Antibiotics news, articles and information:
 | 11/19/2016 - At the Columbia University Medical Center in New York, researchers examined what antibiotics are capable of doing to the microenvironment surrounding patients. This is the environment we cannot see with the naked eye, the environment of microorganisms that is always interacting with us and between us....
 | 11/3/2016 - For many Americans, antibiotics have become a standard routine when they get sick. Since the 1940s, these drugs have significantly reduced illness and death from bacterial infections. However, they are not the go-to fix for everything.
Conditions such as a sore throat or bronchitis are usually caused...
 | 11/3/2016 - A recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found that antibiotic-resistant superbugs are easily transmitted within hospital environments, often via nurses' clothing and patients' bed rails.
The study looked at how superbugs are spread in medical facilities, by tracking the...
 | 10/21/2016 - Responding to an outpouring of consumer demand, one of the largest chicken producers in the country has announced that most of its flocks are now antibiotic-free, and that no longer will its chickens be needlessly fed antibiotics for growing purposes unless they're actually sick -- and even in these...
 | 10/20/2016 - If you've been thinking "outside the bun" lately, you may also want to be eating "outside the taco shell," because what's lurking inside that "crunchwrap supreme" and the "volcano taco" is only about 35 percent actual meat, and the rest is well ... grade F "stuff."
In order to counter rumors that...
 | 10/16/2016 - Do you spray Roundup on the weeds in your yard? Do you get prescribed antibiotics by your medical doctor the second you have symptoms of sickness, like a sore throat, a stuffy nose, or maybe some yellow or green mucus? Do you eat meat that's not labeled organic?
In each of these ways, you could be...
 | 9/30/2016 - The excessive use of antibiotics in humans and farm animals can drive drug-resistant bacteria to thrive. These so-called superbugs are resistant to most traditional last resort antibiotics. Despite this danger, U.S. hospitals continue to over-prescribe these drugs.
In a new report researchers from...
 | 9/15/2016 - For years we have been warning of an impending medical catastrophe due to the over-prescribing and overuse of antibiotics. In fact, as we reported last year, hospitals are some of the most prolific breeding grounds for drug-resistant superbugs, killing more patients a year than measles.
Now, scientists...
 | 9/5/2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) had to release new guidelines on Wednesday for treating one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the world, due to the rising threat of antibiotic resistance, a phenomenon resulting in the development of superbugs resistant to modern day antibiotics.
 | 9/1/2016 - In a desperate bid to get their hands on medications, a surprising number of people are turning to an unlikely source: their pets.
While most pet owners would be extremely hesitant to give their own medication to their beloved animal, it turns out that quite a few people have no qualms about taking...
 | 8/19/2016 - It's no conspiracy that antibiotics are used during the vaccine manufacturing phase to stave off bacterial contamination of tissue culture cells where the dangerous, infectious disease viruses are nurtured in chicken egg embryo and aborted human albumin (fetal tissue and blood). These so-called "trace...
 | 8/16/2016 - Overuse of antibiotics for raising livestock is creating an escalating situation of drug resistant infections in humans. An imbalance is developing between humans and their food, as drug resistant, food-borne pathogens resist routine, therapeutic antibiotic use. As beef cattle, chicken, dairy cows and...
 | 7/12/2016 - We currently have a major public health crisis on our hands, and very little is being done to address it. Our said-to-be first line of defense against harmful pathogens, antibiotics, is quickly becoming irrelevant due to growing antibiotic resistance – because apparently all those nasty critters...
 | 7/12/2016 - The majority of diseases and disorders that exist in the world today are either of the contagious, infectious kind or the type that are brought on by consuming carcinogens and neurotoxins. Regarding the latter and the term "consuming," we are describing anything toxic in food, beverages, vaccines, or...
 | 7/5/2016 - Could superbugs turn into unstoppable killing machines that threaten the survival of the human race?
Not so long ago, researchers discovered a colistin-resistant E. coli strain for the first time in the United States. According to The Washington Post, health officials have dubbed it the "nightmare...
 | 6/21/2016 - More than 75 percent of patients given antibiotics for a sexually transmitted disease (STD) actually tested negative for infections, according to a new study.
The study was conducted by a team of researchers from St. John Hospital & Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan, who studied the medical records...
 | 6/13/2016 - Adding to the growing antibiotic resistance epidemic is the longtime practice among conventional doctors of prescribing antibiotics for acute bronchitis, a viral disease that does not even respond to the drugs. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveals that...
 | 6/12/2016 - The overuse of antibiotics has been heavily criticized for causing the proliferation of drug-resistant superbugs, but few people have drawn a strong connection between this class of drugs and mental health – until now.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University uncovered this surprising link after...
 | 6/9/2016 - Antibiotics have been getting a lot of bad press lately – and for good reason. Besides their many harmful effects, they are vastly over-prescribed, and are leading to the evolution of deadly superbugs that can't be killed. This is leading many people to seek out natural alternatives, and one of...
 | 6/9/2016 - More than 300,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the United States - each year. Sadly, many more suffer from this disease but get misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome or any number of the so-called 'psychiatric' conditions.
