Diabetes news, articles and information:
 | 11/17/2016 - Diabetes is an insidious disease that has been growing in prevalence across the globe, but most notably in Western civilizations. For example, new data has revealed that in the United Kingdom, the incidence of diabetes has increased by a shocking 75 percent in just 10 years.
In the UK alone, 137,000...
 | 10/26/2016 - Many people have been persuaded to ditch their conventional, sugar-laden sodas for diet versions, due to the mainstream belief that diet products are healthier. After all, they don't contain real sugar, so they must be better for you, right? Not so much. Research continues to find evidence that these...
 | 10/18/2016 - The ketogenic diet is a medical diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, and is sometimes used in the treatment of epilepsy. According to emerging research, it may also hold potential for the treatment of a wide range of other chronic disorders, including cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.
 | 10/17/2016 - Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, has been linked to a wide array of health problems, including infertility, diabetes, obesity and neurological problems, according to a scientific statement by the Endocrine Society.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals...
 | 10/14/2016 - You can prevent and cure gestational diabetes, and lower your child's risk of autism!
• Xanthurenic acid (XA)—a tryptophan metabolite—is high in serum in gestational diabetes
• Xanthurenic acid binds insulin, impeding it's action
• Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid levels...
 | 9/27/2016 - There may be a connection between depression and gestational diabetes in pregnant women, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institutes of Health and published in the journal Diabetologia.
The researchers found that women who were depressed during the earlier part of pregnancy...
 | 9/20/2016 - The increasing prevalence of obesity and diabetes in our modern society may be at least partly due to flawed governmental dietary recommendations that are based on bogus science, some experts say.
A recent article published by Finnish website Ink Tank explores the evolution of mankind and the changes...
 | 8/29/2016 - Sugar is everywhere. In addition to naturally occurring in your favorite fruits and vegetables, sugar is also added to most commercially prepared and prepacked foods. Sugar's increasing prevalence in our world may be making our food sweeter, but it is also having a hugely negative impact on the health...
 | 8/26/2016 - With over 29 million Americans currently suffering from diabetes - and a staggering 86 million with blood sugar high enough to be classed as "pre-diabetes" – this health issue has reached epidemic proportions. Even the slow-to-respond CDC states that 15 to 30 percent of those with pre-diabetes...
 | 7/30/2016 - Going through menopause is generally an unwelcome experience at any age, but new research shows that women who experience "the change" earlier in life have extra reason to be concerned.
A new study from Oregon's Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research shows that women who have their last menstrual...
 | 7/26/2016 - The next time somebody tries to tell you that type-2 diabetes is irreversible, simply point them to the incredible healing journey of Geoff Whitington, a UK man who was ultimately cured of his diabetic condition, thanks to the loving efforts of his two sons who helped lift their father out of the rut...
 | 7/21/2016 - It may sound too good to be true, but a recent study has shown that a diet that includes an unlimited amount of healthy fats is actually helpful in preventing heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer.
A meta-study led by US Department of Veterans Affairs research scientist Dr. Hanna Bloomfield revealed...
 | 6/28/2016 - The most oppressive force when it comes to standing between Americans who want to make many of their own decisions about their health, and nutritional intake, isn't Big Pharma or the medical establishment. Believe it or not, it's the federal government.
In particular, it is the various federal government...
 | 6/25/2016 - A daily diet of fast food during pregnancy can dramatically increase the risk of obesity in the next three generations of a woman's descendants, even if those descendants eat a healthy diet themselves, according to a shocking new study conducted by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine,...
 | 6/3/2016 - With obesity on the rise in America, the incidence of diabetes has also climbed dramatically, and this is especially true, unfortunately, among our youth.
According to the American Diabetes Association, in 2012 – the latest year for which data is available – 29.1 million Americans, or...
 | 5/30/2016 - Diabetes and the medical costs attached thereto have skyrocketed across the world, according to the largest study ever conducted to measure global diabetes levels. The type 2 diabetes epidemic in the United States is largely fueled by the introduction of processed foods into the food supply. While these...
 | 5/26/2016 - Type 2 diabetes is known to carry a risk of many serious complications, including cardiovascular disease, nerve damage (leading to eye and foot damage), kidney damage and even Alzheimer's disease. Now, a new and severe condition may be added to that list, according to a study conducted by researchers...
 | 5/26/2016 - One of the most potentially severe side effects of diabetes is kidney failure, which occurs as abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood slowly damage and destroy the blood-filtering organs. But according to a new study conducted by researchers from Anglia Ruskin University, and published in the...
 | 5/23/2016 - The term superfoods may have become a bit overused lately, but there are some foods that truly fit the description. One that should definitely be on the superfoods list is a fairly obscure plant (until now!) called jackfruit.
