Cancer cells news, articles and information:
 | 11/27/2016 - A new, experimental, natural treatment modality for cancer is showing promise.
Developed by Dr. Kerstin Stenson, MD, photoimmunotherapy (PIT) is a technique combining the immune system's ability to target cancer cells precisely with laser energy's abilities to destroy cancer cells. PIT works by delivering...
 | 10/3/2016 - A popular Asian fruit that looks kind of like a cucumber with warts, bitter melon has a long history of use in traditional cooking, holding a prominent place in both Indian and Chinese cuisine. But recent research out of St. Louis University (SLU) shows that bitter melon serves as a whole lot more than...
 | 7/30/2016 - Obese cancer patients typically fare worse than their leaner counterparts, and a new study may shed light on the reason why.
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center who studied the behavior of leukemia stem cells in mice found that the cells had the ability to "hide" in...
 | 7/27/2016 - Frankincense is a powerful medicinal oil that can not only boost the immune system but also kill cancer cells, a number of studies have shown.
One of the most significant recent studies was conducted by researchers from the University of Leicester, England, in 2013. The researchers found that the...
 | 5/17/2016 - They might not be welcome in your yard, but it turns out that dandelions have tremendous potential when it comes to helping people who are suffering from cancer.
Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can presently...
 | 5/8/2016 - The adverse effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide, continue to mount. According to an alarming study, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, glyphosate, even in ridiculously low concentrations, can accelerate the growth of human breast cancer...
 | 5/3/2016 - A so-called "weed" growing right in your front and back yards could hold the key to being the most effective cancer-fighting compound in the world.
Previous research, as well as recent research from the University of Windsor in Canada, has found that dandelion root may be especially effective in...
 | 4/21/2016 - Scientists from Oregon State University have discovered that a compound found in algae can fight two of the most aggressive types of cancer out there: triple negative breast cancer and brain tumors. The findings were presented at the Experimental Biology 2016 meeting last month in San Diego.
 | 12/7/2015 - Cancer can be stopped in its tracks, without the use of toxic, deadly chemicals. Yet, most conventionally-educated physicians still remain 'shocked' to discover the growing numbers of cancer care specialists turning their attention to natural cancer prevention strategies. One of the most powerful cancer...
 | 8/28/2015 - A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently found "suicided" is now gaining worldwide attention as a potential universal cure for cancer. And new microscopic footage released by First Immune shows this amazing remedy in action -- the human...
 | 8/4/2015 - Even with all the progress that has been made in cancer detection and treatment in the last few decades, there is still a long way to go. Even with all the money that gets poured into cancer research, this disease remains the fourth leading cause of death in the United States – and numbers are...
 | 6/2/2015 - A wealth of scientific evidence plus no shortage of real-life observation make it difficult to dispute the critical role that nutrition plays in overall health, and more specifically, the human body's ability to ward off cancer. In fact, it's estimated that 30 to 40 percent of all cancers are directly...
 | 3/26/2015 - The major antioxidant compound found in olive oil is capable of killing cancer cells in less than an hour while leaving healthy cells unharmed, according to a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers University and Hunter College and published in the journal Molecular & Cellular Oncology.
 | 1/13/2015 - A diet consisting of a variety of raw fresh vegetables is the best prevention and also a potential cure for cancer, depending on how far the cancer has progressed and how easily the body can digest and properly assimilate nutrition. Berries, grapes, broccoli, leafy greens, sprouts, avocados, red and...
 | 7/21/2014 - A tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia has been shown in a new study to protect against breast cancer. Researchers from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences' (UCAS) College of Life Sciences found that the pericarp of the mangosteen fruit, which is commonly grown in Thailand and Malaysia,...
 | 3/19/2014 - First comes a guy curing his stage 4 prostate cancer with baking soda. Next a woman cures her cancer with carrot juice while some time ago a UK farmer cured his cancer with wheat grass juice. Now there's an obscure study proving garlic kills brain cancer cells without side effects.
There's no money...
 | 12/9/2013 - Before you become dismayed wondering how the heck you can take advantage of this specially prepared solution injected intravenously (IV) in the land of the medically unfree, continue on for the good news later in this article after the study is explained.
