Hormones news, articles and information:
 | 7/14/2016 - Doctors at British "gender identity clinics" are prescribing sex-change hormones for children as young as 12 years old, according to recent U.K. media reports.
One Welsh GP, Dr. Helen Webberley, admitted that she is treating a "handful" of patients under 16 with cross-sex hormones, one of whom is...
 | 4/5/2016 - Acupuncture, an ancient form of Chinese medicine involving the application of needles along important points in the body, is associated with countless health benefits. While these benefits are deeply understood by the Chinese, who have practiced acupuncture for more than 2,500 years, the West is only...
 | 3/24/2016 - Three out of every four women of childbearing age suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in some form or another. Approximately 3 to 8 percent of them will experience symptoms so severe, it will destroy their day-to-day routine. But there are steps women can take to naturally lessen the impact of PMS...
 | 6/26/2015 - There's a lot of fear and misunderstanding when it comes to the sun. Afraid of being burned, consumers are quick to lather on sunscreen chemicals to block out the sun's rays. This is done without understanding what these chemicals are and what they do to the body's natural hormone levels. It's also...
 | 2/28/2015 - Hormones are not just for sex. Hormones are chemical signals produced by the body's endocrine glands that regulate all kinds of bodily functions. Metabolism, mood, behavior, libido, immune function, growth, weight loss, and muscle gain are all strongly influenced by hormones. All of these hormones are...
 | 11/29/2014 - Sitting on top of each kidney, the adrenals are responsible for producing four main hormones - catecholamines, aldosterone, cortisol and androgens - which help to deal with everything from stressful situations, digestion, gender traits to blood pressure regulation. Gaining weight usually involves overactive...
 | 10/30/2014 - We are all aware of adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone that kicks in whenever we find ourselves facing a threat. But did you know adrenaline is only one of the many hormones produced by the adrenal glands?
About the Adrenal GlandsThe adrenal glands (also known as the suprarenal glands) sit atop...
 | 4/21/2014 - Sleep is vital to one's health and well being. It has been implicated that loss of sleep can directly affect the immune system and increase the risk of various cancers. The immune and hormonal systems communication seems to be a key factor in preventing cancer cells from dividing beyond the immune system's...
 | 3/26/2014 - The adrenal glands are responsible for producing major hormones that help the body reproduce and adapt to stress. The adrenal glands produce over 50 hormones that are absolutely essential to your health and vitality. When the adrenals get overworked, it creates adrenal fatigue which can be devastating...
 | 3/12/2014 - Do women get breast cancer more often when their hormones are thrown out of whack? You bet. Are those cases more severe than others? The jury is still out on that one. What about thyroid tumors and ovarian cancer - can those come from eating meat and drinking dairy from cows that are given hormones...
 | 6/7/2013 - Hormone issues have increasingly become more a focus of health discussions over the last couple of decades. It's almost as though hormones didn't even exist for some time until connections made to hormone imbalances were linked or associated with cancer.
Mainstream medicine's response with synthetic...
 | 7/26/2012 - The words bioidentical hormone have become synonymous with safer hormones because they are made of natural substances that are biochemically identical to a woman's natural hormones. Although they are natural, they are still hormones and taken in too large a quantity can still stimulate cancer growth....
 | 10/8/2011 - Both pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are naturally-occurring hormones produced by the human body to regulate cell production, maintain cognitive function, and promote proper bodily growth and sexual function. But a new law recently passed by legislators in California mandates that, in...
 | 10/1/2011 - Hormone replacement therapy was introduced to modern society in the sixties with a powerful marketing campaign promising women, health, happiness and long life if they consented to take synthetic hormones on a regular basis. The ensuing research, however, continues to show problems with this apparent...
 | 5/20/2011 - Hypothyroidism is a fairly common disorder, caused by low levels of thyroid hormones. With the availability of either natural hormones taken from animals, or synthetic hormones (levothyroxine), doctors now treat the disorder by replacing the missing thyroid hormones. A recent study for the British Medical...
 | 4/27/2011 - Numerous studies in recent months have tied agricultural pesticides to reproductive and other serious health problems (https://www.naturalnews.com/pesticides.html). And a new study out of Argentina adds even more evidence to the fact that such chemicals are a widespread public health pandemic.
| 3/26/2011 - The type of cookware you use can make all the difference in determining the health of you and your family. Researchers from West Virginia University (WVU) recently found that perfluorocarbons (PFCs), an artificial chemical commonly used in non-stick cookware, can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to...
| 1/25/2011 - It is no secret that our society struggles with weight loss resistance. Researchers at John Hopkins University estimate that by the year 2015 over 75% of Americans will be overweight with a staggering 41% being obese. Many people claim the country's propensity to overeat and indulge on junk food on...
