All posts categorized with Scientific Dictatorship
-(Natural News) The adverse event-deniers who insist that vaccines are 100 percent safe and never cause any problems in children clearly missed a little-known 1991 study published by the United States Government. This paper reveals a clear link between the popular Tdap vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), and microcephaly, a neurological birth […]
-(Natural News) You may not want to hear it put this plainly, but vaccines, as administered today, are the most devastating form of chemical violence in the history of medicine. The annual flu vaccine is by far the most dangerous medical product in the world. Every month, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) updates […]
-(Natural News) In response to eight horrific years of Barack Obama’s executive abuses, the House of Representatives recently passed legislation that gives Congress new veto power over any major rule or regulation coming out of the executive branch that impacts the economy by $100 million or more. Known as the Regulations from the Executive in […]
-(Natural News) The climate change narrative has led to the resignation of a noted academic who dared to question the legitimacy of the anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory. Dr. Judith Curry, a respected climatologist and tenured professor at Georgia Tech University, has decided to leave her “dream job” in academia after years of battling with […]
-(Natural News) If pressed on the matter, the average person would probably insist that vaccines save lives, and that the science is incontrovertible in support of this position. Even many vaccine skeptics who reject some of the more modern vaccines like HPV and the flu shot would be quick to interject that society would still […]
-(Natural News) The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is the latest government agency to be exposed for putting politics over principle after it was revealed that a top DOE scientist was fired simply for telling the truth about climate change. Reports indicate that Noelle Metting was basically canned by the Obama administration when she was […]
-(Natural News) Ida Auken is a thirty-something year old member of the Danish parliament. She created a bit of a stir with an article she penned recently for the World Economic Forum (WEF) that describes her ideal society and city in the year 2030. It’s a place, Auken writes, “where you own nothing and you have no privacy.” Need to […]