Breathing news, articles and information:
 | 8/1/2016 - Another family is mourning the loss of their two-month old baby following routine vaccinations. Cash Dewayne Thomas was having apnea episodes following the vitamin K injection and hepatitis B vaccine given to him at birth. When his mother sought help from numerous doctors, they ignored her concerns...
 | 7/25/2016 - Can you imagine going to the hospital for help with breathing problems and ending up in a police car? That is exactly what happened to Florida woman Barbara Dawson, in a shocking turn of events that ultimately resulted in her death shortly thereafter.
On December 21, 2015, 57-year-old Barbara Dawson...
 | 6/30/2016 - As we turn to any number of external sources to deal with what ails us both physically and mentally, it is easy to overlook some of the simpler solutions that are literally right under our noses. One powerful method of healing is something we do all the time, without giving it a second thought. In fact,...
 | 1/24/2016 - Vitamin C may help ease exercise-induced breathing problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Helsinki, Finland, and published in the journal Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology.
Some people, including many with asthma, suffer from bronchoconstriction or other...
 | 11/19/2015 - The gray slabs of concrete control our movements like a remote control, directing us from place to place. We walk in lines as if we are on a leash. We stay on the concrete paths, eyes turning gray – our feet softening in our shoes. The wild ground awaits, just steps away, but we continue to take...
 | 10/17/2014 10:45:27 PM - The simplest thing we do, the one thing we don't even have to think about, is something almost everyone is doing wrong. Breathing correctly is one of the most important practices one can do for their health. It's life changing. It's so simple, so easy, yet so overlooked, so underestimated, and so underappreciated.
 | 10/12/2014 - Whether it's inhaling dust and harmful particles that are a part of the work environment, using harsh cleaning products around the house or simply being subjected to the many toxins and molds that people encounter throughout daily life, one thing is certain: It can take a toll on the respiratory system....
 | 7/17/2014 3:41:32 PM - As most health-conscious people are aware, healing the body without costly and potentially dangerous prescribed medications and treatments is possible. A change in both dietary lifestyle and mindset can put one on a path that reverses certain ailments, if not cures them completely. From skin conditions...
 | 6/7/2014 - Observe how a baby breathes. With each breath, its abdomen rises and falls - this takes place because the baby is actually breathing with its diaphragm. Most adults, on the other hand, tend to inhale and exhale using only the upper chest. For most people, shallow breathing has become very much of a...
 | 11/28/2013 - Four out of five people regularly stop breathing while typing emails, according to studies conducted by former Apple executive Linda Stone. The condition, which health professionals are calling "email apnea," may lead to serious health consequences.
"If people are in a stressful situation, perhaps...
 | 7/30/2013 - With all the heart problems that people are experiencing today, learning that you can actually do something to create a second heart within your body sounds like a miracle or simply too good to be true. Of course science is always trying to create replacement organs using stem cells, cloning, cell regeneration...
 | 5/24/2013 - For centuries, the art of breathing has been one of a myriad of tools employed by Yoga masters in order to calm the body and mind, in preparation for meditation, contemplation or simply to remain in control of one's emotions. Long utilized as a spiritual practice, a recent study has now brought the...
 | 4/10/2013 - With Associate Professor Maria Kozhevnikov from the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, leading a team of researchers, it has been found that core body temperature is something that is under personal control.
The research lead...
 | 2/21/2013 - I had the pleasure recently of speaking with yoga teacher Amy Weintraub, well-known author of Yoga for Depression. Amy will be joining us soon on Mental Health Exposed. As I was reviewing some of her material, I decided to try a short breathing exercise that she teaches in her book. Within 30 seconds,...
 | 10/27/2012 - This article will look at how people can use the breath to actively change their day-to-day experience of reality with simple tools and how, with more in-depth exploration of the breath, they can recognize and release the subconscious 'junk' that keeps us trapped in old patterns and paradigms of existence...
 | 10/13/2012 - This article will look at how the breath connects our inner expectations and our outer experience, our mind-body-spirit, our conscious and subconscious mind, how it is literally the bridge connecting all of these aspects of our being and our existence and how it can become blocked and the effects that...
 | 10/12/2012 - Are you a big city dweller who can't imagine a rural, less hectic life? Well, while there may be opportunities for you in a city that you can't find in the country, one thing is for certain: The air you breathe in a typical city is far worse than the air quality elsewhere.
In fact, much of the air...
 | 10/12/2012 - It is common knowledge that we can live for three months without food before we die and we can live three days without water before we die, but we can only live for three minutes without breathing. There is a huge amount of attention placed on what food and drink we place in our body, how they are put...
 | 8/2/2012 - Stress is something we cannot escape. As soon as one stressful situation disappears, another one seems to pop up. Workplace stress is almost unavoidable and can lead to anxiety, depression, headaches, and a miserable attitude. Anything that lowers your stress levels can also add years to your life....
 | 7/26/2012 - Around 17 million people in the United States alone have asthma. It is the number one cause of chronic illness in children. Despite the wide range of medications made as treatment for asthma, the number of people affected by asthma increased by 2.5 million in the US over the past five years. Alternative...
 | 5/29/2012 9:52:41 AM - Ask nearly any smoker or ex-smoker why cigarettes are so addicting and they'll probably say, "It's the nicotine." But delve further into the hook, and what is revealed is that most smokers breathe quite differently while smoking than they do when they're not, aiding in relaxation by simply engaging...
 | 3/18/2012 - A new study has found there are higher levels of potentially toxic manganese in a number of residential neighborhoods that are located near industrial or manufacturing sites at various locations around the country.