| 1/17/2011 - Over 25 million female American women are losing their hair and suffering the emotional distress that comes with this process. The latest research has shown that hormones seem to be the major player in this embarrassing condition. Fortunately, there are solutions in both nature and nurture that support...
| 12/21/2010 - Everyone is in the process of growing and losing hair. Even the fullest head of hair loses anywhere from 50-150 hairs a day. Your hormones play a very large role in the process of hair growth. Many women commonly notice that their hair is at its fullest during times of pregnancy. After the pregnancy...
| 10/19/2010 - Ubiquitous flame retardant chemicals appear to alter levels of thyroid hormones in the bodies of pregnant women, with potentially severe consequences for their infants, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley and published in the journal Environmental...
| 9/17/2010 - Our body has evolved to use a very efficient pair of hormones which signal the brain when it`s time to eat, or when we`ve had enough food. Leptin and ghrelin are the hormonal messengers responsible for our desire to eat, our craving for certain foods and whether we store excess calories as body fat...
| 9/14/2010 - After making a splash in Gidget and The Flying Nun, Sally Field went on to a distinguished film career. Now the two-time Oscar winner has taken on another role: Sally is the public face of osteoporosis. She's appeared on countless magazine covers, schmoozed with talk show hosts, and addressed members...
| 9/9/2010 - A study published in the August 9, 2010, issue of Pediatrics concluded American girls are undergoing puberty earlier than they were decades ago. While there are many reasons to be concerned about this conclusion, Americans may also want to consider how to prevent future generations from early onset....
| 8/12/2010 - A large new study from France, published in an American Heart Association journal last spring, shows that bioidentical hormones do not raise the risk of stroke in menopausal women. While it has been well established over the past decade that menopausal women who use synthetic hormone replacement therapy...
| 3/25/2010 - Beef produced in the United States contains dangerously high levels of natural and synthetic hormones, warns Dr. Samuel S. Epstein of the Cancer Prevention Coalition.
According to Epstein, more than half of all beef cows slaughtered in the United States each year have been treated with either the...
| 2/1/2010 - A University of Washington research team recently released the results of a study it conducted on contaminant residue in the waters of Puget Sound in Washington State. Various spices, flavorings and other substances are being identified as making their way out of water treatment plants and back into...
| 11/17/2009 - An industry report claiming that the genetically-engineered hormone Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) is safe has received criticism from the Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) for its dubious findings. Funded by producers of rBST, the report was conducted entirely by industry-paid consultants rather...
| 8/5/2009 - A new study with far reaching implications has gone a long way in explaining why women get breast cancer and how they can prevent the disease and its recurrence. Scientists have found evidence that hormonal balance is key in determining whether or not a malignant growth will occur in a woman's breast....
| 7/9/2009 - According to researchers, women using synthetic hormones may have an increased chance of dying from lung cancer. Findings from the Women`s Health Initiative indicate that the use of Prempro, a synthetic estrogen coupled with a synthetic form of progesterone, can lead to a 59 percent increased risk of...
| 5/1/2009 - When we think of hormones, we think of spotty teenagers and grouchy middle aged women. The truth is, we are all affected by hormones all of the time. Hormones play specific roles in our health and wellbeing. Some of our hormones are sexual in nature, but hormones play a whole range of other functions....
| 4/23/2009 - Proactive is a great way to describe Lori Steiner. When other women were lining up to get hormone substitution drugs in the late 1990s, Lori realized their dangers and began researching aging and bioidentical hormones. Having worked all her life as a teacher and administrator in the Los Angeles public...
| 3/23/2009 - People caring for aging parents or just thinking about it realize that keeping them healthy, happy and active for as long as possible is ideal for everyone. Aging parents seldom want to become physically dependent on their children for care. Grown children, often referred to as the sandwich generation,...
| 3/18/2009 - Cancer will be the number one killer in the world by the year 2010, overtaking the spot now held by heart disease, according to a recent report from Associated Press. International health experts foresee a doubling in the global rate of cancer deaths by 2030. Cancer diagnoses have been steadily rising...
| 3/10/2009 - Many women are so confused and frightened about hormone replacement that they have decided to forget about it. This reaction is not surprising because almost daily there is a new scare headline blaring at them about how hormone replacement causes cancer or even brain shrinkage. Women who were recently...
| 1/30/2009 - When hormones are in optimal amounts and balanced, the body is ready to play the music of life. Like an orchestra when some of the players have taken the day off, the body can't make beautiful music without all of its hormones being present and working together. Achieving hormonal balance takes some...
| 1/25/2009 - More people are discovering bioidentical hormones. They have realized that just like our brains, hearts, arms and legs, hormones are part of the human body for a reason. It is not usually until hormone levels begin to sag and lose balance that we start to experience health problems. We live in a world...
| 1/23/2009 - All the migraines, irritability, depression, sleeplessness, and weight gain are trying to tell us something. The message is that time is running out. These events are the early signs of an aging process that leads to pain, disability, drugs, degenerative disease and decline. At the end of this road...
