Choices news, articles and information:
 | 6/15/2016 - It's really disappointing to go on a health "kick," only to figure out that what you've switched to is just as bad, if not worse, than what you were consuming before the change. It happens all the time, and to the best of folks. Why? Because most people believe what they read or hear in the mass media,...
 | 1/29/2016 - There are dozens of chain restaurants from which we can choose when we go out to eat. Some are fast-food eateries with counters for ordering, and others are traditional sit-down table service restaurants. Probably McDonalds is the most well-known fast-food chain, but dozens of other chains dot the landscape...
 | 7/11/2014 - Medical professionals from the University of Zurich have compiled important public health results that can be used in counseling and primary care to slash the risk of early death.
Their conclusion was general, stating that people can live longer due to an active lifestyle, more fruit and vegetable...
 | 1/9/2014 - The deterioration of individual freedoms to make personal health care decisions and access safe foods has progressively worsened in the last 30 years. Highly adulterated processed foods, mandated vaccinations and widespread pharmaceutical drug use are harming American health and the fabric of our society.
 | 10/12/2012 - Current mainstream cancer statistics indicate that in the U.S., men have slightly less than a one in two lifetime risk of developing cancer. Although there are over 200 different cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men. While this news is grim, the good news is that today we...
 | 3/26/2012 - Better late than never, but more Americans finally seem to be getting the message they've been consuming far too much soda and as such, sales of pop have been falling.
In reality, soda sales have been falling for about seven years, but they really dropped off in 2011 as consumers made other choices...
| 7/2/2011 - Choosing what to eat for breakfast is based primarily on social conditioning, and then firmly settled by habit. Despite the common view breakfast is "the most important meal of the day," it has not, for whatever reason, led us to make the most healthy choices in how we begin our day. Rather, our choices...
| 8/31/2010 - Millions suffer from chronic illness that may be prevented by new lifestyle choices. Knowledge and the desire to make positive changes could be the answer.
Chronic illness afflicts 100 million Americans... consumes two-thirds of all U.S. health care costs and causes 7 out of 10 deaths. ($2.00 out...
| 1/12/2010 - What we eat and what we buy affects our health, environment, and economy. When the economy turns bad or we lose a war, we throw out the president, but when an obesity epidemic grows to as high as 30 percent in children we make little noise at the political level. Instead it is left up to our elected...
 | 11/2/2009 - The fraudulent "Smart Choices" food labeling gimmick that sought to push sugary cereals as "healthy foods" is crumbling amid the pullout of Kellogg, Unilever and PepsiCo. These companies have been distancing themselves from the fraudulent labeling scam ever since the FDA announced the labeling might...
| 9/22/2009 - The big food companies have dreamed up yet another clever con to sell processed junk foods to parents and children: A "Smart Choices" label that implies the food product is a smart choice for health and nutrition. The problem is that the standards for qualifying for this designation were set by the...
 | 2/19/2008 - Monday, January 7th, 2008 marked the beginning of an era of healthy eating for high school students in Quebec, Canada. The provincial government in Quebec implemented new food regulations that prohibit high school students from having access to soft drinks, diet products, sugary beverages, and deep-fried...
| 8/30/2006 - Making changes to what you eat is difficult. Often the barrier to change is a preoccupation with specific choices: Can I have eggs for breakfast? Is oatmeal better than raisin bran? Individual choices are meaningful, but if they fit into a sound overall dietary pattern, there will be plenty of wiggle...
 | 10/24/2004 - In parts 1 and 2 of this article series, we talked about how dietary sugars (white flour, corn syrup, table sugar, etc.) alter blood sugar levels and how the body tries to regulate blood sugar through glycogen storage, insulin secretion and body fat creation.
In this third and final part, we're exploring...
| 7/8/2004 - This shouldn't be big news, but it is: women who follow sound nutritional advice, engage in regular physical exercise, avoid smoking, limit their calories and maintain a healthy body weight are far less likely to be diagnosed with cancer. Put another way, whether a woman develops cancer is largely...
| See all 66 choices feature articles.Concept-related articles:Healthy food:Restaurants:Nutrition:Obesity:Diet:Calories:Nutritional information:Consumers:Food:Health:Foods:Eating:WHO:Weight:Energy:Information:
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Recommended Resources is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.