All posts categorized with Health
-(Natural News) The body’s natural means of fighting infection and responding to harmful organisms and damaged tissue is inflammation, but this very natural response to temporary issues should be short-lived, lasting just a few days or a few weeks. But if inflammation persists for a longer period of time, or indefinitely, you could be someone […]
-(Natural News) When you think about buying toothpaste from your grocery store, you probably aren’t thinking about all the toxic chemicals that could be lurking inside. And that doesn’t just mean store brands. Even the name brand toothpastes, like Crest and Colgate, are not nearly as good for you as your dentist may be leading […]
-(Natural News) Cancer rates are rising and many people are looking to natural prevention as a way of reducing their cancer risks. The serious and unwanted side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments are certainly more than enough to warrant concern over cancer development, and are sure to steer many people towards a path of […]
-(Natural News) Mold, like yeast, mildew and mushrooms are all part of the species known as fungi. According to MoldMan.usa, there are about 100,000 different varieties of mold, many of which have very active and critical biological functions. If you’ve eaten mushrooms or used yeast, been given penicillin or thrown leaves on top of a compost pit, it’s the action of […]
-(Natural News) True science is crystal clear when it comes to witnessing and documenting what actually happens to animals who eat genetically engineered (GE) feed. Numerous systems and organs are detrimentally affected – kidneys, intestines, stomachs, livers and reproduction abilities and more. This we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, as Global Research describes a letter that confirms these results. It […]
-(Natural News) What do you think you would hear if you were to ask someone what they knew about sunscreen? If you’re like most people, you’re liable to hear lots of disinformation from someone who has been repeatedly misinformed by so-called health authorities and the mainstream media. Since nearly nothing you would hear about sunscreen […]
-(Natural News) Some stories need to be retold, especially in light of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, now showing in theaters as the controversy rages concerning the MMR vaccine’s link to autism. Thom Hartman interviewed Vaxxed director Andrew Wakefield and producer Del Bigtree, who shared some undeniable — and chilling — facts. In 2012, a study was done […]
-(Natural News) Not many people take the Old Testament admonition to make no cuttings on one’s body seriously. Yet not only is our fleshly body considered a tabernacle for the spirit, breath and life itself to dwell in, your skin is also your body’s largest organ. And when needles puncture that skin with dyes or salts that are not organic, […]
-(Natural News) Did you know that pasteurized milk is dead milk? The goal of pasteurization is to kill potentially bad bacteria that may have found its way into the milk supply. The problem, however, is that aside from “killing” all the bad bacteria, pasteurization also kills all the beneficial bacteria, in addition to damaging the […]
-(Natural News) Physicians all over the world long have been using mammograms as their main method of breast cancer diagnosis. Recent studies however, have highlighted several issues and limitations to using to this method. While touted as a breast cancer prevention tool, the mammogram’s radiation actually tends to increase breast cancer risk, especially if undertaken annually, as radiation […]
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