In addition, chronic Lyme...
 | 6/8/2016 - Humans are not alone. They are inhabited by nearly 100 trillion living species of friendly bacteria. The human body is far from being silent and barren. It's really a community, a planet of its own, teaming with diverse life. The various bacteria living in the body are the central intelligence of the...
 | 5/30/2016 - It's always interesting to study how civilizations collapse and eras of seemingly great human ingenuity come crashing to an end. Since the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Flemming in 1928, the chemical medicine industry has promised humanity that all our ills will be cured by prescription medications....
 | 5/25/2016 - As readers of Natural News are well aware, the medical industry, in collusion with Big Pharma, has been over-prescribing antibiotics for years, resulting in new strains of superbugs that are difficult to kill. In point of fact, it's not at all improper to suggest that at some point in the future, our...
 | 5/12/2016 - New Zealand veterinarians have resolved to put an end to the practice of using non-medicinal antibiotics in the country's livestock by the year 2030.
Southland vet and New Zealand Veterinary Association Board Member, Mark Bryan, said that the stance stems from the vets' acknowledgement that human...
 | 5/11/2016 - Avoiding chemical-loaded processed meats can be one of the most important dietary staples in terms of maintaining long-term good health. Most commercially processed meats, including beef, chicken, pork and turkey, contain countless adulterations, making regular consumption extremely risky for your health.
 | 5/3/2016 - Pakistani health officials say that 71 percent of infections among newborns throughout the country are the result of antibiotic resistance, while in neighboring India, health officials estimate that 58,000 neonatal deaths due to sepsis are attributable to infections that are resistant to antibiotics.
 | 4/29/2016 - Human resistance to antibiotics will continue to worsen, and will eventually become "an even greater threat to mankind than cancer," if no action is taken to reverse the trend, Chancellor George Osborne, a British Conservative Party politician who has been Chancellor of the Exchequer since 2010 and...
 | 4/28/2016 - Although antibiotics have helped humanity prevent bacterial infections in the short-term, their overuse and misuse have spurred major health problems in the long-term. Many infections have evolved resistance to antibiotics, giving rise to the dawn of superbugs. As a result, some scientists are turning...
 | 4/23/2016 - A coalition of powerful investment firms who manage a combined $1 trillion in assets has sent letters to top restaurant chains in the U.S. and U.K. urging them to stop using antibiotics in their poultry and meat.
As reported by Healthline:
"The Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return (FAIRR), an...
 | 4/5/2016 - There are many reasons why antibiotics should not be over-prescribed, the most important being that doing so has led to the evolution of drug-resistant superbugs that don't respond to traditional treatment.
Now, however, researchers have discovered another phenomenon related to prescription antibiotics:...
 | 3/12/2016 - Antibiotics should really be a last resort when you are feeling unwell, and the misuse of them is leading to more and more bugs becoming resistant to antibiotics. These "superbugs", such as MRSA, are very difficult to treat, and according to Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, "the rise of antibiotic...
 | 3/6/2016 - Human breast milk is a wonderful thing – it gives new born babies the perfect mix of vitamins, proteins, fats and antibodies to help combat bacterial infections and viruses.(1)
For thousands of years, breastfed children have benefited from this additional protection against disease...
 | 2/23/2016 - Ever since the 1940s, our trust and focus have been solely driven towards penicillin and the use of antibiotics, as these became widely employed by medical practitioners in the treatment of disease. For some reason, natural remedies weren't good enough anymore. They kept us alive for the better part...
 | 2/19/2016 - Antibiotic resistance is rapidly reaching the scale of a global health crisis. More and more people are being treated with "last resort" antibiotics, and the head of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan, recently warned that the explosion of increasingly virulent drug-resistant microbes may...
 | 2/16/2016 - Ninety-three percent of all physicians surveyed are concerned about the overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture, according to a recent survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. The report is available here[PDF].
Researchers surveyed 500 internal medicine and...
 | 2/14/2016 - For thousands of years, indigenous people throughout the world have used clay for and dirt for their powerful health benefits. Even animals are drawn to clay, especially in the form of mud. Whenever they are wounded, animals instinctively lick the mud and roll in it to obtain relief. They also tend...
 | 2/10/2016 - Four out of five people in the United States are prescribed an antibiotic every year, according to a new study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The findings reflect a steadily increasing rate of antibiotic use...
 | 1/19/2016 - As 2015 begins, many of us take stock of the year just passed and find that there is much to be grateful for, but the fact that approximately 2,000,000 people in the US have been afflicted with illness from antibiotic-resistant bacteria and 23,000 of those people died this past year is certainly not...
 | 1/14/2016 - The statistics are sobering: in the United States alone, antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause 23,000 fatalities and at least 2 million new cases of disease annually. But if you think antibiotic resistance only comes about with massive and repeated rounds of antibiotics, think again.