This preparation may not have to be injected,...
 | 11/24/2013 - The second leading cause of cancer-related death in America, colon cancer, is projected to take over 50,000 lives in 2013, just in the US. The steep death toll can be prevented, however, because the causes of colon cancer are preventable and are no coincidence. Cancer of the colon is based on risk factors...
 | 10/19/2013 - Cancer is dangerous. Don't flirt with disaster. Don't eat it and don't go near it. Don't drink it. Don't put it on your skin. Yes, this is a warning not to put cancer on or inside your body. Cancer is in GMO pesticide DNA seed designs and the treatments used on vegetables and fruit. Cancer is in sun...
 | 10/18/2013 - The cancer treatment scam that is chemotherapy has once again been shown in the scientific literature to be a major cause of, rather than a cure for, cancer. According to a new study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, chemotherapy not only promotes the growth and spread of cancer...
 | 10/15/2013 - A new study has shown that sea cucumber extract kills up to 95 percent of breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 88 percent of lung cancer cells in vitro. The extract also stimulates the immune system against cancer and impedes key processes required...
 | 9/26/2013 - A doctor and professor of medicine at the University of Alberta in Canada claims to have identified a novel substance that he says demonstrably kills cancer cells without causing harmful side effects and yet costs just pennies a dose. It is known as dichloroacetic acid, or DCA, and Dr. Evangelos Michelakis,...
 | 8/18/2013 - Everyone has cancer cells in their body. Unfortunately, they don't show up on tests until they have incredibly multiplied.
Then what happens? The MDs give us chemo and radiation, which kills our immune systems and makes us vulnerable to all sorts of horrors. This is followed by the guy in his little...
 | 7/17/2013 - Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, your dietary habits could be significantly adding to your risk of developing cancer. New research published in the journal Nature Medicine has confirmed that processed sugar is one of the primary driving forces behind the growth and spread of cancer tumors, so much...
 | 6/7/2013 - Volumes of well documented scientific studies now provide conclusive evidence that many forms of potentially deadly cancers develop as the result of dietary or lifestyle influences, and can be prevented or even treated with relatively simple modifications and by utilizing a host of natural nutrients....
 | 3/28/2013 - Oligosaccharides from apples killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro, and outperformed the most commonly used chemo drug by a wide margin at every dose level tested. And unlike toxic chemo drugs, oligosaccharides are natural, health-promoting compounds widely present in fruits and...
 | 3/27/2013 - The health benefits of human breast milk are vast, and researchers from Sweden have uncovered the presence of yet another substance in breast milk with incredible cancer-fighting abilities. As reported in a study published in the journal PLoS One, the substance, known as "Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made...
 | 2/24/2013 - Researchers at the Georgia Regents University Cancer Center have identified an India-based plant which has been used for centuries to treat inflammation, fever and malaria that could be used to help kill cancer cells.
Dr. Ahmed Chadli, a researcher in the Molecular Chaperone Program at the GRU Cancer...
 | 1/2/2013 - When a woman has breast cancer, you often hear she is "battling" and "fighting" the disease and that the goal is to kill the malignant cells - by chemicals and radiation - and slice them out of the body with surgery. But there may be another way to rid the body of breast cancer. The key? Help cancerous...
 | 11/8/2012 - Curcumin is the active anti-inflammatory ingredient of turmeric. It has been used traditionally for centuries by Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Currently, it may be western medicine's most researched ancient medicinal herb.
Curcumin has been under scrutiny in clinical and epidemiological (statistical...
 | 9/16/2012 - Chemotherapy is one of the most well known ways to treat cancer. Unfortunately, chemotherapy drugs by nature are extremely toxic and usually work against your body's natural mechanisms to fight cancer. It destroys your host immunity instead of supporting it. Along with inhibiting your immunity, it destroys...
 | 3/19/2012 - In a groundbreaking new study just published in the peer reviewed journal Stem Cells, researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Department of Oncology found that, despite killing half of all tumor cells per treatment, radiation treatments on breast cancer transforms other cancer cells...
 | 2/7/2012 - Researchers from the Colorado Cancer Center reporting in the prestigious journal Carcinogenesis explain the unique mechanism exerted by grape seed extract to destroy cancer cells that target the head and neck. More than half a million people worldwide will fall victim to squamous cell carcinoma involving...
| 11/7/2011 - Researchers in a new study have found that cancer cells best targeted by chemo are already on the verge of self-destruction. In the study, published online by the journal Science on October 27, researchers found that cancer cells that are closer to the threshold for programmed death via apoptosis are...
| 10/12/2011 - Cancer stem cells are what drive cancer growth and spread. To heal cancer you must cause the cancer stem cells to differentiate back into normal cells. This can only be accomplished if the proper internal environment is produced. This environment must address both physical and mental/emotional factors....
| 2/15/2011 - There is some confusion surrounding laetrile or B17 for curing cancer. Laetrile was banned by the FDA in 1971 despite its proven efficacy. But the source of laetrile or B17, which are both the same, is legally available. That natural substance source is amygdalin. Unfortunately, many falsely believe...
