Behavior news, articles and information:
 | 11/16/2016 - Special note: The concept of this article was originally published at Disclose.TV, and credit is given to the writer and publisher below. Some reasonable information has been added to the overall coverage of this topic, as allowed by the licensor.
Per the original, hilarious post at Disclose TV:...
 | 10/17/2016 - A new study published in the journal Neuron provides a fascinating glimpse into the forces that drive human behavior. The researchers found that hunger is a stronger motivational force than others, including "thirst, anxiety-related behavior, innate fear, and social interactions."
Both humans and...
 | 8/22/2016 - What if you could build your own brain by undergoing a procedure that activates certain neurons, thereby controlling your future behavior? What if you could choose your personality traits? What if that neuron manipulation technology was already in place and being used on people's brains without their...
 | 6/20/2016 - A gorilla shot dead by officials at the Cincinnati Zoo after a 4-year-old boy fell into his enclosure, was not acting aggressively and would not have harmed the boy, an animal behavior expert has said.
Professor Gisela Kaplan of the University of New England told The Daily Telegraph that the gorilla...
 | 4/22/2015 - Honeybees exposed to levels of manganese formerly assumed to be safe exhibited modified behavior, premature aging and cognitive disruption, according to a study conducted by researchers from Washington University and Macquarie University in Australia, and published in the journal Biology Letters on...
 | 4/17/2015 - America's agency of federally approved airport perverts, itchy-finger crotch-grabbers and power trip egomaniacs now has a whole new job: brainwashing the minds of Disneyland employees with its quack science "behavior detection program" to spot terrorists.
"Yes, the Transportation Security Administration's...
 | 4/10/2015 - A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office addresses the bombastic overuse of anti-psychotic medication for suppressing behavior problems in dementia patients. The report finds that one-third of elders with dementia who stayed in a nursing home in 2012 were prescribed an anti-psychotic...
 | 11/8/2014 - Due to the results of a recent study, researchers stress that people can save a lot of money and preserve their well-being by living a healthy lifestyle. The study examined various aspects of healthy living as well as the rates by which men experienced myocardial infarction (MI) or a heart attack.
 | 9/26/2014 - Is there really such a thing as a "sheeple" mentality -- a tendency by the vast majority of us to follow along mindlessly, and without resistance? Yes, according to a series of research projects over the past couple of years which concluded that following the crowd is a distinct human trait.
 | 9/18/2014 - Psychopathic behavior lurks among human interactions today, infecting character traits and destroying families and organizations along the way. It's a behavior pattern that is void of empathy, seeking attention and personal gain no matter the cost. Entire families can be ripped apart and drained of...
 | 9/8/2014 - Gut bacteria may manipulate what we eat in order to ensure for themselves the best environment, researchers from the University of California-San Francisco, Arizona State University and the University of New Mexico have suggested, in a research review published in the journal BioEssays.
Their work,...
 | 8/1/2014 - Do you want to create irresistible habits that lead to a healthy, happy and long life?
Sustaining long-term, positive habits is beyond frustrating for many people because they sabotage their success, sooner or later.
According to Stanford researcher BJ Fogg, the key to success with positive habits...
 | 7/26/2014 - Sitting down for two straight hours and doing nothing might negate the benefits of a daily 20-minute exercise routine. Idle behavior throughout the day could make an exercise routine worthless in the end. A study from the UT Southwestern Medical Center shows how sedentary behaviors lower cardio respiratory...
 | 6/14/2014 - If you're uncomfortable with the idea that someone can push a button and completely alter your preferences and choices in life, then it's time to become concerned.
Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Leuven in Belgium have discovered that, by stimulating the area...
 | 5/5/2014 - We may not give much thought to the 100 trillion microbes living within our guts, but new discoveries within psychiatry have found that these organisms can profoundly affect our moods. In fact, psychiatrists are now exploring the possibility of manipulating these microscopic populations with the goal...
 | 6/21/2013 - The omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) decreases aggressive behavior in young adults, studies have shown. Notably, having more DHA in the diet appears to help young people cope better with stressful situations.