Science shows...
 | 12/16/2015 - Antibiotic resistance is reaching such dangerous proportions that the entire global health system is at risk of collapse, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on November 16. The agency released a report highlighting many of the myths about antibiotics that people believe worldwide, and how these...
 | 12/1/2015 - It's well known that the overuse of overuse of antibiotics can often do more harm than good, leading to a variety of health effects, some of which can be chronic in nature affecting your everyday life and well-being.
However, not as well known is the potential connection between antibiotics and diabetes,...
 | 11/29/2015 - As drug-resistant infections become more prevalent, more and more people are now being treated with "last-resort" antibiotics, warns a new report by Public Health England, an agency within the British Department of Health.
The report also showed an increase in the number of people suffering a "significant...
 | 11/15/2015 - For seven decades now, we've been using antibiotics to successfully fight bacterial infections, but standard antibiotic treatments are now steadily dwindling in effectiveness against new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or "superbugs."
The BBC says: "Superbugs are now a major global health...
 | 10/30/2015 - Indegogo Campaign Launched To Teach "How To Treat Infections Without Antibiotics"
AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 27, 2015 – With the world facing a health crisis as antibiotics become less and less effective, a group is launching a Indegogo campaign to create a video to teach people how to treat infected...
 | 8/27/2015 7:20:50 PM - For some, early treatment with antibiotics is effective. For others and for those in the late stages of infection, antibiotics may be ineffective for the following reasons:
Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, has a corkscrew shape that allows it to bore deep into tissues and...
 | 8/10/2015 - Taking antibiotics may make children twice as likely to develop juvenile arthritis, suggests a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers University, the University of Pennsylvania and Nemours A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, and published in the journal Pediatrics.
"Our research suggests another...
 | 7/29/2015 - Typically, the first thing that happens when people get an infection is their receipt of a quick scrawl on a doctor's prescription pad for an antibiotic. However, rather than improving health, antibiotics are destroying it; a new study conducted by experts at NYU Langone Medical Center in Manhattan,...
 | 7/9/2015 - When antibiotics first became widely used in the early half of the 20th century, they were hailed as a miracle cure. Many common infections which used to have a high mortality rate, such as pneumonia or infections from wounds or surgery, suddenly become very treatable, to the point where many people...
 | 5/23/2015 - An international investigation into the connection between autism and abnormal gut microbes was initially spurred by medical capitalist John Rodakis when he noticed that his autistic son's symptoms improved while he was on antibiotics for an unrelated strep throat infection, according to an article...
 | 5/14/2015 - A dairy farmer is suing a livestock feed supplier for failure to properly label feed as containing antibiotics after more than 200 of the farmer's calves died from toxic levels of the drugs.
The case was filed by Calvin Berwald, owner of Sokota Dairy, in Jerauld County Circuit Court in South Dakota....
 | 4/21/2015 - The global meat industry is booming as more and more of the population can afford to consume mass quantities of meat. The demand keeps increasing and the "fatted calf" keeps growing thanks to many industrial livestock producers pumping our meat sources full of antibiotics to keep up with the staggering...
 | 4/14/2015 - Fast food giant McDonald's has announced that the company will be phasing out the use of some antibiotics in its factory-farmed chicken products to accommodate what it says are the "changing preferences" of its customers. But a major disparity between the media's version of what McDonald's is doing...
 | 4/8/2015 - Antibiotics and other antimicrobials are everywhere. Even if you are trying to avoid them, they are found in the majority of conventional meats, in our tap water, and in soaps, mouthwash, and toothpaste. It is difficult to avoid exposure, but the effort is a worthwhile endeavor.
Antibiotics Used...
 | 4/2/2015 - Through the years, overexposure to antibiotics has led to the development of bacteria which are resistant to certain types of drugs. Last year, the World Health Organization sounded the alarm bell that antibiotic resistance should be taken seriously before it's too late.
According to the Centers...
 | 3/16/2015 - Costco has decided to phase out the sale of chickens that have been treated with shared-use antibiotics. This is a big win in a few ways. First, the low levels of antibiotics meant for human use that find their way into the raising of conventional meat make the antibiotics less effective, as they only...
 | 2/15/2015 - As the natural health movement grows, people across the nation and the world are learning the benefits of using food, herbs, and supplements to prevent and treat illness and disease.
Antibiotics are chemical therapy. Read any package insert or look up a pharmaceutical on the Internet and thoroughly...
 | 2/12/2015 - Most Natural News readers know that there is rising resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Fewer know of the inherent dangers of pharmaceutical antibiotics that are rarely publicized by mainstream media (MSM). What's even less known are safe and effective alternatives, especially the home-made variety.
 | 1/20/2015 - An antibiotic-resistant "superbug" epidemic which is killing thousands of newborns in India may prove to have a global impact.
