. In 2005, the National Sleep Foundation conducted a nationwide poll and determined that the amount of nocturnal bed time average in America was just under what's considered normal, eight hours.
But 75 percent of those polled...
 | 4/21/2013 - According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 40 percent of U.S. women and 30 percent of U.S. men suffer from insomnia, a condition characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep. Fortunately, the traditional Chinese medical therapy of acupuncture may provide safe,...
| 3/28/2013 5:01:46 PM - Right now, 25 percent of all Americans are regularly taking sleeping pills, with $18 million being spent on prescription drugs and an additional over $600 million spent on over-the-counter pills. Not only do these figures emphasize the seriousness of the insomnia problem but how drug-oriented our society...
 | 3/4/2013 - Insomnia is caused by a wide range of ailments, such as joint and muscle pain, restless legs, anxiety, fear, acid reflux, and pain from chronic disease. Something as common as drinking too much coffee late in the day, or staying up too late and getting a second wind can contribute to sleeplessness....
 | 3/1/2013 - Are the worries of life keeping you up at night? Do you have trouble unwinding at the end of the day, and end up staring at the television or ceiling for hours trying to fall asleep? If getting normal rest is troublesome for you, there is hope apart from having to pop a sleeping pill every night just...
 | 12/21/2012 - Having trouble sleeping? Don't resort to a prescription solution; try a little acupuncture, the Chinese-developed treatment for a host of health-related issues.
First things first, however. In order to best treat your insomnia, you need to figure out why you're experiencing it.
"Although insomnia...
| 6/27/2011 - A source of great frustration for many people, insomnia is a fairly common occurrence that prevents individuals from sleeping. It can manifest in a variety of ways, including the inability to initially fall asleep and repeatedly waking up in the middle of the night. When not treated, insomnia can affect...
| 6/25/2011 - If you have ever struggled to fall asleep at night or stay asleep through the night, you are not alone. It is estimated that over 30% Americans experience insomnia while close to 60 million people have sleep trouble in a given year. Chronic insomnia impairs mood and cognitive function while accelerating...
| 10/6/2010 - If you've the habit of popping sleeping pills or tranquilizers like candy, this study could be a life-saving wake-up call for you: Taking sleeping and anxiety-relieving medications significantly elevate your risk of death!
Researchers at Universite Laval, Canada, found that using prescription drugs...
| 9/8/2010 - Hopefully the cherry growers and distributor industry won't publicize this to bring more threats from the FDA upon them, but a pilot study by research scientists showed that tart cherry juice reduced insomnia with older adults. The study was conducted by researchers from two universities at the VA Center...
| 8/26/2010 - We have all heard the press reports during this past year alleging that Michael Jackson died after being treated with a whole cocktail of drugs for insomnia. Could it be that you are so desperate to fall asleep that you keep asking for more and more drugs so that when you actually fall asleep, you never...
| 10/29/2009 - Insomnia is a common condition in which people have difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep. It is listed by the World Health Organization as a condition which has been shown to be treated effectively by acupuncture (1). Acupuncture, which actually treats the person, not the disease, helps...
| 6/23/2009 - Mulberry (Morus) trees are ripe with fruit all across the US right now. These tasty berries are not only delicious and nutritious, but are used in Chinese medicine to enrich the blood and yin, treating conditions such as dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying of the hair and insomnia. (1)
| 5/4/2009 - Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is a traditional form of health care with a documented history going back for centuries. As an example, a book entitled Shen Nong's Herbal Classic was written 2000 years ago, and is considered the oldest book on CHM. Insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep,...
| 3/25/2009 - Sleep is a natural process defined as a recurrent state of reduced attention to the surrounding environment. The most important sleep functions are the restoration of body functions, the synthesis of proteins and the prevention of lethargy. The number of sleep hours required varies from individual to...
| 11/7/2006 - More than 1.6 million U.S. adults are estimated to use complementary and alternative therapies to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping, according to the results of a national survey published in the September 18 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, a theme issue on sleep.
Approximately 10 to 34...
| 8/29/2006 - Patients with insomnia who implemented cognitive behavioral therapy interventions such as relaxation techniques had greater improvement in their sleep than patients who received the sleep medication zopiclone, according to a study in the June 28 issue of JAMA.
Insomnia is usually defined...
| 7/31/2006 - Thirty-two million Americans suffer from chronic insomnia and sleep deprivation. Their search for sleep has made prescription drugs, special mattresses, aromatherapy products, herbs, nutritional supplements, and other strategies popular -- but for most, a good night’s sleep followed by an alert, productive...
| 7/3/2006 - For decades, the benefits and risks associated with sleeping pills have been a controversial topic. In recent years, however, the appalling increase in drug company advertising has effectively replaced the public’s awareness of the negative side effects of sleeping pills with vast quantities of pro-pill...
| 6/28/2006 - According to a new report in the Journal of American Medical Association, therapy is more effective than some sleeping pills for treatment of chronic insomnia in older adults.
Researchers from the University of Bergen in Norway assessed the quality and quantity of sleep for 46 people over the age...
| 10/19/2004 - ... continuing from part 1 ...
A reader asks, "Are there any foods, vitamins, herbs, etc, that can help with insomnia? I've had sleeping problems for years, and I would really appreciate any kind of useful information."
In part one of this Q&A, we talked about how lack of exposure to natural sunlight...
| See all 67 insomnia feature articles.Concept-related articles:Herbs:Serotonin:Supplements:Hormones:Sleep disorders:Melatonin:Sleep:Sleep cycles:Food:Health:Foods:Exposure:Natural:Skin:Energy:Body:
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