Biofuel news, articles and information:
 | 6/13/2016 - Two things are idiotic about the Obama Environmental Protection Agency's newest plan regarding the adjustment of biofuel levels in gasoline: 1) It is yet another financial intrusion into our lives we can do without; and 2) In a world where hundreds of millions go to bed hungry every night, it is completely...
 | 4/10/2015 - Farmers may be able to harness the algal blooms caused by agricultural runoff into a viable product, thereby preventing dead zones in not just local waterways but across larger regions, according to a new study conducted by researchers from and presented at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of...
 | 5/12/2014 - Corn-derived biofuels release even more greenhouse gases than conventional gasoline, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change on April 20.
The $500,000 study, which was funded by the federal government, is expected to be a setback for the Obama administration's plan to promote such...
 | 7/25/2012 - You want to know why food prices are climbing all over the world? Well, the head of Nestle, the world's largest food manufacturer, says it's because we are increasingly burning our food for fuel.
In fact, company chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe declared recently, we have begun to rely on food-produced...
 | 3/16/2012 - In the age of ever-spiraling gasoline prices and with green technology still in its infancy, a number of scientists are actively searching for clean, renewable sources of energy alternatives to fossil fuel.
Much of the push to create renewable fuel sources has gone toward the production of bioethanol,...
 | 1/23/2012 - It seems almost too absurd to be true, but in the land of leviathan government, where the layers of bureaucracy are so intertwined it is impossible to navigate them, comes the revelation that the U.S. government has now taken to fining companies for not using a required product that doesn't even exist.
 | 11/8/2011 - New research comparing the environmental effects of "green" biofuel to those brought about by traditional fossil fuel has revealed some shocking findings. Rather than reduce the overall carbon load and protect the environment as previously believed, biofuel derived from palm oil may actually be more...
 | 1/18/2011 - The following article originally ran on NaturalNews in 2008 but was shifted over to which ultimately got replaced with political cartoons. In light of today's sudden attention on the food bubble and the possible collapse of human civilization as described by author and environmentalist...
| 11/28/2010 - Biofuels have become all the rage among many environmental and sustainably-minded advocacy groups as a way to end dependence on foreign oil, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and create a "greener" tomorrow. But Andreas Spath, PhD, an expert in the field of geochemistry, says that biofuels are actually...
 | 8/20/2008 - Scientists have increasingly warned that a hasty switch from fossil fuels to biofuels may actually accelerate global warming rather than helping to avert it, leading U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown to declare his opposition to new European Union biofuel standards that will soon be going into effect.
 | 4/23/2008 - It was one of the dumbest "green" ideas ever proposed: Convert millions of acres of cropland into fields for growing ethanol from corn, then burn fossil fuels to harvest the ethanol, expending more energy to extract the fuel than you get from the fuel itself! Meanwhile, sit back and proclaim you've...
 | 3/21/2008 - We are about to witness and experience the greatest sustained rise in grain prices seen in the last 30 years. This rise will include wheat, rice, and maize; these three comprising over 90% of all grains cultivated on the planet. Let's do some digging to figure out what is causing this sharp increase.
| 9/12/2006 - The first comprehensive analysis of the full life cycles of soybean biodiesel and corn grain ethanol shows that biodiesel has much less of an impact on the environment and a much higher net energy benefit than corn ethanol, but that neither can do much to meet U.S. energy demand.
The study will...
| 8/24/2006 - A new green fuels initiative which could power up to 5,000 family cars per year was launched today.
The initiative, which is the first of its kind in the UK, is being piloted across the east coast of Scotland and will involve local farmers using biosolids as organic fertiliser in the growing of crops...
Concept-related articles:Batteries:Ethanol:Fuel cell:Fuel cells:Electronic devices:Carbon:Research:Fuel:Power:Life:Researchers:Technology:Sugar:Alternative energy:Biofuels:Sugar cane:
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