India's infant mortality rate is staggering, accounting for nearly a third of the yearly world total. Of the 800,000 infant deaths per year in the country, around 58,000...
 | 12/17/2014 - If ever there was a situation to prove, once again, that taking another person's medication can produce life-threatening results, it's the unfortunate story of California college student Yassmeen Castanada. The mother of a four-month-old daughter is wrapped entirely in bandages, 70 percent of her body...
 | 11/19/2014 - In some cases, treating people or animals with antibiotics may cause them to spread Salmonella infections more rapidly, and even in some cases to develop more severe infections. This may be more likely to occur in those who are not showing any current symptoms of salmonellosis but are receiving antibiotics...
 | 10/23/2014 - Low concentrations of various pharmaceutical drugs are making their way into our water systems and soil through improper disposal, such as flushing, and through human excretion.
When people take antibiotics, or other medications, they are often passed through the urine unchanged, active and in their...
 | 10/22/2014 - Children who are exposed to more antibiotics before the age of two are also more likely to become obese, according to a study conducted by researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and published in the journal...
 | 10/4/2014 - When "patient zero" first showed up at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas with what have now been determined to be some of the early symptoms of Ebola, he was reportedly turned away by hospital staff, who handed him a regimen of antibiotics and told him to basically just go home and sleep it off.
 | 10/1/2014 - Three years ago, an environmental advocacy group sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over their approval of the risky use of human antibiotics in animal feed.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a New York City-based non-profit group, argued that the FDA has failed to follow...
 | 9/24/2014 - An investigation by Reuters reveals that the practice of using antibiotics in poultry feed expands much further than government officials had previously thought. Investigators reviewed hundreds of pages of "feed tickets," documents issued by feed mills to chicken factories owned by six major poultry...
 | 9/11/2014 - Finally, consumer demands are beginning to be met by some corporations in the food industry. Consumer advocacy groups, food activists and alternative media have all contributed to pushing the boundaries of the food industry in a way that offers true customer satisfaction.
The most recent victory...
 | 9/9/2014 1:02:50 AM - Since the 1940s, antibiotics have become the standard treatment for bacterial infections. Most believe that pharmaceutical antibiotics are a miracle "silver bullet" for infectious diseases and that antibiotics alone were responsible for curtailing the major life-threatening, infectious diseases plaguing...
 | 8/29/2014 - As if there aren't enough issues with antibiotics, medical researchers have found more. Both an epidemiological and an in vivo (animal) study have determined a plausible connection between antibiotic use for infants and toddlers and child obesity from metabolic syndrome, which usually leads to diabetes...
 | 8/28/2014 - Antibiotics kill bacteria. The problem is, our bodies are filled with bacteria, and those microbes are essential to our health. Our gut is home to 300-1000 different species of bacteria that help us digest our food, create and synthesize vitamins, repel invading pathogens, create neurotransmitters,...
 | 8/28/2014 - More people are beginning to understand that antibiotics are essentially anti-life. They destroy both the invading pathogens and the beneficial bacteria in the human gut. As the good microbes are depleted along with the bad, the gut wall loses its protection, allowing future pathogens to more readily...
 | 8/8/2014 - There are many herbs and foods that can treat and prevent a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. Many people are beginning to use natural antibiotics and remedies for these illnesses rather than relying on traditional Western medicine with risks and side effects.
Natural antibiotics can be powerful...
 | 7/17/2014 - Drug-resistant superbug infections have reached near-epidemic levels across U.S. hospitals, with an alarming 500% increase now documented in a study just published in the August issue of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (the journal of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America)....
 | 7/16/2014 - Antibiotics have been hailed as medical science's greatest contribution in the fight against illness. Now, over a century after they first came into use, an increasing number of people are coming to believe that the development and widespread use of antibiotics may go down as one of medical science's...
 | 7/7/2014 - The Daily Mail recently featured an article titled, "Junk food blamed for soaring rate of Crohn's disease among young: Three times as many 16 to 30-year-olds have condition than a decade ago."
According to the article, doctors in the UK blame the "epidemic" on a significant increase in junk food...
 | 7/3/2014 - A flood of letters and signatures to end antibiotics in animal agriculture is being called for by supporters of the Preventing Antibiotic Resistance Act (PARA), Senate Bill 1256.
The case of a mother from Maryland exemplifies antibiotic resistance A mom named Nicole, from Kensington, Maryland, developed...
 | 6/16/2014 - Longtime readers of Natural News know that, because of massive over-prescribing by the modern healthcare industry, today's crop of antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. Another culprit: The increased use of antibiotics in factory-farm animals.
