High school news, articles and information:
 | 5/23/2016 - At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the "correct" answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF)
The test given to high school students...
 | 5/16/2016 - If you're a 25-year-old athletic adult and you suddenly have a strong desire to win an array of high school sports medals, now's your chance! According to the Obama administration, people can now decide to be whatever they "self identify" with, regardless of biology. So now, you can decide to be a 17-year...
 | 1/22/2016 - Not only is it horrendous for those forced to participate, but it is a rite of passage increasingly popular in high schools around the country that would horrify most parents if they were to find out about it.
As reported by The Daily Caller, the practice of anal hazing has become and remains a bizarre...
 | 10/23/2015 12:49:06 PM - Wait, what? You mean you can actually lose weight eating an all-McDonald's diet?
That's according to one high school teacher, who is now a paid shill for the ailing fast-food chain, which finally posted a profit in the third quarter after seven straight quarterly losses.
His name is John Cisna,...
 | 9/22/2015 10:37:13 AM - Whether it's the effect of vaccines, laziness or just plain old stupidity isn't really clear, but the thousands of high school dropouts in California who are too dumb to pass a very rudimentary exit exam are about to receive diplomas without having to prove that they learned anything.
 | 3/17/2015 - Our effort to donate 250 Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Boxes to schools, community centers and churches around the country has achieved extraordinary success!
The Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow System is a non-electric, easy-to-use food production system that grows lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, medicinal...
 | 8/27/2014 - It's almost as if thought police are now patrolling the streets, infecting minds and inciting fear in people to restrict free thinking and free speech. It's hard to go anywhere today without feeling watched or criticized for thinking, speaking or believing freely. Another glaring example of this kind...
 | 8/16/2014 - More than 350 members of a Texas high school's marching band were sent home and told to thoroughly shower and sanitize their instruments after a plane flying overhead doused them with pesticides. Reports indicate that the students, who attend Pearland High School near Houston, were outside practicing...
 | 10/10/2013 - A Malibu, California, High School building, including eight classrooms, has been evacuated under speculation of high carcinogen levels that are making students and teachers sick. Twenty teachers from the school have signed a letter stating concerns over three faculty members who have recently been diagnosed...
 | 10/3/2013 - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has turned to high schools in what looks to be an increasingly desperate bid to recruit hackers, as a way to stay a step ahead of competitor nations like China and Russia that routinely target U.S. national security cyber-infrastructure.
In fact, DHS is turning...
 | 9/26/2013 - The so-called "agents of change" have long used the public school system as a means of imposing their views. But in recent years, the governing masterminds have stepped up their efforts, and they have become more brazen.
One such recent effort: purposefully misrepresenting some of the Constitution's...
 | 8/8/2013 - With each passing year, the societal institutions we established long ago as a means of advancing our unique American culture are looking less like entities meant to serve us and improve our condition, and more like authoritarian enclaves that lord over us to keep us submissive and compliant.
 | 5/14/2013 - Having personal convictions about not eating meat is one thing. But forcing those beliefs on others in the form of aggressive bullying and persistent harassment is completely unacceptable - and it is exactly what a group of militant students who identify as vegan are being accused of doing to their...
 | 8/28/2012 - A twenties-something "genius ape" named Natasha has been found to demonstrate more intelligence than a typical U.S. high school student. The findings have been published in the peer-reviewed science journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
As the paper documents, Natasha repeatedly...
 | 6/9/2012 - NaturalNews salutes Wellesley High School English teacher David McCullough, Jr., now made famous by his uncensored, brilliantly-stated, totally politically incorrect graduation speech entitled, "You are not special!"
Among all the high school graduation speeches being given this time of year, only...
 | 5/23/2012 - A former student at Perryton High School in Perryton, Texas, has filed a lawsuit against the school's district for injuries he allegedly suffered during a teacher-mandated reenactment of the Holocaust. According to the suit, Andrew Yara, now 19, suffered a partially dislocated hip, dehydration, and...
 | 5/24/2011 - It seems like it was just last week that I warned NaturalNews readers about how the TSA was expanding to become the new Nazi Secret Police of America. Actually, it was just last week (https://www.naturalnews.com/032458_TSA_bomb_drill.html). And now, over the weekend, the TSA confirmed exactly what I...
 | 4/2/2011 - I've seen a lot of lousy, inaccurate reporting from the mainstream media over the years, but some of the reporting we're seeing now on the Fukushima catastrophe is just astonishing in its ignorance of basic physics. Today, the Boston Globe published a story containing this whopper:
Nuclear safety...
| 3/4/2010 - Less than 10 percent of high school students in the United States meet the federally recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
"A diet high in fruits and vegetables is important for optimal child growth,...
| 2/10/2010 - Two high school students, Brenda Tan and Matt Cost at the Trinity School of Manhattan, gathered 151 DNA samples from foods and objects in their and neighbor`s homes as part of a science project. Of the samples, a large percentage were found to not be what their packaging said they were - they were mislabeled...
 | 10/31/2006 - With the school shootings in various communities around the nation on the minds of many, police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle and High School last Thursday and announced there was a threat to the school.
The students -- according to the Grand Rapids...
Concept-related articles:Schools:Students:Drug:Illegal:Video:Police:Cops:Guns:Gun:Shows:School:Body:Human:Junk food:Food:Health:
Concepts related to High school
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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Food Investigations is
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Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
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