Anti-aging news, articles and information:
 | 8/11/2016 - Did you know that by the year 2050 the population of those over the age of 65 is projected to be nearly 84 million? That's double the population from a census report in 2012. Could this be fueling the interest in anti-aging medicine?
Fact: The average life expectancy is on the rise from 68 years...
 | 5/28/2016 - As we age and begin to feel our own mortality, many of us secretly fantasize about a "fountain of youth" that we can drink from, and which will turn back the clock on Father Time. But so far, no such fountain has been found, at least, not that anyone is talking about.
So we do other things in an...
 | 3/26/2016 - No one wants to look in the mirror and see wrinkles. That's why the cosmetic industry creates hundreds of "anti-aging" beauty products every year, capitalizing on our obsession with looking young – and making billions of dollars out of false promises. Most of the products on offer don't actually...
 | 3/23/2016 - There's really no better doctor than Mother Nature herself when it comes to combating aging. Almost every day, there is a new study or report that proves just how powerful natural foods can be in terms of curing disease, improving your overall health and helping you stay fit and healthy for longer.
 | 7/8/2014 - Another cosmetics company, L'Oreal, has been forced to admit that claims about some of its women-oriented products are simply untrue.
According to Britain's Daily Mail, the company has had to promise to federal regulators that it won't make any further claims that a pair of its popular anti-aging...
 | 6/25/2013 - Basil is an aromatic plant that has been utilized for a very long time as a culinary herb in order to add a much appreciated fragrance to a wide variety of dishes. It has earned its credentials in many cuisines from the regular use of pesto, a mixture of basil, pine nuts and Parmesan cheese.
 | 10/3/2012 - Despite downright silly and inaccurate headlines just a few weeks ago proclaiming that fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids are a waste of money, now comes research that reveals the opposite. Taking enough of these supplements appears to have enormous health benefits -- including dramatic...
 | 9/8/2012 - Our physical bodies were made for movement. Movement is a necessary way of life for healthy bodily function. Properly performed exercise can stimulate metabolic functions within the body that powerfully promote anti-aging characteristics.
Our ancient ancestors had very strong and fit bodies. Survival...
 | 5/9/2012 - There are certain antioxidant-packed "power foods" that boost, protect, and prime us for a longer, healthier life, both externally and internally.
Here are the top 8 foods with powerful anti-aging properties that are built to better our health and appearance while also encouraging longevity. They...
| 5/9/2012 - Resveratrol has been a popular buzz word around the alternative health community for more than a decade, touted for its anti-aging properties and potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions at the cellular level. Found in high concentrations most commonly in the skin of red grapes and in many red...
 | 5/4/2012 - Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered superfoods. These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, anti-oxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Avocados are one of the best anti-aging...
 | 4/22/2012 11:34:35 AM - Superfoods are natural foods that have an array of nutrients that synergistically work to together to exponentially expand the individual nutritional components. Many raw, organic vegetables fall into this category. One of the world's favorite superfoods are cucumbers.
Cucumbers are the 4th most...
 | 2/7/2012 - The ancient wisdom of using white tea, witch hazel and rose to heal and prevent many ailments has been backed by recent scientific research. A team of researchers at Kingston University in London recently collaborated with Neal's Yard Remedies (a British brand) to determine the effects of various natural...
 | 1/18/2012 2:03:46 AM - The mineral silica (Si) is getting more notice for its important functions. Sometimes called the "beauty mineral" because it improves skin elasticity and hair and nail growth, a few other more important aspects have been explored lately.
Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues...
| 11/30/2011 - Our ancient ancestors grew up in a world of stress and scarcity. Food was often not available and intermittent fasting was common. This form of life left a genetic blueprint with key information pertaining to our health and wellbeing. Intermittent fasting reduces oxidative stress, enhances cellular...
| 4/30/2011 - The topic of much debate and research throughout the centuries can be found in the seed of an idea: the reacquisition of youthful qualities. The 21st century is increasing past efforts, spending countless dollars on the development of products to help a youth obsessed society turn back the signs of...
| 3/27/2011 - Many health-minded individuals understand the importance of functional foods and especially members of the berry family in chronic disease risk reduction and in free radical scavenging antioxidant ability. Aronia berries, more commonly known as chokeberries, are not well known in North America. Falling...
| 10/11/2010 - The cordyceps mushroom is back in the spotlight again, except this time for its anti-aging properties. Researchers from Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., and LifeGen Technologies have found that Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4), a traditional Chinese mushroom, is a powerful anti-aging food with the ability to improve...
| 5/2/2010 - In addition to bringing peace of mind and greater mental clarity, meditation has anti-aging and disease prevention qualities that are now being scientifically proven in western medicine. Thousands of years ago, meditation practices focused on gaining spiritual insight to one's being. Today, though many...
| 3/18/2010 - Dr. Daniel G. Clark, author of Colostrum, Life's First Food states: " ... bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slows down and even reverses aging."...
| 2/14/2010 - According to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, 90% of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes of aging. Anti-aging medicine, aiming for longevity and optimal health, is most certainly the 'specialty' of the future and is based on the early detection, prevention and reversal...
| 2/14/2010 - Scientific experts now believe we have in-built mechanisms that can fight and reverse the aging process. Innovative research into the reversal of aging is well underway and, while scientists debate the many different theories, research has revealed that meditation dramatically affects the production...
| 1/13/2010 - Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences have come to the conclusion that studying the way people age rather than the diseases they develop is the key to preventing disease. Particularly with Alzheimer's Disease, the group believes that the toxic clumps of beta amyloid plagues that...
| 12/30/2009 - According to a new study, funded by The German Research Association and the University of Saarland, and published in "Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association," intense exercise acts to help prevent the shortening of telomeres. The gradual shortening of telomeres through cell divisions...
| 12/10/2009 - There are several adaptogenic herbs from traditional Chinese medicine that can be used as tonics safely and economically to maintain youthful vigor and health. Because virtually everyone can benefit, the Reishi mushroom will be discussed briefly in this in this article after a quick summary of Part...
| 10/22/2009 - There is a plethora of anti-aging supplements that are newly derived and arrived for consumers online and in health food stores. They are not cheap, and the efficacy of each is questionable. What if you knew of anti-aging supplements that are more cost effective and have been proven for over a few thousand...
| 2/4/2009 - Miso is a delicious fermented food that has been eaten in China and Japan for many centuries. Today it is a favorite of health minded people in the West because of its many anti-aging benefits. Miso and other fermented foods and drinks help build up the inner ecosystem and assure the digestive tract...
 | 12/9/2008 - Moderate red wine drinkers have less incidence of heart disease than non-drinkers and now scientists are confirming a direct correlation between red wine and many powerful anti-aging benefits. Moderate consumption of some red wines may be a very effective way of improving your cardiovascular health...
 | 7/19/2006 - There's a lot of talk about anti-aging research today, but with all the promises of longevity and even immortality, almost no one has apparently considered the consequences of human beings living forever. The more you think about it, the scarier the idea becomes.
Think of the people who currently...
 | 6/8/2005 - As many middle-aged adults unfortunately know all too well, aging is often accompanied by weight gain. As Gary Null writes in Power Aging, "In fact, each year after the age of forty, a pound of fat replaces a pound of muscle. This means that by the time you are fifty, ten pounds of your muscle have...
| 10/13/2004 - A reader asks: "My hair is falling out -- can you recommend a natural treatment for this problem?"
Yes, I can recommend a natural approach to slowing hair loss, but I suspect that most readers aren't going to enjoy this answer very much. That's because as much as I disagree with the conclusion many...
| 7/28/2004 - If you want to drive your doctor nuts, just tell him that you are visiting an anti-aging medical clinic and will be receiving injections of human growth hormone, or HGH. Most doctors will roll their eyes and throw up their hands in disgust at the very idea that their patients would be visiting anti-aging...
| See all 68 anti-aging feature articles.Concept-related articles:Insulin:Scientists:Research:Worms:Humans:Researchers:Longevity:Aging:Money:Life:Medical:Form:Physical:Nutritional supplements:Strength training:HGH:
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The Honest Food Guide is
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