Conventional medicine news, articles and information:
 | 2/13/2014 - The overall number of new people who will develop cancer in a given year is expected to nearly double over the next two decades, claims a new report put out by the World Health Organization (WHO). Analysts at the international governing body say the current global rate of about 14 million new cancer...
 | 8/16/2013 - Is modern society a picture of health? Cancer and heart disease are still major killers with no end in sight. Pharmaceutical drug sales have skyrocketed in the past decade and insurance premiums are simply becoming more and more unaffordable - each and every year. In order for us to thrive, we must...
| 1/26/2010 - Are up-and-coming young doctors going to practice the same kind of mainstream medicine as their predecessors? Will the next generation of docs turn up their noses at alternative therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, herbs and vitamins -- just like the majority of the current crop of docs? In what may...
 | 10/20/2008 - Ruth Ann Plourde suddenly interrupted the workshop as her class was trying to recreate the graceful but agonizingly slow T'ai Chi forms she'd taught moments before. "How's the monkey chatter now?" she asked. "Are you feeling in the present?" (Image of Plourde demonstrating T'ai Chi at Restore, a holistic...
 | 7/24/2008 - No benefit exists in using the highly toxic drugs for eczema pushed by conventional medicine. Homeopathy has better results without the use of harmful products. A peer-reviewed journal reports that there is no reason to subject your children to life-threatening steroids for eczema.
The report, published...
 | 5/2/2008 - Schools in at least eight states have reported confirmed cases of students being infected with the "superbug" known as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) following the death of a 17-year old Virginia student late last year, and the deaths of a New Hampshire preschooler and an 11-year-old...
 | 7/7/2007 - Independence Day is a wonderful holiday. It's a time to remember the great success America's forefathers (and mothers) achieved in gaining freedom from tyrannical rule. This July 4th, whether you live in America or not, I encourage you to continue the great tradition of rejecting tyranny and embracing...
 | 7/2/2007 - Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug marketing, FDA approvals, surgical procedures, chemotherapy and all other treatments are based on "hard science." The term "science" is invoked with hilarious frequency: Science journals, science-based medicine, proven medical science and so...
 | 4/26/2007 - It is widely known that an increasing number of consumers are turning to alternative medicine for treatment for diseases like cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease and so on. What are generally not known are the circumstances under which many consumers make this switch from conventional to alternative...
 | 4/10/2007 - People often ask me about the difference in philosophy between conventional medicine and naturopathic medicine. While the differences are numerous, some of the more fundamental ones can easily be explained. Imagine your body is a house, and the health of your body is the maintenance of that house. ...
 | 3/3/2007 - The closer you look at conventional medicine, the more you realize just how much it's based on quackery. From the exaggerated claims of drug advertisements (which imply that swallowing patented chemicals will solve your life problems) to the absurd pro-drug, anti-nutrition regulatory proclamations by...
 | 2/28/2007 - The latest round in conventional medicine's ongoing attempts to discredit (and ultimately outlaw) nutritional supplements is found in a highly questionable study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which claims that vitamins actually increase the risk of death.
 | 8/15/2006 - Both the conventional cancer industry and the mainstream media have so far managed to frame the Abraham Cherrix debate as one concerned with conventional medicine versus alternative medicine. But this framing of the debate is, itself, a deception. The real question is not whether alternative cancer...
 | 7/12/2006 - Across the nation, an increasing number of families are having their lives destroyed by the greed and arrogance of conventional medicine and its toxic cancer treatments. Families are arrested at gunpoint, jailed, prosecuted and separated from their children by Child Protective Services, all due to the...
 | 7/2/2006 - This commentary is in response to the Medicine at Gunpoint article published earlier, which revealed that conventional medicine is now resorting to kidnapping and the enlistment of gun-toting law enforcement personnel to "persuade" a mother that her infant son should be treated with toxic pharmaceuticals...
 | 5/24/2006 - If you work for a drug company, federal regulator, health insurance company, hospital, junk food manufacturer or any other organization related to health, a new opportunity has surfaced for you to make a lasting difference. Truth Publishing is now connected with key organizations (that shall go unnamed)...
 | 5/1/2006 - What's the deal with all the different systems of medicine? And what's the difference between "Western medicine" and "conventional medicine?" Here, you'll find some honest answers.
"Conventional medicine" refers to the classic medical training offered through mainstream medical schools. This is a...
 | 4/21/2006 - Conventional medicine, as practiced today, is actually pretend medicine. Doctors and drug companies pretend to make patients healthier by giving them drugs. The FDA pretends to protect the safety of the public. Medical journals pretend to print only rigorous, scientifically-sound research papers. Drug...
 | 3/30/2006 - Have you ever wondered why pharmaceuticals don't work? By that, I mean that they don't make people healthier. Sure, some pharmaceuticals can modify a measurable chemical marker, but they don't make people healthier. We have 40 percent of the U.S. population on at least one prescription drug, yet our...
 | 2/21/2006 - The creation of infectious diseases that now threaten humans can be traced directly back to the way we treat animals... especially animals raised as food sources. The only long-term strategy we can adopt to prevent the death and suffering that accompany pandemics is to make permanent changes in the...
 | 5/22/2005 - A reader asks, "After having gall bladder surgery three weeks ago, I am having a lot of discomfort, bloating, nausea, and in general, not feeling well. My doctor says it will pass, but it seems to be getting worse. I am a 65-year-old woman. Do you have any advice?"
The first piece of advice I have...
 | 4/26/2005 - A lot of people ask me, "Mike, how can you say that chronic disease is reversible? The American Medical Association doesn't say it's reversible. The American Cancer Society says there's no cure for cancer. How can you say that these diseases are reversible?"
The answer requires an understanding of...
 | 4/3/2005 - Mike: What about the training of naturopaths? You're a founding president of Bastyr University, and that is widely considered one of the leading universities in naturopathic medicine. What kind of training does a future naturopath receive?
Dr. Pizzorno: Well, it's in many ways quite similar to conventional...
 | 2/22/2005 - We teach a lot of subjects to a lot of people in this country, and as a result we produce great technicians: people who are masters of subjects like mathematics, chemistry, anatomy, biology, history, American literature and so on. But there's one subject we almost never teach. You won't find it taught...
 | 2/8/2005 - Mike: Does this philosophy of naturopathy stand at odds with much of what's going on in the pharmaceutical industry today, which is "sell more drugs no matter what"?
Dr. Pizzorno: Very much so. You mentioned the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry, and this is from their own literature;...
 | 2/8/2005 - Mike: For our readers who may not be familiar with naturopathic physicians, can you give a brief description of what an ND really is?
Dr. Pizzorno: Well, if you think about health care, there are kind of two basic philosophies -- one is kind of the interventionist philosophy seen by conventional...
 | 12/10/2004 - There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral density measured to update my health stats. I spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said exactly...
| 8/19/2004 - As pharmaceutical companies continue their march toward profitability and domination over our "modern" health care system, more and more doctors are speaking out against them. One of the most interesting and outspoken doctors is Dr. Rath. Dr. Rath, who is based outside the United States, has started...
| See all 87 conventional medicine feature articles.Concept-related articles:Marketing:Bad medicine:Nutrition:Western medicine:Prescription drugs:Pharmaceuticals:Pharmaceutical industry:Drug companies:The FDA:Drug company profits:Medical racket:FDA:Medical fraud:Medical ethics:Clinical trials:Doctors:
Concepts related to Conventional medicine
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.