This oddly named fruit, which is cultivated in tropical regions, is rapidly...
 | 5/20/2016 10:52:16 AM - Most people diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes believe it's a condition they will have for the rest of their lives. Convinced that there is little they can do to stop it, they accept their diagnoses and allow the pharmaceutical system to manage their condition for the rest of their lives. It's a helpless...
 | 5/2/2016 - Most people who are attuned to heathier living have long known that substances called antioxidants, which come in supplements but are more effectively found in superfoods like blueberries and broccoli, are major cancer fighters, and that, in general, the more of them consumed, the better protected we...
 | 4/25/2016 - People who eat more full-fat dairy products (made from "whole" milk), are significantly less likely to develop diabetes than people who eat less of these foods, according to a study published recently in the journal Circulation.
The study is just the latest in a growing body of research showing that,...
 | 4/21/2016 - Bisphenol-A (BPA) – the hormone-disrupting chemical most notorious for its presence in plastic water bottles and food cans – may also cause autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 diabetes, warns Nathan Ravi, a physician and former chemical engineer.
Studies have found BPA in the bodies of...
 | 4/16/2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) recently revealed that the number of adults living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980. A whopping 422 million people are now believed to be living with the deadly disease, compared to just 108 million in 1980.
During that same time, the global prevalence...
 | 4/14/2016 - In the 1970s, Nathan Ravi was a chemical engineer for a Virginia biotechnology company. Ravi worked directly with bisphenol-A (BPA) long before the risks were publicized.
He was in great physical condition all his young life, until age 28. That's when his health started spiraling out of control....
 | 4/4/2016 - New research has "discovered" something that NaturalNews editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has been recommending for a decade: that diet can control type 2 diabetes and even eliminate it.
As reported by the UK's Daily Mail, apparently this truth is just now being "discovered" by researchers at...
 | 3/24/2016 - Claire Taylor, 17, had a bright future ahead of her, with aspirations of becoming a dietician someday. But due to what some are calling negligent care, Taylor will never get the chance to fulfill her dreams.
Things started to go downhill for the teen in 2012 when she began experiencing an array of...
 | 3/21/2016 - Females exposed to DDT in the womb may be more likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes in middle age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Davis and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and published...
 | 3/14/2016 - Pfizer's Lipitor (atorvastatin) is a record-breaking drug, a prescription with the highest peak sales of any drug on the market. Statin drugs like this one, along with other brand equivalents and generics, are a medical doctor's go-to "solution" for managing patient's cholesterol levels. These drugs...
 | 2/10/2016 - A long-term study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine has shown that statin users are more than twice as likely to develop diabetes compared to those who didn't use statins. Additionally, they're a whopping 250 percent more likely to develop the disease in conjunction with complications...
 | 1/28/2016 - It's no secret that certain factors such as mass body index (BMI), race and family history are among the main contributors associated with diabetes development. While such risk factors still play a role, a new study has found that there's likely another reason behind onset of the disease, one that specifically...
 | 12/30/2015 10:10:01 AM - [Note: Natural News 100% supports preventing and treating diabetes, and we fully support those suffering with the disease. However, we are opposed to attempts by the consumer industry to normalize and profit from the disease rather than actually save children from it.
It's obvious from the "faux...
 | 12/1/2015 - It's well known that the overuse of overuse of antibiotics can often do more harm than good, leading to a variety of health effects, some of which can be chronic in nature affecting your everyday life and well-being.
However, not as well known is the potential connection between antibiotics and diabetes,...
 | 10/22/2015 - Americans are finally waking up to the fact that drinking soda is an unhealthy practice. Sales of sugary, carbonated drinks have fallen dramatically in recent years, sending the soda industry into a panic.
It may be bad news for Big Soda, but it's good news for the rest of the populace. Sodas have...
 | 10/4/2015 - Evidence continues to link endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to a wide range of illnesses, most notably obesity and diabetes, according to a scientific statement recently issued by the Endocrine Society.
The new statement is a followup to the society's 2009 report, which highlighted the existing...
 | 9/29/2015 - The statin drugs prescribed to over 100 million people around the world have now been exposed as cellular poisons that accelerate aging and promote muscle fatigue, diabetes, memory loss and more.
Scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans found that statin drugs -- which generate tens of billions...
 | 9/9/2015 2:49:18 PM - According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), about half of the adult population in the U.S. has either pre-diabetes or diabetes. Interestingly, reaction to the findings seems to suggest this is a good thing. In an editorial responding to the findings, William...
 | 9/4/2015 - Diabetes has always been a concerning health issue, with the unfortunate possibility that life-threatening complications could arise in certain individuals with the disease. In many instances, blindness, stroke and amputation are par for the course for those afflicted. While diabetes is certainly not...
 | 8/31/2015 - Rather than increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, certain saturated fats may actually reduce the risk, according to a study conducted by the National Marine Mammal Foundation and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
The most heart-healthy saturated fat was one known as heptadecanoic acid...
 | 8/27/2015 - Soybean oil is more likely to induce diabetes and metabolic syndrome than pure fructose, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Riverside and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
"That was a surprise, given that most people think that unsaturated fatty acids...
 | 8/25/2015 - Whenever there's an opportunity to mock and discredit the health benefits of nutrition, the mainstream media is right there, ready to pounce. If nutrition can be made out to be confusing and irrelevant to well being, then the public will dismiss it altogether, gravitating toward a life of junk food...
 | 8/14/2015 - A new study from Harokopio University in Athens, Greece is giving regular coffee drinkers something to cheer about. After studying the coffee drinking habits of more than 1,300 people, the researchers concluded that regular coffee drinkers are 54 percent less likely to suffer from diabetes and inflammatory...
 | 8/9/2015 - Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as sodas can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes even in people of healthy weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cambridge University and published in the British Medical Journal.
The study also found an increased (though smaller) risk...
 | 7/27/2015 - Diabetes is a growing problem both here in the United States and all around the world. In America alone, it is estimated that nearly 30 million people have this condition which is caused by the pancreas either not producing insulin at all (type 1 diabetes) or not producing enough of it to keep up with...
 | 7/21/2015 - Diabetes is a serious public health problem, not only in the United States but all around the world. In America alone, the number of diabetics is estimated to be around 30 million and those numbers are expected to rise in the coming decades. Diabetes can not only be difficult to manage from day to day,...
 | 7/10/2015 - Israeli researchers have discovered an amazing plant native to their region that apparently helps treat type-2 diabetes naturally without the need for drugs or injections. But rather than promote the actual plant as a therapeutic option for patients, the team is instead working with drug companies to...
 | 7/10/2015 - In the United States and throughout the world, rates of diabetic patients continue to rise. In America alone, it is estimated that there are between 26 and 30 million diabetics, about a quarter of them undiagnosed and untreated. This constitutes a major challenge to the healthcare system since this...
 | 6/19/2015 - While most people who drink diet soda probably know it isn't the healthiest choice, they still may be under the mistaken impression that it will keep their weight down. Scientific studies emphasize this is not true.
This was made clear in a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics...
 | 6/6/2015 - The Food and Drug Administration has recently approved a mobile app that would drastically help diabetics. Concerned parents or caregivers, for example, could monitor a person's glucose levels from afar, providing them with peace of mind.
The Dexcom Share device, Dexcom G4, is the latest development...
 | 5/18/2015 - The use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs could double your risk of developing diabetes, suggests a study conducted by researchers from the VA North Texas Health System and the University of Texas Southwestern that was published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine on April 28.
 | 5/13/2015 - Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have discovered that middle-aged people who did not properly manage their blood sugar levels were almost 20 percent more likely to have cognitive issues later in their life than middle-aged people with normal blood sugar levels.(1)
 | 4/8/2015 - The sugar industry and the federal government have been colluding since the 1960s to boost consumption of the commodity as it knowingly hid the detrimental effects of its product, choosing instead to foist another harmful substance on society.
According to Vocativ, the collusion was laid bare in...
 | 4/5/2015 - Of all the seed oil produced in the US, 90 percent comes from soybeans. The shelf life and temperature stability of soybean oil is increased through the process of hydrogenation, which also generates unhealthy trans fats in the oil.
DuPont developed genetically modified soybean oil that has a fatty...
 | 4/2/2015 5:22:50 PM - Television watching increases diabetes risk, scientists have now confirmed. By studying over 3,000 overweight Americans, a research study demonstrated that risk for type 2 diabetes increased over 14 percent in those watching four hours of television a day. The average American watches 5.11 hours of...
 | 3/25/2015 - Conventional information outlets -- the corporate-controlled media, government and medical institutions -- have no interest whatsoever in teaching you knowledge and skills that can save your life, keep you out of hospitals and even reverse serious disease. That wisdom comes entirely from independent...
 | 3/25/2015 - Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP, more popularly known as "The Diabetes Coach™," is one of dozens of speakers scheduled to appear at the upcoming Diabetes World Summit.
In his practice, Mowll focuses on the prevention, care and management of type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome using...
 | 3/20/2015 10:43:34 AM - Suzy Cohen, RPh, who is more popularly known as "America's Most Trusted Pharmacist®," is one of dozens of speakers scheduled to appear at the upcoming Diabetes World Summit.
Cohen, who has dedicated her professional life to the advancement of natural cures and treatments, will be presenting...
 | 1/29/2015 - According to the most recent American Diabetes Association report, 29.1 million Americans are diabetic. Additionally, the disease still held the rank of being the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Over 8 million of that 29.1 are undiagnosed, unaware that they have the condition.(1)
 | 1/27/2015 - From every angle, the general population is starving, in desperate need of more than just food and empty, nutritionless calories. The supermarkets are full of empty-calorie food products that have been stripped of their nutrition. The void is real. It can be seen in the people's faces, passing by one...
 | 12/23/2014 - Three independent studies have linked leafy green vegetables to reduced health risks associated with obesity, diabetes and heart complications, reinforcing the benefits of consuming a diet rich in such foods.
