Dollars news, articles and information:
 | 10/7/2016 - If you needed further proof that every agency and institution under the left-wing lunacy of Barack Obama has been completely politicized, here it is: A cash-strapped Pentagon that is being forced to fund gender reassignment surgery for troops 'confused' about their sexual identity, even as scores of...
 | 6/30/2016 - George Naylor, a farmer and board member of the Center for Food Safety and the Non-GMO Project, has cultivated corn and soybeans on his family farm near Churdan, Iowa, since 1976. Like many others, George made the decision never to raise genetically modified (GM) crops, and has been encouraging other...
 | 6/26/2016 - You can't make this stuff up. From
The Red Cross received an outpouring of donations after the quake, nearly half a billion dollars.
The group has publicly celebrated its work. But in fact, the Red Cross has repeatedly failed on the ground in Haiti. Confidential memos, emails from...
 | 5/13/2016 - The shameful federal agency that was responsible, in large part, for poisoning scores of mostly African-American children with lead in Flint, Mich., as well as one of the worst river contaminations in Colorado history, has a secret slush fund it uses to fund shadowy operations that are beyond oversight.
 | 2/25/2016 - A new investigation by The Associated Press (AP) turned up dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals and elite SS guards who collected millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Social Security benefits after they were forced to leave the country.
According to the AP, the payments filtered through a legal...
 | 2/11/2016 - Congress's failure to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 has prompted numerous states to enact their own restrictions pertaining to the chemical industry. The move has forced the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a top trade organization representing North American chemical manufactures,...
 | 8/5/2015 - One of the most common excuses major food corporations offer when pressed on the issue of why they refuse to support mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) is that doing so would be too expensive, raising food costs for consumers.
But an investigation into this claim reveals...
 | 7/20/2015 - What's it going to take for GMO proponents to realize that efforts to alter food are not only damaging to health but are wasting millions of dollars... money which could otherwise be spent on preserving the planet instead of destroying it?
Sadly, it's a routine that many people are compelled to tinker...
 | 5/18/2015 - Democrats who had been programmed to blindly vote for Hillary Clinton are picking their jaws up off the floor after learning the truth about Hillary's ties to Monsanto. The ties run so deep that she's now being dubbed the "Bride of Frankenfood." (Tweet this story)
Shockingly, Hillary Clinton's ties...
 | 5/7/2015 2:00:34 PM - If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either knows someone who currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer. But it wasn't always this way. Back in the...
 | 4/26/2015 - Corporate lobbying is big business in the U.S., where the highest bribing multinational corporations are allowed to freely siphon billions of dollars every year from the federal coffers. But few people realize just how much these monolithic corporate entities are effectively stealing from American taxpayers...
 | 7/3/2014 - After spending more than $250 million on a healthcare exchange website that has since been abandoned due to systematic failure, the state of Oregon is now handing out cash bonuses to the employees responsible for the debacle. According to, government contractors who agree to stick around...
 | 7/1/2014 2:08:58 PM - Scores of Americans are discovering that natural, alternative treatments for many of their most common ailments is preferable to ingesting gene-altering medications, but through taxes they are nonetheless helping to fund hundreds of billions of dollars in government medication spending each year, through...
 | 9/20/2013 - Waste, fraud and abuse has always been a part of government programs, but it seems that, as more Americans take part in them, the waste, fraud and abuse is increasing.