The study, conducted by researchers from Kansas State University (KSU), Columbia University...
 | 3/13/2012 - Spring - what a beautiful time of the year, unless this means suffering with hay fever, itchy eyes, itchy skin, runny nose or asthma. Fortunately there are some simple, natural strategies to use instead of antihistamines or steroids (which actually worsen the underlying problems that are causing the...
| 8/30/2011 - To get the most out of your fitness and training routines, breath training for exercise is an essential piece of the puzzle that is overlooked today. It's a complete shift in current athletic and fitness philosophies to strengthen the respiratory system. Mindful conscious breath-based movement is essential...
| 8/16/2011 - Yoga is now widely recognized as a complementary health care tool in reducing stress, anxiety and depression and in lowering blood pressure. So, what is it about yoga that helps as an aid with these conditions? It`s the breath. While there are many different styles of yoga today, there is one thing...
| 7/31/2011 - Yoga, deep breathing and meditation continue to make strides in the healthcare industry.
More specifically, deep breathing is now widely recognized for its "profound impact on our physiology and our health," says Mladen Golubic, a physician in the Cleveland Clinic`s Center for Integrative Medicine....
| 4/15/2011 - Why didn't I learn about sleep apnea in medical school? It's because it hadn't even been described until 1965. It still hadn't made its way into my course curriculum by the mid-1970s when I was in medical school. Now sleep apnea is so common that a New York travel agent tried to argue that sleep apnea...
| 3/27/2011 - Many of the older cultures and traditions around the world share a concept of health and well-being centered on the breathing process. Foremost of these are the Hindu teachings of Pranayama, which translates as extension of life, and the Chinese practice called Qigong or Chi Kung (Chee gung), which...
| 12/23/2010 - Take a deep breath because there is something you need to know. Ongoing research has shown that proper breathing can be an intelligent way to respond to chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, stress and other ailments - no health club membership required.
Each one of us takes about 20 000 breaths...
| 3/9/2010 - Migraines affect millions of people each year, with about 60% of them being women. Thankfully there are many natural and simple things you can do to prevent migraines from occurring or to help deal with the pain if one strikes.
Many herbs and vitamins have been shown to help ease migraine pain or...
| 8/21/2009 - Hyperventilation or over-breathing is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than necessary, thereby reducing carbon dioxide concentration in the blood to below the normal level. When there is less carbon dioxide in the blood than the desired level, this causes a state called "Respiratory Alkalosis."...
| 6/10/2009 - The next time you feel angry, stressed or anxious, pay attention to your breathing. You may notice your breaths become short and shallow when you experience negative emotions. While this is a normal response to stressful conditions, poor breathing actually compounds the negative effects stress has on...
 | 11/4/2008 - Anyone who has endured an asthma attack or watched their child suffer as they gasped for breath knows the helpless feeling that can grip you as powerfully as the attack itself. There are approximately a million and a half asthmatic sufferers in all parts of the world and if the condition is chronic...
 | 10/15/2008 - With all the heart problems, heart disease and other health issues that are ever getting worse in today's modern society, learning that you can actually do something to create a second heart within your body sounds like a miracle or simply too good to be true. Of course science is always trying to create...
 | 5/30/2008 - Have you ever tried slowing down your breath? What is the fewest number of breaths that you can take in one minute? When you breathe deeply and slowly, can you feel your mind relaxing? You may be surprised to discover many benefits for your body and mind from breathing slowly. It may in fact be one...
 | 2/14/2008 - I had a daydream just today. In it, someone asked me, "What is the number one most important reason that people become acidic?" Without a second thought, I replied, "It is the way they breathe."
It is interesting to be so startled by a daydream that it jolts you into action! This nevertheless happened...
 | 12/12/2007 - Have you ever wondered 'What is life'? What makes us alive or not alive? Those of us raised in the western world would say that it's the actions of our heart pumping blood, our breathing, our consciousness and so forth. But those are really the results of life, not life itself.
What is it that truly...
 | 10/25/2005 - Childhood asthma is fast becoming an epidemic in the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, close to one in 13 schoolchildren have asthma, with the numbers of new diagnoses rising sharply since 1980. Close to 4.2 million children had asthma attacks in the last year. For parents,...
| See all 91 breathing feature articles.Concept-related articles:NIH:Asthma:Disease prevention:Dehydration:SAMe:America:Soda:Water:Children:Disease:Medicine:WHO:Cure:Lungs:Body:Information:
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
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