In particular, the scientists involved in these University of Southampton and Cambridge...
 | 12/21/2014 - For more than 4,000 years around the globe, parts of Glycyrrhiza plants (licorice) have been used as a natural sweetener as well as an herbal medicine to treat a range of health conditions. Its effectiveness is once again reinforced in findings recently published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology,...
 | 12/3/2014 - You may have heard about the miracle antioxidant resveratrol, found in blueberries, grapes and red wine. But did you know that these same foods also contain another phenolic compound, pterostilbene, which may help lower body fat and reduce diabetes risk? That was the finding of a study conducted by...
 | 11/11/2014 - The Mediterranean diet doesn't just protect against heart disease: It may actually reverse metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms linked to heart disease and diabetes.
The findings came from a study conducted by researchers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Hospital Universitari de...
 | 10/23/2014 5:55:43 PM - Sufficient magnesium intake may help deter the onset of diabetes, particularly in those exhibiting precursor symptoms, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.
One of the most overlooked minerals, magnesium is essential for good health, as its...
 | 10/7/2014 - The appetite-regulating hormone leptin may actually be able to reverse the high blood sugar that characterizes type 1 and type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from Yale University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and published in the journal Nature Medicine.
 | 9/27/2014 - If the land of the free and home of the brave looked in the mirror today, they'd see a diseased and docile figure in the reflection -- a whimpering fragment of what men and women used to be. Setting the shovel and hoe aside, Americans have run for cover, hiding under the wings of a food system that...
 | 9/17/2014 - When we eat sugar or carbohydrates our digestive system converts these larger molecules into glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream and taken to cells throughout the body. Blood sugar fuels cells, keeping them healthy, making it critical to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Key antioxidant...
 | 9/8/2014 - They told him to take the pills, on time, every day, promising that his depression would go away, but all is not the same as before...
His impulses are now sudden, sharp and cutting, like the razor gripped tight in his hand. Every thought that comes to mind aches with pulses of retaliation -- some...
 | 9/5/2014 - In the Nutrition Department at the University of Navarra in Spain, Professor Alfredo Martinez and lecturer Fermin Milagro made a clinical breakthrough. They found out that both grapefruit and helichrysum extract can effectively combat diabetes and obesity. The work was presented by Ana Laura de la Garza...
 | 8/31/2014 - Type 2 diabetes is increasing among Americans at an alarming pace. Researchers have been tracking the number of confirmed cases over the last 26 years, combining data from death certificates and interviews for a population of 600,000 adults.
The accelerated rate of the disease's occurrence suggests...
 | 8/25/2014 - It's easy to let current circumstances in our lives dictate our thoughts and feelings. When a problem arises, if we get sick, we are quick to blame it on anything but ourselves. In this way, we are undermining the power of our own thoughts and intentions at work, in us and around us, guiding our present...
 | 8/21/2014 - Restful sleep is one of the most important factors in disease prevention, immune support, hormone regulation and overall well-being. But several new studies show that shift workers who labor at odd or inconsistent hours on a regular basis tend to miss out on it, which increases their risk of type 2...
 | 8/19/2014 - A recent article published in the The Telegraph, a major United Kingdom newspaper, investigated the high cost of diabetes drugs and how they're draining the coffers of the UK's National Health Service (NHS), Great Britain's government medical care system.
The article mentioned that perhaps prevention...
 | 8/15/2014 - Does work stress you out? Unless you're lucky enough to be the exception, work is probably one of your leading sources of stress, primarily because it's a root cause nearly impossible to eliminate.
Scientists working for the German Research Center for Environmental Health discovered a strong correlation...
 | 8/8/2014 6:06:35 AM - A study conducted by researchers at Penn State found that those with type 2 diabetes may be able to improve the way their body responds to stress by eating two servings of pistachios daily.(1)
After following a typical American diet for two weeks which consisted of 36 percent fat and 12 percent saturated...
 | 8/7/2014 2:41:34 PM - Type 2 diabetics could significantly improve their bodies' responses to stress simply by eating two servings of pistachios per day, according to a recent study conducted by researchers from Penn State University and published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
"In adults with diabetes,...
 | 8/2/2014 - You may have never heard of the term "brown fat" before, but new research has been published which says brown fat is a good thing, and you should sleep in a "cooler" room regularly, so crank up the A/C, because a slightly higher power bill might be worth it to your health. By giving your metabolism...
 | 7/27/2014 - Of course, the treatments referred to are those of mainstream medicine, the pushers of toxic pharmaceuticals. As poet/physician Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., once said, "If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes."...
 | 7/19/2014 - The diagnosis of "prediabetic," as recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), has no clinical value and may actually cause harm, according to a research review conducted by scientists from University College London and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and published in the journal BMJ.
 | 7/7/2014 - The effect of lifestyle habits on type 2 diabetes risk is so large that it renders genetic susceptibility insignificant, according to a study led by researchers from the University of Cambridge and published in the journal PLOS Medicine.