Take the case of 49-year-old Muhammed Farooq of Somerset, N.J., the owner of the $4 stores in the northern part of the state. He...
 | 9/3/2013 - Nearly every major pharmaceutical company is now facing criminal charges for breaking the law somewhere in the world, with Eli Lilly and Co.'s alleged bribery escapades in China currently capturing top headlines globally. According to Reuters, the U.S.-based drug firm is being accused of engaging in...
 | 8/30/2013 - Florida seems to be a mecca for the ethically challenged. We all remember the ethically questionable political fiascos, dating back to 2000 and beyond. Most of you will remember the ethically questionable patients' rights bru-ha-ha of a few years ago, where the husband wanted to 'unplug' the wife on...
 | 8/19/2013 - The average American supermarket has become little more than a hotbed of processed junk food, thanks to federal agriculture policies that for decades have used taxpayer dollars to subsidize the overproduction of junk food crops. Since 1995, in fact, the federal government has spent nearly $20 billion...
 | 6/2/2013 - Not content to allow Monsanto to poison Americans, the U.S. government is using your tax dollars to promote the bio-ag giant's genetically modified food crops overseas as well, according to a new report.
Reuters says tax dollars are going to pay for overseas lobbying which promotes use of controversial...
 | 6/1/2013 - In yet another creative use of your tax dollars, the federal government, via the Department of the Interior, plans to spend nearly $500,000 to teach survival skills to fish - all the while looking down the nose of American "preppers" who are teaching themselves survival techniques in an unstable world.
 | 5/7/2013 - The U.S. government is broke and $16 trillion-plus in the hole, spending hundreds of billions of dollars more per year than it collects in revenue, because Washington, collectively, is addicted to spending.
One thing lawmakers and President Obama love to spend money on is the cultivation of constituencies....
 | 4/8/2013 - Another irritating example of government waste at its most absurd, the taxpayer-funded National Science Foundation (NSF) has reportedly awarded a sizable grant to researchers at the University of Iowa to study the reproduction habits of New Zealand mud snails. According to Breitbart, more than half-a-million...
 | 11/10/2012 - It might look like normal milk, but the milky white substance produced by "Daisy," the infamous cloned cow developed by New Zealand-based AgResearch using $50 million taken directly from taxpayers, is actually genetically-modified (GM), imitation milk geared towards people with milk allergies. But because...
 | 8/15/2012 - Prozac. Cialis. Cymbalta. If you have a television or read magazines, you've heard of their drugs. Eli Lilly, out of Indiana, makes billions of dollars every year off the sale of their patented chemicals, which are used to suppress the symptoms of disease in the human body. Founded by a chemist in the...
 | 8/7/2012 - If you run a family farm or other small business in which you regularly make large cash deposits at the bank, you could be in violation of a little-known federal law called the Bank Secrecy Act. Making regular cash deposits of any amount, in fact, could land you in the crosshairs of government tyrants...
 | 7/3/2012 - The deceit, corruption, and outright lies committed by the ALIVE 'Foundation' (it has been shown that their existence as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization is a fraud) have been trumped not only by their incognito attempts to attack serious truth-tellers and legitimate organizations, but by their audacious...
 | 3/9/2012 - The Obama Administration's green energy development program, which has leveraged billions of taxpayer dollars into high-risk green energy startups, is rapidly turning out to be one of the biggest financial scams on the American people in recent history. A new investigative report by ABC News has revealed...
 | 1/21/2012 - Just a few months ago, FBI agents raided the headquarters of now-bankrupt solar panel company Solyndra, which received more than half-a-billion dollars in federal stimulus funds as part of the federal government's green energy stimulus initiative. But according to a new investigation by CBS News, the...
 | 12/19/2011 - Taxpayer-funded health care spending continues to rise, particularly in the government's Medicare program, which now disburses more than half a trillion dollars every year for 49 million elderly and disabled Americans. But a new report compiled by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)...
 | 9/30/2011 - When it comes to money and gold, some mainstream journalists have such low IQs that it's a wonder they can string words together at all. Here's the latest example of truly idiotic journalism in a precious video that's now being called the most moronic piece of mainstream TV journalism ever aired. It...
 | 8/27/2011 7:14:49 PM - Due process under the law and assumed innocence before being proven guilty are two concepts that are apparently no longer applicable in the United States of America, at least as far as the federal government is concerned.