| 1/16/2009 - Hormones fill us with the music of life. With proper levels of hormones, there is no end to how good life can feel and what can be accomplished. When hormones are abundant and balanced, we have the full backing of Mother Nature. She is on our side, wanting to keep us alive and healthy enough for reproduction....
| 1/13/2009 - People of today are seeking quality of life, in the midst of a polluted world, an onslaught of chemicals, and a medical establishment educated to reflect corporate interests rather than the interests of patients. They live in a country where the number one gross national product is stress. On top of...
| 1/12/2009 - There really is a male version of menopause, often called andropause. It is not as pronounced as the menopause experienced by women, but it is none the less real. Men do not like to think about it or talk about it because it makes them seem less manly. They are reluctant to do anything about it, and...
| 1/7/2009 - When hormones are in optimal amounts and balanced, the body is ready to play the music of life. Like an orchestra when some of the players have taken the day off, the body can't make beautiful music without all of its hormones being present and working together. Achieving hormonal balance takes some...
 | 12/17/2008 - Have you ever wondered if hormones could be in your way of losing weight or just slowing you down in life? Did you know that there is a relatively large group of people, women and men aged between late 20s and 50s, who find it difficult to lose weight because they are hormonally `stressed` or imbalanced?...
 | 10/27/2008 - We all know the advertisements where celebrities sport the milk mustache and ask `Got Milk?`. However studies suggest that a more accurate question would be: `Got milk? Got acne?` This article explores how hormones and allergenic proteins in milk could contribute to acne.
At least three large-scale...
 | 10/3/2008 - Estrogen Boosts Risk of Breast Cancer is becoming an all too frequent media hot button story. The steady drumbeat smacks of propaganda and is an affront to basic common sense. Is it really possible that a woman's hormones are out to get her? Would nature have embraced such a design? Would the laws of...
 | 9/12/2008 - For many women, confusion is the only continuity as they search for personal answers to their declining hormones. Between the media, friends, healthcare professionals, and the written word, whom does one believe when the advice conflicts?
The dilemma can be resolved by empowering yourself with reliable...
 | 8/8/2008 - Cardiovascular Disease has long been thought of as a man's disease while in reality it is the leading cause of death among women today. This year 435,000 women in America will have heart attacks with over half of them resulting in death. 8 million women in the U.S. are currently living with Cardiovascular...
 | 2/5/2008 - In January of 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to compounding pharmacies around the country. That warning demanded pharmacies stop selling bioidentical hormones as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs (HRT), insisting that compounding pharmacies were making...
 | 2/5/2008 - The FDA has told women and their doctors: stop using bioidentical hormones. Your choice and your doctor's prescription don't matter. Heart and cancer questions raised in 2002 about FDA "approved" synthetic women's hormones don't matter. Act now to defend your right to bio-identical hormones!
| 7/5/2006 - There is new concern over evidence that growth and sex hormones in beef can cause genital abnormalities in boys, and early onset of puberty in girls.
British Veterinary Products Committee (VPC) member and chemical expert John Verall was appointed to the government's VPC to represent consumer interests....
 | 10/11/2005 - Most a.m. coffee drinkers don't realize it, but their morning cups of coffee set their bodies up for a rollercoaster day of highs and lows, only to bottom out at the point of exhaustion. Just a few hours after consumption, when the artificial high dies down, many people may reach for more coffee or...
 | 6/27/2005 - In a study exploring DHEA-replacement therapy as a weight loss technique, researchers gave test animals large doses of both DHEA and the drug fenfluramine. According to Dr. Ray Sahelian's DHEA: A Practical Guide, "Even a hot fudge sundae with fresh bananas and dark chocolate syrup couldn't get [the...
 | 12/5/2004 - The following is part four of an interview with Robert Cohen, author of "Milk, the Deadly Poison," and www.Notmilk.com
Mike Adams: Let's talk about marketing. The dairy industry, for many years, they focused on the message that milk gave you healthy bones. And now recently, they're focused on weight...
| 8/3/2004 - Scientists remain baffled at attempts to treat obesity by administering hormones such as PYY, which reportedly function as appetite suppressants. In 2002, researchers from London reported that they had found a way to turn off the appetite signal by administering the PYY hormone, which appears to tell...
| 5/18/2004 4:55:25 PM - In yet more news revealing the horrifying activities of the U.S. beef
industry, it has recently been publicized that ranchers are routinely
pumping veal calves full of illegal hormones in an effort to get them to
grow faster. The USDA acts "shocked" about this, but in fact, this
practice is...
| See all 156 hormones feature articles.Concept-related articles:HRT:Cancer:Menopause:Symptoms:Women:Treatment:Therapy:Supplementation:Hormone:Truth:Artificial:Fish:Cattle:Beef:Growth hormone:Consumers:
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