The study was funded primarily by the European Commission.
 | 7/5/2014 - New research from McMaster University in Canada has uncovered a correlation between fluoxetine, a chemical in popular antidepressants like Prozac, and pregnant woman.
Researchers recently discovered that pregnant women on antidepressants could be unknowingly jeopardizing the health of their unborn...
 | 6/30/2014 1:45:28 AM - Diabetes is a health condition which must be taken seriously. While it is useful for diabetics to be under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner, there are some things which you can do to help keep the condition in check. Specifically, numerous herbs contain healthful properties which are beneficial...
 | 6/23/2014 - For the first time, researchers have uncovered the mechanism by which an unhealthy diet leads to type 2 diabetes, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of California, San Diego, and published in the journal Cell on June 5.
"We've described the etiology of obesity-related diabetes....
 | 6/22/2014 - Over the past 25 years, the prevalence of diabetes has risen substantially in the U.S. (1) Today, nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, including 7 million people who have not been diagnosed. Almost 2 million men and women are diagnosed with diabetes each year -- that's more than 5,200 each day....
 | 6/20/2014 7:24:07 AM - Six-foot one-inch tall Kerry Hoffman used to weigh 343 pounds, have diabetes and frequently indulge in processed, unhealthy foods (1). "I ate anything that tasted good -- wings, pizza, stuffed burgers, tons of sweets and dessert," said Hoffman, whose father passed away from liver disease. Not long after...
 | 6/19/2014 - A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals a shocking fact about the current state of public health in the U.S.: nearly 10 percent of Americans now have diabetes. Roughly 30 million people, it turns out -- 8 million-or-so of whom have yet to be diagnosed -- currently...
 | 6/18/2014 - Combining the diabetes drug metformin with insulin significantly increases patients' risk of death, according to a study conducted by researchers from Vanderbilt University and published in a diabetes-themed issue of JAMA on June 11.
The researchers compared the use of metformin in conjunction with...
 | 6/6/2014 - Diabetes mellitus, according to the Mayo Clinic's disease definition page (1) is a group of diseases that all affect how your body processes the sugars that come from you diet. Commonly referred to as glucose, the sugar in your blood literally feeds all of your cells. Blood sugar is your body's energy...
 | 6/5/2014 - Most clinicians and even many people understand that getting the right amount of vitamin D is important for good bone health. In fact, up until the 1930s, the bone disease rickets was a serious health threat, thanks to inadequate levels of the D vitamin. But until recently, few understood the other...
 | 6/3/2014 5:28:17 AM - First, quinoa. Then teff. Both are amazing superfoods, grains that boost overall health with their outstanding nutrient content. While they still remain supremely healthy choices, another food has the health world buzzing. Introducing freekeh. Freekeh is an ancient grain that's actually been sold for...
 | 5/31/2014 - Nearly one-third of all people hospitalized in California have diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles, with support from the California Center for Public Health Advocacy.
"For far too many families, diabetes has become a common and painful...
 | 5/29/2014 - A derivative of omega-3 fatty acids may provide some of the same benefit in treating type 2 diabetes as exercise, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Universite Laval, the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute Research Center, and the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods, published...
 | 5/28/2014 5:54:43 AM - It's been known for a long while that having type 2 diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, but now a study published in Diabetologia shows that women have a 44 percent higher risk than men of experiencing both fatal and non-fatal cardiac events (1). In the study, over 858,000 men and women were...
 | 5/28/2014 2:48:30 AM - Hearing your doctor say that you have diabetes is a life-altering moment. You know instinctively that everything about your life has changed. What you eat, how and when you exercise, whether you can travel and even the type of work you do will now be seen through the filter of this diagnosis. Nothing...
 | 5/27/2014 2:43:44 AM - There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 usually appears in childhood, and its symptoms can be quite abrupt and severe. Type 2 diabetes is more common, and its symtoms present more gradually. It can develop at any age and is considered preventable. Early symptoms of the disease can include fatigue, unexplained...
 | 5/22/2014 2:33:04 AM - According MedlinePlus, taking 1 gram of ginger before surgery may help reduce nausea and vomiting post-surgery. Widely known for its ability to reduce nausea and vomiting, ginger has many more uses than one may think. In China, ginger has been used for over 2,000 years to help treat nausea, stomach...
