Future news, articles and information:
 | 10/24/2016 - Recently, I asked for feedback with a survey that went out in my email newsletter. If you did it, thank you for your feedback. I want to keep health care about health and your feedback helps me do that.
(Article by Dr. Kurt Perkins, republished from HealthImpactNews.com)
One question I asked was...
 | 2/2/2016 - It's a development that is bad for employment but, in a strange way, it could serve to help solve another problem facing America – illegal immigration.
It seems the world's first robot farm is about to launch, and initially its non-human workforce will be capable of picking 30,000 heads of...
 | 6/25/2015 - While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the U.S. Congress forfeited the entire economic future of the country by quietly passing so-called "fast-track authority" which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP "free trade" agreement.
The TPP, as...
 | 4/26/2015 - The reproductive damage caused by exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like bisphenol-A (BPA) may take several generations after initial exposure to become evident, according to new research out of Missouri.
A team of biological scientists and toxicologists determined that, even when...
 | 2/13/2015 11:52:21 AM - As entire communities start to pull away from factory farming, chemical based agriculture, GMOs, and processed food consumption, there has got to be answers. There's got to be cleaner options and there's got to be places where smart consumers can come and pick living groceries year round!
 | 9/19/2014 - As the Ebola crisis rages on, details about who the stakeholders are in this global disease operation have emerged -- and yes, the U.S. government is one of them. Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show reports that none other than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department...
 | 11/25/2013 - Given the medical brainwashing, propaganda, drug company bribes and all the other nonsense that goes on in conventional medicine today, it's very difficult to find a group of physicians and clinicians who have any real understanding of healing. But I've found them! They all seem to be members of ACAM,...
 | 11/14/2013 - Do you feel depressed, yet skeptical of conventional treatment?
As you pursue natural remedies for depression, it is important to understand that depression has both physical and psychological components.
To be happy, healthy and enthused about life, you must get both your mind and body balanced....
 | 6/21/2013 - The Republicrats in the U.S. Congress have once again betrayed their constituents by voting down an amendment to the upcoming Farm Bill that would have openly recognized the right of individual states to choose whether or not to label genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And even though the federal...
 | 6/2/2013 - Television news is already a form of virtual reality. The hypnotic flow of stories, the elite anchors with their easy air of knowing and authority, the absence of context, the bald lies, the false sense of unity/community between viewer and broadcaster.
But it barely scratches the surface of the...
 | 4/26/2013 - Children's dislike of healthy foods may pose a serious threat to their future. Parents, especially health-conscious parents, knowing that they are the greatest influences on their children's habits, can feel pressured to correctly instill healthy eating patterns.
If you want to help your children...
 | 4/8/2013 - Imagine a society where your brain can be scanned to see if you are a danger -- because the scan can predict that you are likely to commit crime. This may sound like a sci-fi movie but the brain scanning technique already exists, according to a new study conducted by the Mind Research Network (MRN)...
 | 2/15/2013 - A recent Bonn University study suggests we may all be living in a virtual simulation. If a pixel-lattice that forms the background of this universe is presenting us with an all-encompassing "television picture" of reality, then the whole space-time continuum could be a rigorously designed artifact.
 | 1/30/2013 - President Obama and top Democrats in Congress have made it quite clear in recent days: They want massive new gun bans and what's more, they want to know what kind of guns you already have, and how many.
Those demands and others are contained in new legislation proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.,...
 | 10/31/2012 - Superstorm sandy never happened. There was no flooding, no power grid failure and no fatalities. In the aftermath of the storm that never happened, there will be no looting, no property loss, and no economic losses, either. This is the world according to those I call "off-course optimists" -- people...
 | 10/15/2012 - There is a battle being waged for your mind. To the victor comes influence over your beliefs, you purchase decisions, and even your values. On one side of the battlefield are the so-called 'scientific' poisoners, who are really just proxy scientists and propagandists promoting corporate interests. These...
 | 8/6/2012 11:13:13 AM - When I attended Codex Alimentarius meetings in Bonn, 2004, and Rome, 2005, I learned several important lessons.
1. Human beings are always going to be manipulated by forces of Authority if they don't take their own Power back.
2. The pharmaceutical industry is pulling out all the stops in their...
 | 7/30/2012 - Every two years, a consortium of Europe's most active minds converges at the Euroscience Open Forum to discuss the latest advancements in scientific research and innovation. But this year's meeting, which was held in Dublin, Ireland, featured a disturbing workshop held by White House executive pastry...
| 6/16/2012 - Imagine living in a house that produces its own energy, generates its own water supply, grows and sustains its own food supply, and continuously maintains interior climate conditions at proper and desirable temperatures. Such a house might seem like some kind of science fiction dwelling place of the...
 | 4/2/2012 - The Hunger Games is a wildly popular new movie set in a dystopian future where an all-powerful, high-tech centralized government rules over "districts" of impoverished populations barely surviving in third-world conditions. The film, based on the book of the same name by Suzanne Collins, is important...
| 10/19/2011 - Researchers in Barcelona recently took a look at the effects of Bisphenol A (BPA) - a substance that's commonly used in plastics and is also unfortunately found in the blood of most humans on the planet - on ovaries. In doing so, they found the BPA dramatically alters the development of ovarian cells,...
 | 3/15/2011 - With one massive lurch, planet Earth has put an end to the nuclear power "renaissance" that was gaining momentum around the world as a safe, clean energy source. For the last few decades, nuclear power looked quite good compared to the dirty coal industry which fuels most of the world's power plants....
| 2/23/2011 - Discover the healing benefits of Nanotechnology and energy medicine. The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents The Future of Nutrition with our special guest Dr. Albert Sanchez, one of the most well-known and sought after authorities on holistic health. Learn how to increase your energy and conquer dis-ease...
 | 1/26/2011 - In the not-so-distant future, instead of buying manufactured food items at the store, you may instead just "print" them right in your own kitchen. The technology is called "food fabrication," and it allows you to fabricate foods right in your own kitchen, layer by layer, in much the same way an inkjet...
| 1/17/2011 - Thanks to toxins, radiation, poor diet, genetically modified food and unhealthy lifestyles, human DNA and gene expression are being changed in unnatural and unhealthy ways. Besides threatening our present health, the changes are also threatening our future viability as a species.
