Hunger news, articles and information:
 | 10/17/2016 - A new study published in the journal Neuron provides a fascinating glimpse into the forces that drive human behavior. The researchers found that hunger is a stronger motivational force than others, including "thirst, anxiety-related behavior, innate fear, and social interactions."
Both humans and...
 | 7/16/2016 - Global food waste has become an increasingly concerning problem that the world needs to address. According to The Guardian, 60 million tons of produce, or one-third of all the world's foodstuffs, are wasted by retailers and consumers on an annual basis.
As a result of consumer and retailer rejection...
 | 5/31/2016 - Walnuts are championed as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids but disdained as a high-calorie food. Fortunately for walnut lovers, these nuts are a snack that won't necessarily make you fat. The preliminary results of a two-year study suggest that walnuts can curb age-related health problems...
 | 2/22/2016 - France has made a strong commitment towards fighting hunger by becoming the world's first country to ban supermarkets from wasting food.
The French senate voted unanimously in support of a new law which forbids throwing away food nearing its "best-before" date, so that it can instead be donated to...
 | 9/23/2014 - For those that are looking for a natural way to reduce hunger cravings for "junk" food, one recent option that could be helpful is spinach extract. The extract thylakoids have been found in a recent study to substantially decrease our hunger for things such as sweets or fast foods (commonly referred...
 | 8/12/2014 - The former chief of Grassy Narrows, a tribe residing near Kenora, Ontario, announced a hunger strike late last month in a last-ditch effort to draw attention to the victims of mercury poisoning.
More than 10 tons of toxic waste was dumped into the Wabigoon-English River system between 1962 and 1970...
 | 5/12/2013 - In a new study, researchers have made the conclusion that aerobic exercise such as rope jumping, which involves the body's vertical movements, can suppress appetite and cravings for fatty food. Researchers, who published their report in the journal Appetite, sought to find out if exercises that involve...
| 12/17/2012 - CBS News gives us this sizzling report:
(Source): the CBS Evening News, broadcast (on network TV) Sat. 12-15-2012.
Segment begins at 7 minute point in online version of the TV broadcast:
Program anchor Jim Axelrod (live in Newtown, CT): "You're...
 | 9/20/2012 - Researchers have found a way to calm savage carbohydrate cravings by altering brain chemistry for the better. The neurotransmitter serotonin not only alleviates depression and anxiety, it also subdues hunger and the desire for carbs. A few effortless adjustments to the diet can turn the brain into a...
 | 9/7/2012 - The drought which gripped most of the U.S. this past summer had much more far-reaching consequences for the rest of the world, leading the World Bank, in part, to issue a hunger warning in late August.
The U.S. drought, coupled with similar weather patterns and conditions in parts of Europe and Africa...
 | 8/4/2012 - Eating can be a highly emotional process because food does more than just fill our stomachs. While eating to satisfy hunger is a normal function, emotional eating can be a self-defeating and destructive force in someone's life. Emotional eating is to eat for a reason other than hunger.
We are programmed...
 | 5/5/2012 - Monsanto and Cargill keep rolling on, leading a handful of other mega-corporations toward planetary food and farming control that ensures our demise. Meanwhile, important studies are ignored by our corrupt governments who are heavily influenced and infiltrated by those very same companies.
A world-wide...
 | 4/2/2012 - The Hunger Games is a wildly popular new movie set in a dystopian future where an all-powerful, high-tech centralized government rules over "districts" of impoverished populations barely surviving in third-world conditions. The film, based on the book of the same name by Suzanne Collins, is important...
| 1/30/2011 - More than one in seven U.S. households lacked food security at some point in 2009, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). That figure is the highest since record-keeping began in 1995.
The report defines food security as having access to enough food to lead an active,...
| 2/16/2009 - A daily supplement of chromium picolinate can reduce sensations of hunger, fat cravings and food intake in the overweight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Louisiana State University (LSU) and the University of Florida, and published in the journal Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.
| 1/21/2009 - The connection between food and mood for humans is generally immense. We eat to celebrate; we eat if we feel sad; we eat to `reward` ourselves; we eat because someone gives us something and we feel `obliged`. Ironically, we rarely seem to eat simply to fuel the physical body. Yet we tend to so rarely...
 | 10/16/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Angela Stokes talks about inner wisdom and surviving food cravings.
Renegade Water Secrets with Angela Stokes, raw foodist, teacher and expert on raw...
 | 12/13/2006 - For the second time in 12 years, a Toronto, Ontario farm supplying raw milk was raided on Nov. 21 by officers with the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources, the West Grey Police Department, public health inspectors and officials from the Canadian Ministry of Finance, spurring the farmer to begin a...
| 10/24/2006 - The amount of a hunger-fighting hormone can be increased by eating a higher protein diet, researchers report in the September issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, published by Cell Press. The hormone, known as peptide YY (PYY), was earlier found by the researchers to reduce food intake by a third in...
 | 10/17/2006 - Diet foods could actually make you eat more, says a new report indicating that appetite-stimulating artificial sweeteners could be fattening up those trying to slim down with diet foods.
Aspartame -- commonly known as NutraSweet -- is a neurostimulant linked to stimulating appetite, says nutritional...
 | 1/20/2005 - There is a reality about weight loss that people need to be aware of. Losing weight requires you to feel hungry from time to time. There is no way to lose weight without feeling some degree of hunger. Believe me, I have exhaustively explored this issue. I have tried appetite suppressants. I have tried...
 | 11/22/2004 - Continuing with the investigative report on hoodia gordonii, a natural appetite suppressant, let's now explore the issue of how appetite control impacts weight loss. (If you missed it, click here to view part 1.)
For most people, the real weight loss challenge has relatively to do with dieting, exercise,...
| 8/3/2004 - Scientists remain baffled at attempts to treat obesity by administering hormones such as PYY, which reportedly function as appetite suppressants. In 2002, researchers from London reported that they had found a way to turn off the appetite signal by administering the PYY hormone, which appears to tell...
| See all 58 hunger feature articles.Concept-related articles:Obesity:Weight loss:Hoodia:Hoodia gordonii:Appetite:Research:Weight:Body:Obese:People:Genetic:Course:Pill:Researchers:Losing weight:Scientists:
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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