"It is not difficult to make microbes resistant...
 | 5/27/2014 - Cities in China are quickly becoming toxic waste sites, emitting so much pollution now that people have to walk around with filters over their face. Even the bright blue skies above these highly polluted cities can't disperse the smog. One man has even proposed selling jarred French mountain air to...
 | 5/2/2014 12:31:22 PM - A new report issued by the World Health Organization denounces the current overuse of antibiotics and is saying that antibiotics now pose a "major global threat" to public health.
Calling for urgent action, WHO says that antibiotic resistance is occurring "in every region of the world." Describing...
 | 4/30/2014 - Hospital antibiotics have become one of the most over prescribed "medicines" today. As a result people have ruined their digestive systems, and ironically, have lowered their natural immunity to all types of infections in the future. Get rid if infections without the digestive destruction, with these...
 | 4/30/2014 - Bet you didn't know that many organic apples and pears have been produced in orchards that spray antibiotics onto their trees. Two pharmaceutical antibiotics, oxytetracycline and streptomycin, have been used by organic apple and pear growers to combat a bacterial infection known as fire blight. But...
 | 4/16/2014 3:56:08 PM - Cutting boards in home and hospital kitchens may be sources of drug-resistant bacteria, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University Hospital Basel in Switzerland and published in the journal Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology in March.
Over the course of 16 months,...
 | 4/11/2014 - Conventional antibiotics are overprescribed and overconsumed. They are given out like parade candy, tossed out to anyone waving their hands. 2010 data obtained by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that a whopping 833 antibiotic prescriptions are handed out on average per every 1,000 people.
 | 4/7/2014 3:41:04 PM - Hospitals have become a breeding ground for drug-resistant bacteria. Hiding in the shadows, strains like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, and gonorrhea have become prevalent, unstoppable, infecting over 2 million Americans...
 | 4/6/2014 - Co-authored by Alexis Baden-Mayer and Ronnie Cummins. The Organic Consumers Association has a long history of defending the integrity of organic standards.
Last September, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), under pressure from corporate...
 | 3/29/2014 - Modern "food" science, processed food and the chemical medicine industry all thrive on one theory: If something doesn't make you sick or kill you within 24 hours, then it's "safe."
This is simply not true. If you eat some fast food and get deathly sick 48 hours later, from food poisoning, E. coli,...
 | 3/18/2014 - Newly published research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that doctor-prescribed antibiotics could be contributing to bouts of fatal diarrhea in children.
Scientists found that the majority of pediatric Clostridium difficile infections took place following a round...
 | 3/6/2014 - What's the average price of conventional chicken per pound right now? $3.68 is your packaged price for hormone-laden, antibiotic-loaded chicken. What's the cost for that same pound of chicken without antibiotics? $5.50 is your cost for a pound of chicken without medication that breeds superbugs. What...
 | 2/5/2014 - Thirty dangerous antibiotics, deemed potentially harmful by the FDA, continue to run amuck in farm animal feed, welcoming drug-resistant bacteria. This includes 18 'high risk' antibiotics. Thanks to inaction by the US Food and Drug Administration, these drugs have been and will remain as additives in...
 | 1/20/2014 - You may have already heard about the new guidance recently issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerning the use of antibiotics in commercial livestock, which on its surface appears to be a positive step forward for cleaning up the factory farm industry. But what you may not be aware...
 | 12/17/2013 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally taken what appears, at least on the surface, to be some formidable action with regard to the widespread problem of antibiotic overuse in factory farm animals, having recently issued new guidelines restricting their use. But the agency's controversial...
 | 12/13/2013 - The ramifications of a recent German study on piglets may lead to healthier livestock with less pharmaceutical antibiotic use if other farmers get involved and see the results.
The study determined that pathogenic E. coli strains and their disease-causing genes were greatly lessened with probiotic...
 | 12/13/2013 - Scientists at Oxford University's Clinical Research Unit are stunned by new laboratory results. Their study, funded by the Wellcome Trust and published in the journal eLife, reports of typhoid fever bacteria strains that cannot be controlled. These bacterial strains are downright outsmarting scientists...
 | 12/9/2013 - The first person ever to fall victim to the so-called "post-antibiotic era" -- a New Zealand man recently died from a novel bacterial strain that is fully resistant to every known antibiotic -- has sparked fresh concerns about what some are now referring to as the real-life zombie apocalypse. Drug-resistant...
 | 12/4/2013 - One of the biggest problems with Western medicine's reliance on drug-based solutions to disease is that these conventional modalities can interfere with one another, often creating new problems that require even more drug-based solutions, and so on. And a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal...
 | 11/24/2013 - The most powerful class of antibiotics known to man appears to be losing its ability to fight deadly infections in Europe, says the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). A recent announcement by this European Union (EU) monitoring agency warns that carbapenems, an extremely powerful...
 | 11/24/2013 - It's well known that antibiotics are used heavily on factory farm animals. Their close quarters in CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) are breeding farms for pathogenic bacteria and parasites. In order to curb infectious diseases among farm animals, antibiotics are used widely. So widely...
 | 11/7/2013 - In the fight against infection, antibiotics have become the go to resource in the last 70 years.
