All posts categorized with Agenda 21
-(Natural News) In what appears to be a thinly-veiled slap in the face to President-Elect Donald Trump, who’s made it clear that he supports expanded domestic energy production, outgoing President Barack Obama has once again decided to seize land in the United States and place it under the jurisdiction of the federal government, effectively rendering it […]
-(Natural News) The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is the latest government agency to be exposed for putting politics over principle after it was revealed that a top DOE scientist was fired simply for telling the truth about climate change. Reports indicate that Noelle Metting was basically canned by the Obama administration when she was […]
Devastating report: Dead sea lions wash ashore in California, victims of intense radiation poisoning
-(Natural News) In 2013, Natural News featured a story about the high rate of seal pup deaths along California coastlines. The article stated, ” . . . this is the season that seal pups flourish, instead they’re struggling ashore in starved emaciated conditions. . . Scientists will say almost half the sea lions born this past winter have […] -
-(Natural News) True science is crystal clear when it comes to witnessing and documenting what actually happens to animals who eat genetically engineered (GE) feed. Numerous systems and organs are detrimentally affected – kidneys, intestines, stomachs, livers and reproduction abilities and more. This we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, as Global Research describes a letter that confirms these results. It […]