One of the earlier studies into this effect was conducted by researchers from...
 | 3/7/2013 - The pharmaceutical drug cartel has a pretty good gig going for itself in America today. And the formula is always the same -- break the law to reap billions of dollars in profits, and share a few million of the spoils with the federal government after getting caught. This is the wholly corrupt scenario...
 | 2/22/2013 - The more TV a person watches during childhood, the more likely they are to become a sociopath as an adult, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand and published in the journal Pediatrics.
Notably, the study ruled out the possibility that it is preexisting,...
 | 12/29/2012 - Are you now, or have you ever been locked into one, two or all three of the following "bad" behavior rituals; cigarettes, fast food or a bad diet? You can transition from a bad 2012 routine to a great 2013 routine, where health, energy, immunity and vitality are your new "norm."
Cigarettes; a behavior...
 | 12/24/2012 - The brain governs violent behavior. Research from esteemed universities such as Tulane University, University of California, Stanford University, Cornell Medical Center, Mount Sinai Medical School, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford University, and Yale University have found that the biological and...
 | 12/21/2012 - Many violent behaviors can be caused by brain abnormalities. In light of the Newtown mass shooting, people are asking, "What is the motive?" There is no motive. There is no rational reason. The actions are caused by brain chemistry that is imbalanced, and then something happens to trigger the scales...
 | 12/17/2012 - Researchers in Sweden believe they have found a way to help low birth weight newborns: iron supplementation.
According to scientists from Umea University, the largest in northern Scandinavia, supplemental iron could boost brain development and help prevent behavioral problems in babies who are a...
 | 10/8/2012 - Are you having a hard time changing a simple behavior or habit?
Fewer things are more frustrating than failing to make changes that appear so simple. Millions of people battle with personal change that doesn't come so easily. In come cases, the problem behavior is life threatening.
For 60 years...
 | 9/27/2012 - Many medical professionals and members of the general public are losing faith in the credibility of the clinical trial and drug approval process, and rightfully so in light of all the corporate corruption and criminal behavior that has recently come to light. Two new papers published in the New England...
 | 8/2/2012 - Researchers have found a link between dental fillings made using bisphenol A, otherwise known as BPA, and behavior and emotional problems in children.
Scientists from New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Mass., say the effects generally show up a few years later and they were generally small...
| 6/8/2011 - An addiction can be described as a craving for or dependence on a substance, usually alcohol, nicotine or drugs. Addictions to physical substances should always be treated by a registered practitioner. This article examines some of the natural, alternative remedies that may be prescribed by a homeopathic...
| 5/25/2011 - We're all familiar with the term "gut feeling". As it turns out, the term may be more apt than we realize. In recent years, research has increasingly identified the role the gut can have on mood and behavior, leading many scientists to refer to the gut as the "second brain". Now, for the first time,...
 | 4/30/2011 - Parents that allow their children to spend lots of time on the computer and in front of the television may be inadvertently contributing to an epidemic rise in "multiple-risk behaviors" (MRBs) among adolescents, suggests a new study published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine. High computer use,...
 | 3/2/2011 - In a tale that many mainstream media outlets are attempting to use as a political smear campaign, the story of US Rep. David Wu's severe negative reaction to a common psychiatric drug speaks more about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs than it does partisan politics. According to reports, Wu was hospitalized...
| 2/20/2011 - Recent research from the ADHD Research Centre in Eindhoven, Netherlands confirms what many Natural News readers have long known - food affects behavior. Children with ADHD (attention deficient hyperactivity disorder) can benefit from the elimination of certain foods from their diets. This research study,...
| 2/18/2011 - It is not enough to be informed about the many problems with current immunization policy and practice. We must effectively apply that knowledge to expand our right to make informed choices. Where the rubber meets the road with vaccine rights is in the statutes and regulations that provide or restrict...
| 10/2/2010 - Rewarding hyperactive children for good behavior and discouraging unwanted behavior works on the same areas of the brain as drugs like Ritalin, according to a study conducted by researchers from Nottingham University and published in the journal Biological Psychiatry.