The introduction of penicillin in the 1940s brought hope to the medical field for treatment of infections, but that hope quickly turned to false hope with the realization that bacteria are smarter and...
 | 11/3/2013 - With winter rapidly approaching in the northern hemisphere, millions of people will sooner or later rush to the doctor for a prescription against the symptoms of a cold or influenza. But is taking medication, often antibiotics, really a wise choice?
Even though modern medicine still has no cure for...
 | 10/22/2013 - Locked in a battle with an extremely drug-resistant superbug last year, doctors at the National Institutes of Health's Clinical Center played one last card. They turned to colistin, as it's named, an antibiotic that is not a new creation. In fact, it was actually discovered growing in a beaker of fermenting...
 | 10/14/2013 - It is a familiar scenario: you go to the doctor with a sore throat and he or she prescribes you a course of antibiotics without actually verifying your condition. But new research out of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston confirms what many of us in the natural health community have suspected for...
 | 10/9/2013 - While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endlessly stonewalls in establishing enforceable guidelines for the appropriate use of antibiotics in livestock, the conventional meat industry continues to shove about 30 million pounds of these drugs annually down the throats of animals. And recent...
 | 10/8/2013 - Children who receive treatment with antibiotics during their first year of life may have a 40 percent higher risk of developing eczema, according to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology.
The researchers conducted a review of 20 prior studies into a potential connection between...
 | 10/2/2013 - An Italian research institute has severed collaborative ties with British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) following a major dispute over who should have access to a series of clinical trial data on antibiotic treatments. As reported by Chemistry World, GSK refused to allow raw data from an allegedly...
 | 9/17/2013 - In a breakthrough moment of truth for the CDC, the agency now openly admits that prescription antibiotics have led to a catastrophic rise in superbugs, causing the death of at least 23,000 Americans each year (an estimate even the CDC calls "conservative").
This is the conclusion of the CDC's new...
 | 9/11/2013 - New research out of Stanford University in California has proven that commercial antibiotics are a major cause of, and not a solution to, the deadly "superbug" epidemic currently sweeping the globe. A recent analysis of the gut's microbial ecosystem and its collective response to invading pathogenic...
 | 8/14/2013 - Earlier today, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., reportedly told that it was considering expanding its supply chain to include sick animals treated with antibiotics. As Bloomberg shockingly reported:
If Chipotle allows sick animals treated with antibiotics to remain in its supply chain,...
 | 8/1/2013 - If you or someone you love is facing the possibility of cancer or chemotherapy, make sure they read this story. Breakthrough new science conducted at the University of Michigan and about to be published in the journal Nature reveals that intestinal health is the key to surviving chemotherapy.
 | 7/22/2013 - As the so-called "season" of colds and flus makes this year's debut, yet another reason emerges to avoid antibiotics - or at least be more cautious and discriminating about when and how to use them. The United Kingdom now acknowledges that the excessive prescription and subsequent overuse of antibiotics...
 | 6/28/2013 - The antibacterial benefits of silver have been known for thousands of years. The ancient Phoenicians, for instance, understood that keeping water, vinegar, and wine in silver vessels maintained their freshness. Similarly well-documented is the ancient Europeans' usage of colloidal silver - silver particles...
 | 5/16/2013 - The latest science reveals that antibiotics may serve a legitimate and defining purpose in medicine after all, but probably not in the way you might think. Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark recently discovered that as many as 50 percent of all cases of lower back pain are more than...
 | 5/12/2013 - There is a very real public health crisis looming on the horizon, and its origins stem from the common food industry practice of force-feeding antibiotic drugs to cattle in order to bulk them up and rush their meat to market as quickly as possible. And a major consumer advocacy group is calling on the...
 | 4/2/2013 - The growing resistance to the world's supply of antibiotics is becoming a "catastrophic threat" that will manifest itself over the next 20 years, according to a new report from the British government.
Dame Sally Davies, Britain's Chief Medical Officer, called for global action in her first annual...
 | 3/19/2013 - When we relish a delicious organic apple or pear, we usually don't suspect we are also ingesting a mouthful of antibiotics. As shocking as this may seem, it's yet another dirty little secret of the certified organic industry in the U.S. Used to control a tree born bacterial infection, antibiotics are...
 | 3/13/2013 - You may not be aware of it, but every time you bite into that crisp, organic apple or succulent, organic pear, you could be exposing yourself to two different antibiotic drugs that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) has quietly allowed to be used on these...
 | 3/11/2013 - With antibiotic resistance on the rise, many in the medical community are finally coming to grips with the fact that something needs to change, and soon, if we are to avoid a complete public health apocalypse. And to help move this change along, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued new...
 | 3/11/2013 - While globalists like Bill Gates are feverishly working on ways to reduce human population through vaccines, GMOs and abortions, an even more effective population killer is now emerging: drug-resistant strains of "gram-negative" bacteria: Superbugs.