For the second time in two years, armed federal agents have illegally raided...
 | 8/18/2011 - This week we are in a quiet moment before the next storm breaks against the financial markets. Last week was almost chaos but the system and stock markets have been saved though nothing has changed as things keep getting worse. Europe is about to fold its cards and the United States is ready to plunge...
 | 6/12/2011 - In an age when the U.S. government is spending the nation into oblivion, it never ceases to amaze us to learn of the new and inventive ways Washington can dispose of your tax dollars.
In a report published last week, Cybercast New Service said the Environmental Protection Agency gave more than $1.2...
| 5/19/2010 - At the same time that our Surgeon General has declared we have an epidemic of obesity, our government is using our tax dollars to cater to special interests and to subsidize the very foods that are making us fat. Thanks to lobbying, Congress chooses to subsidize foods that we're supposed to eat less...
 | 4/15/2010 - It's tax season in the U.S. again, and when it comes to discussions about the financial burden on the economy from the complexity of the current U.S. tax code, most of the criticisms focus on the number of dollars (or hours) spent in compliance. According to a study from the Tax Foundation, U.S. taxpayers...
| 12/28/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Jason Deitch shares on taking responsibility for our own health and understanding the health care account option.
Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Jason...
 | 11/7/2008 - A congressional investigation has revealed that a group of Harvard psychiatrists, instrumental in pushing the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and its off-label treatment with antipsychotics, concealed from university officials the millions of dollars they earned in consulting fees for the...
 | 10/8/2008 - In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen...
 | 10/3/2008 - As the United States of America stands on the verge of irrecoverable bankruptcy, U.S. Senators have decided to orchestrate a final "blowout" spending spree by dressing up the financial bailout plan with so much bloated pork that no lawmaker can resist its lure. The so-called "rescue plan" (renamed from...
 | 9/16/2008 - This is a special financial alert for NaturalNews readers. For more than two years, I've warned readers to get out of the housing bubble, steer clear of speculative real estate, offload U.S. dollars and get out of debt. In articles published from 2005 - 2007, I warned of hyperinflation and the coming...
 | 7/19/2008 - Headlines around the world are highlighting the fact that oil has reached a new peak in price as U.S. oil reserves unexpectedly declined. Many mainstream media articles and television shows -- the essence of news reports these days -- blame this problem on OPEC and increased demand from developing nations...
 | 7/3/2008 - The following is a transcript of Health Ranger Report #16, entitled The Politics of National Health Care Reform, which is available free of charge as an MP3 download at:
Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and...
 | 2/18/2008 - Do you know that since the year 2000, the U.S. dollar has silently depreciated in value against other major currencies by a whopping 52 percent! This depreciation of the dollar goes a long way toward explaining why you feel like you are getting poorer every year even though you make more money.
 | 10/4/2005 - There's a lot of talk today about the flat tax as a new way to raise revenue for the federal government in the United States. At the same time, in the worlds of health and nutrition, there's a lot of talk about the benefits of flax seeds and omega-3 oils. Now, I propose that we combine these two and...
 | 10/3/2005 - Can the medical journals be trusted to provide accurate, unbiased information about medicine even as they are almost entirely funded by drug companies? In her book, Vaccination, Peggy O'Mara writes that the current era of medical beliefs (or dogma) began to develop soon after Louis Pasteur's demonstration...
 | 7/31/2005 - A cute, animated ball bounces around very sadly until he takes a magic potion; suddenly, it becomes happier than ever. No, that isn't the plot of a new children's movie. On the contrary, it's the storyline of a Zoloft commercial – yes, Zoloft, a powerful antidepressant drug. In the 1990s, direct-to-consumer...
 | 4/17/2005 - Used cars versus new cars: which is cheaper to drive? Here's a financial reality that may surprise you: it's actually far cheaper to drive a well-built new car than to drive an old car that requires ongoing maintenance.
One of the things I've noticed in looking at the vehicles people drive is that...
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