 | 5/19/2014 - Whey protein may reduce obese adults' risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research and funded by the Nordic Centre of Excellence and the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Whey is a form of protein most commonly found in dairy...
 | 5/17/2014 - The power to reverse type 2 diabetes begins with a well informed individual, someone self-empowered to make changes in their daily eating habits. A remarkable study from the University of Maryland has found that a physician's diabetes-management approach alone is ineffective and has no influence on...
 | 5/16/2014 11:34:50 AM - The robust and abundant cabbage, which is closely related to other leafy green vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, has a long history as both a food and medicine. For example, the Ancient Greeks would routinely prescribe cabbage or cabbage juice to treat constipation or mushroom poisoning, while...
 | 5/11/2014 - For the first time, scientists may have uncovered the mechanism by which fiber helps prevent obesity and diabetes, in a study conducted by a French-Swedish research team and published in the journal Cell in January 2014. Notably, the findings point to a key role played by intestinal flora, the microorganisms...
 | 5/9/2014 7:08:49 AM - Constantly surrounded by a variety of food at his workplace, Oregon resident Clent Manich knew all too well how easy it was access foods wherever and whenever he wanted. He routinely ate hot dogs, soda and pizza. Eventually, his unhealthy dietary habits caused his weight to soar to an alarming 450 pounds....
 | 5/7/2014 - Board-certified neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter is scheduled to speak at the Reversing Diabetes World Summit, a free online health conference running this week.
Click here to see a complete guest list and speaking schedule.
According to his website, Perlmutter, who calls himself an "empowering...
 | 5/6/2014 - Board-certified family practice physician and author Dr. Mark Hyman is scheduled to speak at the Reversing Diabetes World Summit, a free online health conference that's running right now.
Click here to see a complete guest list and speaking schedule.
According to his website, Hyman, who began...
 | 5/5/2014 - Type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketed among children and teens across the U.S., according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1). Rates climbed 21% from 2000 to 2009, and most experts believe they have continued to rise in the five years since.
What's almost...
 | 5/5/2014 - Clinical and holistic nutritionist, author and motivational speaker Christa Orecchio is scheduled to speak at the Reversing Diabetes World Summit, a free online health conference that begins May 5.
Click here to see a complete guest list and speaking schedule.
Orecchio, founder of the website...
 | 4/30/2014 10:03:55 AM - Suzy Cohen, who is best known as "America's Most Trusted Pharmacist," is scheduled to speak at the Reversing Diabetes World Summit, a free online health conference that begins May 5.
Click here to see a complete guest list and speaking schedule.
According to her website, Cohen says she uses her...
 | 4/30/2014 10:03:37 AM - Dr. Mark Houston, M.D., the Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and one of the nation's foremost experts in lifestyle medicine for diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, is scheduled to speak at the Reversing Diabetes World Summit, a free online health...
 | 4/25/2014 9:58:22 AM - Americans are coffee drinkers, with over 50% of us relying on the stuff to wake us up in the morning and keep us alert throughout the day. Besides being able to help fight fatigue, recent research has found that increasing your consumption of coffee can help prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.
 | 4/24/2014 2:39:09 PM - The leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree are one of Asia's most nutrient-dense foods. In fact, just one serving of these leaves in powdered form contains almost 50 types of antioxidants and almost 90 different nutrients. Unsurprisingly, numerous studies have linked long-term consumption of Moringa leaves...
 | 4/24/2014 - Fifty years ago, it was virtually unheard of. But today, diabetes mellitus, a serious metabolic disorder, afflicts more than 150 million people globally, with a bulk of this number hailing from North America. And researchers out of Asia, having published their findings back in 2009, exposed toxic heavy...
 | 4/5/2014 - Are you an Obamanite? Do you worship the ground that he walks on? Maybe you just "dislike" him with all your might? It really doesn't matter. He does whatever he wants to do anyway. "Checks and balances" in America are almost "null and void." Sick care is being enforced by the IRS, slowly and methodically,...
 | 3/27/2014 5:59:09 PM - Millions of people are unaware of the devastating effects posed by elevated blood pressure and diabetes as they progress through middle age and into their senior years. Making matters worse, many of these same individuals are unaware that they are hypertensive or hyperglycemic, compounding the negative...
 | 3/26/2014 - Many have raved about superfood spirulina's overall health benefits, and there have been studies supporting their claims. One study in Korea focused on type II diabetes patients to determine if spirulina would alleviate diabetes symptoms enough to be considered a valuable functional food, a food that...
 | 3/25/2014 1:13:16 PM - According to the American Diabetes Association 23.6 million Americans (7.8 percent of the population) have diabetes and another 57 million people (18.8 percent) have insulin-resistant pre-diabetes. The vast majority of diabetes is the type II variety known as degenerative diabetes.