The global abuse of antibiotics and the rise of...
 | 3/2/2013 - Another day, another Chinese food scare. KFC is dropping more than 1,000 farms from its network of suppliers in China to make sure the food it serves is safe after a scandal over tainted chicken hurt company sales in that key (meaning large) emerging market last year.
The issue came up in December...
 | 2/25/2013 - Sweating is just a nasty annoyance to many modern-day people. Sure, it keeps you from overheating during exercise or if you are exposed to extremely hot weather. But most often, perspiration is seen as a negative body secretion to be stopped whenever possible with chemical-laden antiperspirants. On...
 | 2/20/2013 - Antibiotic-resistant superbugs kill 48,000 Americans each year -- roughly the same number of American soldiers who died in the entire Vietnam War. This data was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, and the data is from 2006. It's certainly much worse today, and the health care costs related...
 | 1/7/2013 - As more research is done regarding so-called "non-traditional" healthcare, doctors and scientists are rediscovering "old" treatments that are increasingly supplanting today's standard treatments for a number of conditions.
That includes coughs that often accompany the flu or mild chest infections,...
 | 12/26/2012 5:29:03 PM - Chicken and oregano may seem like an obvious pairing to culinary enthusiasts, but at least one Pennsylvania farm is demonstrating its extraordinary health benefits in food production as well. For three years or so, chickens at Bell & Evans have been dining on a special feed laced with oregano oil and...
 | 10/25/2012 - Every prepper knows about the benefits of colloidal silver. Used topically, colloidal silver kills bacteria, protecting wounds from infection. When taken internally, it accomplishes much the same thing, and I've personally seen it rescue someone from severe food poisoning during a hiking expedition...
 | 9/26/2012 - Health conscious individuals know that processed meats in the form of sausage, bologna and pepperoni contain chemical preservatives called nitrites that have been shown to promote cancer growth, and avoid these manufactured foods entirely. Unfortunately, millions of unsuspecting children and adults...
 | 8/30/2012 - The age of antibiotics is over. It's history. There are no more patented chemical antibiotics in the pipeline. The drug companies have all but abandoned antibiotics research, leaving humanity to suffer the fate of a wave of drug-resistant bacteria -- superbugs -- that the drug companies actually helped...
 | 8/30/2012 - Most of us have taken antibiotics to get rid of a nasty cold that turned into a secondary bacterial infection, or as a preventative measure after a surgery or some other injury. We take these powerful drugs because we are told by our healthcare professionals that we must. After all, who would want to...
 | 8/29/2012 - Antibiotics took another hit recently as researchers in Great Britain concluded following a massive study that young children tend to be fatter if they were given antibiotics as babies.
Researchers examined a total of 11,532 infants born in Avon, U.K, from 1991-1992 who were exposed to antibiotics...
 | 7/16/2012 - Your immune system is constantly on a seek-and-destroy mission status - on the lookout for foreign invaders, naturally occurring cell defects and mutant cells. The immune system has a vast capacity to remember bad guys and deploy tactics that worked in the past to annihilate the enemy. Some of the fastest...
 | 7/8/2012 - Researchers at Johns Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public Health and at Arizona State University have discovered traces of a banned antibiotic in poultry byproducts, which seems to indicate producers are evading 2005 regulation prohibiting its use in treating chickens and turkeys.
The scientists said...
 | 6/4/2012 - MRSA strain CC5 has emerged as one of the first bacteria to be resistant to all antibiotics, meaning that this hospital acquired infection is now potentially the most dangerous threat to hospital patients.
In the findings of a new study, published by the American Society for Microbiology, it was...
 | 5/31/2012 - As more and more bacteria and organisms in the world become resistant to the things that used to kill them, which in turn has kept humanity relatively safe and healthy, there is new evidence that a deadly strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is now becoming resistant to last-ditch...
 | 5/30/2012 1:38:22 PM - Garlic has been used as an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal for centuries. But most probably consider it a lightweight, outdated folk medicine against serious bacterial infections. Antibiotics gave modern allopathic pharmaceuticals an illusion of legitimacy from 1928, when penicillin was discovered,...
 | 5/17/2012 - The day is coming when the host of antibiotics doctors currently use to fight off bacterial infections won't work anymore, leaving the world's population vulnerable to everything from scratches on your knee to disease, according to the United Nation's (UN) World Health Organization (WHO).
 | 5/10/2012 - If you feel ill because of food poisoning you may not feel like eating it, but garlic has been proven to be more effective than antibiotics in fighting the effects of food poisoning bugs. The active compound, diallyl sulphide, is able to breach the membranes on many bacteria that make them harder to...