Scientists are increasingly...
 | 12/30/2010 - We've been covering health freedom topics with great intensity lately, and that has taken away from our typical coverage of natural cures, herbal remedies, medicinal foods and so on. Some people are asking why we've shifted our focus, and I want to answer those questions with clarity and determination.
| 11/10/2010 - The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Spontaneous Evolution - A Positive Future Revealed - with our special guest Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit and a leading voice in new biology. Dr. Lipton will reveal how changing our understanding of biology...
| 3/27/2010 - Kansas State University (K-State) researchers have joined a growing number of scientists who say a relatively new medical field known as nutrigenomics could change the future of public health forever. How? By tailoring strategies to prevent diseases before they can happen -- diseases that might otherwise...
 | 3/25/2010 - (Editor's Note: This story is a fictional future news story that depicts one possible future under an American medical dictatorship.) Taking aim at the growing spread of Obedience Defiance Disorder (O.D.D.) -- a mental disease striking both children and adults -- Massachusetts health authorities have...
| 7/25/2009 - Following the publication of my story about "the new Mr. America: Bankrupt, Diseased and Running Out of Options," we received a number of complaints from some readers who thought the story was too dark. It's just "too negative" to talk about the actual financial numbers in the U.S. budget, it seems....
| 3/21/2009 - In a related article on CounterThink.com (http://www.CounterThink.com/025688.html), I discussed the inevitable collapse of America and the opportunity for new nation-states to rise from the ashes. Here, I unveil how such new nation-states might prioritize natural health as a strategy for long-term abundance...
 | 12/30/2008 - The current model of pharmacy practice, and of Western medicine as a whole, is based upon managing symptoms. In some cases, this may be necessary, at least for a limited amount of time. The problem is that care for the patient often stops with a prescription being handed over. A competent pharmacist...
 | 11/6/2008 - This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger reporting for www.NaturalNews.com . This article is a transcript of the audio from Health Ranger Report #11, available here: https://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcasts.html
Today, I'm bringing you some rather disturbing news about the Supreme Court's decision...
 | 9/30/2008 - The first three months of pregnancy have a significant impact on a baby boy's future fertility. Chemicals found in cosmetics could create infertility problems later in life. Researchers at Edinburgh University have shown that exposure to chemicals in the first 12 weeks in the womb can affect sperm production...
 | 3/1/2008 - It is a defining characteristic of Western civilization that power-hungry men seek to declare ownership over all things they discover. For most of human history, such ownership efforts were focused on usable land. Owning land that could grow food, after all, was a valuable strategy for staying alive....
 | 7/21/2007 - As public awareness about peak oil continues to grow, and even the big oil companies like Exxon Mobil Corp. are now starting to admit that the future supply of oil looks troublesome (see this Boston Globe article), there's an increasing focus on renewable energy solutions. But most members of the public...
 | 7/20/2007 - "The Long Emergency," by James Howard Kunstler, is a fascinating and timely book that explores the ramifications of the dwindling supply of fossil fuels on our planet. The book begins with a discussion of the concept of "peak oil" -- a term that indicates we've nearly reached the peak production of...
 | 5/3/2007 - There is a cabal of power-hungry corporations that are systematically destroying humanity's future. These companies have taken over the food supply, injected pesticides, viruses and invading genes into staple crops, engineered "terminator" genes that make crop seeds unviable, destroyed the livelihood...
 | 2/23/2007 - Corporations like Monsanto are playing God with the food supply. Did you ever wonder what happens when all the genetically modified, pesticide-compatible, gene-terminated, laboratory-concocted Frankenfoods end up genetically contaminating the natural crops we depend on for a sustainable food future?...
| 11/2/2006 - Once regarded as costly and impractical, solar technology is now poised to play a larger role in the future, thanks to new developments that could result in lower costs and improved efficiency. Potential applications include cell phones, computers, automobiles, homes and office buildings. The American...
| 7/1/2006 - Accenture (NYSE: ACN) today unveiled an experimental "mirror" that shows unhealthy eaters what they could look like in the future if they fail to improve their diets. The device - known as the Persuasive Mirror - stems from an Accenture research initiative aimed at developing technologies that encourage...
 | 4/26/2006 - Sometime in the future, science is going to deliver to us desktop food fabrication equipment. These machines, which I'll call "FoodFabs," will be able to manufacture food items at the touch of a button on your desktop or countertop. It might have the size and shape of a microwave, but instead of punching...
 | 1/12/2006 - The time is right for alternative energy sources. With the price of fossil fuels climbing to prohibitive levels and pollution causing severe global consequences, more and more people and businesses are looking for alternative sources of clean power. One company in Australia is looking to provide an...
 | 5/19/2005 - Is gene therapy the next wave in medicine? As the age of chemical-based medicine is now thoroughly discredited (prescription drugs are toxic, haven't you heard?), and drug companies are losing both profits and credibility, there's a mad dash to find something to replace the current drug racket. Could...
| 9/30/2003 4:46:48 PM - As the US seems to be stranded in the oil economy, the rest of the world is taking great strides to define the future of mobile energy. That future is, of course, the hydrogen economy. NEC's work on fuel cells far exceeds anything done in the United States, and chances are, every portable device you...
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
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HerbReference.com is
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