The fasting blood...
 | 3/19/2014 8:30:36 AM - Type I diabetes, though similar to Type II diabetes, is also very different in a crucial way. While Type II diabetes involves the body's inability to utilize its own insulin properly, Type I diabetes occurs when the body cannot make enough natural insulin on its own. This happens when the beta cells...
 | 3/13/2014 9:01:29 AM - Diabetes is a disease in which the body is either unable to produce enough insulin or is unable to process the insulin that is produced. This causes increased levels of glucose in the body, putting additional strain on the body's organs. The typical treatment for diabetes is for a physician to prescribe...
 | 2/15/2014 5:49:12 PM - A surprising number of people avoid eating nuts as they retain the false stigma that the calories derived from a handful of nuts contribute to weight gain. Nuts also deliver a higher percentage of fat calories per ounce than many nutritionally deficient processed foods and are thus considered to be...
 | 2/4/2014 3:38:07 PM - With diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders reaching epidemic proportions, natural remedies that combat these health concerns are in high demand. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can help with these pressing issues and more. This formidable antioxidant has also shown promise in curbing osteoporosis,...
 | 1/31/2014 - Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has treated maladies and health issues for thousands of years with herbs and acupuncture. Yet, to appease the western world's view of "evidence-based medicine," various trials and studies are performed, often comparing TCM to modern pharmaceuticals, in order to prove...
 | 1/31/2014 - New research suggests that red wine and cacao, from which chocolate is made, can help prevent type 2 diabetes.
The study, which was conducted in the United Kingdom, involved 2,000 women and plant compounds called flavonoids which are present in some fruit and berries as well as red wine and chocolate....
 | 1/28/2014 9:17:44 AM - A recent study to be published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) has revealed that a particular Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbal formula helped to slow the progression from pre-diabetes to a full-blown diagnosis of diabetes.
Pre-diabetes is a condition whereby...
 | 1/27/2014 - The results of a 1980s human diabetes study are in. After conducting nearly 20 years of follow-up work, researchers in Finland have discovered new evidence showing how omega-3 fatty acids have the potential to help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
The researchers, from the University of Eastern...
 | 1/22/2014 - Amazingly, among the many thousands of those who are newly diagnosed with diabetes each day, very few realize that this disease can shorten normal lifespans by as much as 10 to 15 years when left unchecked and dramatically lower quality of life as the inevitable complications impair vision, renal health...
 | 1/21/2014 1:41:28 AM - A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has debunked the findings of some recent studies which suggested that diabetics who were overweight or obese could have lower mortality rates than their normal-weight counterparts.
The study, led by researchers from the Harvard School...
 | 1/17/2014 8:45:37 AM - It has been previously established that aerobic exercise helps to lower one's risk of type 2 diabetes. Now, a recent population study carried out on a large group of women and published in PLOS Medicine has revealed that resistance or weight training could help decrease type 2 diabetes risk as well.
 | 1/14/2014 - Fine particulate matter, the kind that comes from vehicle exhaust (PM2.5), has recently been found to cause inflammation beyond the lungs. Through specific protein pathways in the immune system, fine particulate matter invites inflammation into the cells, eliciting insulin resistance and heart disease....
 | 12/18/2013 - Supplementing with vitamin D can help mitigate the pain and depression often associated with type 2 diabetes, says a new study out of Loyola University in Chicago. Researchers there found that women with the disease who suffered from numbness, tingling and pain in their hands, fingers and legs, as well...
 | 12/15/2013 - Chia is a species of flowering plant that bears oval-shaped, multicolored seeds. These seeds, which have a neutral taste and crunchy texture, have been cultivated for centuries as a survival food in their native Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds had only just begun to enjoy recognition in the United...
 | 12/10/2013 - A growing number of pregnant women are beginning to develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy, usually around the 24th week. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 18 percent of hospital pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. This means that a woman is unable to make and...
 | 12/10/2013 - Type 2 diabetes is a disease that develops gradually from metabolic disorders that morph into prediabetes. Both diabetes type 1 and type 2 are similar in one respect: There is too much blood glucose (sugar), and it's not being metabolized by one's cells into energy.
Type 2 diabetes is much more prevalent...
 | 12/5/2013 - Curcumin keeps coming on strong as an actual disease preventative and curative for many ailments. Sometimes it works well by itself and sometimes as an adjunct with other herbs or vitamins. Curcumin is the active ingredient of the Indian spice turmeric, which is essential to curry sauces.
Curry sauces...
 | 12/3/2013 - The ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygenated blood to tissues, coupled with the the muscles' proper use oxygen is called cardiovascular fitness.
Aerobic activity increases cardiovascular fitness. It involves using the larger muscle groups during sustained physical movement. Most physical...
 | 11/28/2013 - Cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, osteoporosis plus many other degenerative diseases are caused by 'metabolic acidosis.' Is your body pH slightly alkaline? If not, this is a serious health condition - that needs to be addressed immediately.