 | 5/8/2012 10:56:09 AM - It is no longer a secret that drug-resistant bacteria are rapidly emerging and spreading all around the world as a result of the continued overuse and abuse of antibiotic drugs in both conventional medicine and industrial agriculture. But now it appears that the genes responsible for spawning these...
 | 5/6/2012 - Nearly half of the meat sold in the United States has been found to contain methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA), a strain that causes a staph infection but is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic resistance caused by overusing antibiotics in people and animals creates superbugs,...
 | 4/30/2012 - In a desperate attempt to avoid implementing an actual ban on the non-therapeutic use of antibiotic drugs in factory animal feed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again made it abundantly clear that it favors corporate interests over public health. In a recent announcement, the FDA...
 | 4/10/2012 - Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial power of the mold Penicillium notatum in 1928. Even though it was a natural healing agent effective in destroying Staphylococcus aureus and other noxious bacteria, the pharmaceutical industry got hold of nature's bounty and it became -- along with multiple...
 | 3/6/2012 - Vaccine pushers often resort to an interesting fear tactic to try to mandate vaccine obedience among the masses: They insist that those who are unvaccinated are a health threat to the rest of the vaccinated population because the vaccinated people might get infected by the unvaccinated disease carriers!
 | 2/22/2012 - A patient suffering from a chest infection, and given antibiotics, claims she is now incapacitated due to the side effects of the drug that should have cured her condition. Within three days of being prescribed ciprofloxacin the housewife complained of extreme tightness in the back of her calf muscles...
| 1/23/2012 12:22:29 PM - There are situations when antibiotics are necessary and sometimes life-saving. Severe infections of the nervous system, kidneys, blood, and lungs require antibiotics. But common respiratory and ear infections, for example, do not need antibiotics. Most of these are caused by viruses anyway, so antibiotics...
| 1/2/2012 2:27:45 PM - Twas three days before Christmas and all through the U.S., people were shopping for last minute gifts. Sneakily into Big Agriculture's stocking, the feds did deposit some deregulation.
On December 22, the Food and Drug Administration quietly announced it would dispense with any regulation of antibiotic...
| 11/17/2011 - A close friend was put into a long term antibiotic regimen for a very unusual and difficult bacterial chronic lung infection. She started noticing nerve pains, arthritic symptoms and insomnia after a few months despite dosing up heavily with probiotics. After visiting an amoxicillin forum, she discovered...
 | 11/14/2011 - Earlier in the year, several concerned groups sued the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for failing to address the issue of antibiotic use in animal feed ( Though numerous studies have found that adding antibiotics to animal feed undeniably...
| 11/8/2011 - The American College of Gastroenterology recently held their 76th Annual meeting in Washington D.C. At this meeting, two different studies were presented that looked at the effectiveness of probiotic use in the treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea,...
 | 10/18/2011 - Overuse and overprescription of antibiotic drugs has become a widely known culprit in causing the emergence of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs," as well as the onset of digestive and other health problems, caused by the elimination of beneficial gut flora. But a new review published in the journal Nature...
 | 8/16/2011 - A group of Canadian researchers has found a link between taking antibiotics and a higher likelihood of harboring deadly "superbugs" like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which kills tens of thousands of people every year. Published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent...
 | 6/27/2011 - Since the 1950's livestock have had antibiotics added into their feed to speed up their growth and to prevent and treat illness. However, recently several environmental and public health groups have filed suit against the Food and Drug Administration to try and force the government to stop farmers from...
 | 6/27/2011 - As most NaturalNews readers probably already know, there is a rapidly-growing resistance to antibiotics that has given way to antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP), and even the strongest antibiotic...
 | 6/13/2011 6:26:22 PM - Even though I've been hearing magnesium miracle stories for a decade, here's a magnesium testimonial from a reader of my blog that amazed even me.
First of all, I have to set the stage. Many of you may not know that a certain family of antibiotics called flouroquinolone causes muscle and tendon damage....
 | 6/6/2011 - Even as the veggie blame game is now under way across the EU, where a super resistant strain of e.coli is sickening patients and filling hospitals in Germany, virtually no one is talking about how e.coli could have magically become resistant to eight different classes of antibiotic drugs and then suddenly...
 | 6/2/2011 - The e.coli outbreak in Germany is raising alarm worldwide as scientists are now describing this particular strain of e.coli as "extremely aggressive and toxic." Even worse, the strain is resistant to antibiotics, making it one of the world's first widespread superbug food infections that's racking up...
| See all 388 antibiotics feature articles.Concept-related articles:Allergies:Antibiotic:Health:Children:Birth:Study:Hospitals:Garlic:Superbugs:Doctors:Science:Patients:Drug:Prescription:Beef:Hormones:
Concepts related to Antibiotics
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