 | 12/29/2010 - One of the most dreaded consequences of cancer is when the disease metastasizes -- meaning it spreads from the primary site where it started to other parts of the body. But University of California, Riverside (UCR) scientists have announced what could be a major breakthrough in halting metastasis. They've...
| 8/5/2010 - Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) recently conducted a study revealing that cancer cells have a particular liking for refined fructose. In tests, pancreatic cancer cells quickly fed on refined fructose and used it to divide and proliferate rapidly within the body.
| 6/22/2010 - Chemotherapy is known to come with a long list of side effects -- from debilitating nausea and hair loss to extreme fatigue -- and in many cases, it does not cure or even stop cancer from progressing. But what if chemotherapy does something no one has realized before during all the decades it has been...
| 6/8/2010 - Even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells couldn't stand up to treatments with peach and plum extracts. That's the outcome of a natural fruit-derived treatment tested in the Texas AgriLife Research Lab which resulted in cancer cells dying while normal cells were not harmed at all.
| 2/26/2010 - A vegetable commonly eaten in India and China called bitter melon (also known by the botanical name Momordica charantia), has been shown in previous studies to have a beneficial impact on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It turns out that's not all the health benefits bitter melon offers. A new...
| 9/24/2009 - Are apricot seeds a source for a natural substance that kills cancer cells without destroying the cancer victim's health and wealth? The essential ingredient has been called laetrile or vitamin B 17. If there is any merit to it, why is this information being suppressed? Why are people who have been...
| 4/19/2009 - Hot peppers are great for spicing up food. They may be even better for keeping the human body feeling in the spice of life. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in hot peppers and the one that turns up the heat. It is a compound useful in nature for preventing pepper plants from being eaten by insects...
| 4/1/2009 - Anyone looking for effective alternatives to the treatments offered by traditional cancer specialists might want to look at inositol hexophosphate (IP6). It is a very simple and inexpensive treatment that may easily get written off by people, who have been led to believe the cure for cancer can only...
| 2/11/2009 - Two recent studies have suggested that compounds found in olives could be useful as anti-cancer weapons. One study had found that a compound in olive skin acts against colon cancer cells, while the other found that compounds in olive oil act against breast cancer cells.
Maslinic Acid in Olive Skin...
| 1/22/2009 - The adult esophagus is only about 10 to 13 inches long and three fourths of an inch across at its smallest point. However, this small muscular tube is a critical part of the digestive system. When you eat, your esophagus carries food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. Cancer of the esophagus,...
| 1/6/2009 - A new study conducted at the University of Kentucky in the United States, and published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, found that leukemia cancer cells exposed to grapeseed extract (GSE) were rapidly killed through a process of cell suicide known as "apoptosis."
In these laboratory studies,...
 | 10/29/2008 - The anticancer effects of IP6 are turning out to be nothing short of astounding. Research is showing that besides reducing cell proliferation and increasing the differentiation of malignant cells, IP6 can often restore cancerous cells to normality.
What is IP6?
IP6, also known as inositol hexophosphate...
 | 3/10/2008 - Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease - fixing or repairing the parts where...
 | 2/1/2008 - What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, health and healing. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book will serve as a life-altering revelation for those who...
 | 1/18/2007 - -- Capsaicin -- the compound that makes chili peppers spicy -- can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, with no side effects, according to a new study by researchers at Nottingham University in the UK.
The study, led by Dr. Timothy Bates, found that capsaicin killed laboratory-grown lung...
 | 10/12/2006 - Eating brussels sprouts and cabbage could help kill cancer cells when combined with traditional chemotherapy, according to new research by British scientists.
A study conducted by University of Leicester researchers and recently presented at the National Cancer Research Conference in Britain found...
| 8/14/2006 - Capsaicin, the stuff that turns up the heat in jalapeños, not only causes the tongue to burn, it also drives prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, according to studies published in the March 15 issue of Cancer Research.
According to a team of researchers from the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer...
| 7/18/2006 - Ginger is known to ease nausea and control inflammation. But researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center are investigating a new use for this age-old remedy: treating ovarian cancer.
In laboratory studies, researchers found ginger caused ovarian cancer cells...
 | 10/25/2005 - "If cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. ...The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those...
| See all 176 cancer cells feature articles.Concept-related articles:Western medicine:Cancer:Healing:Nature:Medicine:Blood:Drugs:Research:Cure:Body:Massachusetts:Anti-cancer:Effectiveness:Shows:Researchers:Mechanism:
Concepts related to Cancer cells
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