Shocking 'sick care' statistics! The top 10 reasons for...
 | 11/11/2013 9:53:37 AM - Various cultures around the world already understand that herbs such as ginger, cinnamon, garlic and turmeric can effectively treat conditions like diabetes. According to research from the biomedical science department at the King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia, garlic may be the most powerful of...
 | 11/3/2013 - There have been studies under the radar of public awareness or mainstream media disclosure demonstrating chlorella's ability to improve diabetic symptoms. It's certain that very few MDs know of these studies.
It seems that the wonders of this single-cell microalgae superfood continue to surface....
 | 10/29/2013 - Drug giant Pfizer has recently been hit with a flurry of lawsuits from women claiming that the company's blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor caused them to develop type 2 diabetes.
Pfizer released Lipitor in 2007, promoting it as a safe way to lower levels of LDL cholesterol, commonly called "bad...
 | 10/20/2013 - It's a normal buddy-system scenario: you find out you have type 2 diabetes, and one of the first things your doctor recommends is weight loss, especially for patients significantly overweight. While this is good advice, a new study puts the reasoning behind this advice to the test.
There are certainly...
 | 10/16/2013 - The average diabetic is more than likely used to hearing all about the types of things he or she should not be eating and drinking. But how often are diabetics advised about what they can, and should, be eating and drinking, particularly as these foods pertain to treating and even reversing diabetes?
 | 10/13/2013 - Comprehensive research compiled by expert immunologist Dr. J. "Bart" Classen has uncovered the disturbing fact that childhood vaccines are a common cause of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as the barrage of chronic illness symptoms typically associated with metabolic syndrome. Because they...
 | 10/11/2013 - Is it possible to reverse type 1 diabetes (T1D, previously known as insulin-dependent diabetes or IDDM) simply by enjoying a raw food diet? According to Dr. Kirt Tyson, a naturopathic doctor who practices in Arizona, eating a diet that primarily consists of raw foods can dramatically reduce blood sugar...
 | 10/10/2013 - Diabetes is a disorder wherein the body cannot control its level of blood glucose or sugar. While many of the foods today contain high levels of diabetes-inducing sugar, there are ten amazingly healthy foods that can actually prevent diabetes from developing. Not only do these foods control blood sugar...
 | 10/9/2013 - A just-completed meta-analysis suggests that physicians should use caution when prescribing antidepressant medications, because they can raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The study's authors don't directly conclude that antidepressants are the direct cause, but in reporting their findings...
 | 10/6/2013 - Alternative nutrition researchers and practitioners have postulated that a large breakfast, moderate lunch and small-portion dinner is an important key to weight loss and optimal health maintenance. Excess calories, especially in the form of processed and refined junk carbohydrates, consumed later in...
 | 9/22/2013 - The startling statistics show that close to 30 million men, women and children currently suffer the devastating effects of a diabetes diagnosis, as the disease affects nearly ten percent of the US population. Even more sobering, health professionals say the number of pre-diabetic and undiagnosed cases...
 | 9/18/2013 - Curcumin, the native Indian spice derived from turmeric has been touted for decades as a powerful tool in the fight against cancer development and progression, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disorders due to its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The spice compound has recently...
 | 9/18/2013 - Fruit juices are often grabbed off store shelves or out of refrigerated displays as substitutes for sodas, which have obvious adverse health effects.
But there are concerns over the sugar spikes inherent with consuming fruit juices, especially store-bought juices that aren't freshly made. Many of...
 | 9/16/2013 - Despite laughable attempts by the mainstream media to spin the study in a positive light, new research out of Massachusetts has confirmed that the novel dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) class of diabetes drugs can increase users' risk of developing heart failure. According to data compiled by researchers...
 | 9/14/2013 - For individuals around the world who have type 2 diabetes, there is a need to check the fiber content in their meals immediately, since quality is just as significant as the quantity.
The researchNew research indicates that people who have type 2 diabetes are advised to increase their intake of fiber-rich...
 | 9/13/2013 - Diabetes is characterized by an excess of glucose circulating in the blood and an inefficiency of insulin to usher the sugar into the cells and muscles where it can be used to fuel metabolic processes or be converted to triglycerides and stored as body fat. Simple, refined and processed carbohydrate...
 | 9/11/2013 - A pilot study on the effect that apple cider vinegar (ACV) has on gastric emptying rate revealed glycemic control problems with type 1 diabetics, but it is otherwise effective in reducing levels of postprandial glucose and insulin among healthy people. However, Swedish researchers Joanna Hiebowicz,...
 | 9/10/2013 - Typically, individuals concerned about health read labels and question if the food they consume will promote vitality and balance. So it's particularly disturbing when a hazardous ingredient is allowed to infiltrate the food supply under a misleading name that hides its true identity. Thanks to the...
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HealingFoodReference.com offers
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