"Although medication and behavior...
| 2/5/2010 - A study published in the November 2009 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found that three-year-old children who watch television or are even just exposed to household TV use by other family members are significantly more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior than children who...
| 1/9/2010 - A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has revealed that children who are exposed to cigarette smoke prenatally and during the first year of their life are likely to develop behavioral problems by the time they are of school age. Particularly problematic during the gestational...
| 11/20/2009 - Plopping toddlers in front of television sets for a few hours a day may seem as American as apple pie and baseball. But this all-too-common habit could have a dark side. According to a report in the November issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the more TV three-year-old toddlers...
| 5/20/2009 - Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe form of relaxation. The person receiving hypnosis is always in control whether the hypnosis is being administered by a licensed hypnotherapist or through self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is particularly effective in children, because it often requires creative visualization....
| 3/11/2009 - A 17-year-old former student opened fire near Stuttgart, Germany, killing at least 16 people. The teenager was a former student at a Winnenden school, where he initiated the shooting spree. Three teachers and at least 10 students were killed by his actions.
The media is reporting that Tim Kretschmer,...
| 3/9/2009 - Young people today are spending less time playing outdoors and interacting with fellow human beings, and they are spending an increasing amount of time on electronic devices, gaming or surfing the internet. There are even portable gadgets to carry out such tasks while on the go. This is certainly a...
 | 7/31/2008 - Writing in Scientific American, Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky has catalogued a number of well-established cases in which parasites and other infectious organisms are able to actually modify the behavior of their hosts.
Among the examples given in his article, "Bugs in the Brain," Sapolsky cites...
 | 2/17/2008 - It comes as no surprise to anyone who's been following school shootings all the way back to the Colombine High massacre in Colorado: Every young, male shooter that has gone on a killing spree in the United States also has a history of treatment with psychotropic drugs -- typically SSRI antidepressants....
 | 11/15/2006 - Hoffman-La Roche Inc. issued a warning Monday for its flu drug Tamiflu, stating patients using the drug must be closely monitored in case they develop psychiatric problems such as delirium and suicidal tendencies.
Before the announcement, the pharmaceutical giant had been in talks with the FDA regarding...
 | 10/17/2006 - Children and adolescents prescribed the antidepressant drug Prozac may experience violent behavior, according to new research published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience.
A team of researchers from the University of Texas at Austin, led by Kereshmeh Taravosh-Lahn, conducted an animal study in...
| 10/6/2006 - Breast cancer survivors' beliefs about what may have caused their cancer are connected to whether they make healthy lifestyle changes after a cancer diagnosis. This is the finding of a research study appearing in the August 2006 issue of Psycho-Oncology by researchers at The Miriam Hospital and Brown...
| 6/29/2006 - Although confirmation of a human-transmitted strain of bird flu will likely have an immediate effect on the world economy, according to economic experts, the depth and duration of that impact will be largely dependent on how populations and their governments worldwide choose to react.
During a think-tank...
 | 6/13/2006 - Disease mongering has reached a new level of ridiculousness with the widely-reported announcement that millions of American now have undiagnosed Road Rage Disorder, also sometimes called Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). Desperate to scrounge up new diseases that can be treated with high-profit...
 | 6/8/2006 - Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed: "So do you use sleeping tablets to organize yourself?"
Colin Powell: "Yes. Well, I wouldn't call them that. They're a wonderful medication -- not medication. How would you call it? They're called Ambien, which is very good. You don't use Ambien? Everybody here uses Ambien."
 | 4/10/2006 - In June 2001, a jury in Wyoming determined that the antidepressant drug Paxil caused a man to kill his wife, daughter and granddaughter before killing himself. The jury awarded the surviving family $8 million in damages, according to American Medical Publishing's Prescription Medicines, Side Effects...
 | 3/31/2005 - A new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry shows that children who experience malnutrition exhibit strikingly increased behavioral disorders and aggressive behavior as they grow older. The study looked at children between the ages of eight and 17 years, and found some rather shocking...
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