High cholesterol news, articles and information:
 | 6/18/2015 - High cholesterol levels are believed to lead to heart conditions and early death. Statin drugs to lower LDL cholesterol are prescribed to more than 13 million Americans, and almost all men over the age of 60. Research published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism in April 2015 now shows that, as...
 | 6/1/2015 - If you still think cholesterol is bad for your health, you're not paying attention to the latest peer-reviewed science. Researchers out of Japan have confirmed, along with a multitude of others in recent years, that high cholesterol is not a positive risk factor for heart disease and death as is commonly...
 | 3/25/2013 - Skeptics of the pharmaceutical industry have long expressed concern over the effect of direct-to-consumer advertising on diagnosis rates and prescription drug use. Perhaps not surprisingly, researchers at Cornell University recently found that exposure to advertisements about statins increased viewers'...
 | 10/26/2011 - If the diagnosis of high cholesterol sounds like a death sentence to your ears, you may be the victim of cholesterol propaganda. It's not uncommon to believe that lower is better when it comes to cholesterol, but new research shows otherwise. In fact, a recent study in Norway says women with high cholesterol...
| 11/1/2010 - A campaign is growing within the medical establishment, calling for the screening of all children for high cholesterol so that more of them can be put on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
Currently, U.S. medical guidelines recommend cholesterol screening for children whose parents or grandparents...
| 7/20/2010 - A new study published in the journal Pediatrics has found that children with high cholesterol may not need drug treatments to bring them back to normal, healthy levels. Children who tested with high cholesterol levels initially in the study eventually had their levels taper off, indicating that the...
| 3/20/2009 - Most people react to being told they have high cholesterol in the same way they would if they were told they have cancer. Somehow the idea of having high cholesterol can strike deep fear into the heart of a person. After all, doesn't a high cholesterol reading mean you are a walking heart attack waiting...
| 3/17/2009 - How good are blueberries at lowering high cholesterol and protecting cardiovascular health? This article compiles a collection of quotes and statements about blueberries from doctors, authors and health experts.
Learn about anthocyanosides and the natural medicine found in blueberries and other types...
| 2/17/2009 - An extract made from components of red grapes that are regularly discarded by vineyards may dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease, above and beyond the well-known health benefits of red wine, researchers have found.
In a study published in the journal Nutrition, researchers from Complutense...
 | 1/8/2007 - Millions of Americans take statin drugs to help lower their cholesterol, making it one of the most popular classes of prescription drugs on the market today, but like most prescription medications, these drugs are often unnecessary, as most Americans could lower their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels simply...
 | 6/20/2006 - We all want a "quick fix" for disorders like high cholesterol, it seems. We want to be able to eat all the pizza and cheeseburgers we want and then take a magic pill so all the LDL cholesterol running through our bloodstream just disappears. No matter what the statin drug commercials tell you, there...
 | 12/10/2004 - There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral density measured to update my health stats. I spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said exactly...
| 10/13/2004 - This is part 2 of a 2-part article series on reducing high cholesterol.
So far, we've talked about getting outside, getting natural sunlight on your skin, getting daily exercise, and choosing foods that promote health -- that is, the natural, raw, live foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and...
| 10/13/2004 - A reader asks: "Can you please tell me if the use of honey and cinnamon powder can help reduce cholesterol in the blood? If so, how to use it and for how long?"
To answer this question, let me rephrase it into another question: Can you tell me if honey and cinnamon powder can reduce my cholesterol...
| 7/28/2004 - Recent cholesterol guidelines are recommending that most people aim for an LDL cholesterol level of 70 or lower. That's down from the previous suggestion of 100. And of course, the number one recommended way to lower your cholesterol, according to the popular press and pharmaceutical companies, is to...
Concept-related articles:Nutritional supplements:Statins:Lower cholesterol:Lower your cholesterol:Bad cholesterol:Cholesterol:Supplements:Side effects:Drugs:Naturally:Modern medicine:Bad medicine:Medical myths:Pharmaceutical industry:Pharmaceutical companies:Medical fraud:
Concepts related to High cholesterol
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
NutrientReference.com is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.